rvv041 #82

pitmutt merged 30 commits from rvv041 into milestone2 2024-06-07 20:03:06 +00:00
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@ -1504,15 +1504,15 @@ updateAdrsInAdrBook pool d a ia = do
where_ $ ab ^. AddressBookAbaddress ==. val ia
-- | Get one AddrssBook record using the Address as a key
getABookRec :: ConnectionPool -> T.Text -> IO [Entity AddressBook]
getABookRec pool a = do
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $
select $ do
adrbook <- from $ table @AddressBook
where_ ((adrbook ^. AddressBookAbaddress) ==. val a)
return adrbook
-- getABookRec :: ConnectionPool -> T.Tex t -> IO (Maybe (Entity AddressBook))
-- getABookRec pool a = do
-- runNoLoggingT $
-- PS.retryOnBusy $
-- flip PS.runSqlPool pool $
-- select $ do
-- adrbook <- from $ table @AddressBook
-- where_ ((adrbook ^. AddressBookAbaddress) ==. val a)
-- return adrbook
-- | delete an existing address from AddressBook
deleteAdrsFromAB :: ConnectionPool -> T.Text -> IO ()