RPC: Shield and de-shield funds #110
6 changed files with 72 additions and 67 deletions
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
- Detection of changes in database schema for automatic re-scan
- Block tracking for chain re-org detection
- Refactored `ZcashPool`
## []
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ trToZcashNoteAPI pool n = do
return $
(getHex $ walletTransactionTxId $ entityVal t') -- tx ID
Zenith.Types.Transparent -- pool
Zenith.Types.TransparentPool -- pool
(fromIntegral (walletTrNoteValue (entityVal n)) / 100000000.0) -- zec
(walletTrNoteValue $ entityVal n) -- zats
"" -- memo
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ sapToZcashNoteAPI pool n = do
return $
(getHex $ walletTransactionTxId $ entityVal t') -- tx ID
Zenith.Types.Sapling -- pool
Zenith.Types.SaplingPool -- pool
(fromIntegral (walletSapNoteValue (entityVal n)) / 100000000.0) -- zec
(walletSapNoteValue $ entityVal n) -- zats
(walletSapNoteMemo $ entityVal n) -- memo
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ orchToZcashNoteAPI pool n = do
return $
(getHex $ walletTransactionTxId $ entityVal t') -- tx ID
(fromIntegral (walletOrchNoteValue (entityVal n)) / 100000000.0) -- zec
(walletOrchNoteValue $ entityVal n) -- zats
(walletOrchNoteMemo $ entityVal n) -- memo
@ -413,43 +413,43 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
[ vstack
[ tooltip "Unified" $
[onClick (SetPool Orchard)]
[onClick (SetPool OrchardPool)]
(remixIcon remixShieldCheckFill `styleBasic`
[ textSize 14
, padding 4
, styleIf
(model ^. selPool == Orchard)
(model ^. selPool == OrchardPool)
(bgColor btnColor)
, styleIf
(model ^. selPool == Orchard)
(model ^. selPool == OrchardPool)
(textColor white)
, filler
, tooltip "Legacy Shielded" $
[onClick (SetPool Sapling)]
[onClick (SetPool SaplingPool)]
(remixIcon remixShieldLine `styleBasic`
[ textSize 14
, padding 4
, styleIf
(model ^. selPool == Sapling)
(model ^. selPool == SaplingPool)
(bgColor btnColor)
, styleIf
(model ^. selPool == Sapling)
(model ^. selPool == SaplingPool)
(textColor white)
, filler
, tooltip "Transparent" $
[onClick (SetPool Transparent)]
[onClick (SetPool TransparentPool)]
(remixIcon remixEyeLine `styleBasic`
[ textSize 14
, padding 4
, styleIf
(model ^. selPool == Transparent)
(model ^. selPool == TransparentPool)
(bgColor btnColor)
, styleIf
(model ^. selPool == Transparent)
(model ^. selPool == TransparentPool)
(textColor white)
] `styleBasic`
@ -462,10 +462,10 @@ buildUI wenv model = widgetTree
[ label
(case model ^. selPool of
Orchard -> "Unified"
Sapling -> "Legacy Shielded"
Transparent -> "Transparent"
Sprout -> "Unknown") `styleBasic`
OrchardPool -> "Unified"
SaplingPool -> "Legacy Shielded"
TransparentPool -> "Transparent"
SproutPool -> "Unknown") `styleBasic`
[textColor white]
, remixIcon remixFileCopyFill `styleBasic`
[textSize 14, padding 4, textColor white]
@ -944,9 +944,9 @@ generateQRCodes config = do
if not (null s)
then return ()
else do
generateOneQr pool Orchard wAddr
generateOneQr pool Sapling wAddr
generateOneQr pool Transparent wAddr
generateOneQr pool OrchardPool wAddr
generateOneQr pool SaplingPool wAddr
generateOneQr pool TransparentPool wAddr
generateOneQr ::
ConnectionPool -> ZcashPool -> Entity WalletAddress -> IO ()
generateOneQr p zp wAddr =
@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ generateQRCodes config = do
dispAddr :: ZcashPool -> WalletAddress -> Maybe T.Text
dispAddr zp w =
case zp of
Transparent ->
TransparentPool ->
T.append "zcash:" .
@ -993,11 +993,12 @@ generateQRCodes config = do
(t_rec =<<
(isValidUnifiedAddress . E.encodeUtf8 . getUA . walletAddressUAddress)
Sapling ->
SaplingPool ->
T.append "zcash:" <$>
(getSaplingFromUA . E.encodeUtf8 . getUA . walletAddressUAddress) w
Orchard -> Just $ (T.append "zcash:" . getUA . walletAddressUAddress) w
Sprout -> Nothing
OrchardPool ->
Just $ (T.append "zcash:" . getUA . walletAddressUAddress) w
SproutPool -> Nothing
handleEvent ::
WidgetEnv AppModel AppEvent
@ -1111,7 +1112,7 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
Just wAddr -> getUserTx dbPool $ entityKey wAddr
SwitchQr q -> [Model $ model & qrCodeWidget .~ q]
SwitchAddr i -> [Model $ model & selAddr .~ i, Event $ SetPool Orchard]
SwitchAddr i -> [Model $ model & selAddr .~ i, Event $ SetPool OrchardPool]
SwitchAcc i ->
[ Model $ model & selAcc .~ i
, Task $
@ -1129,7 +1130,7 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
b <- getBalance dbPool $ entityKey acc
u <- getUnconfirmedBalance dbPool $ entityKey acc
return (b, u)
, Event $ SetPool Orchard
, Event $ SetPool OrchardPool
SwitchWal i ->
[ Model $ model & selWallet .~ i & selAcc .~ 0 & selAddr .~ 0
@ -1152,14 +1153,15 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
, setClipboardData $
ClipboardText $
case model ^. selPool of
Orchard -> maybe "None" (getUA . walletAddressUAddress . entityVal) a
Sapling ->
OrchardPool ->
maybe "None" (getUA . walletAddressUAddress . entityVal) a
SaplingPool ->
fromMaybe "None" $
(getSaplingFromUA .
E.encodeUtf8 . getUA . walletAddressUAddress . entityVal) =<<
Sprout -> "None"
Transparent ->
SproutPool -> "None"
TransparentPool ->
maybe "None" (encodeTransparentReceiver (model ^. network)) $
t_rec =<<
(isValidUnifiedAddress .
@ -1182,7 +1184,7 @@ handleEvent wenv node model evt =
if not (null a)
then [ Model $ model & addresses .~ a
, Event $ SwitchAddr $ model ^. selAddr
, Event $ SetPool Orchard
, Event $ SetPool OrchardPool
else [Event $ NewAddress currentAccount]
LoadAccs a ->
@ -1584,7 +1586,8 @@ runZenithGUI config = do
else return []
qr <-
if not (null addrList)
then getQrCode pool Orchard $ entityKey $ head addrList
then getQrCode pool OrchardPool $
entityKey $ head addrList
else return Nothing
bal <-
if not (null accList)
@ -1613,7 +1616,7 @@ runZenithGUI config = do
(if unconfBal == 0
then Nothing
else Just unconfBal)
@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ data Config = Config
} deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show)
data ZcashPool
= Transparent
| Sprout
| Sapling
| Orchard
= TransparentPool
| SproutPool
| SaplingPool
| OrchardPool
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
derivePersistField "ZcashPool"
@ -115,18 +115,18 @@ derivePersistField "ZcashPool"
instance ToJSON ZcashPool where
toJSON zp =
case zp of
Transparent -> Data.Aeson.String "p2pkh"
Sprout -> Data.Aeson.String "sprout"
Sapling -> Data.Aeson.String "sapling"
Orchard -> Data.Aeson.String "orchard"
TransparentPool -> Data.Aeson.String "p2pkh"
SproutPool -> Data.Aeson.String "sprout"
SaplingPool -> Data.Aeson.String "sapling"
OrchardPool -> Data.Aeson.String "orchard"
instance FromJSON ZcashPool where
parseJSON =
withText "ZcashPool" $ \case
"p2pkh" -> return Transparent
"sprout" -> return Sprout
"sapling" -> return Sapling
"orchard" -> return Orchard
"p2pkh" -> return TransparentPool
"sprout" -> return SproutPool
"sapling" -> return SaplingPool
"orchard" -> return OrchardPool
_ -> fail "Not a known Zcash pool"
newtype ZenithUuid = ZenithUuid
@ -298,7 +298,8 @@ instance FromJSON AddressGroup where
Nothing -> return []
Just x -> do
x' <- x .:? "addresses"
return $ maybe [] (map (ZcashAddress s1 [Transparent] Nothing)) x'
return $
maybe [] (map (ZcashAddress s1 [TransparentPool] Nothing)) x'
processSapling k s2 =
case k of
Nothing -> return []
@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ instance FromJSON AddressGroup where
where processOneSapling sx =
withObject "Sapling" $ \oS -> do
oS' <- oS .: "addresses"
return $ map (ZcashAddress sx [Sapling] Nothing) oS'
return $ map (ZcashAddress sx [SaplingPool] Nothing) oS'
processUnified u =
case u of
Nothing -> return []
@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
module Zenith.Utils where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isSpace)
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord (clamp)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific(..), scientific)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isSpace)
import System.Directory
import System.Process (createProcess_, shell)
import Text.Regex.Posix
@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ getAddresses ag = agtransparent ag <> agsapling ag <> agunified ag
-- | Helper function to validate potential Zcash addresses
validateAddress :: T.Text -> Maybe ZcashPool
validateAddress txt --(tReg || sReg && isJust chk) || (uReg && isJust chk)
| tReg = Just Transparent
| sReg && chkS = Just Sapling
| uReg && chk = Just Orchard
| tReg = Just TransparentPool
| sReg && chkS = Just SaplingPool
| uReg && chk = Just OrchardPool
| otherwise = Nothing
transparentRegex = "^t1[a-zA-Z0-9]{33}$" :: String
@ -137,28 +137,27 @@ parseAddress a znet =
Nothing -> Nothing
isValidContent :: String -> Bool
isValidContent [] = False -- an empty string is invalid
isValidContent (x:xs)
| not (isAlphaNum x ) = False -- string must start with an alphanumeric character
| otherwise = allValidChars xs -- process the rest of the string
isValidContent [] = False -- an empty string is invalid
isValidContent (x:xs)
| not (isAlphaNum x) = False -- string must start with an alphanumeric character
| otherwise = allValidChars xs -- process the rest of the string
allValidChars :: String -> Bool
allValidChars [] = True -- if we got here, string is valid
allValidChars (y:ys)
allValidChars :: String -> Bool
allValidChars [] = True -- if we got here, string is valid
allValidChars (y:ys)
| isAlphaNum y || isSpace y = allValidChars ys -- char is valid, continue
| otherwise = False -- found an invalid character, return false
| otherwise = False -- found an invalid character, return false
isValidString :: T.Text -> Bool
isValidString c = do
isValidString c = do
let a = T.unpack c
isValidContent a
padWithZero :: Int -> String -> String
padWithZero n s
| (length s) >= n = s
| otherwise = padWithZero n ("0" ++ s)
padWithZero n s
| (length s) >= n = s
| otherwise = padWithZero n ("0" ++ s)
isEmpty :: [a] -> Bool
isEmpty [] = True
isEmpty _ = False
isEmpty _ = False
@ -123,9 +123,10 @@ sendTx user pwd fromAddy toAddy amount memo = do
if source fromAddy /= ImportedWatchOnly
then do
let privacyPolicy
| valAdd == Just Transparent = "AllowRevealedRecipients"
| valAdd == Just TransparentPool = "AllowRevealedRecipients"
| isNothing (account fromAddy) &&
elem Transparent (pool fromAddy) = "AllowRevealedSenders"
elem TransparentPool (pool fromAddy) =
| otherwise = "AllowRevealedAmounts"
let pd =
case memo of
@ -301,7 +302,7 @@ sendWithUri user pwd fromAddy uri repTo = do
let addType = validateAddress $ T.pack parsedAddress
case addType of
Nothing -> putStrLn " Invalid address"
Just Transparent -> do
Just TransparentPool -> do
putStrLn $ " Address is valid: " ++ parsedAddress
case (readMaybe parsedAmount :: Maybe Double) of
Nothing -> putStrLn " Invalid amount."
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