Improve the fee calculation

This commit is contained in:
Rene Vergara 2024-05-09 10:44:07 -05:00
parent dcbb2fac4a
commit e20f253cda
Signed by: pitmutt
GPG key ID: 65122AD495A7F5B2
7 changed files with 459 additions and 119 deletions

View file

@ -11,11 +11,15 @@ import qualified Brick.Focus as F
import Brick.Forms
( Form(..)
, (@@=)
, allFieldsValid
, editShowableFieldWithValidate
, editTextField
, focusedFormInputAttr
, handleFormEvent
, invalidFormInputAttr
, newForm
, renderForm
, setFieldValid
, updateFormState
import qualified Brick.Main as M
@ -49,6 +53,7 @@ import Brick.Widgets.Core
, withBorderStyle
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Dialog as D
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as E
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L
import qualified Brick.Widgets.ProgressBar as P
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
@ -57,6 +62,7 @@ import Control.Monad (forever, void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Logger (LoggingT, runFileLoggingT, runNoLoggingT)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HexString (toText)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
@ -73,7 +79,12 @@ import System.Hclip
import Text.Wrap (FillScope(..), FillStrategy(..), WrapSettings(..), wrapText)
import ZcashHaskell.Keys (generateWalletSeedPhrase, getWalletSeed)
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (getSaplingFromUA, isValidUnifiedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent (encodeTransparentReceiver)
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling (decodeSaplingAddress, isValidShieldedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
( decodeExchangeAddress
, decodeTransparentAddress
, encodeTransparentReceiver
import ZcashHaskell.Types
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (getBlockTime, makeZebraCall)
import Zenith.Core
@ -94,6 +105,9 @@ data Name
| TList
| HelpDialog
| DialogInputField
| RecField
| AmtField
| MemoField
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data DialogInput = DialogInput
@ -102,12 +116,21 @@ data DialogInput = DialogInput
makeLenses ''DialogInput
data SendInput = SendInput
{ _sendTo :: !T.Text
, _sendAmt :: !Float
, _sendMemo :: !T.Text
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''SendInput
data DialogType
= WName
| AName
| AdName
| WSelect
| ASelect
| SendTx
| Blank
data DisplayType
@ -116,6 +139,7 @@ data DisplayType
| PhraseDisplay
| TxDisplay
| SyncDisplay
| SendDisplay
| BlankDisplay
data Tick
@ -144,6 +168,7 @@ data State = State
, _barValue :: !Float
, _eventDispatch :: !(BC.BChan Tick)
, _timer :: !Int
, _txForm :: !(Form SendInput () Name)
makeLenses ''State
@ -182,7 +207,7 @@ drawUI s = [splashDialog s, helpDialog s, displayDialog s, inputDialog s, ui s]
listAddressBox "Addresses" (st ^. addresses) <+>
B.vBorder <+>
(C.hCenter (str ("Last block seen: " ++ show (st ^. syncBlock))) <=>
listTxBox "Transactions" (st ^. transactions))) <=>
listTxBox "Transactions" (st ^. network) (st ^. transactions))) <=>
[ capCommand "W" "allets"
@ -230,13 +255,14 @@ drawUI s = [splashDialog s, helpDialog s, displayDialog s, inputDialog s, ui s]
, capCommand "Tab " "->"
listTxBox :: String -> L.List Name (Entity UserTx) -> Widget Name
listTxBox titleLabel tx =
listTxBox ::
String -> ZcashNet -> L.List Name (Entity UserTx) -> Widget Name
listTxBox titleLabel znet tx =
C.vCenter $
[ C.hCenter
(B.borderWithLabel (str titleLabel) $
hLimit 40 $ vLimit 15 $ L.renderList listDrawTx True tx)
hLimit 50 $ vLimit 15 $ L.renderList (listDrawTx znet) True tx)
, str " "
, C.hCenter
@ -303,6 +329,12 @@ drawUI s = [splashDialog s, helpDialog s, displayDialog s, inputDialog s, ui s]
, capCommand "N" "ew"
, xCommand
SendTx ->
(D.dialog (Just (str "Send Transaction")) Nothing 50)
(renderForm (st ^. txForm) <=>
(hBox [capCommand "" "Send", capCommand "<esc> " "Cancel"]))
Blank -> emptyWidget
splashDialog :: State -> Widget Name
splashDialog st =
@ -421,6 +453,11 @@ drawUI s = [splashDialog s, helpDialog s, displayDialog s, inputDialog s, ui s]
(Just $ show (st ^. barValue * 100))
(_barValue st))))
SendDisplay ->
withBorderStyle unicodeBold $
(D.dialog (Just $ txt "Sending Transaction") Nothing 50)
(padAll 1 (str $ st ^. msg))
BlankDisplay -> emptyWidget
mkInputForm :: DialogInput -> Form DialogInput e Name
@ -431,6 +468,33 @@ mkInputForm =
label s w =
padBottom (Pad 1) $ vLimit 1 (hLimit 15 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w
mkSendForm :: Integer -> SendInput -> Form SendInput e Name
mkSendForm bal =
[ label "To: " @@= editTextField sendTo RecField (Just 1)
, label "Amount: " @@=
editShowableFieldWithValidate sendAmt AmtField (isAmountValid bal)
, label "Memo: " @@= editTextField sendMemo MemoField (Just 1)
isAmountValid :: Integer -> Float -> Bool
isAmountValid b i = (fromIntegral b * 100000000.0) >= i
label s w =
padBottom (Pad 1) $ vLimit 1 (hLimit 15 $ str s <+> fill ' ') <+> w
isRecipientValid :: T.Text -> Bool
isRecipientValid a =
case isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a1 -> True
Nothing ->
isValidShieldedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) ||
(case decodeTransparentAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a3 -> True
Nothing ->
case decodeExchangeAddress a of
Just _a4 -> True
Nothing -> False)
listDrawElement :: (Show a) => Bool -> a -> Widget Name
listDrawElement sel a =
let selStr s =
@ -466,18 +530,22 @@ listDrawAddress sel w =
walletAddressName (entityVal w) <>
": " <> showAddress (walletAddressUAddress (entityVal w))
listDrawTx :: Bool -> Entity UserTx -> Widget Name
listDrawTx sel tx =
listDrawTx :: ZcashNet -> Bool -> Entity UserTx -> Widget Name
listDrawTx znet sel tx =
selStr $
(show $ posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromIntegral (userTxTime $ entityVal tx))) <>
" " <> fmtAmt
" " <> T.pack fmtAmt
amt = fromIntegral (userTxAmount $ entityVal tx) / 100000000
amt = fromIntegral $ userTxAmount $ entityVal tx
dispAmount =
if znet == MainNet
then displayZec amt
else displayTaz amt
fmtAmt =
if amt > 0
then "" <> T.pack (show amt) <> " "
else " " <> T.pack (show amt) <> ""
then "" <> dispAmount <> " "
else " " <> dispAmount <> ""
selStr s =
if sel
then withAttr customAttr (txt $ "> " <> s)
@ -561,14 +629,22 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
pool <- liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
case t of
TickMsg m -> do
BT.modify $ set msg m
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
case s ^. displayBox of
AddrDisplay -> return ()
MsgDisplay -> return ()
PhraseDisplay -> return ()
TxDisplay -> return ()
SyncDisplay -> return ()
SendDisplay -> do
BT.modify $ set msg m
BlankDisplay -> return ()
TickVal v -> do
case s ^. displayBox of
AddrDisplay -> return ()
MsgDisplay -> return ()
PhraseDisplay -> return ()
TxDisplay -> return ()
SendDisplay -> return ()
SyncDisplay -> do
if s ^. barValue == 1.0
then do
@ -600,6 +676,7 @@ appEvent (BT.AppEvent t) = do
WName -> return ()
WSelect -> return ()
ASelect -> return ()
SendTx -> return ()
Blank -> do
if s ^. timer == 90
then do
@ -643,6 +720,11 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
setClipboard $
T.unpack $
getUA $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal a
BT.modify $
set msg $
"Copied Unified Address <" ++
T.unpack (walletAddressName (entityVal a)) ++ ">!"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
Nothing -> return ()
V.EvKey (V.KChar 's') [] -> do
case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. addresses of
@ -653,6 +735,11 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
getSaplingFromUA $
E.encodeUtf8 $
getUA $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal a
BT.modify $
set msg $
"Copied Sapling Address <" ++
T.unpack (walletAddressName (entityVal a)) ++ ">!"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
Nothing -> return ()
V.EvKey (V.KChar 't') [] -> do
case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. addresses of
@ -667,11 +754,17 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
(isValidUnifiedAddress .
E.encodeUtf8 . getUA . walletAddressUAddress)
(entityVal a)
BT.modify $
set msg $
"Copied Transparent Address <" ++
T.unpack (walletAddressName (entityVal a)) ++ ">!"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
Nothing -> return ()
_ev -> return ()
MsgDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
PhraseDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
TxDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
SendDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
SyncDisplay -> BT.modify $ set displayBox BlankDisplay
BlankDisplay -> do
case s ^. dialogBox of
@ -756,6 +849,71 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
s ^. inputForm
BT.modify $ set dialogBox AName
ev -> BT.zoom accounts $ L.handleListEvent ev
SendTx -> do
case e of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] -> BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
if allFieldsValid (s ^. txForm)
then do
pool <-
liftIO $ runNoLoggingT $ initPool $ s ^. dbPath
selWal <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. wallets of
Nothing -> do
let fWall =
L.listSelectedElement $
L.listMoveToBeginning $ s ^. wallets
case fWall of
Nothing ->
throw $
userError "Failed to select wallet"
Just (_j, w1) -> return w1
Just (_k, w) -> return w
selAcc <-
do case L.listSelectedElement $ s ^. accounts of
Nothing -> do
let fAcc =
L.listSelectedElement $
L.listMoveToBeginning $
s ^. accounts
case fAcc of
Nothing ->
throw $
userError "Failed to select wallet"
Just (_j, w1) -> return w1
Just (_k, w) -> return w
fs1 <- BT.zoom txForm $ BT.gets formState
bl <-
liftIO $ getLastSyncBlock pool $ entityKey selWal
_ <-
liftIO $
forkIO $
(s ^. eventDispatch)
(s ^. zebraHost)
(s ^. zebraPort)
(s ^. network)
(entityKey selAcc)
(fs1 ^. sendAmt)
(fs1 ^. sendTo)
(fs1 ^. sendMemo)
BT.modify $ set msg "Preparing transaction..."
BT.modify $ set displayBox SendDisplay
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
else do
BT.modify $ set msg "Invalid inputs"
BT.modify $ set displayBox MsgDisplay
BT.modify $ set dialogBox Blank
ev -> do
BT.zoom txForm $ do
handleFormEvent (BT.VtyEvent ev)
fs <- BT.gets formState
BT.modify $
(isRecipientValid (fs ^. sendTo))
Blank -> do
case e of
V.EvKey (V.KChar '\t') [] -> focusRing %= F.focusNext
@ -774,6 +932,11 @@ appEvent (BT.VtyEvent e) = do
BT.modify $ set displayBox TxDisplay
V.EvKey (V.KChar 'a') [] ->
BT.modify $ set dialogBox ASelect
V.EvKey (V.KChar 's') [] -> do
BT.modify $
set txForm $
mkSendForm (s ^. balance) (SendInput "" 0.0 "")
BT.modify $ set dialogBox SendTx
ev ->
case r of
Just AList ->
@ -798,6 +961,9 @@ theMap =
, (titleAttr, V.withStyle (fg V.brightGreen) V.bold)
, (blinkAttr, style V.blink)
, (focusedFormInputAttr, V.white `on`
, (invalidFormInputAttr, `on`
, (E.editAttr, V.white `on`
, (E.editFocusedAttr, `on` V.white)
, (baseAttr, bg V.brightBlack)
, (barDoneAttr, V.white `on`
, (barToDoAttr, V.white `on`
@ -885,6 +1051,7 @@ runZenithCLI config = do
(mkSendForm 0 $ SendInput "" 0.0 "")
Left e -> do
print $
"No Zebra node available on port " <>
@ -1063,3 +1230,51 @@ addNewAddress n scope s = do
T.unpack n ++
"(" ++
T.unpack (showAddress $ walletAddressUAddress $ entityVal x) ++ ")"
sendTransaction ::
-> BC.BChan Tick
-> T.Text
-> Int
-> ZcashNet
-> ZcashAccountId
-> Int
-> Float
-> T.Text
-> T.Text
-> IO ()
sendTransaction pool chan zHost zPort znet accId bl amt ua memo = do
BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg "Preparing transaction..."
outUA <- parseAddress ua
res <-
runFileLoggingT "zenith.log" $
prepareTx pool zHost zPort znet accId bl amt outUA memo
BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg "Transaction ready, sending to Zebra..."
case res of
Left e -> BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg $ show e
Right rawTx -> do
resp <-
[Data.Aeson.String $ toText rawTx]
case resp of
Left e1 -> BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg $ "Zebra error: " ++ show e1
Right txId -> BC.writeBChan chan $ TickMsg $ "Tx ID: " ++ txId
parseAddress :: T.Text -> IO UnifiedAddress
parseAddress a =
case isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just a1 -> return a1
Nothing ->
case decodeSaplingAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just a2 ->
return $
UnifiedAddress znet Nothing (Just $ sa_receiver a2) Nothing
Nothing ->
case decodeTransparentAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just a3 ->
return $
UnifiedAddress znet Nothing Nothing (Just $ ta_receiver a3)
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Incorrect address"

View file

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import Control.Monad.Logger
( LoggingT
, MonadLoggerIO
, NoLoggingT
, logDebugN
, logErrorN
, logInfoN
, logWarnN
, runFileLoggingT
@ -18,6 +20,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Logger
import Crypto.Secp256k1 (SecKey(..))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Binary.Get hiding (getBytes)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
@ -442,17 +445,17 @@ calculateTxFee (t, s, o) i =
(5000 * (max (length t) tout + max (length s) sout + length o + oout))
tout =
if i == 1
if i == 1 || i == 2
then 1
else 0
sout =
if i == 2
if i == 3
then 1
else 0
oout =
if i == 3
then 2
else 1
if i == 4
then 1
else 0
-- | Prepare a transaction for sending
prepareTx ::
@ -465,9 +468,9 @@ prepareTx ::
-> Float
-> UnifiedAddress
-> T.Text
-> IO (Either TxError HexString)
-> LoggingT IO (Either TxError HexString)
prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
accRead <- getAccountById pool za
accRead <- liftIO $ getAccountById pool za
let recipient =
case o_rec ua of
Nothing ->
@ -481,63 +484,97 @@ prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
P2SH -> (2, toBytes $ tr_bytes r3)
Just r2 -> (3, getBytes r2)
Just r1 -> (4, getBytes r1)
print recipient
trees <- getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort bh
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show recipient
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "Target block: " ++ show bh
trees <- liftIO $ getCommitmentTrees zebraHost zebraPort bh
let sT = SaplingCommitmentTree $ ztiSapling trees
let oT = OrchardCommitmentTree $ ztiOrchard trees
case accRead of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Can't find Account"
Nothing -> do
logErrorN "Can't find Account"
return $ Left ZHError
Just acc -> do
print acc
spParams <- BS.readFile "sapling-spend.params"
outParams <- BS.readFile "sapling-output.params"
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show acc
spParams <- liftIO $ BS.readFile "sapling-spend.params"
outParams <- liftIO $ BS.readFile "sapling-output.params"
if show (md5 $ LBS.fromStrict spParams) /=
then throwIO $ userError "Can't validate sapling parameters"
else print "Valid Sapling spend params"
then logErrorN "Can't validate sapling parameters"
else logInfoN "Valid Sapling spend params"
if show (md5 $ LBS.fromStrict outParams) /=
then throwIO $ userError "Can't validate sapling parameters"
else print "Valid Sapling output params"
print $ BS.length spParams
print $ BS.length outParams
print "Read Sapling params"
then logErrorN "Can't validate sapling parameters"
else logInfoN "Valid Sapling output params"
--print $ BS.length spParams
--print $ BS.length outParams
logDebugN "Read Sapling params"
let zats = fromIntegral $ floorFloatInteger $ amt * (10 ^ 8)
firstPass <- selectUnspentNotes pool za zats
let fee = calculateTxFee firstPass 3
print "calculated fee"
print fee
(tList, sList, oList) <- selectUnspentNotes pool za (zats + fee)
print "selected notes"
print tList
print sList
print oList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show zats
{-firstPass <- liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za zats-}
--let fee = calculateTxFee firstPass $ fst recipient
--logDebugN $ T.pack $ "calculated fee " ++ show fee
(tList, sList, oList) <- liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (zats + 5000)
logDebugN "selected notes"
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show sList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show oList
let noteTotal = getTotalAmount (tList, sList, oList)
print noteTotal
tSpends <-
liftIO $
prepTSpends (getTranSK $ zcashAccountTPrivateKey $ entityVal acc) tList
print tSpends
--print tSpends
sSpends <-
liftIO $
prepSSpends (getSapSK $ zcashAccountSapSpendKey $ entityVal acc) sList
print sSpends
--print sSpends
oSpends <-
liftIO $
prepOSpends (getOrchSK $ zcashAccountOrchSpendKey $ entityVal acc) oList
print oSpends
outgoing <- makeOutgoing acc recipient zats (noteTotal - fee - zats)
print outgoing
let tx =
--print oSpends
dummy <-
liftIO $ makeOutgoing acc recipient zats (noteTotal - 5000 - zats)
logDebugN "Calculating fee"
let feeResponse =
(Just sT)
(Just oT)
(SaplingSpendParams spParams)
(SaplingOutputParams outParams)
(bh + 3)
return tx
case feeResponse of
Left e1 -> return $ Left Fee
Right fee -> do
let feeAmt =
fromIntegral (runGet getInt64le $ LBS.fromStrict $ toBytes fee)
(tList1, sList1, oList1) <-
liftIO $ selectUnspentNotes pool za (zats + feeAmt)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ "selected notes with fee" ++ show feeAmt
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show tList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show sList
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show oList
outgoing <-
liftIO $ makeOutgoing acc recipient zats (noteTotal - feeAmt - zats)
logDebugN $ T.pack $ show outgoing
let tx =
(Just sT)
(Just oT)
(SaplingSpendParams spParams)
(SaplingOutputParams outParams)
(bh + 3)
return tx
makeOutgoing ::
Entity ZcashAccount
@ -587,7 +624,6 @@ prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
prepTSpends sk notes = do
forM notes $ \n -> do
tAddRead <- getAddressById pool $ walletTrNoteAddress $ entityVal n
print n
case tAddRead of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Couldn't read t-address"
Just tAdd -> do
@ -614,7 +650,6 @@ prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
SaplingSpendingKey -> [Entity WalletSapNote] -> IO [SaplingTxSpend]
prepSSpends sk notes = do
forM notes $ \n -> do
print n
return $
(getBytes sk)
@ -630,7 +665,6 @@ prepareTx pool zebraHost zebraPort zn za bh amt ua memo = do
OrchardSpendingKey -> [Entity WalletOrchNote] -> IO [OrchardTxSpend]
prepOSpends sk notes = do
forM notes $ \n -> do
print n
return $
(getBytes sk)

View file

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ share
deriving Show Eq
hex HexStringDB
address WalletAddressId
address WalletAddressId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
time Int
amount Int
memo T.Text
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ share
deriving Show Eq
tx WalletTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
accId ZcashAccountId
address WalletAddressId
accId ZcashAccountId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
address WalletAddressId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
value Word64
spent Bool
script BS.ByteString
@ -138,13 +138,14 @@ share
deriving Show Eq
tx WalletTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
note WalletTrNoteId
accId ZcashAccountId
note WalletTrNoteId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
accId ZcashAccountId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
value Word64
UniqueTrSpend tx accId
deriving Show Eq
tx WalletTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
accId ZcashAccountId
accId ZcashAccountId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
value Word64
recipient BS.ByteString
memo T.Text
@ -159,13 +160,14 @@ share
deriving Show Eq
tx WalletTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
note WalletSapNoteId
accId ZcashAccountId
note WalletSapNoteId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
accId ZcashAccountId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
value Word64
UniqueSapSepnd tx accId
deriving Show Eq
tx WalletTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
accId ZcashAccountId
accId ZcashAccountId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
value Word64
recipient BS.ByteString
memo T.Text
@ -181,9 +183,10 @@ share
deriving Show Eq
tx WalletTransactionId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
note WalletOrchNoteId
accId ZcashAccountId
note WalletOrchNoteId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
accId ZcashAccountId OnDeleteCascade OnUpdateCascade
value Word64
UniqueOrchSpend tx accId
deriving Show Eq
block Int
@ -579,6 +582,20 @@ getMinBirthdayHeight pool = do
Nothing -> return 0
Just x -> return $ zcashWalletBirthdayHeight $ entityVal x
getLastSyncBlock :: ConnectionPool -> ZcashWalletId -> IO Int
getLastSyncBlock pool zw = do
b <-
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
selectOne $ do
w <- from $ table @ZcashWallet
where_ (w ^. ZcashWalletId ==. val zw)
pure w
case b of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Failed to retrieve wallet"
Just x -> return $ zcashWalletLastSync $ entityVal x
-- | Save a @WalletTransaction@
saveWalletTransaction ::
@ -1083,12 +1100,15 @@ findTransparentSpends pool za = do
set w [WalletTrNoteSpent =. val True]
where_ $ w ^. WalletTrNoteId ==. val (entityKey n)
t' <- upsertWalTx (entityVal $ fst $ head s) za
insert_ $
(entityKey t')
(entityKey n)
(walletTrNoteValue $ entityVal n)
_ <-
(entityKey t')
(entityKey n)
(walletTrNoteValue $ entityVal n))
return ()
getWalletSapNotes ::
ConnectionPool -> ZcashAccountId -> IO [Entity WalletSapNote]
@ -1130,12 +1150,15 @@ findSapSpends pool za (n:notes) = do
set w [WalletSapNoteSpent =. val True]
where_ $ w ^. WalletSapNoteId ==. val (entityKey n)
t' <- upsertWalTx (entityVal $ fst $ head s) za
insert_ $
(entityKey t')
(entityKey n)
(walletSapNoteValue $ entityVal n)
_ <-
(entityKey t')
(entityKey n)
(walletSapNoteValue $ entityVal n))
return ()
findSapSpends pool za notes
getWalletOrchNotes ::
@ -1275,12 +1298,15 @@ findOrchSpends pool za (n:notes) = do
set w [WalletOrchNoteSpent =. val True]
where_ $ w ^. WalletOrchNoteId ==. val (entityKey n)
t' <- upsertWalTx (entityVal $ fst $ head s) za
insert_ $
(entityKey t')
(entityKey n)
(walletOrchNoteValue $ entityVal n)
_ <-
(entityKey t')
(entityKey n)
(walletOrchNoteValue $ entityVal n))
return ()
findOrchSpends pool za notes
upsertWalTx ::
@ -1316,6 +1342,9 @@ clearWalletTransactions pool = do
runNoLoggingT $
PS.retryOnBusy $
flip PS.runSqlPool pool $ do
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @UserTx
return ()
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @WalletOrchSpend
return ()
@ -1337,9 +1366,6 @@ clearWalletTransactions pool = do
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @WalletTransaction
return ()
delete $ do
_ <- from $ table @UserTx
return ()
getWalletUnspentTrNotes ::
ConnectionPool -> ZcashAccountId -> IO [Entity WalletTrNote]

View file

@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ jsonNumber i = Number $ scientific (fromIntegral i) 0
-- | Helper function to display small amounts of ZEC
displayZec :: Integer -> String
displayZec s
| s < 100 = show s ++ " zats "
| s < 100000 = show (fromIntegral s / 100) ++ " μZEC "
| s < 100000000 = show (fromIntegral s / 100000) ++ " mZEC "
| abs s < 100 = show s ++ " zats "
| abs s < 100000 = show (fromIntegral s / 100) ++ " μZEC "
| abs s < 100000000 = show (fromIntegral s / 100000) ++ " mZEC "
| otherwise = show (fromIntegral s / 100000000) ++ " ZEC "
-- | Helper function to display small amounts of ZEC
displayTaz :: Integer -> String
displayTaz s
| s < 100 = show s ++ " tazs "
| s < 100000 = show (fromIntegral s / 100) ++ " μTAZ "
| s < 100000000 = show (fromIntegral s / 100000) ++ " mTAZ "
| abs s < 100 = show s ++ " tazs "
| abs s < 100000 = show (fromIntegral s / 100) ++ " μTAZ "
| abs s < 100000000 = show (fromIntegral s / 100000) ++ " mTAZ "
| otherwise = show (fromIntegral s / 100000000) ++ " TAZ "
-- | Helper function to display abbreviated Unified Address

View file

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Logger (runNoLoggingT)
import Data.HexString
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import System.Directory
@ -10,15 +12,22 @@ import Test.Hspec
import ZcashHaskell.Orchard (isValidUnifiedAddress)
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling
( decodeSaplingOutputEsk
, encodeSaplingAddress
, getSaplingNotePosition
, getSaplingWitness
, isValidShieldedAddress
, updateSaplingCommitmentTree
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
( decodeExchangeAddress
, decodeTransparentAddress
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( DecodedNote(..)
, OrchardSpendingKey(..)
, Phrase(..)
, SaplingCommitmentTree(..)
, SaplingReceiver(..)
, SaplingSpendingKey(..)
, Scope(..)
, ShieldedOutput(..)
@ -72,8 +81,9 @@ main = do
"None" `shouldBe` maybe "None" zcashWalletName s
describe "Wallet function tests:" $ do
it "Save Wallet:" $ do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "test.db"
zw <-
saveWallet "test.db" $
saveWallet pool $
(ZcashNetDB MainNet)
@ -84,19 +94,19 @@ main = do
zw `shouldNotBe` Nothing
it "Save Account:" $ do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "test.db"
s <-
runSqlite "test.db" $ do
selectList [ZcashWalletName ==. "Testing"] []
za <-
saveAccount "test.db" =<<
createZcashAccount "TestAccount" 0 (head s)
za <- saveAccount pool =<< createZcashAccount "TestAccount" 0 (head s)
za `shouldNotBe` Nothing
it "Save address:" $ do
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "test.db"
acList <-
runSqlite "test.db" $
selectList [ZcashAccountName ==. "TestAccount"] []
zAdd <-
saveAddress "test.db" =<<
saveAddress pool =<<
createWalletAddress "Personal123" 0 MainNet External (head acList)
addList <-
runSqlite "test.db" $
@ -162,29 +172,82 @@ main = do
describe "Note selection for Tx" $ do
it "Value less than balance" $ do
res <- selectUnspentNotes "zenith.db" (toSqlKey 1) 14000000
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "zenith.db"
res <- selectUnspentNotes pool (toSqlKey 1) 14000000
res `shouldNotBe` ([], [], [])
it "Value greater than balance" $ do
let res = selectUnspentNotes "zenith.db" (toSqlKey 1) 84000000
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "zenith.db"
let res = selectUnspentNotes pool (toSqlKey 1) 84000000
res `shouldThrow` anyIOException
it "Fee calculation" $ do
res <- selectUnspentNotes "zenith.db" (toSqlKey 1) 14000000
pool <- runNoLoggingT $ initPool "zenith.db"
res <- selectUnspentNotes pool (toSqlKey 1) 14000000
calculateTxFee res 3 `shouldBe` 20000
describe "Creating Tx" $ do
xit "To Orchard" $ do
let uaRead =
case uaRead of
Nothing -> assertFailure "wrong address"
Just ua -> do
tx <-
(toSqlKey 1)
"sent with Zenith, test"
tx `shouldBe` Right (hexString "deadbeef")
describe "Testing validation" $ do
it "Unified" $ do
let a =
True `shouldBe`
(case isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a1 -> True
Nothing ->
isValidShieldedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) ||
(case decodeTransparentAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a3 -> True
Nothing ->
case decodeExchangeAddress a of
Just _a4 -> True
Nothing -> False))
it "Sapling" $ do
let a =
True `shouldBe`
(case isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a1 -> True
Nothing ->
isValidShieldedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) ||
(case decodeTransparentAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a3 -> True
Nothing ->
case decodeExchangeAddress a of
Just _a4 -> True
Nothing -> False))
it "Transparent" $ do
let a = "tmGfVZHuGVJ5vcLAgBdkUU4w7fLTRE5nXm3"
True `shouldBe`
(case isValidUnifiedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a1 -> True
Nothing ->
isValidShieldedAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) ||
(case decodeTransparentAddress (E.encodeUtf8 a) of
Just _a3 -> True
Nothing ->
case decodeExchangeAddress a of
Just _a4 -> True
Nothing -> False))
it "Check Sapling Address" $ do
let a =
encodeSaplingAddress TestNet $
a `shouldBe`
{-describe "Creating Tx" $ do-}
{-xit "To Orchard" $ do-}
{-let uaRead =-}
{-case uaRead of-}
{-Nothing -> assertFailure "wrong address"-}
{-Just ua -> do-}
{-tx <--}
{-(toSqlKey 1)-}
{-"sent with Zenith, test"-}
{-tx `shouldBe` Right (hexString "deadbeef")-}

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 22c0fe374976d9f2323a8b7cd42f941423d45111
Subproject commit 9dddb42bb3ab78ed0c4d44efb00960ac112c2ce6

View file

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ library
, bytestring
, esqueleto
, resource-pool
, binary
, exceptions
, monad-logger
, vty-crossplatform
@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ test-suite zenith-tests
base >=4.12 && <5
, bytestring
, configurator
, monad-logger
, data-default
, sort
, text