RPC: Shield and de-shield funds #110

pitmutt merged 165 commits from rav001 into milestone4 2025-01-02 18:43:42 +00:00
3 changed files with 159 additions and 2 deletions
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@ -15,7 +15,13 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (combineOrchardNodes, getOrchardNodeValue)
import ZcashHaskell.Types (MerklePath(..), OrchardFrontier(..), OrchardTree(..))
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling (combineSaplingNodes, getSaplingNodeValue)
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( MerklePath(..)
, OrchardFrontier(..)
, OrchardTree(..)
, SaplingTree(..)
type Level = Int8
@ -33,6 +39,7 @@ class Node v where
getLevel :: v -> Level
getHash :: v -> HexString
getPosition :: v -> Position
getIndex :: v -> Int64
isFull :: v -> Bool
isMarked :: v -> Bool
mkNode :: Level -> Position -> HexString -> v
@ -45,6 +52,14 @@ instance Measured OrchardCommitment OrchardNode where
Nothing -> OrchardNode 0 (hexString "00") 0 True 0 False
Just val -> OrchardNode p val 0 True i False
type SaplingCommitment = HexString
instance Measured SaplingCommitment SaplingNode where
measure sc p i =
case getSaplingNodeValue (hexBytes sc) of
Nothing -> SaplingNode 0 (hexString "00") 0 True 0 False
Just val -> SaplingNode p val 0 True i False
data Tree v
= EmptyLeaf
| Leaf !v
@ -151,6 +166,98 @@ path pos (Branch s x y) =
| otherwise = []
path _ _ = Nothing
getNotePosition :: Monoid v => Node v => Tree v -> Int64 -> Maybe Position
getNotePosition (Leaf x) i
| getIndex x == i = Just $ getPosition x
| otherwise = Nothing
getNotePosition (Branch _ x y) i
| getIndex (value x) >= i = getNotePosition x i
| getIndex (value y) >= i = getNotePosition y i
| otherwise = Nothing
getNotePosition _ _ = Nothing
truncateTree :: Monoid v => Node v => Tree v -> Int64 -> Tree v
truncateTree (Branch s x y) i
| getLevel s == 1 && getIndex (value x) == i = branch x EmptyLeaf
| getLevel s == 1 && getIndex (value y) == i = branch x y
| getIndex (value x) >= i =
branch (truncateTree x i) (getEmptyRoot (getLevel s))
| getIndex (value y) >= i = branch x (truncateTree y i)
truncateTree x _ = x
data SaplingNode = SaplingNode
{ sn_position :: !Position
, sn_value :: !HexString
, sn_level :: !Level
, sn_full :: !Bool
, sn_index :: !Int64
, sn_mark :: !Bool
} deriving stock (Eq, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct SaplingNode
instance Semigroup SaplingNode where
(<>) x y =
case combineSaplingNodes (sn_level x) (sn_value x) (sn_value y) of
Nothing -> x
Just newHash ->
(max (sn_position x) (sn_position y))
(1 + sn_level x)
(sn_full x && sn_full y)
(max (sn_index x) (sn_index y))
(sn_mark x || sn_mark y)
instance Monoid SaplingNode where
mempty = SaplingNode 0 (hexString "00") 0 False 0 False
mappend = (<>)
instance Node SaplingNode where
getLevel = sn_level
getHash = sn_value
getPosition = sn_position
getIndex = sn_index
isFull = sn_full
isMarked = sn_mark
mkNode l p v = SaplingNode p v l True 0 False
instance Show SaplingNode where
show = show . sn_value
saplingSize :: SaplingTree -> Int64
saplingSize tree =
(if isNothing (st_left tree)
then 0
else 1) +
(if isNothing (st_right tree)
then 0
else 1) +
(\x (i, p) ->
case p of
Nothing -> x + 0
Just _ -> x + 2 ^ i)
(zip [1 ..] $ st_parents tree)
mkSaplingTree :: SaplingTree -> Tree SaplingNode
mkSaplingTree tree =
(\t (i, n) ->
case n of
Just n' -> prunedBranch i 0 n' <> t
Nothing -> t <> getEmptyRoot i)
(zip [1 ..] $ st_parents tree)
leafRoot =
case st_right tree of
Just r' -> leaf (fromJust $ st_left tree) (pos - 1) 0 <> leaf r' pos 0
Nothing -> leaf (fromJust $ st_left tree) pos 0 <> EmptyLeaf
pos = fromIntegral $ saplingSize tree - 1
-- | Orchard
data OrchardNode = OrchardNode
{ on_position :: !Position
, on_value :: !HexString
@ -186,6 +293,7 @@ instance Node OrchardNode where
getLevel = on_level
getHash = on_value
getPosition = on_position
getIndex = on_index
isFull = on_full
isMarked = on_mark
mkNode l p v = OrchardNode p v l True 0 False

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@ -425,6 +425,20 @@ main = do
Just p1 ->
getSaplingPathAnchor cmu1 p1 `shouldBe`
getHash (value updatedTree)
it "Find position by index" $ do
let tree =
SaplingCommitmentTree $
let cmu1 =
"238a75ea513eb330cee527d3fa5000cd52620f116919a33afb9ac78ee1f91c17" :: SaplingCommitment
case getSaplingTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get tree parts"
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkSaplingTree t1
let updatedTree = append newTree (cmu1, 4)
getNotePosition updatedTree 4 `shouldBe` Just 145762
describe "Orchard" $ do
let cmx1 =
@ -590,6 +604,41 @@ main = do
Just p1 -> do
getOrchardPathAnchor cmx2 p1 `shouldBe`
getHash (value updatedTree)
it "Find position by index" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
let cmx1 =
"1712ead46028d4349e234abf59e94e0640fe7a0829e2e2e17e1a931631810400" :: OrchardCommitment
let cmx2 =
"39f5ad39817fb432fa07c5feb3a957189fbe7662a4b5555ca95093b6d853cf07" :: OrchardCommitment
case getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get tree parts"
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
let updatedTree = foldl append newTree [(cmx1, 4), (cmx2, 5)]
getNotePosition updatedTree 4 `shouldBe` Just 39734
it "Truncate tree" $ do
let tree =
OrchardCommitmentTree $
let cmx1 =
"1712ead46028d4349e234abf59e94e0640fe7a0829e2e2e17e1a931631810400" :: OrchardCommitment
let cmx2 =
"39f5ad39817fb432fa07c5feb3a957189fbe7662a4b5555ca95093b6d853cf07" :: OrchardCommitment
case getOrchardTreeParts tree of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to get tree parts"
Just t1 -> do
let newTree = mkOrchardTree t1
let updatedTree = foldl append newTree [(cmx1, 4), (cmx2, 5)]
let truncTree = truncateTree updatedTree 4
getIndex (value truncTree) `shouldBe` 4
describe "Creating Tx" $ do
describe "Full" $ do
it "To Orchard" $ do

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 62cda9cc15621dead6fbfd7a4944840408d69da4
Subproject commit 20851a4e48f768a492796fb828f16ae9745931dc