RPC: Shield and de-shield funds #110

pitmutt merged 165 commits from rav001 into milestone4 2025-01-02 18:43:42 +00:00
10 changed files with 819 additions and 770 deletions
Showing only changes of commit e52664fa8b - Show all commits

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@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
- `getoperationstatus` RPC method
- `sendmany` RPC method
- Function `prepareTxV2` implementing `PrivacyPolicy`
- Functionality to shield transparent balance
- Functionality to de-shield shielded notes
### Changed

View file

@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan znet = do
bStatus <- liftIO $ checkBlockChain zHost zPort
pool <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbP
dbBlock <- liftIO $ getMaxBlock pool $ ZcashNetDB znet
chkBlock <- liftIO $ checkIntegrity dbP zHost zPort dbBlock 1
chkBlock <- liftIO $ checkIntegrity dbP zHost zPort znet dbBlock 1
syncChk <- liftIO $ isSyncing pool
if syncChk
then liftIO $ BC.writeBChan eChan $ TickMsg "Sync alread in progress"
@ -840,11 +840,12 @@ scanZebra dbP zHost zPort b eChan znet = do
logDebugN $
"dbBlock: " <>
T.pack (show dbBlock) <> " chkBlock: " <> T.pack (show chkBlock)
when (chkBlock /= dbBlock) $ rewindWalletData pool chkBlock
let sb =
if chkBlock == dbBlock
then max dbBlock b
else max chkBlock b
when (chkBlock /= dbBlock && chkBlock /= 1) $
rewindWalletData pool sb $ ZcashNetDB znet
if sb > zgb_blocks bStatus || sb < 1
then do
liftIO $

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Binary.Get hiding (getBytes)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.HexString (HexString, toBytes)
import Data.HexString (HexString, hexBytes, hexString, toBytes, toText)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
@ -116,11 +116,16 @@ checkBlockChain nodeHost nodePort = do
-- | Get commitment trees from Zebra
getCommitmentTrees ::
T.Text -- ^ Host where `zebrad` is avaiable
-> T.Text -- ^ Host where `zebrad` is avaiable
-> Int -- ^ Port where `zebrad` is available
-> ZcashNetDB
-> Int -- ^ Block height
-> IO ZebraTreeInfo
getCommitmentTrees nodeHost nodePort block = do
getCommitmentTrees pool nodeHost nodePort znet block = do
bh' <- getBlockHash pool block znet
case bh' of
Nothing -> do
r <-
@ -130,6 +135,16 @@ getCommitmentTrees nodeHost nodePort block = do
case r of
Left e -> throwIO $ userError e
Right zti -> return zti
Just bh -> do
r <-
[Data.Aeson.String $ toText bh]
case r of
Left e -> throwIO $ userError e
Right zti -> return zti
-- * Spending Keys
-- | Create an Orchard Spending Key for the given wallet and account index
@ -288,7 +303,7 @@ findSaplingOutputs config b znet za = do
let zn = getNet znet
pool <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
tList <- liftIO $ getShieldedOutputs pool b znet
trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort (b - 1)
trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees pool zebraHost zebraPort znet (b - 1)
logDebugN "getting Sapling frontier"
let sT = getSaplingFrontier $ SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
case sT of
@ -395,7 +410,7 @@ findOrchardActions config b znet za = do
let zn = getNet znet
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
tList <- getOrchardActions pool b znet
trees <- getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort (b - 1)
trees <- getCommitmentTrees pool zebraHost zebraPort znet (b - 1)
let sT = getOrchardFrontier $ OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
case sT of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Failed to read Orchard commitment tree"
@ -507,264 +522,271 @@ updateOrchardWitnesses pool = do
-- | Calculate fee per ZIP-317
calculateTxFee ::
([Entity WalletTrNote], [Entity WalletSapNote], [Entity WalletOrchNote])
-> Int
-> Integer
calculateTxFee (t, s, o) i =
(5000 * (max (length t) tout + max (length s) sout + length o + oout))
-> [OutgoingNote]
-> Int64
calculateTxFee (t, s, o) nout =
fromIntegral $ 5000 * (tcount + saction + oaction)
tout =
if i == 1 || i == 2
then 1
else 0
sout =
if i == 3
then 1
else 0
oout =
if i == 4
then 1
else 0
length $
(\(OutgoingNote x _ _ _ _ _) -> x == 1 || x == 2 || x == 5 || x == 6)
sout = length $ filter (\(OutgoingNote x _ _ _ _ _) -> x == 3) nout
oout = length $ filter (\(OutgoingNote x _ _ _ _ _) -> x == 4) nout
tcount = max (length t) tout
scount = max (length s) sout
ocount = max (length o) oout
saction =
if scount == 1
then 2
else scount
oaction =
if ocount == 1
then 2
else ocount
-- | Prepare a transaction for sending
prepareTx ::
-> T.Text
-> Int
-> ZcashNet
-> ZcashAccountId
-> Int
-> Scientific
-> UnifiedAddress
-> T.Text
-> LoggingT IO (Either TxError HexString)
prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
accRead <- liftIO $ getAccountById pool za
let recipient =
case o_rec ua of
Nothing ->
case s_rec ua of
Nothing ->
case t_rec ua of
Nothing -> (0, "")
Just r3 ->
case tr_type r3 of
P2PKH -> (1, toBytes $ tr_bytes r3)
P2SH -> (2, toBytes $ tr_bytes r3)
Just r2 -> (3, getBytes r2)
Just r1 -> (4, getBytes r1)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show recipient
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "Target block: " ++ show bh
trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort bh
let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
case accRead of
Nothing -> do
logErrorN "Can't find Account"
return $ Left ZHError
Just acc -> do
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show acc
let zats' = toBoundedInteger $ amt * scientific 1 8
case zats' of
Nothing -> return $ Left ZHError
Just zats -> do
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show (zats :: Int64)
{-firstPass <- liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za zats-}
--let fee = calculateTxFee firstPass $ fst recipient
--logDebugN $ T.pack $ "calculated fee " ++ show fee
(tList, sList, oList) <-
liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (fromIntegral $ zats + 5000)
logDebugN "selected notes"
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show sList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show oList
let noteTotal = getTotalAmount (tList, sList, oList)
tSpends <-
liftIO $
(getTranSK $ zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc)
--print tSpends
sSpends <-
liftIO $
(getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
--print sSpends
oSpends <-
liftIO $
(getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
--print oSpends
dummy <-
liftIO $
(fromInteger noteTotal - 5000 - zats)
logDebugN "Calculating fee"
let feeResponse =
(Just sT)
(Just oT)
case feeResponse of
Left e1 -> return $ Left Fee
Right fee -> do
let feeAmt =
(runGet getInt64le $ LBS.fromStrict $ toBytes fee)
(tList1, sList1, oList1) <-
liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (fromIntegral zats + feeAmt)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "selected notes with fee" ++ show feeAmt
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show sList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show oList
outgoing <-
liftIO $
(fromInteger noteTotal - fromInteger feeAmt - zats)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show outgoing
let tx =
(Just sT)
(Just oT)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tx
return tx
makeOutgoing ::
Entity ZcashAccount
-> (Int, BS.ByteString)
-> Int64
-> Int64
-> IO [OutgoingNote]
makeOutgoing acc (k, recvr) zats chg = do
chgAddr <- runNoLoggingT $ getInternalAddresses pool $ entityKey acc
let internalUA = getUA $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal $ head chgAddr
let chgRcvr =
fromJust $ o_rec =<< isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 internalUA)
[ OutgoingNote
(getBytes $ getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
(getBytes chgRcvr)
(fromIntegral chg)
, OutgoingNote
(fromIntegral k)
(case k of
4 ->
getBytes $ getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc
3 ->
getBytes $ getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc
_ -> "")
(fromIntegral zats)
(E.encodeUtf8 memo)
getTotalAmount ::
( [Entity WalletTrNote]
, [Entity WalletSapNote]
, [Entity WalletOrchNote])
-> Integer
getTotalAmount (t, s, o) =
sum (map (fromIntegral . walletTrNoteValue . entityVal) t) +
sum (map (fromIntegral . walletSapNoteValue . entityVal) s) +
sum (map (fromIntegral . walletOrchNoteValue . entityVal) o)
prepTSpends ::
-> [Entity WalletTrNote]
-> IO [TransparentTxSpend]
prepTSpends sk notes = do
forM notes $ \n -> do
tAddRead <- getAddressById pool $ walletTrNoteAddress $ entityVal n
case tAddRead of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Couldn't read t-address"
Just tAdd -> do
(XPrvKey _ _ _ _ (SecKey xp_key)) <-
(walletAddressIndex $ entityVal tAdd)
(getScope $ walletAddressScope $ entityVal tAdd)
mReverseTxId <- getWalletTxId pool $ walletTrNoteTx $ entityVal n
case mReverseTxId of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "failed to get tx ID"
Just (ESQ.Value reverseTxId) -> do
let flipTxId = BS.reverse $ toBytes $ getHex reverseTxId
return $
(fromIntegral $ walletTrNotePosition $ entityVal n))
(fromIntegral $ walletTrNoteValue $ entityVal n)
(walletTrNoteScript $ entityVal n))
prepSSpends ::
SaplingSpendingKey -> [Entity WalletSapNote] -> IO [SaplingTxSpend]
prepSSpends sk notes = do
forM notes $ \n -> do
return $
(getBytes sk)
(fromIntegral $ walletSapNoteValue $ entityVal n)
(walletSapNoteRecipient $ entityVal n)
(E.encodeUtf8 $ walletSapNoteMemo $ entityVal n)
(getHex $ walletSapNoteNullifier $ entityVal n)
(getRseed $ walletSapNoteRseed $ entityVal n))
(toBytes $ getHex $ walletSapNoteWitness $ entityVal n)
prepOSpends ::
OrchardSpendingKey -> [Entity WalletOrchNote] -> IO [OrchardTxSpend]
prepOSpends sk notes = do
forM notes $ \n -> do
return $
(getBytes sk)
(fromIntegral $ walletOrchNoteValue $ entityVal n)
(walletOrchNoteRecipient $ entityVal n)
(E.encodeUtf8 $ walletOrchNoteMemo $ entityVal n)
(getHex $ walletOrchNoteNullifier $ entityVal n)
(walletOrchNoteRho $ entityVal n)
(getRseed $ walletOrchNoteRseed $ entityVal n))
(toBytes $ getHex $ walletOrchNoteWitness $ entityVal n)
sapAnchor :: [Entity WalletSapNote] -> Maybe SaplingWitness
sapAnchor notes =
if not (null notes)
then Just $
SaplingWitness $
getHex $ walletSapNoteWitness $ entityVal $ head notes
else Nothing
orchAnchor :: [Entity WalletOrchNote] -> Maybe OrchardWitness
orchAnchor notes =
if not (null notes)
then Just $
OrchardWitness $
getHex $ walletOrchNoteWitness $ entityVal $ head notes
else Nothing
-prepareTx ::
- ConnectionPool
- -> T.Text
- -> Int
- -> ZcashNet
- -> ZcashAccountId
- -> Int
- -> Scientific
- -> UnifiedAddress
- -> T.Text
- -> LoggingT IO (Either TxError HexString)
-prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
- accRead <- liftIO $ getAccountById pool za
- let recipient =
- case o_rec ua of
- Nothing ->
- case s_rec ua of
- Nothing ->
- case t_rec ua of
- Nothing -> (0, "")
- Just r3 ->
- case tr_type r3 of
- P2PKH -> (1, toBytes $ tr_bytes r3)
- P2SH -> (2, toBytes $ tr_bytes r3)
- Just r2 -> (3, getBytes r2)
- Just r1 -> (4, getBytes r1)
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show recipient
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ "Target block: " ++ show bh
- trees <-
- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees pool zebraHost zebraPort (ZcashNetDB zn) bh
- let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
- let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
- case accRead of
- Nothing -> do
- logErrorN "Can't find Account"
- return $ Left ZHError
- Just acc -> do
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show acc
- let zats' = toBoundedInteger $ amt * scientific 1 8
- case zats' of
- Nothing -> return $ Left ZHError
- Just zats -> do
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show (zats :: Int64)
- {-firstPass <- liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za zats-}
- --let fee = calculateTxFee firstPass $ fst recipient
- --logDebugN $ T.pack $ "calculated fee " ++ show fee
- (tList, sList, oList) <-
- liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (fromIntegral $ zats + 5000)
- logDebugN "selected notes"
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tList
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show sList
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show oList
- let noteTotal = getTotalAmount (tList, sList, oList)
- tSpends <-
- liftIO $
- prepTSpends
- (getTranSK $ zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc)
- tList
- --print tSpends
- sSpends <-
- liftIO $
- prepSSpends
- (getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
- sList
- --print sSpends
- oSpends <-
- liftIO $
- prepOSpends
- (getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
- oList
- --print oSpends
- dummy <-
- liftIO $
- makeOutgoing
- acc
- recipient
- zats
- (fromInteger noteTotal - 5000 - zats)
- logDebugN "Calculating fee"
- let feeResponse =
- createTransaction
- (Just sT)
- (Just oT)
- tSpends
- sSpends
- oSpends
- dummy
- zn
- bh
- False
- case feeResponse of
- Left e1 -> return $ Left Fee
- Right fee -> do
- let feeAmt =
- fromIntegral
- (runGet getInt64le $ LBS.fromStrict $ toBytes fee)
- (tList1, sList1, oList1) <-
- liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (fromIntegral zats + feeAmt)
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ "selected notes with fee" ++ show feeAmt
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tList
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show sList
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show oList
- outgoing <-
- liftIO $
- makeOutgoing
- acc
- recipient
- zats
- (fromInteger noteTotal - fromInteger feeAmt - zats)
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show outgoing
- let tx =
- createTransaction
- (Just sT)
- (Just oT)
- tSpends
- sSpends
- oSpends
- outgoing
- zn
- bh
- True
- logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tx
- return tx
- where
- makeOutgoing ::
- Entity ZcashAccount
- -> (Int, BS.ByteString)
- -> Int64
- -> Int64
- -> IO [OutgoingNote]
- makeOutgoing acc (k, recvr) zats chg = do
- chgAddr <- runNoLoggingT $ getInternalAddresses pool $ entityKey acc
- let internalUA = getUA $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal $ head chgAddr
- let chgRcvr =
- fromJust $ o_rec =<< isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 internalUA)
- return
- [ OutgoingNote
- 4
- (getBytes $ getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
- (getBytes chgRcvr)
- (fromIntegral chg)
- ""
- True
- , OutgoingNote
- (fromIntegral k)
- (case k of
- 4 ->
- getBytes $ getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc
- 3 ->
- getBytes $ getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc
- _ -> "")
- recvr
- (fromIntegral zats)
- (E.encodeUtf8 memo)
- False
- ]
- getTotalAmount ::
- ( [Entity WalletTrNote]
- , [Entity WalletSapNote]
- , [Entity WalletOrchNote])
- -> Integer
- getTotalAmount (t, s, o) =
- sum (map (fromIntegral . walletTrNoteValue . entityVal) t) +
- sum (map (fromIntegral . walletSapNoteValue . entityVal) s) +
- sum (map (fromIntegral . walletOrchNoteValue . entityVal) o)
- prepTSpends ::
- TransparentSpendingKey
- -> [Entity WalletTrNote]
- -> IO [TransparentTxSpend]
- prepTSpends sk notes = do
- forM notes $ \n -> do
- tAddRead <- getAddressById pool $ walletTrNoteAddress $ entityVal n
- case tAddRead of
- Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Couldn't read t-address"
- Just tAdd -> do
- (XPrvKey _ _ _ _ (SecKey xp_key)) <-
- genTransparentSecretKey
- (walletAddressIndex $ entityVal tAdd)
- (getScope $ walletAddressScope $ entityVal tAdd)
- sk
- mReverseTxId <- getWalletTxId pool $ walletTrNoteTx $ entityVal n
- case mReverseTxId of
- Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "failed to get tx ID"
- Just (ESQ.Value reverseTxId) -> do
- let flipTxId = BS.reverse $ toBytes $ getHex reverseTxId
- return $
- TransparentTxSpend
- xp_key
- (RawOutPoint
- flipTxId
- (fromIntegral $ walletTrNotePosition $ entityVal n))
- (RawTxOut
- (fromIntegral $ walletTrNoteValue $ entityVal n)
- (walletTrNoteScript $ entityVal n))
- prepSSpends ::
- SaplingSpendingKey -> [Entity WalletSapNote] -> IO [SaplingTxSpend]
- prepSSpends sk notes = do
- forM notes $ \n -> do
- return $
- SaplingTxSpend
- (getBytes sk)
- (DecodedNote
- (fromIntegral $ walletSapNoteValue $ entityVal n)
- (walletSapNoteRecipient $ entityVal n)
- (E.encodeUtf8 $ walletSapNoteMemo $ entityVal n)
- (getHex $ walletSapNoteNullifier $ entityVal n)
- ""
- (getRseed $ walletSapNoteRseed $ entityVal n))
- (toBytes $ getHex $ walletSapNoteWitness $ entityVal n)
- prepOSpends ::
- OrchardSpendingKey -> [Entity WalletOrchNote] -> IO [OrchardTxSpend]
- prepOSpends sk notes = do
- forM notes $ \n -> do
- return $
- OrchardTxSpend
- (getBytes sk)
- (DecodedNote
- (fromIntegral $ walletOrchNoteValue $ entityVal n)
- (walletOrchNoteRecipient $ entityVal n)
- (E.encodeUtf8 $ walletOrchNoteMemo $ entityVal n)
- (getHex $ walletOrchNoteNullifier $ entityVal n)
- (walletOrchNoteRho $ entityVal n)
- (getRseed $ walletOrchNoteRseed $ entityVal n))
- (toBytes $ getHex $ walletOrchNoteWitness $ entityVal n)
- sapAnchor :: [Entity WalletSapNote] -> Maybe SaplingWitness
- sapAnchor notes =
- if not (null notes)
- then Just $
- SaplingWitness $
- getHex $ walletSapNoteWitness $ entityVal $ head notes
- else Nothing
- orchAnchor :: [Entity WalletOrchNote] -> Maybe OrchardWitness
- orchAnchor notes =
- if not (null notes)
- then Just $
- OrchardWitness $
- getHex $ walletOrchNoteWitness $ entityVal $ head notes
- else Nothing
deshieldNotes ::
-> T.Text
@ -811,7 +833,6 @@ shieldTransparentNotes pool zebraHost zebraPort znet za bh = do
forM fNotes $ \trNotes -> do
let noteTotal = getTotalAmount (trNotes, [], [])
let fee = calculateTxFee (trNotes, [], []) 4
tSpends <-
liftIO $
@ -823,15 +844,25 @@ shieldTransparentNotes pool zebraHost zebraPort znet za bh = do
let oRcvr =
fromJust $
o_rec =<< isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 internalUA)
let dummy =
(getBytes $ getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
(getBytes oRcvr)
(fromIntegral $ noteTotal - 500)
let feeAmt = calculateTxFee (trNotes, [], []) [dummy]
let snote =
(getBytes $ getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
(getBytes oRcvr)
(fromIntegral $ noteTotal - fee)
(fromIntegral $ noteTotal - fromIntegral feeAmt)
let tx =
tx <-
liftIO $
@ -900,11 +931,10 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
let recipients = map extractReceiver pnotes
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show recipients
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "Target block: " ++ show bh
-trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort bh
-let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
-let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
trees <-
liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees pool zebraHost zebraPort (ZcashNetDB zn) bh
let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
case accRead of
Nothing -> do
logErrorN "Can't find Account"
@ -928,7 +958,7 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
(zats + 10000)
(zats + 20000)
(map (\(x, _, _, _) -> x) recipients)
case notePlan of
@ -957,84 +987,64 @@ prepareTxV2 pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh pnotes policy = do
(getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
--print oSpends
dummy' <-
draft <-
liftIO $
(noteTotal - 5000 - fromIntegral zats)
case dummy' of
case draft of
Left e -> return $ Left e
Right dummy -> do
logDebugN "Calculating fee"
let feeResponse =
case feeResponse of
Left e1 -> return $ Left Fee
Right fee -> do
let feeAmt =
(runGet getInt64le $ LBS.fromStrict $ toBytes fee)
Right draftOut -> do
let fee = calculateTxFee (tList, sList, oList) draftOut
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "calculated fee " ++ show fee
finalNotePlan <-
liftIO $
(fromIntegral zats + feeAmt)
(zats + fee)
(map (\(x, _, _, _) -> x) recipients)
case finalNotePlan of
Right (tList1, sList1, oList1) -> do
logDebugN $
T.pack $ "selected notes with fee" ++ show feeAmt
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "selected notes with fee" ++ show fee
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tList1
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show sList1
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show oList1
tSpends1 <-
liftIO $
(getTranSK $
zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc)
(getTranSK $ zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc)
sSpends1 <-
liftIO $
(getSapSK $
zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
(getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
oSpends1 <-
liftIO $
(getOrchSK $
zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
(getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc)
let noteTotal1 =
getTotalAmount (tList1, sList1, oList1)
let noteTotal1 = getTotalAmount (tList1, sList1, oList1)
outgoing' <-
liftIO $
(noteTotal1 - feeAmt - fromIntegral zats)
(noteTotal1 - fee - fromIntegral zats)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show outgoing'
case outgoing' of
Left e -> return $ Left e
Right outgoing -> do
let tx =
tx <-
liftIO $
(Just sT)
(Just oT)
@ -1360,7 +1370,7 @@ syncWallet config w = do
let startBlock =
if lastBlock > 0
then lastBlock
else zcashWalletBirthdayHeight $ entityVal w
else 1 + zcashWalletBirthdayHeight (entityVal w)
logDebugN $ "start block: " <> T.pack (show startBlock)
mapM_ (liftIO . findTransparentNotes pool startBlock znet) addrs
mapM_ (liftIO . findTransparentNotes pool startBlock znet) intAddrs

View file

@ -698,22 +698,42 @@ saveAddress pool w =
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $ flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ insertUniqueEntity w
-- * Block
-- | Save a block to the database
saveBlock :: ConnectionPool -> ZcashBlock -> IO (Key ZcashBlock)
saveBlock pool b =
runNoLoggingT $ PS.retryOnBusy $ flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do insert b
-- | Read a block by height
getBlock :: ConnectionPool -> Int -> IO (Maybe (Entity ZcashBlock))
getBlock pool b =
getBlock ::
ConnectionPool -> Int -> ZcashNetDB -> IO (Maybe (Entity ZcashBlock))
getBlock pool b znet =
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
selectOne $ do
bl <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $ bl ^. ZcashBlockHeight ==. val b
where_ $
bl ^. ZcashBlockHeight ==. val b &&. bl ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val znet
pure bl
getBlockHash :: ConnectionPool -> Int -> ZcashNetDB -> IO (Maybe HexString)
getBlockHash pool b znet = do
r <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
selectOne $ do
bl <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $
bl ^. ZcashBlockHeight ==. val b &&. bl ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val znet
pure $ bl ^. ZcashBlockHash
case r of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (Value h) -> return $ Just $ getHex h
-- | Save a transaction to the data model
saveTransaction ::
ConnectionPool -- ^ the database path
@ -2648,8 +2668,8 @@ completeSync pool st = do
return ()
-- | Rewind the data store to a given block height
rewindWalletData :: ConnectionPool -> Int -> LoggingT IO ()
rewindWalletData pool b = do
rewindWalletData :: ConnectionPool -> Int -> ZcashNetDB -> LoggingT IO ()
rewindWalletData pool b net = do
logDebugN "Starting transaction rewind"
liftIO $ clearWalletTransactions pool
logDebugN "Completed transaction rewind"
@ -2661,7 +2681,9 @@ rewindWalletData pool b = do
oldBlocks <-
select $ do
blk <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $ blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b
(blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b &&. blk ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val net)
pure blk
let oldBlkKeys = map entityKey oldBlocks
oldTxs <-
@ -2681,7 +2703,9 @@ rewindWalletData pool b = do
oldBlocks <-
select $ do
blk <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $ blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b
(blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b &&. blk ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val net)
pure blk
let oldBlkKeys = map entityKey oldBlocks
oldTxs <-
@ -2701,7 +2725,9 @@ rewindWalletData pool b = do
oldBlocks <-
select $ do
blk <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $ blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b
(blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b &&. blk ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val net)
pure blk
let oldBlkKeys = map entityKey oldBlocks
oldTxs <-
@ -2721,7 +2747,9 @@ rewindWalletData pool b = do
oldBlocks <-
select $ do
blk <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $ blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b
(blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b &&. blk ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val net)
pure blk
let oldBlkKeys = map entityKey oldBlocks
oldTxs <-
@ -2741,7 +2769,9 @@ rewindWalletData pool b = do
oldBlocks <-
select $ do
blk <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $ blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b
(blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b &&. blk ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val net)
pure blk
let oldBlkKeys = map entityKey oldBlocks
oldTxs <-
@ -2761,7 +2791,9 @@ rewindWalletData pool b = do
oldBlocks <-
select $ do
blk <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $ blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b
(blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b &&. blk ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val net)
pure blk
let oldBlkKeys = map entityKey oldBlocks
oldTxs <-
@ -2780,5 +2812,7 @@ rewindWalletData pool b = do
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
delete $ do
blk <- from $ table @ZcashBlock
where_ $ blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b
(blk ^. ZcashBlockHeight >. val b &&. blk ^. ZcashBlockNetwork ==.
val net)
logDebugN "Completed data store rewind"

View file

@ -1627,17 +1627,17 @@ scanZebra dbPath zHost zPort net sendMsg = do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
b <- liftIO $ getMinBirthdayHeight pool
dbBlock <- getMaxBlock pool $ ZcashNetDB net
chkBlock <- checkIntegrity dbPath zHost zPort dbBlock 1
chkBlock <- checkIntegrity dbPath zHost zPort net dbBlock 1
syncChk <- isSyncing pool
if syncChk
then sendMsg (ShowError "Sync already in progress")
else do
unless (chkBlock == dbBlock) $
runStderrLoggingT $ rewindWalletData pool chkBlock
let sb =
if chkBlock == dbBlock
then max dbBlock b
else max chkBlock b
unless (chkBlock == dbBlock || chkBlock == 1) $
runStderrLoggingT $ rewindWalletData pool sb $ ZcashNetDB net
if sb > zgb_blocks bStatus || sb < 1
then sendMsg (ShowError "Invalid starting block for scan")
else do

View file

@ -889,15 +889,15 @@ scanZebra dbPath zHost zPort net = do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbPath
b <- getMinBirthdayHeight pool
dbBlock <- getMaxBlock pool $ ZcashNetDB net
chkBlock <- checkIntegrity dbPath zHost zPort dbBlock 1
chkBlock <- checkIntegrity dbPath zHost zPort net dbBlock 1
syncChk <- isSyncing pool
unless syncChk $ do
unless (chkBlock == dbBlock) $
runStderrLoggingT $ rewindWalletData pool chkBlock
let sb =
if chkBlock == dbBlock
then max dbBlock b
else max chkBlock b
unless (chkBlock == dbBlock || chkBlock == 1) $
runStderrLoggingT $ rewindWalletData pool sb $ ZcashNetDB net
unless (sb > zgb_blocks bStatus || sb < 1) $ do
let bList = [(sb + 1) .. (zgb_blocks bStatus)]
unless (null bList) $ do

View file

@ -246,10 +246,11 @@ checkIntegrity ::
T.Text -- ^ Database path
-> T.Text -- ^ Zebra host
-> Int -- ^ Zebra port
-> ZcashNet -- ^ the network to scan
-> Int -- ^ The block to start the check
-> Int -- ^ depth
-> IO Int
checkIntegrity dbP zHost zPort b d =
checkIntegrity dbP zHost zPort znet b d =
if b < 1
then return 1
else do
@ -263,10 +264,10 @@ checkIntegrity dbP zHost zPort b d =
Left e -> throwIO $ userError e
Right blk -> do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool dbP
dbBlk <- getBlock pool b
dbBlk <- getBlock pool b $ ZcashNetDB znet
case dbBlk of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Block mismatch, rescan needed"
Nothing -> return 1
Just dbBlk' ->
if bl_hash blk == getHex (zcashBlockHash $ entityVal dbBlk')
then return b
else checkIntegrity dbP zHost zPort (b - 5 * d) (d + 1)
else checkIntegrity dbP zHost zPort znet (b - 5 * d) (d + 1)

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HexString
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
, ValidAddress(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (readZebraTransaction)
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (f4Jumble, makeZebraCall, readZebraTransaction)
import Zenith.Core
import Zenith.DB
import Zenith.Tree
@ -211,6 +212,53 @@ main = do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "/home/rav/Zenith/zenith.db"
oNotes <- getWalletUnspentTrNotes pool (toSqlKey 1)
oNotes `shouldBe` []
describe "Tree tests" $ do
let cmx1 =
let t0 = EmptyLeaf <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1 = t0 <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1a = t0 <> t0
it "Create leaf" $ do
let n = leaf cmx1 1 :: Tree OrchardNode
getLevel (value n) `shouldBe` 0
it "Create minimal tree" $ do
let t = (leaf cmx1 1) <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 1
it "Create minimal empty tree" $ do
getTag (value t0) `shouldNotBe` hexString "00"
it "Expand empty tree" $ do t1 `shouldBe` t1a
it "Create empty tree" $ mkSubTree 2 EmptyLeaf `shouldBe` t1
it "Create empty tree non-rec" $ getEmptyRoot 2 `shouldBe` t1
it "Create a tree from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
of_ommers t1 `shouldBe` []
it "Validate a tree's depth from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
let t = root $ mkOrchardTree t1
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 31
it "Validate a tree from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
let t = root $ mkOrchardTree t1
getTag (value t) `shouldBe` getOrchardTreeAnchor t1
describe "Creating Tx" $ do
describe "Full" $ do
it "To Orchard" $ do
@ -238,7 +286,7 @@ main = do
case tx of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` hexString "deadbeef"
it "To Sapling" $ do
let uaRead =
@ -264,7 +312,7 @@ main = do
case tx of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` hexString "deadbeef"
it "To Transparent" $ do
let uaRead = parseAddress "tmAmSa4AauSFuJieeanRBjkfnah45ysGtgZ"
case uaRead of
@ -287,8 +335,7 @@ main = do
tx `shouldBe`
(PrivacyPolicyError "Receiver not capable of Full privacy")
Left (PrivacyPolicyError "Receiver not capable of Full privacy")
it "To mixed shielded receivers" $ do
let uaRead =
@ -349,7 +396,7 @@ main = do
case tx of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` hexString "deadbeef"
it "To Sapling" $ do
let uaRead =
@ -375,7 +422,7 @@ main = do
case tx of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "00")
it "To Transparent" $ do
let uaRead = parseAddress "tmAmSa4AauSFuJieeanRBjkfnah45ysGtgZ"
case uaRead of
@ -588,51 +635,4 @@ main = do
case tx of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` (hexString "deadbeef")
describe "Tree tests" $ do
let cmx1 =
let t0 = EmptyLeaf <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1 = t0 <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
let t1a = t0 <> t0
it "Create leaf" $ do
let n = leaf cmx1 1 :: Tree OrchardNode
getLevel (value n) `shouldBe` 0
it "Create minimal tree" $ do
let t = (leaf cmx1 1) <> EmptyLeaf :: Tree OrchardNode
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 1
it "Create minimal empty tree" $ do
getTag (value t0) `shouldNotBe` hexString "00"
it "Expand empty tree" $ do t1 `shouldBe` t1a
it "Create empty tree" $ mkSubTree 2 EmptyLeaf `shouldBe` t1
it "Create empty tree non-rec" $ getEmptyRoot 2 `shouldBe` t1
it "Create a tree from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
of_ommers t1 `shouldBe` []
it "Validate a tree's depth from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
let t = root $ mkOrchardTree t1
getLevel (value t) `shouldBe` 31
it "Validate a tree from Frontier" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
case getOrchardFrontier tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get frontier"
Just t1 -> do
let t = root $ mkOrchardTree t1
getTag (value t) `shouldBe` getOrchardTreeAnchor t1
Right h -> h `shouldNotBe` hexString "deadbeef"

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit b6d490d05300a9db9cdf9929baa9b984bee9f3f6
Subproject commit f6b8a772770f492221dc99281016d7090f981e63

View file

@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ test-suite zenith-tests
base >=4.12 && <5
, bytestring
, aeson
, configurator
, monad-logger
, aeson