RPC: Shield and de-shield funds #110

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src/Zenith/Tree.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Zenith.Tree where
import Data.HexString
class Monoid v =>
Measured a v
measure :: a -> v
data Tree v a
= Leaf !v !a
| Branch !v !(Tree v a) !(Tree v a)
value :: Tree v a -> v
value (Leaf v _) = v
value (Branch v _ _) = v
branch :: Monoid v => Tree v a -> Tree v a -> Tree v a
branch x y = Branch (value x <> value y) x y
leaf :: Measured a v => a -> Tree v a
leaf a = Leaf (measure a) a
data OrchardNode = OrchardNode
{ on_position :: !Integer
, on_value :: !String
, on_level :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Semigroup OrchardNode where
(<>) x y =
if on_level x == on_level y
then OrchardNode
(max (on_position x) (on_position y))
(on_value x <> on_value y)
(on_level x)
else x
instance Monoid OrchardNode where
mempty = OrchardNode 0 "" (-1)
mappend = (<>)