2024-05-09 14:09:35 -05:00

1282 lines
46 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Zenith.CLI where
import qualified Brick.AttrMap as A
import qualified Brick.BChan as BC
import qualified Brick.Focus as F
import Brick.Forms
( Form(..)
, (@@=)
, allFieldsValid
, editShowableFieldWithValidate
, editTextField
, focusedFormInputAttr
, handleFormEvent
, invalidFormInputAttr
, newForm
, renderForm
, setFieldValid
, updateFormState
import qualified Brick.Main as M
import qualified Brick.Types as BT
import Brick.Types (Widget)
import Brick.Util (bg, clamp, fg, on, style)
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style (unicode, unicodeBold)
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C
import Brick.Widgets.Core
( Padding(..)
, (<+>)
, (<=>)
, emptyWidget
, fill
, hBox
, hLimit
, joinBorders
, padAll
, padBottom
, str
, strWrap
, strWrapWith
, txt
, txtWrap
, txtWrapWith
, updateAttrMap
, vBox
, vLimit
, withAttr
, withBorderStyle
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Dialog as D
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as E
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L
import qualified Brick.Widgets.ProgressBar as P
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (catch, throw, throwIO, try)
import Control.Monad (forever, void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (LoggingT, runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HexString (toText)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import qualified Graphics.Vty.CrossPlatform as VC
import Lens.Micro ((&), (.~), (^.), set)
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
import Lens.Micro.TH
import System.Hclip
import Text.Wrap (FillScope(..), FillStrategy(..), WrapSettings(..), wrapText)
import ZcashHaskell.Keys (generateWalletSeedPhrase, getWalletSeed)
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (getSaplingFromUA, isValidUnifiedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling (decodeSaplingAddress, isValidShieldedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
( decodeExchangeAddress
, decodeTransparentAddress
, encodeTransparentReceiver
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (getBlockTime, makeZebraCall)
import Zenith.Core
import Zenith.DB
import Zenith.Scanner (processTx)
import Zenith.Types
( Config(..)
, PhraseDB(..)
, UnifiedAddressDB(..)
, ZcashNetDB(..)
import Zenith.Utils (displayTaz, displayZec, jsonNumber, showAddress)
data Name
= WList
| AList
| AcList
| TList
| HelpDialog
| DialogInputField
| RecField
| AmtField
| MemoField
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data DialogInput = DialogInput
{ _dialogInput :: !T.Text
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''DialogInput
data SendInput = SendInput
{ _sendTo :: !T.Text
, _sendAmt :: !Float
, _sendMemo :: !T.Text
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''SendInput
data DialogType
= WName
| AName
| AdName
| WSelect
| ASelect
| SendTx
| Blank
data DisplayType
= AddrDisplay
| MsgDisplay
| PhraseDisplay
| TxDisplay
| SyncDisplay
| SendDisplay
| BlankDisplay
data Tick
= TickVal !Float
| TickMsg !String
data State = State
{ _network :: !ZcashNet
, _wallets :: !(L.List Name (Entity ZcashWallet))
, _accounts :: !(L.List Name (Entity ZcashAccount))
, _addresses :: !(L.List Name (Entity WalletAddress))
, _transactions :: !(L.List Name (Entity UserTx))
, _msg :: !String
, _helpBox :: !Bool
, _dialogBox :: !DialogType
, _splashBox :: !Bool
, _inputForm :: !(Form DialogInput () Name)
, _focusRing :: !(F.FocusRing Name)
, _startBlock :: !Int
, _dbPath :: !T.Text
, _zebraHost :: !T.Text
, _zebraPort :: !Int
, _displayBox :: !DisplayType
, _syncBlock :: !Int
, _balance :: !Integer
, _barValue :: !Float
, _eventDispatch :: !(BC.BChan Tick)
, _timer :: !Int
, _txForm :: !(Form SendInput () Name)
makeLenses ''State
drawUI :: State -> [Widget Name]
drawUI s = [splashDialog s, helpDialog s, displayDialog s, inputDialog s, ui s]
ui :: State -> Widget Name
ui st =
joinBorders $
withBorderStyle unicode $
("Zenith - " <>
show (st ^. network) <>
" - " <>
(\(_, w) -> zcashWalletName $ entityVal w)
(L.listSelectedElement (st ^. wallets)))))
("Account: " ++
(\(_, a) -> zcashAccountName $ entityVal a)
(L.listSelectedElement (st ^. accounts))))) <=>
("Balance: " ++
if st ^. network == MainNet
then displayZec (st ^. balance)
else displayTaz (st ^. balance))) <=>
listAddressBox "Addresses" (st ^. addresses) <+>
B.vBorder <+>
(C.hCenter (str ("Last block seen: " ++ show (st ^. syncBlock))) <=>
listTxBox "Transactions" (st ^. network) (st ^. transactions))) <=>
[ capCommand "W" "allets"
, capCommand "A" "ccounts"
, capCommand "V" "iew address"
, capCommand "Q" "uit"
, str $ show (st ^. timer)
listBox :: Show e => String -> L.List Name e -> Widget Name
listBox titleLabel l =
C.vCenter $
[ C.hCenter
(B.borderWithLabel (str titleLabel) $
hLimit 25 $ vLimit 15 $ L.renderList listDrawElement True l)
, str " "
, C.hCenter $ str "Select "
selectListBox ::
Show e
=> String
-> L.List Name e
-> (Bool -> e -> Widget Name)
-> Widget Name
selectListBox titleLabel l drawF =
[ C.hCenter
(B.borderWithLabel (str titleLabel) $
hLimit 25 $ vLimit 15 $ L.renderList drawF True l)
, str " "
listAddressBox ::
String -> L.List Name (Entity WalletAddress) -> Widget Name
listAddressBox titleLabel a =
C.vCenter $
[ C.hCenter
(B.borderWithLabel (str titleLabel) $
hLimit 40 $ vLimit 15 $ L.renderList listDrawAddress True a)
, str " "
, C.hCenter
[ capCommand "↑↓ " "move"
, capCommand "" "select"
, capCommand "Tab " "->"
listTxBox ::
String -> ZcashNet -> L.List Name (Entity UserTx) -> Widget Name
listTxBox titleLabel znet tx =
C.vCenter $
[ C.hCenter
(B.borderWithLabel (str titleLabel) $
hLimit 50 $ vLimit 15 $ L.renderList (listDrawTx znet) True tx)
, str " "
, C.hCenter
[ capCommand "↑↓ " "move"
, capCommand "T" "x Display"
, capCommand "Tab " "<-"
helpDialog :: State -> Widget Name
helpDialog st =
if st ^. helpBox
then D.renderDialog
(D.dialog (Just (str "Commands")) Nothing 55)
(vBox ([C.hCenter $ str "Key", B.hBorder] <> keyList) <+>
vBox ([str "Actions", B.hBorder] <> actionList))
else emptyWidget
keyList = map (C.hCenter . str) ["?", "Esc", "w", "a", "v", "q"]
actionList =
(hLimit 40 . str)
[ "Open help"
, "Close dialog"
, "Switch wallets"
, "Switch accounts"
, "View address"
, "Quit"
inputDialog :: State -> Widget Name
inputDialog st =
case st ^. dialogBox of
WName ->
(D.dialog (Just (str "Create Wallet")) Nothing 50)
(renderForm $ st ^. inputForm)
AName ->
(D.dialog (Just (str "Create Account")) Nothing 50)
(renderForm $ st ^. inputForm)
AdName ->
(D.dialog (Just (str "Create Address")) Nothing 50)
(renderForm $ st ^. inputForm)
WSelect ->
(D.dialog (Just (str "Select Wallet")) Nothing 50)
(selectListBox "Wallets" (st ^. wallets) listDrawWallet <=>
[ capCommand "↑↓ " "move"
, capCommand "" "select"
, capCommand "N" "ew"
, capCommand "S" "how phrase"
, xCommand
ASelect ->
(D.dialog (Just (str "Select Account")) Nothing 50)
(selectListBox "Accounts" (st ^. accounts) listDrawAccount <=>
[ capCommand "↑↓ " "move"
, capCommand "" "select"
, capCommand "N" "ew"
, xCommand
SendTx ->
(D.dialog (Just (str "Send Transaction")) Nothing 50)
(renderForm (st ^. txForm) <=>
(hBox [capCommand "" "Send", capCommand "<esc> " "Cancel"]))
Blank -> emptyWidget
splashDialog :: State -> Widget Name
splashDialog st =
if st ^. splashBox
then withBorderStyle unicodeBold $
(D.dialog Nothing Nothing 30)
" _____ _ _ _ \n|__ /___ _ __ (_) |_| |__\n / // _ \\ '_ \\| | __| '_ \\\n / /| __/ | | | | |_| | | |\n/____\\___|_| |_|_|\\__|_| |_|") <=>
(withAttr titleAttr (str "Zcash Wallet v0.5.1.0-beta")) <=>
C.hCenter (withAttr blinkAttr $ str "Press any key..."))
else emptyWidget
capCommand :: String -> String -> Widget Name
capCommand k comm = hBox [withAttr titleAttr (str k), str comm, str " | "]
xCommand :: Widget Name
xCommand = hBox [str "E", withAttr titleAttr (str "x"), str "it"]
displayDialog :: State -> Widget Name
displayDialog st =
case st ^. displayBox of
AddrDisplay ->
case L.listSelectedElement $ st ^. addresses of
Just (_, a) ->
withBorderStyle unicodeBold $
(Just $ txt ("Address: " <> walletAddressName (entityVal a)))
(padAll 1 $
(str "Unified")
(txtWrapWith (WrapSettings False True NoFill FillAfterFirst) $
getUA $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal a) <=>
(str "Legacy Shielded")
(txtWrapWith (WrapSettings False True NoFill FillAfterFirst) $
fromMaybe "None" $
(getSaplingFromUA .
E.encodeUtf8 . getUA . walletAddressUAddress)
(entityVal a)) <=>
(str "Transparent")
(txtWrapWith (WrapSettings False True NoFill FillAfterFirst) $
maybe "None" (encodeTransparentReceiver (st ^. network)) $
t_rec =<<
(isValidUnifiedAddress .
E.encodeUtf8 . getUA . walletAddressUAddress)
(entityVal a)) <=>
[ str "Copy: "
, capCommand "U" "nified"
, capCommand "S" "apling"
, capCommand "T" "ransparent"
]) <=>
C.hCenter xCommand)
Nothing -> emptyWidget
PhraseDisplay ->
case L.listSelectedElement $ st ^. wallets of
Just (_, w) ->
withBorderStyle unicodeBold $
(D.dialog (Just $ txt "Seed Phrase") Nothing 50)
(padAll 1 $
txtWrap $
E.decodeUtf8Lenient $
getBytes $ getPhrase $ zcashWalletSeedPhrase $ entityVal w)
Nothing -> emptyWidget
MsgDisplay ->
withBorderStyle unicodeBold $
(D.dialog (Just $ txt "Message") Nothing 50)
(padAll 1 $ strWrap $ st ^. msg)
TxDisplay ->
case L.listSelectedElement $ st ^. transactions of
Nothing -> emptyWidget
Just (_, tx) ->
withBorderStyle unicodeBold $
(D.dialog (Just $ txt "Transaction") Nothing 50)
("Date: " ++
(fromIntegral (userTxTime $ entityVal tx)))) <=>
(str "Tx ID: " <+>
(WrapSettings False True NoFill FillAfterFirst)
(show (userTxHex $ entityVal tx))) <=>
("Amount: " ++
if st ^. network == MainNet
then displayZec
(fromIntegral $ userTxAmount $ entityVal tx)
else displayTaz
(fromIntegral $ userTxAmount $ entityVal tx)) <=>
(txt "Memo: " <+>
(WrapSettings False True NoFill FillAfterFirst)
(userTxMemo (entityVal tx)))))
SyncDisplay ->
withBorderStyle unicodeBold $
(D.dialog (Just $ txt "Sync") Nothing 50)
[ (barDoneAttr, P.progressCompleteAttr)
, (barToDoAttr, P.progressIncompleteAttr)
(Just $ show (st ^. barValue * 100))
(_barValue st))))
SendDisplay ->
withBorderStyle unicodeBold $
(D.dialog (Just $ txt "Sending Transaction") Nothing 50)
(padAll 1 (str $ st ^. msg))
BlankDisplay -> emptyWidget
mkInputForm :: DialogInput -> Form DialogInput e Name
mkInputForm =
[label "Name: " @@= editTextField dialogInput DialogInputField (Just 1)]
label s w =
padBottom (Pad 1) $ vLimit 1 (hLimit 15 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w
mkSendForm :: Integer -> SendInput -> Form SendInput e Name
mkSendForm bal =
[ label "To: " @@= editTextField sendTo RecField (Just 1)
, label "Amount: " @@=
editShowableFieldWithValidate sendAmt AmtField (isAmountValid bal)
, label "Memo: " @@= editTextField sendMemo MemoField (Just 1)
isAmountValid :: Integer -> Float -> Bool
isAmountValid b i = (fromIntegral b * 100000000.0) >= i
label s w =
padBottom (Pad 1) $ vLimit 1 (hLimit 15 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w
isRecipientValid :: T.Text -> Bool
isRecipientValid a =
case isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a1 -> True
Nothing ->
isValidShieldedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) ||
(case decodeTransparentAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a3 -> True
Nothing ->
case decodeExchangeAddress a of
Just _a4 -> True
Nothing -> False)
listDrawElement :: (Show a) => Bool -> a -> Widget Name
listDrawElement sel a =
let selStr s =
if sel
then withAttr customAttr (str $ "<" <> s <> ">")
else str s
in C.hCenter $ selStr $ show a
listDrawWallet :: Bool -> Entity ZcashWallet -> Widget Name
listDrawWallet sel w =
let selStr s =
if sel
then withAttr customAttr (txt $ "<" <> s <> ">")
else txt s
in C.hCenter $ selStr $ zcashWalletName (entityVal w)
listDrawAccount :: Bool -> Entity ZcashAccount -> Widget Name
listDrawAccount sel w =
let selStr s =
if sel
then withAttr customAttr (txt $ "<" <> s <> ">")
else txt s
in C.hCenter $ selStr $ zcashAccountName (entityVal w)
listDrawAddress :: Bool -> Entity WalletAddress -> Widget Name
listDrawAddress sel w =
let selStr s =
if sel
then withAttr customAttr (txt $ "<" <> s <> ">")
else txt s
in C.hCenter $
selStr $
walletAddressName (entityVal w) <>
": " <> showAddress (walletAddressUAddress (entityVal w))
listDrawTx :: ZcashNet -> Bool -> Entity UserTx -> Widget Name
listDrawTx znet sel tx =
selStr $
(show $ posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromIntegral (userTxTime $ entityVal tx))) <>
" " <> T.pack fmtAmt
amt = fromIntegral $ userTxAmount $ entityVal tx
dispAmount =
if znet == MainNet
then displayZec amt
else displayTaz amt
fmtAmt =
if amt > 0
then "" <> dispAmount <> " "
else " " <> dispAmount <> ""
selStr s =
if sel
then withAttr customAttr (txt $ "> " <> s)
else txt $ " " <> s
customAttr :: A.AttrName
customAttr = L.listSelectedAttr <> A.attrName "custom"
titleAttr :: A.AttrName
titleAttr = A.attrName "title"
blinkAttr :: A.AttrName
blinkAttr = A.attrName "blink"
baseAttr :: A.AttrName
baseAttr = A.attrName "base"
barDoneAttr :: A.AttrName
barDoneAttr = A.attrName "done"
barToDoAttr :: A.AttrName
barToDoAttr = A.attrName "remaining"
validBarValue :: Float -> Float
validBarValue = clamp 0 1
scanZebra :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Int -> Int -> BC.BChan Tick -> IO ()
scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan = do
_ <- liftIO $ initDb dbP
bStatus <- liftIO $ checkBlockChain zHost zPort
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbP
dbBlock <- runNoLoggingT $ getMaxBlock pool
let sb = max dbBlock b
if sb > zgb_blocks bStatus || sb < 1
then do
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg "Invalid starting block for scan"
else do
let bList = [(sb + 1) .. (zgb_blocks bStatus)]
let step = (1.0 :: Float) / fromIntegral (zgb_blocks bStatus - (sb + 1))
mapM_ (processBlock pool step) bList
processBlock :: ConnectionPool -> Float -> Int -> IO ()
processBlock pool step bl = do
r <-
liftIO $
[Data.Aeson.String $ T.pack $ show bl, jsonNumber 1]
case r of
Left e1 -> do
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg e1
Right blk -> do
r2 <-
liftIO $
[Data.Aeson.String $ T.pack $ show bl, jsonNumber 0]
case r2 of
Left e2 -> do
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg e2
Right hb -> do
let blockTime = getBlockTime hb
mapM_ (runNoLoggingT . processTx zHost zPort blockTime pool) $
bl_txs $ addTime blk blockTime
liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickVal step
addTime :: BlockResponse -> Int -> BlockResponse
addTime bl t =
(bl_confirmations bl)
(bl_height bl)
(fromIntegral t)
(bl_txs bl)
appEvent :: BT.BrickEvent Name Tick -> BT.EventM Name State ()
appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
s <- BT.get
pool <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
case t of
TickMsg m -> do
case s ^. displayBox of
AddrDisplay -> return ()
MsgDisplay -> return ()
PhraseDisplay -> return ()
TxDisplay -> return ()
SyncDisplay -> return ()
SendDisplay -> do
BT.modify $ set msg m
BlankDisplay -> return ()
TickVal v -> do
case s ^. displayBox of
AddrDisplay -> return ()
MsgDisplay -> return ()
PhraseDisplay -> return ()
TxDisplay -> return ()
SendDisplay -> return ()
SyncDisplay -> do
if s ^. barValue == 1.0
then do
selWallet <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. wallets of
Nothing -> do
let fWall =
L.listSelectedElement $
L.listMoveToBeginning $ s ^. wallets
case fWall of
Nothing -> throw $ userError "Failed to select wallet"
Just (_j, w1) -> return w1
Just (_k, w) -> return w
_ <-
liftIO $
(Config (s ^. dbPath) (s ^. zebraHost) (s ^. zebraPort))
BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
BT.modify $ set barValue 0.0
updatedState <- BT.get
ns <- liftIO $ refreshWallet updatedState
BT.put ns
else BT.modify $ set barValue $ validBarValue (v + s ^. barValue)
BlankDisplay -> do
case s ^. dialogBox of
AName -> return ()
AdName -> return ()
WName -> return ()
WSelect -> return ()
ASelect -> return ()
SendTx -> return ()
Blank -> do
if s ^. timer == 90
then do
BT.modify $ set barValue 0.0
BT.modify $ set displayBox SyncDisplay
sBlock <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool
_ <-
liftIO $
forkIO $
(s ^. dbPath)
(s ^. zebraHost)
(s ^. zebraPort)
(s ^. eventDispatch)
BT.modify $ set timer 0
return ()
else do
BT.modify $ set timer $ 1 + s ^. timer
appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
r <- F.focusGetCurrent <$> use focusRing
s <- BT.get
if s ^. splashBox
then BT.modify $ set splashBox False
else if s ^. helpBox
then do
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> do
BT.modify $ set helpBox False
_ev -> return ()
else do
case s ^. displayBox of
AddrDisplay -> do
case e of
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'x') [] ->
BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'u') [] -> do
case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. addresses of
Just (_, a) -> do
liftIO $
setClipboard $
T.unpack $
getUA $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal a
BT.modify $
set msg $
"Copied Unified Address <" ++
T.unpack (walletAddressName (entityVal a)) ++ ">!"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
Nothing -> return ()
V.EvKey (V.KChar 's') [] -> do
case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. addresses of
Just (_, a) -> do
liftIO $
setClipboard $
maybe "None" T.unpack $
getSaplingFromUA $
E.encodeUtf8 $
getUA $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal a
BT.modify $
set msg $
"Copied Sapling Address <" ++
T.unpack (walletAddressName (entityVal a)) ++ ">!"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
Nothing -> return ()
V.EvKey (V.KChar 't') [] -> do
case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. addresses of
Just (_, a) -> do
liftIO $
setClipboard $
T.unpack $
(encodeTransparentReceiver (s ^. network)) $
t_rec =<<
(isValidUnifiedAddress .
E.encodeUtf8 . getUA . walletAddressUAddress)
(entityVal a)
BT.modify $
set msg $
"Copied Transparent Address <" ++
T.unpack (walletAddressName (entityVal a)) ++ ">!"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
Nothing -> return ()
_ev -> return ()
MsgDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
PhraseDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
TxDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
SendDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
SyncDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
BlankDisplay -> do
case s ^. dialogBox of
WName -> do
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
fs <- BT.zoom inputForm $ BT.gets formState
nw <- liftIO $ addNewWallet (fs ^. dialogInput) s
ns <- liftIO $ refreshWallet nw
BT.put ns
aL <- use accounts
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
BT.modify $
set dialogBox $
if not (null $ L.listElements aL)
then Blank
else AName
ev ->
BT.zoom inputForm $ handleFormEvent (BT.VtyEvent ev)
AName -> do
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
fs <- BT.zoom inputForm $ BT.gets formState
ns <-
liftIO $
refreshAccount =<<
addNewAddress "Change" Internal =<<
addNewAccount (fs ^. dialogInput) s
BT.put ns
addrL <- use addresses
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
BT.modify $
set dialogBox $
if not (null $ L.listElements addrL)
then Blank
else AdName
ev ->
BT.zoom inputForm $ handleFormEvent (BT.VtyEvent ev)
AdName -> do
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
fs <- BT.zoom inputForm $ BT.gets formState
nAddr <-
liftIO $ addNewAddress (fs ^. dialogInput) External s
BT.put nAddr
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
ev ->
BT.zoom inputForm $ handleFormEvent (BT.VtyEvent ev)
WSelect -> do
case e of
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'x') [] ->
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
ns <- liftIO $ refreshWallet s
BT.put ns
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'n') [] -> do
BT.modify $
set inputForm $
updateFormState (DialogInput "New Wallet") $
s ^. inputForm
BT.modify $ set dialogBox WName
V.EvKey (V.KChar 's') [] ->
BT.modify $ set displayBox PhraseDisplay
ev -> BT.zoom wallets $ L.handleListEvent ev
ASelect -> do
case e of
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'x') [] ->
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
ns <- liftIO $ refreshAccount s
BT.put ns
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'n') [] -> do
BT.modify $
set inputForm $
updateFormState (DialogInput "New Account") $
s ^. inputForm
BT.modify $ set dialogBox AName
ev -> BT.zoom accounts $ L.handleListEvent ev
SendTx -> do
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
if allFieldsValid (s ^. txForm)
then do
pool <-
liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
selWal <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. wallets of
Nothing -> do
let fWall =
L.listSelectedElement $
L.listMoveToBeginning $ s ^. wallets
case fWall of
Nothing ->
throw $
userError "Failed to select wallet"
Just (_j, w1) -> return w1
Just (_k, w) -> return w
selAcc <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. accounts of
Nothing -> do
let fAcc =
L.listSelectedElement $
L.listMoveToBeginning $
s ^. accounts
case fAcc of
Nothing ->
throw $
userError "Failed to select wallet"
Just (_j, w1) -> return w1
Just (_k, w) -> return w
fs1 <- BT.zoom txForm $ BT.gets formState
bl <-
liftIO $ getLastSyncBlock pool $ entityKey selWal
_ <-
liftIO $
forkIO $
(s ^. eventDispatch)
(s ^. zebraHost)
(s ^. zebraPort)
(s ^. network)
(entityKey selAcc)
(fs1 ^. sendAmt)
(fs1 ^. sendTo)
(fs1 ^. sendMemo)
BT.modify $ set msg "Preparing transaction..."
BT.modify $ set displayBox SendDisplay
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
else do
BT.modify $ set msg "Invalid inputs"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
ev -> do
BT.zoom txForm $ do
handleFormEvent (BT.VtyEvent ev)
fs <- BT.gets formState
BT.modify $
(isRecipientValid (fs ^. sendTo))
Blank -> do
case e of
V.EvKey (V.KChar '\t') [] -> focusRing %= F.focusNext
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
ns <- liftIO $ refreshTxs s
BT.put ns
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'q') [] -> M.halt
V.EvKey (V.KChar '?') [] -> BT.modify $ set helpBox True
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'n') [] ->
BT.modify $ set dialogBox AdName
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'v') [] ->
BT.modify $ set displayBox AddrDisplay
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'w') [] ->
BT.modify $ set dialogBox WSelect
V.EvKey (V.KChar 't') [] ->
BT.modify $ set displayBox TxDisplay
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'a') [] ->
BT.modify $ set dialogBox ASelect
V.EvKey (V.KChar 's') [] -> do
BT.modify $
set txForm $
mkSendForm (s ^. balance) (SendInput "" 0.0 "")
BT.modify $ set dialogBox SendTx
ev ->
case r of
Just AList ->
BT.zoom addresses $ L.handleListEvent ev
Just TList ->
BT.zoom transactions $ L.handleListEvent ev
_anyName -> return ()
printMsg :: String -> BT.EventM Name State ()
printMsg s = BT.modify $ updateMsg s
updateMsg :: String -> State -> State
updateMsg = set msg
appEvent _ = return ()
theMap :: A.AttrMap
theMap =
[ (L.listAttr, V.white `on` V.blue)
, (L.listSelectedAttr, V.blue `on` V.white)
, (customAttr, fg V.black)
, (titleAttr, V.withStyle (fg V.brightGreen) V.bold)
, (blinkAttr, style V.blink)
, (focusedFormInputAttr, V.white `on` V.blue)
, (invalidFormInputAttr, V.red `on` V.black)
, (E.editAttr, V.white `on` V.blue)
, (E.editFocusedAttr, V.blue `on` V.white)
, (baseAttr, bg V.brightBlack)
, (barDoneAttr, V.white `on` V.blue)
, (barToDoAttr, V.white `on` V.black)
theApp :: M.App State Tick Name
theApp =
{ M.appDraw = drawUI
, M.appChooseCursor = M.showFirstCursor
, M.appHandleEvent = appEvent
, M.appStartEvent = return ()
, M.appAttrMap = const theMap
runZenithCLI :: Config -> IO ()
runZenithCLI config = do
let host = c_zebraHost config
let port = c_zebraPort config
let dbFilePath = c_dbPath config
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbFilePath
w <- try $ checkZebra host port :: IO (Either IOError ZebraGetInfo)
case w of
Right zebra -> do
bc <-
try $ checkBlockChain host port :: IO
(Either IOError ZebraGetBlockChainInfo)
case bc of
Left e1 -> throwIO e1
Right chainInfo -> do
initDb dbFilePath
walList <- getWallets pool $ zgb_net chainInfo
accList <-
if not (null walList)
then runNoLoggingT $ getAccounts pool $ entityKey $ head walList
else return []
addrList <-
if not (null accList)
then runNoLoggingT $ getAddresses pool $ entityKey $ head accList
else return []
txList <-
if not (null addrList)
then getUserTx pool $ entityKey $ head addrList
else return []
let block =
if not (null walList)
then zcashWalletLastSync $ entityVal $ head walList
else 0
bal <-
if not (null accList)
then getBalance pool $ entityKey $ head accList
else return 0
eventChan <- BC.newBChan 10
_ <-
forkIO $
forever $ do
BC.writeBChan eventChan (TickVal 0.0)
threadDelay 1000000
let buildVty = VC.mkVty V.defaultConfig
initialVty <- buildVty
void $
M.customMain initialVty buildVty (Just eventChan) theApp $
(zgb_net chainInfo)
(L.list WList (Vec.fromList walList) 1)
(L.list AcList (Vec.fromList accList) 0)
(L.list AList (Vec.fromList addrList) 1)
(L.list TList (Vec.fromList txList) 1)
("Start up Ok! Connected to Zebra " ++
(T.unpack . zgi_build) zebra ++ " on port " ++ show port ++ ".")
(if null walList
then WName
else Blank)
(mkInputForm $ DialogInput "Main")
(F.focusRing [AList, TList])
(zgb_blocks chainInfo)
(mkSendForm 0 $ SendInput "" 0.0 "")
Left e -> do
print $
"No Zebra node available on port " <>
show port <> ". Check your configuration."
refreshWallet :: State -> IO State
refreshWallet s = do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
walList <- getWallets pool $ s ^. network
(ix, selWallet) <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. wallets of
Nothing -> do
let fWall =
L.listSelectedElement $ L.listMoveToBeginning $ s ^. wallets
case fWall of
Nothing -> throw $ userError "Failed to select wallet"
Just (j, w1) -> return (j, w1)
Just (k, w) -> return (k, w)
aL <- runNoLoggingT $ getAccounts pool $ entityKey selWallet
let bl = zcashWalletLastSync $ entityVal selWallet
addrL <-
if not (null aL)
then runNoLoggingT $ getAddresses pool $ entityKey $ head aL
else return []
bal <-
if not (null aL)
then getBalance pool $ entityKey $ head aL
else return 0
txL <-
if not (null addrL)
then getUserTx pool $ entityKey $ head addrL
else return []
let wL = L.listReplace (Vec.fromList walList) (Just ix) (s ^. wallets)
let aL' = L.listReplace (Vec.fromList aL) (Just 0) (s ^. accounts)
let addrL' = L.listReplace (Vec.fromList addrL) (Just 0) (s ^. addresses)
let txL' = L.listReplace (Vec.fromList txL) (Just 0) (s ^. transactions)
return $
s & wallets .~ wL & accounts .~ aL' & syncBlock .~ bl & balance .~ bal &
addresses .~
addrL' &
transactions .~
txL' &
msg .~
"Switched to wallet: " ++
T.unpack (zcashWalletName $ entityVal selWallet)
addNewWallet :: T.Text -> State -> IO State
addNewWallet n s = do
sP <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
let bH = s ^. startBlock
let netName = s ^. network
r <- saveWallet pool $ ZcashWallet n (ZcashNetDB netName) (PhraseDB sP) bH 0
case r of
Nothing -> do
return $ s & msg .~ ("Wallet already exists: " ++ T.unpack n)
Just _ -> do
wL <- getWallets pool netName
let aL =
L.listFindBy (\x -> zcashWalletName (entityVal x) == n) $
L.listReplace (Vec.fromList wL) (Just 0) (s ^. wallets)
return $ (s & wallets .~ aL) & msg .~ "Created new wallet: " ++ T.unpack n
addNewAccount :: T.Text -> State -> IO State
addNewAccount n s = do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
selWallet <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. wallets of
Nothing -> do
let fWall =
L.listSelectedElement $ L.listMoveToBeginning $ s ^. wallets
case fWall of
Nothing -> throw $ userError "Failed to select wallet"
Just (_j, w1) -> return w1
Just (_k, w) -> return w
aL' <- getMaxAccount pool (entityKey selWallet)
zA <-
try $ createZcashAccount n (aL' + 1) selWallet :: IO
(Either IOError ZcashAccount)
case zA of
Left e -> return $ s & msg .~ ("Error: " ++ show e)
Right zA' -> do
r <- saveAccount pool zA'
case r of
Nothing ->
return $ s & msg .~ ("Account already exists: " ++ T.unpack n)
Just x -> do
aL <- runNoLoggingT $ getAccounts pool (entityKey selWallet)
let nL =
L.listMoveToElement x $
L.listReplace (Vec.fromList aL) (Just 0) (s ^. accounts)
return $
(s & accounts .~ nL) & msg .~ "Created new account: " ++ T.unpack n
refreshAccount :: State -> IO State
refreshAccount s = do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
selAccount <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. accounts of
Nothing -> do
let fAcc =
L.listSelectedElement $ L.listMoveToBeginning $ s ^. accounts
case fAcc of
Nothing -> throw $ userError "Failed to select account"
Just (_j, w1) -> return w1
Just (_k, w) -> return w
aL <- runNoLoggingT $ getAddresses pool $ entityKey selAccount
bal <- getBalance pool $ entityKey selAccount
let aL' = L.listReplace (Vec.fromList aL) (Just 0) (s ^. addresses)
selAddress <-
do case L.listSelectedElement aL' of
Nothing -> do
let fAdd = L.listSelectedElement $ L.listMoveToBeginning aL'
return fAdd
Just a2 -> return $ Just a2
case selAddress of
Nothing ->
return $
s & balance .~ bal & addresses .~ aL' & msg .~ "Switched to account: " ++
T.unpack (zcashAccountName $ entityVal selAccount)
Just (_i, a) -> do
tList <- getUserTx pool $ entityKey a
let tL' = L.listReplace (Vec.fromList tList) (Just 0) (s ^. transactions)
return $
s & balance .~ bal & addresses .~ aL' & transactions .~ tL' & msg .~
"Switched to account: " ++
T.unpack (zcashAccountName $ entityVal selAccount)
refreshTxs :: State -> IO State
refreshTxs s = do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
selAddress <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. addresses of
Nothing -> do
let fAdd =
L.listSelectedElement $ L.listMoveToBeginning $ s ^. addresses
return fAdd
Just a2 -> return $ Just a2
case selAddress of
Nothing -> return s
Just (_i, a) -> do
tList <- getUserTx pool $ entityKey a
let tL' = L.listReplace (Vec.fromList tList) (Just 0) (s ^. transactions)
return $ s & transactions .~ tL'
addNewAddress :: T.Text -> Scope -> State -> IO State
addNewAddress n scope s = do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
selAccount <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. accounts of
Nothing -> do
let fAcc =
L.listSelectedElement $ L.listMoveToBeginning $ s ^. accounts
case fAcc of
Nothing -> throw $ userError "Failed to select account"
Just (_j, a1) -> return a1
Just (_k, a) -> return a
maxAddr <- getMaxAddress pool (entityKey selAccount) scope
uA <-
try $ createWalletAddress n (maxAddr + 1) (s ^. network) scope selAccount :: IO
(Either IOError WalletAddress)
case uA of
Left e -> return $ s & msg .~ ("Error: " ++ show e)
Right uA' -> do
nAddr <- saveAddress pool uA'
case nAddr of
Nothing ->
return $ s & msg .~ ("Address already exists: " ++ T.unpack n)
Just x -> do
addrL <- runNoLoggingT $ getAddresses pool (entityKey selAccount)
let nL =
L.listMoveToElement x $
L.listReplace (Vec.fromList addrL) (Just 0) (s ^. addresses)
return $
(s & addresses .~ nL) & msg .~ "Created new address: " ++
T.unpack n ++
"(" ++
T.unpack (showAddress $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal x) ++ ")"
sendTransaction ::
-> BC.BChan Tick
-> T.Text
-> Int
-> ZcashNet
-> ZcashAccountId
-> Int
-> Float
-> T.Text
-> T.Text
-> IO ()
sendTransaction pool chan zHost zPort znet accId bl amt ua memo = do
BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg "Preparing transaction..."
outUA <- parseAddress ua
res <-
runFileLoggingT "zenith.log" $
prepareTx pool zHost zPort znet accId bl amt outUA memo
BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg "Transaction ready, sending to Zebra..."
case res of
Left e -> BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg $ show e
Right rawTx -> do
resp <-
[Data.Aeson.String $ toText rawTx]
case resp of
Left e1 -> BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg $ "Zebra error: " ++ show e1
Right txId -> BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg $ "Tx ID: " ++ txId
parseAddress :: T.Text -> IO UnifiedAddress
parseAddress a =
case isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just a1 -> return a1
Nothing ->
case decodeSaplingAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just a2 ->
return $
UnifiedAddress znet Nothing (Just $ sa_receiver a2) Nothing
Nothing ->
case decodeTransparentAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just a3 ->
return $
UnifiedAddress znet Nothing Nothing (Just $ ta_receiver a3)
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Incorrect address"