rvv041 #82

pitmutt merged 30 commits from rvv041 into milestone2 2024-06-07 20:03:06 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit 28bbcb48f0 - Show all commits

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@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import Brick.Forms
, renderForm
, setFieldValid
, updateFormState
, FormFieldState
, editShowableField
import qualified Brick.Main as M
import qualified Brick.Types as BT
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ import Brick.Widgets.Core
, padAll
, padBottom
, padTop
, padLeft
, setAvailableSize
, str
, strWrap
@ -113,6 +116,8 @@ data Name
| MemoField
| ABViewport
| ABList
| DescripField
| AddressField
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data DialogInput = DialogInput
@ -129,6 +134,13 @@ data SendInput = SendInput
makeLenses ''SendInput
data AdrBookEntry = AdrBookEntry
{ _descrip :: !T.Text
, _address :: !T.Text
pitmutt marked this conversation as resolved

The name of the field should be _abDescrip so the there are no conflict with the lens.

The name of the field should be `_abDescrip` so the there are no conflict with the lens.

@reneve It's better to use more specific name fields to avoid conflicts.

@reneve It's better to use more specific name fields to avoid conflicts.
} deriving (Show)
pitmutt marked this conversation as resolved

The name of the field should be _abAddress so no conflicts with existing fields are found.

The name of the field should be `_abAddress` so no conflicts with existing fields are found.
makeLenses ''AdrBookEntry
data DialogType
= WName
| AName
@ -138,6 +150,7 @@ data DialogType
| SendTx
| Blank
| AdrBook
| AdrBookForm
data DisplayType
= AddrDisplay
@ -176,6 +189,7 @@ data State = State
, _timer :: !Int
, _txForm :: !(Form SendInput () Name)
, _abaddresses :: !(L.List Name (Entity AddressBook))
, _abForm :: !(Form AdrBookEntry () Name)
makeLenses ''State
pitmutt marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

The field should be named _abAddresses

The field should be named `_abAddresses`
@ -356,13 +370,9 @@ drawUI s = [splashDialog s, helpDialog s, displayDialog s, inputDialog s, ui s]
viewport ABViewport BT.Vertical $
vLimit 20 $
hLimit 50 $
vBox $ [vLimit 16 $
vBox [vLimit 16 $
hLimit 50 $
vBox $ [ L.renderList listDrawAB True (s ^. abaddresses) ],
-- [str "Addresses 1.................",
-- str "Addresses 2.....",
-- str "Addresses 3",
-- str "Addresses 4"],
padTop Max $
vLimit 4 $
hLimit 50 $
@ -376,6 +386,14 @@ drawUI s = [splashDialog s, helpDialog s, displayDialog s, inputDialog s, ui s]
capCommand "S" "end Zcash" <+>
capCommand3 "E" "x" "it")]])
AdrBookForm ->
(D.dialog (Just (str " Address Book Entry ")) Nothing 50)
(renderForm (st ^. abForm) <=>
(hBox [capCommand "" " Save", capCommand3 "" "<Esc>" " Cancel"]))
splashDialog :: State -> Widget Name
splashDialog st =
if st ^. splashBox
@ -530,10 +548,20 @@ mkSendForm bal =
isAmountValid :: Integer -> Float -> Bool
isAmountValid b i = ((fromIntegral b * 100000000.0) >= i) && (i > 0)
isAmountValid b i = (fromIntegral b * 100000000.0) >= i && i > 0
label s w =
padBottom (Pad 1) $ vLimit 1 (hLimit 15 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w
mkNewABForm :: AdrBookEntry -> Form AdrBookEntry e Name
mkNewABForm =
[ label "Descrip: " @@= editTextField descrip DescripField (Just 1)
, label "Address: " @@= editTextField address AddressField (Just 1)
label s w =
padBottom (Pad 1) $ vLimit 1 (hLimit 10 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w
isRecipientValid :: T.Text -> Bool
isRecipientValid a =
case isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
@ -607,8 +635,8 @@ listDrawAB :: Bool -> Entity AddressBook -> Widget Name
listDrawAB sel ab =
let selStr s =
if sel
then withAttr abSelAttr (txt $ "" <> s <> ">")
else txt s
then withAttr abSelAttr (txt $ " " <> s )
else txt $ " " <> s
in selStr $ addressBookDescrip (entityVal ab)
customAttr :: A.AttrName
@ -649,8 +677,7 @@ scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan = do
dbBlock <- runNoLoggingT $ getMaxBlock pool
let sb = max dbBlock b
if sb > zgb_blocks bStatus || sb < 1
then do
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg "Invalid starting block for scan"
then liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg "Invalid starting block for scan"
else do
let bList = [(sb + 1) .. (zgb_blocks bStatus)]
let step = (1.0 :: Float) / fromIntegral (zgb_blocks bStatus - (sb + 1))
@ -666,8 +693,7 @@ scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan = do
[Data.Aeson.String $ T.pack $ show bl, jsonNumber 1]
case r of
Left e1 -> do
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg e1
Left e1 -> liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg e1
Right blk -> do
r2 <-
liftIO $
@ -677,8 +703,7 @@ scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan = do
[Data.Aeson.String $ T.pack $ show bl, jsonNumber 0]
case r2 of
Left e2 -> do
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg e2
Left e2 -> liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg e2
Right hb -> do
let blockTime = getBlockTime hb
mapM_ (runNoLoggingT . processTx zHost zPort blockTime pool) $
@ -704,8 +729,7 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
PhraseDisplay -> return ()
TxDisplay -> return ()
SyncDisplay -> return ()
SendDisplay -> do
BT.modify $ set msg m
SendDisplay -> BT.modify $ set msg m
BlankDisplay -> return ()
TickVal v -> do
case s ^. displayBox of
@ -747,6 +771,7 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
ASelect -> return ()
SendTx -> return ()
AdrBook -> return ()
AdrBookForm -> return ()
Blank -> do
if s ^. timer == 90
then do
@ -764,8 +789,7 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
(s ^. eventDispatch)
BT.modify $ set timer 0
return ()
else do
BT.modify $ set timer $ 1 + s ^. timer
else BT.modify $ set timer $ 1 + s ^. timer
appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
r <- F.focusGetCurrent <$> use focusRing
s <- BT.get
@ -774,8 +798,7 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
else if s ^. helpBox
then do
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> do
BT.modify $ set helpBox False
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BT.modify $ set helpBox False
_ev -> return ()
else do
case s ^. displayBox of
@ -976,8 +999,7 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
BT.modify $ set msg "Invalid inputs"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
ev -> do
BT.zoom txForm $ do
ev -> BT.zoom txForm $ do
handleFormEvent (BT.VtyEvent ev)
fs <- BT.gets formState
BT.modify $
@ -1002,7 +1024,7 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
T.unpack (addressBookAddress (entityVal a)) ++ "!"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
_ -> do
BT.modify $ set msg $ "Error while copying the address!!"
BT.modify $ set msg "Error while copying the address!!"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
-- Send Zcash transaction
V.EvKey (V.KChar 's') [] -> do
@ -1013,10 +1035,58 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
mkSendForm (s ^. balance) (SendInput (addressBookAddress (entityVal a)) 0.0 "")
BT.modify $ set dialogBox SendTx
_ -> do
BT.modify $ set msg $ "No receiver address available!!"
BT.modify $ set msg "No receiver address available!!"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
-- Edit an entry in Address Book
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'e') [] -> do
case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. abaddresses of
Just (_, a) -> do
BT.modify $
set abForm $
mkNewABForm (AdrBookEntry (addressBookDescrip (entityVal a)) (addressBookAddress (entityVal a)))
BT.modify $ set dialogBox AdrBookForm
-- Create a new entry in Address Book
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'n') [] -> do
BT.modify $ set abForm $ mkNewABForm (AdrBookEntry "" "")
BT.modify $ set dialogBox AdrBookForm
-- Process any other event
ev -> BT.zoom abaddresses $ L.handleListEvent ev
-- Process new address book entry
AdrBookForm -> do
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BT.modify $ set dialogBox AdrBook
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
pool <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
fs <- BT.zoom abForm $ BT.gets formState
let idescr = T.unpack $ T.strip (fs ^. descrip)
let iabadr = fs ^. address
if not (null idescr) && isRecipientValid iabadr
then do
pitmutt marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

It is not necessary to show the address, it is too long for the message window. We should only use the name in the message.

It is not necessary to show the address, it is too long for the message window. We should only use the name in the message.
res <- liftIO $ saveAdrsInAdrBook pool $ AddressBook (ZcashNetDB (s ^. network)) (fs ^. descrip) (fs ^.address)
case res of
Nothing -> do
BT.modify $ set msg ("AddressBook Entry already exists: " ++ T.unpack (fs ^.address))
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
Just _ -> do
BT.modify $ set msg ("New AddressBook entry created!!\n" ++ T.unpack (fs ^.address))
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
-- ns <- liftIO $ refreshWallet nw
abookList <- liftIO $ getAdrBook pool (s ^. network)
let abL = L.listReplace (Vec.fromList abookList) (Just 0) (s ^. abaddresses)
BT.modify $ set dialogBox AdrBook
else do
BT.modify $ set msg "Invalid or missing data!!: "
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
BT.modify $ set dialogBox AdrBookForm
ev -> BT.zoom abForm $ do
handleFormEvent (BT.VtyEvent ev)
fs <- BT.gets formState
BT.modify $
(isRecipientValid (fs ^. address))
Blank -> do
case e of
V.EvKey (V.KChar '\t') [] -> focusRing %= F.focusNext
@ -1049,7 +1119,7 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
Just TList ->
BT.zoom transactions $ L.handleListEvent ev
Just ABList ->
BT.zoom transactions $ L.handleListEvent ev
BT.zoom abaddresses $ L.handleListEvent ev
_anyName -> return ()
printMsg :: String -> BT.EventM Name State ()
@ -1069,8 +1139,8 @@ theMap =
, (blinkAttr, style V.blink)
, (focusedFormInputAttr, V.white `on` V.blue)
, (invalidFormInputAttr, V.red `on` V.black)
, (E.editAttr, V.white `on` V.blue)
, (E.editFocusedAttr, V.blue `on` V.white)
, (E.editAttr, V.white `on` V.black)
, (E.editFocusedAttr, V.black `on` V.white)
, (baseAttr, bg V.brightBlack)
, (barDoneAttr, V.white `on` V.blue)
, (barToDoAttr, V.white `on` V.black)
@ -1166,8 +1236,8 @@ runZenithCLI config = do
(mkSendForm 0 $ SendInput "" 0.0 "")
(L.list ABList (Vec.fromList abookList) 1)
Left e -> do
print $
(mkNewABForm (AdrBookEntry "" ""))
Left e -> print $
"No Zebra node available on port " <>
show port <> ". Check your configuration."
@ -1220,14 +1290,13 @@ addNewWallet n s = do
let netName = s ^. network
r <- saveWallet pool $ ZcashWallet n (ZcashNetDB netName) (PhraseDB sP) bH 0
case r of
Nothing -> do
return $ s & msg .~ ("Wallet already exists: " ++ T.unpack n)
Nothing -> return $ s & msg .~ ("Wallet already exists: " ++ T.unpack n)
Just _ -> do
wL <- getWallets pool netName
let aL =
L.listFindBy (\x -> zcashWalletName (entityVal x) == n) $
L.listReplace (Vec.fromList wL) (Just 0) (s ^. wallets)
return $ (s & wallets .~ aL) & msg .~ "Created new wallet: " ++ T.unpack n
return $ s & wallets .~ aL & msg .~ "Created new wallet: " ++ T.unpack n
addNewAccount :: T.Text -> State -> IO State
addNewAccount n s = do
@ -1246,19 +1315,19 @@ addNewAccount n s = do
try $ createZcashAccount n (aL' + 1) selWallet :: IO
(Either IOError ZcashAccount)
case zA of
Left e -> return $ s & msg .~ ("Error: " ++ show e)
Left e -> return $ s & msg .~ "Error: " ++ show e
Right zA' -> do
r <- saveAccount pool zA'
case r of
Nothing ->
return $ s & msg .~ ("Account already exists: " ++ T.unpack n)
return $ s & msg .~ "Account already exists: " ++ T.unpack n
Just x -> do
aL <- runNoLoggingT $ getAccounts pool (entityKey selWallet)
pitmutt marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

The ABList needs to be removed from the focus ring, it is not visible on the main screen.

The `ABList` needs to be removed from the focus ring, it is not visible on the main screen.
let nL =
L.listMoveToElement x $
L.listReplace (Vec.fromList aL) (Just 0) (s ^. accounts)
return $
(s & accounts .~ nL) & msg .~ "Created new account: " ++ T.unpack n
s & accounts .~ nL & msg .~ "Created new account: " ++ T.unpack n
refreshAccount :: State -> IO State
refreshAccount s = do
@ -1328,19 +1397,19 @@ addNewAddress n scope s = do
try $ createWalletAddress n (maxAddr + 1) (s ^. network) scope selAccount :: IO
(Either IOError WalletAddress)
case uA of
Left e -> return $ s & msg .~ ("Error: " ++ show e)
Left e -> return $ s & msg .~ "Error: " ++ show e
Right uA' -> do
nAddr <- saveAddress pool uA'
case nAddr of
Nothing ->
return $ s & msg .~ ("Address already exists: " ++ T.unpack n)
return $ s & msg .~ "Address already exists: " ++ T.unpack n
Just x -> do
addrL <- runNoLoggingT $ getAddresses pool (entityKey selAccount)
let nL =
L.listMoveToElement x $
L.listReplace (Vec.fromList addrL) (Just 0) (s ^. addresses)
return $
(s & addresses .~ nL) & msg .~ "Created new address: " ++
s & addresses .~ nL & msg .~ "Created new address: " ++
T.unpack n ++
"(" ++
T.unpack (showAddress $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal x) ++ ")"