
134 lines
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2024-01-22 18:58:37 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
2024-03-01 20:57:13 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
2024-01-22 18:58:37 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
2024-01-23 15:55:24 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
2024-01-22 18:58:37 +00:00
2024-01-17 18:15:21 +00:00
module Zenith.DB where
2024-01-22 18:58:37 +00:00
2024-02-19 20:05:32 +00:00
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
2024-01-22 18:58:37 +00:00
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import Database.Persist.TH
2024-03-05 18:34:30 +00:00
import ZcashHaskell.Types (Phrase, UnifiedAddress(..), ZcashNet)
derivePersistField "ZcashNet"
2024-01-22 18:58:37 +00:00
2024-03-05 18:34:30 +00:00
derivePersistField "UnifiedAddress"
2024-01-22 18:58:37 +00:00
[mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"]
name T.Text
network ZcashNet
2024-03-01 20:57:13 +00:00
seedPhrase Phrase
birthdayHeight Int
UniqueWallet name network
2024-03-01 20:57:13 +00:00
deriving Show Eq
index Int
2024-03-01 20:57:13 +00:00
walletId ZcashWalletId
name T.Text
orchSpendKey BS.ByteString
sapSpendKey BS.ByteString
tPrivateKey BS.ByteString
2024-03-01 20:57:13 +00:00
UniqueAccount index walletId
2024-03-05 18:34:30 +00:00
UniqueAccName walletId name
2024-03-01 20:57:13 +00:00
deriving Show Eq
index Int
2024-03-05 18:34:30 +00:00
accId ZcashAccountId
name T.Text
uAddress UnifiedAddress
UniqueAddress index accId
UniqueAddName accId name
2024-03-01 20:57:13 +00:00
deriving Show Eq
2024-01-22 18:58:37 +00:00
2024-02-19 20:05:32 +00:00
2024-03-05 18:34:30 +00:00
-- * Database functions
-- | Initializes the database
initDb ::
T.Text -- ^ The database path to check
-> IO ()
initDb dbName = do
runSqlite dbName $ do runMigration migrateAll
-- | Get existing wallets from database
getWallets :: T.Text -> ZcashNet -> IO [Entity ZcashWallet]
2024-03-05 18:34:30 +00:00
getWallets dbFp n = runSqlite dbFp $ selectList [ZcashWalletNetwork ==. n] []
-- | Save a new wallet to the database
saveWallet ::
T.Text -- ^ The database path to use
-> ZcashWallet -- ^ The wallet to add to the database
-> IO (Maybe (Entity ZcashWallet))
saveWallet dbFp w = runSqlite dbFp $ insertUniqueEntity w
-- | Returns a list of accounts associated with the given wallet
getAccounts ::
T.Text -- ^ The database path
-> ZcashWalletId -- ^ The wallet ID to check
-> IO [Entity ZcashAccount]
getAccounts dbFp w = runSqlite dbFp $ selectList [ZcashAccountWalletId ==. w] []
-- | Returns the largest account index for the given wallet
getMaxAccount ::
T.Text -- ^ The database path
-> ZcashWalletId -- ^ The wallet ID to check
-> IO Int
getMaxAccount dbFp w = do
a <-
runSqlite dbFp $
selectFirst [ZcashAccountWalletId ==. w] [Desc ZcashAccountIndex]
case a of
Nothing -> return $ -1
Just x -> return $ zcashAccountIndex $ entityVal x
-- | Save a new account to the database
saveAccount ::
T.Text -- ^ The database path
-> ZcashAccount -- ^ The account to add to the database
-> IO (Maybe (Entity ZcashAccount))
saveAccount dbFp a = runSqlite dbFp $ insertUniqueEntity a
-- | Returns a list of addresses associated with the given account
getAddresses ::
T.Text -- ^ The database path
-> ZcashAccountId -- ^ The account ID to check
-> IO [Entity WalletAddress]
getAddresses dbFp a = runSqlite dbFp $ selectList [WalletAddressAccId ==. a] []
-- | Returns the largest address index for the given account
getMaxAddress ::
T.Text -- ^ The database path
-> ZcashAccountId -- ^ The wallet ID to check
-> IO Int
getMaxAddress dbFp w = do
a <-
runSqlite dbFp $
selectFirst [WalletAddressAccId ==. w] [Desc WalletAddressIndex]
case a of
Nothing -> return $ -1
Just x -> return $ walletAddressIndex $ entityVal x
-- | Save a new address to the database
saveAddress ::
T.Text -- ^ the database path
-> WalletAddress -- ^ The wallet to add to the database
-> IO (Maybe (Entity WalletAddress))
saveAddress dbFp w = runSqlite dbFp $ insertUniqueEntity w