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Tony Hannan 2010-06-14 23:14:40 -04:00
parent 6f91a29f89
commit 3e4065cd97
16 changed files with 2727 additions and 1335 deletions

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Database/MongoDB/Admin.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
-- | Database administrative functions
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
module Database.MongoDB.Admin (
-- * Admin
-- ** Collection
CollectionOption(..), createCollection, renameCollection, dropCollection, validateCollection,
-- ** Index
Index(..), IndexName, index, ensureIndex, createIndex, dropIndex, getIndexes, dropIndexes,
-- ** User
allUsers, addUser, removeUser,
-- ** Database
cloneDatabase, copyDatabase, dropDatabase, repairDatabase,
-- ** Server
serverBuildInfo, serverVersion,
-- * Diagnotics
-- ** Collection
collectionStats, dataSize, storageSize, totalIndexSize, totalSize,
-- ** Profiling
ProfilingLevel, getProfilingLevel, MilliSec, setProfilingLevel,
-- ** Database
dbStats, OpNum, currentOp, killOp,
-- ** Server
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol (pwHash, pwKey)
import Database.MongoDB.Connection (Server, showHostPort, Conn)
import Database.MongoDB.Query
import Data.Bson
import Data.UString (pack, unpack, append, intercalate)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.HashTable as T
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Database.MongoDB.Util ((<.>), true1)
-- * Admin
-- ** Collection
data CollectionOption = Capped | MaxByteSize Int | MaxItems Int deriving (Show, Eq)
coptElem :: CollectionOption -> Field
coptElem Capped = "capped" =: True
coptElem (MaxByteSize n) = "size" =: n
coptElem (MaxItems n) = "max" =: n
createCollection :: (Conn m) => [CollectionOption] -> Collection -> Db m Document
-- ^ Create collection with given options. You only need to call this to set options, otherwise a collection is created automatically on first use with no options.
createCollection opts col = runCommand $ ["create" =: col] ++ map coptElem opts
renameCollection :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Collection -> Db m Document
-- ^ Rename first collection to second collection
renameCollection from to = ReaderT $ \db -> useDb "admin" $
runCommand ["renameCollection" =: db <.> from, "to" =: db <.> to, "dropTarget" =: True]
dropCollection :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Db m Bool
-- ^ Delete the given collection! Return True if collection existed (and was deleted); return False if collection did not exist (and no action).
dropCollection coll = do
r <- runCommand ["drop" =: coll]
if true1 "ok" r then return True else do
if at "errmsg" r == ("ns not found" :: UString) then return False else
fail $ "dropCollection failed: " ++ show r
validateCollection :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Db m Document
-- ^ This operation takes a while
validateCollection coll = runCommand ["validate" =: coll]
-- ** Index
type IndexName = UString
data Index = Index {
iColl :: Collection,
iKey :: Order,
iName :: IndexName,
iUnique :: Bool,
iDropDups :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
idxDocument :: Index -> Database -> Document
idxDocument Index{..} db = [
"ns" =: db <.> iColl,
"key" =: iKey,
"name" =: iName,
"unique" =: iUnique,
"dropDups" =: iDropDups ]
index :: Collection -> Order -> Index
-- ^ Spec of index of ordered keys on collection. Name is generated from keys. Unique and dropDups are False.
index coll keys = Index coll keys (genName keys) False False
genName :: Order -> IndexName
genName keys = intercalate "_" (map f keys) where
f (k := v) = k `append` "_" `append` pack (show v)
ensureIndex :: (Conn m) => Index -> Db m ()
-- ^ Create index if we did not already create one. May be called repeatedly with practically no performance hit, because we remember if we already called this for the same index (although this memory gets wiped out every 15 minutes, in case another client drops the index and we want to create it again).
ensureIndex idx = let k = (iColl idx, iName idx) in do
icache <- fetchIndexCache
set <- liftIO (readIORef icache)
unless (S.member k set) . runDbOp $ do
createIndex idx
me <- getLastError
case me of
Nothing -> liftIO $ writeIORef icache (S.insert k set)
Just (c, e) -> fail $ "createIndex failed: (" ++ show c ++ ") " ++ e
createIndex :: (Conn m) => Index -> Db m ()
-- ^ Create index on the server. This call goes to the server every time.
createIndex idx = insert_ "system.indexes" . idxDocument idx =<< thisDatabase
dropIndex :: (Conn m) => Collection -> IndexName -> Db m Document
-- ^ Remove the index
dropIndex coll idxName = do
runCommand ["deleteIndexes" =: coll, "index" =: idxName]
getIndexes :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Db m [Document]
-- ^ Get all indexes on this collection
getIndexes coll = do
db <- thisDatabase
rest =<< find (query ["ns" =: db <.> coll] "system.indexes")
dropIndexes :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Db m Document
-- ^ Drop all indexes on this collection
dropIndexes coll = do
runCommand ["deleteIndexes" =: coll, "index" =: ("*" :: UString)]
-- *** Index cache
type DbIndexCache = T.HashTable Database IndexCache
-- ^ Cache the indexes we create so repeatedly calling ensureIndex only hits database the first time. Clear cache every once in a while so if someone else deletes index we will recreate it on ensureIndex.
type IndexCache = IORef (S.Set (Collection, IndexName))
dbIndexCache :: DbIndexCache
-- ^ initialize cache and fork thread that clears it every 15 minutes
dbIndexCache = unsafePerformIO $ do
table <- (==) (T.hashString . unpack)
_ <- forkIO . forever $ threadDelay 900000000 >> clearDbIndexCache
return table
{-# NOINLINE dbIndexCache #-}
clearDbIndexCache :: IO ()
clearDbIndexCache = do
keys <- map fst <$> T.toList dbIndexCache
mapM_ (T.delete dbIndexCache) keys
fetchIndexCache :: (Conn m) => Db m IndexCache
-- ^ Get index cache for current database
fetchIndexCache = ReaderT $ \db -> liftIO $ do
mc <- T.lookup dbIndexCache db
maybe (newIdxCache db) return mc
newIdxCache db = do
idx <- newIORef S.empty
T.insert dbIndexCache db idx
return idx
resetIndexCache :: (Conn m) => Db m ()
-- ^ reset index cache for current database
resetIndexCache = do
icache <- fetchIndexCache
liftIO (writeIORef icache S.empty)
-- ** User
allUsers :: (Conn m) => Db m [Document]
-- ^ Fetch all users of this database
allUsers = map (exclude ["_id"]) <$> (rest =<< find
(query [] "system.users") {sort = ["user" =: (1 :: Int)], project = ["user" =: (1 :: Int), "readOnly" =: (1 :: Int)]})
addUser :: (Conn m) => Bool -> Username -> Password -> Db m ()
-- ^ Add user with password with read-only access if bool is True or read-write access if bool is False
addUser readOnly user pass = do
mu <- findOne (query ["user" =: user] "system.users")
let u = merge ["readOnly" =: readOnly, "pwd" =: pwHash user pass] (maybe ["user" =: user] id mu)
save "system.users" u
removeUser :: (Conn m) => Username -> Db m ()
removeUser user = delete (Select ["user" =: user] "system.users")
-- ** Database
cloneDatabase :: (Conn m) => Database -> Server -> m Document
-- ^ Copy database from given server to the server I am connected to. Fails and returns @"ok" = 0@ if we don't have permission to read from given server (use copyDatabase in this case).
cloneDatabase db fromHost = useDb db $ runCommand ["clone" =: showHostPort fromHost]
copyDatabase :: (Conn m) => Database -> Server -> Maybe (Username, Password) -> Database -> m Document
-- ^ Copy database from given server to the server I am connected to. If username & password is supplied use them to read from given server.
copyDatabase fromDb fromHost mup toDb = do
let c = ["copydb" =: (1 :: Int), "fromhost" =: showHostPort fromHost, "fromdb" =: fromDb, "todb" =: toDb]
useDb "admin" $ case mup of
Nothing -> runCommand c
Just (u, p) -> do
n <- at "nonce" <$> runCommand ["copydbgetnonce" =: (1 :: Int), "fromhost" =: showHostPort fromHost]
runCommand $ c ++ ["username" =: u, "nonce" =: n, "key" =: pwKey n u p]
dropDatabase :: (Conn m) => Database -> m Document
-- ^ Delete the given database!
dropDatabase db = useDb db $ runCommand ["dropDatabase" =: (1 :: Int)]
repairDatabase :: (Conn m) => Database -> m Document
-- ^ Attempt to fix any corrupt records. This operation takes a while.
repairDatabase db = useDb db $ runCommand ["repairDatabase" =: (1 :: Int)]
-- ** Server
serverBuildInfo :: (Conn m) => m Document
serverBuildInfo = useDb "admin" $ runCommand ["buildinfo" =: (1 :: Int)]
serverVersion :: (Conn m) => m UString
serverVersion = at "version" <$> serverBuildInfo
-- * Diagnostics
-- ** Collection
collectionStats :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Db m Document
collectionStats coll = runCommand ["collstats" =: coll]
dataSize :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Db m Int
dataSize c = at "size" <$> collectionStats c
storageSize :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Db m Int
storageSize c = at "storageSize" <$> collectionStats c
totalIndexSize :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Db m Int
totalIndexSize c = at "totalIndexSize" <$> collectionStats c
totalSize :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Db m Int
totalSize coll = do
x <- storageSize coll
xs <- mapM isize =<< getIndexes coll
return (foldl (+) x xs)
isize idx = at "storageSize" <$> collectionStats (coll `append` ".$" `append` at "name" idx)
-- ** Profiling
data ProfilingLevel = Off | Slow | All deriving (Show, Enum, Eq)
getProfilingLevel :: (Conn m) => Db m ProfilingLevel
getProfilingLevel = toEnum . at "was" <$> runCommand ["profile" =: (-1 :: Int)]
type MilliSec = Int
setProfilingLevel :: (Conn m) => ProfilingLevel -> Maybe MilliSec -> Db m ()
setProfilingLevel p mSlowMs =
runCommand (["profile" =: fromEnum p] ++ ("slowms" =? mSlowMs)) >> return ()
-- ** Database
dbStats :: (Conn m) => Db m Document
dbStats = runCommand ["dbstats" =: (1 :: Int)]
currentOp :: (Conn m) => Db m (Maybe Document)
-- ^ See currently running operation on the database, if any
currentOp = findOne (query [] "$cmd.sys.inprog")
type OpNum = Int
killOp :: (Conn m) => OpNum -> Db m (Maybe Document)
killOp op = findOne (query ["op" =: op] "$cmd.sys.killop")
-- ** Server
serverStatus :: (Conn m) => m Document
serverStatus = useDb "admin" $ runCommand ["serverStatus" =: (1 :: Int)]
{- Authors: Tony Hannan <>
Copyright 2010 10gen Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -}

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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
{- | A replica set is a set of servers that mirror each other (a non-replicated server can act like a replica set of one). One server in a replica set is the master and the rest are slaves. When the master goes down, one of the slaves becomes master. The ReplicaSet object in this client maintains a list of servers that it currently knows are in the set. It refreshes this list every time it establishes a new connection with one of the servers in the set. Each server in the set knows who the other member in the set are, and who is master. The user asks the ReplicaSet object for a new master or slave connection. When a connection fails, the user must ask the ReplicaSet for a new connection (which most likely will connect to another server since the previous one failed). When you loose a connection you loose all session state that was stored with that connection on the server, which includes open cursors and temporary map-reduce output collections. Attempting to read from a lost cursor (on a new connection) will only returning the remaining documents in the last batch returned to this client. It will not fetch the remaining documents from the server. Likewise, attempting to read a lost map-reduce output will return an empty set of documents. Notice, in both cases, no error is raised, just empty results. -}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Database.MongoDB.Connection (
-- * Server
I.Server(..), PortID(..), server, showHostPort, readHostPort, readHostPortF,
-- * ReplicaSet
ReplicaSet, replicaSet, replicaServers,
MasterOrSlave(..), FailedToConnect, newConnection,
-- * Connection
I.Connection, I.connServer, I.showHandle,
connect, I.closeConnection, I.isClosed,
-- * Connected monad
I.Conn(..), I.Failure(..),
-- ** Task
I.Task, I.runTask,
-- ** Op
) where
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Connection as I
import Database.MongoDB.Query (useDb, runCommand1)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow ((+++), left)
import Control.Exception (assert)
import System.IO.Error as E (try)
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.IORef
import Network (HostName, PortID(..), connectTo)
import Data.Bson (Document, look, typed)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P (parse, many1, letter, digit, char, eof, spaces, try, (<|>))
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Database.MongoDB.Util (true1) -- PortID instances
-- * Server
defaultPort :: PortID
defaultPort = PortNumber 27017
server :: HostName -> Server
-- ^ Server on default MongoDB port
server host = Server host defaultPort
showHostPort :: Server -> String
-- ^ Display server as \"host:port\"
showHostPort (Server host port) = host ++ ":" ++ (case port of
Service s -> s
PortNumber p -> show p
UnixSocket s -> s)
readHostPortF :: (Monad m) => String -> m Server
-- ^ Read string \"host:port\" as 'Server host port' or \"host\" as 'server host' (default port). Fail if string does not match either syntax.
readHostPortF = either (fail . show) return . parse parser "readHostPort" where
hostname = many1 (letter <|> digit <|> char '-' <|> char '.')
parser = do
host <- hostname
P.try (spaces >> eof >> return (server host)) <|> do
_ <- char ':'
port :: Int <- read <$> many1 digit
spaces >> eof
return $ Server host (PortNumber $ fromIntegral port)
readHostPort :: String -> Server
-- ^ Read string \"host:port\" as 'Server host port' or \"host\" as 'server host' (default port). Error if string does not match either syntax.
readHostPort = runIdentity . readHostPortF
-- * Replica Set
newtype ReplicaSet = ReplicaSet (IORef [Server])
-- ^ Reference to a replica set of servers. Ok if really not a replica set and just a stand-alone server, in which case it acts like a replica set of one.
replicaSet :: [Server] -> IO ReplicaSet
-- ^ Create a reference to a replica set with servers as the initial seed list (a subset of the servers in the replica set)
replicaSet s = assert (not $ null s) (ReplicaSet <$> newIORef s)
replicaServers :: ReplicaSet -> IO [Server]
-- ^ Return current list of known servers in replica set. This list is updated on every 'newConnection'.
replicaServers (ReplicaSet ref) = readIORef ref
-- * Replica Info
data ReplicaInfo = ReplicaInfo Server Document deriving (Show, Eq)
-- ^ Configuration info of a server in a replica set. Contains all the servers in the replica set plus its role in that set (master, slave, or arbiter)
isMaster :: ReplicaInfo -> Bool
-- ^ Is the replica server described by this info a master/primary (not slave or arbiter)?
isMaster (ReplicaInfo _ i) = true1 "ismaster" i
isSlave :: ReplicaInfo -> Bool
-- ^ Is the replica server described by this info a slave/secondary (not master or arbiter)
isSlave = not . isMaster -- TODO: distinguish between slave and arbiter
allReplicas :: ReplicaInfo -> [Server]
-- ^ All replicas in set according to this replica configuration info.
-- If server is stand-alone then it won't have \"hosts\" in it configuration, in which case we return the server by itself.
allReplicas (ReplicaInfo s i) = maybe [s] (map readHostPort . typed) (look "hosts" i)
sortedReplicas :: ReplicaInfo -> IO [Server]
-- ^ All replicas in set sorted by distance from this client. TODO
sortedReplicas = return . allReplicas
getReplicaInfo' :: Connection -> IO (Either IOError ReplicaInfo)
-- ^ Get replica info of the connected server. Return Left IOError if connection fails
getReplicaInfo' conn = left err <$> runTask getReplicaInfo conn where
err (ConnectionFailure e) = e
err (ServerFailure s) = userError s
getReplicaInfo :: (Conn m) => m ReplicaInfo
-- ^ Get replica info of connect server
getReplicaInfo = do
c <- getConnection
ReplicaInfo (connServer c) <$> useDb "admin" (runCommand1 "ismaster")
-- * MasterOrSlave
data MasterOrSlave =
Master -- ^ connect to master only
| SlaveOk -- ^ connect to a slave, or master if no slave available
deriving (Show, Eq)
isMS :: MasterOrSlave -> ReplicaInfo -> Bool
-- ^ Does the server (as described by its info) match the master/slave type
isMS Master i = isMaster i
isMS SlaveOk i = isSlave i || isMaster i
-- * Connection
type FailedToConnect = [(Server, IOError)]
-- ^ All servers tried in replica set along with reason why each failed to connect
newConnection :: MasterOrSlave -> ReplicaSet -> IO (Either FailedToConnect Connection)
-- ^ Create a connection to a master or slave in the replica set. Don't forget to close connection when you are done using it even if Failure exception is raised when using it. newConnection returns Left if failed to connect to any server in replica set.
-- TODO: prefer slave over master when SlaveOk and both are available.
newConnection mos (ReplicaSet vServers) = do
servers <- readIORef vServers
e <- connectFirst mos servers
case e of
Right (conn, info) -> do
writeIORef vServers =<< sortedReplicas info
return (Right conn)
Left (fs, is) -> if null is
then return (Left fs)
else do
replicas <- sortedReplicas (head is)
writeIORef vServers replicas
(fst +++ fst) <$> connectFirst mos replicas
connectFirst :: MasterOrSlave -> [Server] -> IO (Either ([(Server, IOError)], [ReplicaInfo]) (Connection, ReplicaInfo))
-- ^ Connect to first server that succeeds and is master/slave, otherwise return list of failed connections plus info of connections that succeeded but were not master/slave.
connectFirst mos = connectFirst' ([], []) where
connectFirst' (fs, is) [] = return $ Left (fs, is)
connectFirst' (fs, is) (s : ss) = do
e <- runErrorT $ do
c <- ErrorT (connect s)
i <- ErrorT (getReplicaInfo' c)
return (c, i)
case e of
Left f -> connectFirst' ((s, f) : fs, is) ss
Right (c, i) -> if isMS mos i
then return $ Right (c, i)
else do
closeConnection c
connectFirst' ((s, userError $ "not a " ++ show mos) : fs, i : is) ss
connect :: Server -> IO (Either IOError Connection)
-- ^ Create a connection to the given server (as opposed to connecting to some server in a replica set via 'newConnection'). Return Left IOError if failed to connect.
connect s@(Server host port) = E.try (mkConnection s =<< connectTo host port)
{- Authors: Tony Hannan <>
Copyright 2010 10gen Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -}

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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
{-| Low-level connection to a server.
This module is not intended for direct use. Use the high-level interface at "Database.MongoDB.Connection" instead. -}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TupleSections, TypeSynonymInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
module Database.MongoDB.Internal.Connection (
-- * Server
-- * Connection
Connection, connServer, showHandle, mkConnection, withConn, closeConnection, isClosed,
-- * Connected monad
Conn(..), Failure(..),
-- ** Task
Task, runTask,
-- ** Op
Op, sendBytes, flushBytes, receiveBytes,
exposeIO, hideIO
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Control.Arrow (left)
import System.IO.Error (try)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Error
import Network (HostName, PortID(..))
import System.IO (Handle, hFlush, hClose, hIsClosed)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B (ByteString, hPut)
import System.Timeout
import Database.MongoDB.Util (Secs, ignore, hGetN) -- Reader/Error Applicative instances
-- * Server
data Server = Server HostName PortID deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- * Connection
data Connection = Connection Server (MVar Handle) deriving (Eq)
-- ^ A connection to a server. This connection holds session state on the server like open cursors and temporary map-reduce tables that disappear when the connection is closed or fails.
connServer :: Connection -> Server
-- ^ Server this connection is connected to
connServer (Connection serv _) = serv
showHandle :: Secs -> Connection -> IO String
-- ^ Show handle if not locked for more than given seconds
showHandle secs (Connection _ vHand) =
maybe "handle currently locked" show <$> timeout (round (secs * 1000000)) (readMVar vHand)
instance Show Connection where
showsPrec d c = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "a connection to " . showsPrec 11 (connServer c)
mkConnection :: Server -> Handle -> IO Connection
-- ^ Wrap handle in a MVar to control access
mkConnection s h = Connection s <$> newMVar h
withConn :: Connection -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
-- Execute IO action with exclusive access to TCP connection
withConn (Connection _ vHand) = withMVar vHand
closeConnection :: Connection -> IO ()
-- ^ Close connection. Attempting to read or write to a closed connection will raise 'Failure' exception.
closeConnection (Connection _ vHand) = withMVar vHand $ \h -> catch (hClose h) ignore
isClosed :: Connection -> IO Bool
-- ^ Is connection closed?
isClosed (Connection _ vHand) = withMVar vHand hIsClosed
-- * Task
-- | Connection or Server failure like network problem or disk full
data Failure =
ConnectionFailure IOError
-- ^ Error during sending or receiving bytes over a 'Connection'. The connection is not automatically closed when this error happens; the user must close it. Any other IOErrors raised during a Task or Op are not caught. The user is responsible for these other types of errors not related to sending/receiving bytes over the connection.
| ServerFailure String
-- ^ Failure on server, like disk full, which is usually observed using getLastError. Calling 'fail' inside a Task or Op raises this failure. Do not call 'fail' unless it is a temporary server failure, like disk full. For example, receiving unexpected data from the server is not a server failure, rather it is a programming error (you should call 'error' in this case) because the client and server are incompatible and requires a programming change.
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Error Failure where strMsg = ServerFailure
type Task m = ErrorT Failure (ReaderT Connection m)
-- ^ Action with shared access to connection (the connection can be supplied to multiple concurrent tasks). m must be a MonadIO.
runTask :: Task m a -> Connection -> m (Either Failure a)
-- ^ Run task with shared access to connection. Return Left if connection fails anytime during its execution, in which case the task was partially executed.
runTask = runReaderT . runErrorT
-- * Op
newtype Op a = Op (ErrorT Failure (ReaderT (Connection, Handle) IO) a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadError Failure)
-- ^ Action with exclusive access to connection (other ops must wait)
runOp' :: (MonadIO m) => Op a -> Task m a
-- ^ Run operation with exclusive access to connection. Fail if connection fails anytime during its execution, in which case the operation was partially executed.
runOp' (Op act) = ErrorT . ReaderT $ \conn ->
liftIO . withConn conn $ runReaderT (runErrorT act) . (conn,)
sendBytes :: ByteString -> Op ()
-- ^ Put bytes on socket
sendBytes bytes = Op . ErrorT . ReaderT $ \(_, h) -> left ConnectionFailure <$> try (hPut h bytes)
flushBytes :: Op ()
-- ^ Flush socket
flushBytes = Op . ErrorT . ReaderT $ \(_, h) -> left ConnectionFailure <$> try (hFlush h)
receiveBytes :: Int -> Op ByteString
-- ^ Get N bytes from socket, blocking until all N bytes are received
receiveBytes n = Op . ErrorT . ReaderT $ \(_, h) -> left ConnectionFailure <$> try (hGetN h n)
exposeIO :: ((Connection, Handle) -> IO (Either Failure a)) -> Op a
-- ^ Expose connection to underlying IO
exposeIO = Op . ErrorT . ReaderT
hideIO :: Op a -> (Connection, Handle) -> IO (Either Failure a)
-- ^ Run op from IO
hideIO (Op act) = runReaderT (runErrorT act)
-- * Connected monad
-- | A monad with shared or exclusive access to a connection, ie. 'Task' or 'Op'
class (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadIO m) => Conn m where
runOp :: Op a -> m a
-- ^ Run op with exclusive access to connection. If @m@ is already exclusive then simply run op.
getConnection :: m Connection
-- ^ Return connection that this monad has access to
instance (MonadIO m) => Conn (Task m) where
runOp = runOp'
getConnection = ask
instance Conn Op where
runOp = id
getConnection = Op (asks fst)
instance (Conn m) => Conn (ReaderT r m) where
runOp = lift . runOp
getConnection = lift getConnection
instance (Conn m, Error e) => Conn (ErrorT e m) where
runOp = lift . runOp
getConnection = lift getConnection
{- Authors: Tony Hannan <>
Copyright 2010 10gen Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -}

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@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
{-| Low-level messaging between this client and the MongoDB server. See Mongo Wire Protocol (<>).
This module is not intended for direct use. Use the high-level interface at "Database.MongoDB.Query" instead. -}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, StandaloneDeriving, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol (
-- * FullCollection
-- * Write
Insert(..), insert,
Update(..), UpdateOption(..), update,
Delete(..), DeleteOption(..), delete,
-- * Read
Query(..), QueryOption(..), query,
GetMore(..), getMore,
-- ** Reply
-- ** Cursor
CursorId, killCursors,
-- * Authentication
Username, Password, Nonce, pwHash, pwKey
) where
import Prelude as P
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Connection (Op, sendBytes, flushBytes, receiveBytes)
import Data.Bson
import Data.Bson.Binary
import Data.UString as U (pack, append, toByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B (length, append)
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Int
import Data.Bits
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Digest.OpenSSL.MD5 (md5sum)
import Database.MongoDB.Util (bitOr, (<.>))
-- * Authentication
type Username = UString
type Password = UString
type Nonce = UString
pwHash :: Username -> Password -> UString
pwHash u p = pack . md5sum . toByteString $ u `U.append` ":mongo:" `U.append` p
pwKey :: Nonce -> Username -> Password -> UString
pwKey n u p = pack . md5sum . toByteString . U.append n . U.append u $ pwHash u p
-- * FullCollection
type FullCollection = UString
-- ^ Database name and collection name with period (.) in between. Eg. \"myDb.myCollection\"
-- * Request / response
insert :: Insert -> Op ()
-- ^ Insert documents into collection
insert = send_ . putInsert
update :: Update -> Op ()
-- ^ Update documents in collection matching selector using updater
update = send_ . putUpdate
delete :: Delete -> Op ()
-- ^ Delete documents in collection matching selector
delete = send_ . putDelete
killCursors :: [CursorId] -> Op ()
-- ^ Close cursors on server because we will not be getting anymore documents from them
killCursors = send_ . putKillCursors . KillCursors
query :: Query -> Op Reply
-- ^ Return first batch of documents in collection matching selector and a cursor-id for getting remaining documents (see 'getMore')
query q = do
requestId <- send (putQuery q)
(reply, responseTo) <- receive getReply
unless (responseTo == requestId) $ fail "expected response id to match query request id"
return reply
getMore :: GetMore -> Op Reply
-- ^ Get next batch of documents from cursor
getMore g = do
requestId <- send (putGetMore g)
(reply, responseTo) <- receive getReply
unless (responseTo == requestId) $ fail "expected response id to match get-more request id"
return reply
-- ** Send / receive
type RequestId = Int32
-- ^ A fresh request id is generated for every message
genRequestId :: IO RequestId
-- ^ Generate fresh request id
genRequestId = atomicModifyIORef counter $ \n -> (n + 1, n) where
counter :: IORef RequestId
counter = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)
{-# NOINLINE counter #-}
type ResponseTo = RequestId
send_ :: (RequestId -> Put) -> Op ()
send_ x = send x >> return ()
send :: (RequestId -> Put) -> Op RequestId
send rput = do
requestId <- liftIO genRequestId
let bytes = runPut (rput requestId)
let lengthBytes = runPut . putInt32 $ (toEnum . fromEnum) (B.length bytes + 4)
sendBytes (B.append lengthBytes bytes)
return requestId
receive :: Get a -> Op a
receive getMess = do
messageLength <- fromIntegral . runGet getInt32 <$> receiveBytes 4
runGet getMess <$> receiveBytes (messageLength - 4)
-- * Messages
data Insert = Insert {
iFullCollection :: FullCollection,
iDocuments :: [Document]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Update = Update {
uFullCollection :: FullCollection,
uOptions :: [UpdateOption],
uSelector :: Document,
uUpdater :: Document
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data UpdateOption =
Upsert -- ^ If set, the database will insert the supplied object into the collection if no matching document is found
| MultiUpdate -- ^ If set, the database will update all matching objects in the collection. Otherwise only updates first matching doc
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Delete = Delete {
dFullCollection :: FullCollection,
dOptions :: [DeleteOption],
dSelector :: Document
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data DeleteOption = SingleRemove -- ^ If set, the database will remove only the first matching document in the collection. Otherwise all matching documents will be removed
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Query = Query {
qOptions :: [QueryOption],
qFullCollection :: FullCollection,
qSkip :: Int32, -- ^ Number of initial matching documents to skip
qBatchSize :: Int32, -- ^ The number of document to return in each batch response from the server. 0 means use Mongo default. Negative means close cursor after first batch and use absolute value as batch size.
qSelector :: Document, -- ^ \[\] = return all documents in collection
qProjector :: Document -- ^ \[\] = return whole document
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data QueryOption =
TailableCursor |
SlaveOK |
deriving (Show, Eq)
data GetMore = GetMore {
gFullCollection :: FullCollection,
gBatchSize :: Int32,
gCursorId :: CursorId
} deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype KillCursors = KillCursors {
kCursorIds :: [CursorId]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Reply = Reply {
rResponseFlag :: Int32, -- ^ 0 = success, non-zero = failure
rCursorId :: CursorId, -- ^ 0 = cursor finished
rStartingFrom :: Int32,
rDocuments :: [Document]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type CursorId = Int64
-- ** Messages binary format
type Opcode = Int32
-- ^ Code for each message type
replyOpcode, updateOpcode, insertOpcode, queryOpcode, getMoreOpcode, deleteOpcode, killCursorsOpcode :: Opcode
replyOpcode = 1
updateOpcode = 2001
insertOpcode = 2002
queryOpcode = 2004
getMoreOpcode = 2005
deleteOpcode = 2006
killCursorsOpcode = 2007
putUpdate :: Update -> RequestId -> Put
putUpdate Update{..} = putMessage updateOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putCString uFullCollection
putInt32 (uBits uOptions)
putDocument uSelector
putDocument uUpdater
uBit :: UpdateOption -> Int32
uBit Upsert = bit 0
uBit MultiUpdate = bit 1
uBits :: [UpdateOption] -> Int32
uBits = bitOr . map uBit
putInsert :: Insert -> RequestId -> Put
putInsert Insert{..} = putMessage insertOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putCString iFullCollection
mapM_ putDocument iDocuments
putDelete :: Delete -> RequestId -> Put
putDelete Delete{..} = putMessage deleteOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putCString dFullCollection
putInt32 (dBits dOptions)
putDocument dSelector
dBit :: DeleteOption -> Int32
dBit SingleRemove = bit 0
dBits :: [DeleteOption] -> Int32
dBits = bitOr . map dBit
putQuery :: Query -> RequestId -> Put
putQuery Query{..} = putMessage queryOpcode $ do
putInt32 (qBits qOptions)
putCString qFullCollection
putInt32 qSkip
putInt32 qBatchSize
putDocument qSelector
unless (null qProjector) (putDocument qProjector)
qBit :: QueryOption -> Int32
qBit TailableCursor = bit 1
qBit SlaveOK = bit 2
qBit NoCursorTimeout = bit 4
qBits :: [QueryOption] -> Int32
qBits = bitOr . map qBit
putGetMore :: GetMore -> RequestId -> Put
putGetMore GetMore{..} = putMessage getMoreOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putCString gFullCollection
putInt32 gBatchSize
putInt64 gCursorId
putKillCursors :: KillCursors -> RequestId -> Put
putKillCursors KillCursors{..} = putMessage killCursorsOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putInt32 $ toEnum (P.length kCursorIds)
mapM_ putInt64 kCursorIds
getReply :: Get (Reply, ResponseTo)
getReply = getMessage replyOpcode $ do
rResponseFlag <- getInt32
rCursorId <- getInt64
rStartingFrom <- getInt32
numDocs <- getInt32
rDocuments <- replicateM (fromIntegral numDocs) getDocument
return $ Reply {..}
-- *** Message header
putMessage :: Opcode -> Put -> RequestId -> Put
-- ^ Note, does not write message length (first int32), assumes caller will write it
putMessage opcode messageBodyPut requestId = do
putInt32 requestId
putInt32 0
putInt32 opcode
getMessage :: Opcode -> Get a -> Get (a, ResponseTo)
-- ^ Note, does not read message length (first int32), assumes it was already read
getMessage expectedOpcode getMessageBody = do
_requestId <- getInt32
responseTo <- getInt32
opcode <- getInt32
unless (opcode == expectedOpcode) $
fail $ "expected opcode " ++ show expectedOpcode ++ " but got " ++ show opcode
body <- getMessageBody
return (body, responseTo)
{- Authors: Tony Hannan <>
Copyright 2010 10gen Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -}

Database/MongoDB/Query.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
-- | Query and update documents residing on a MongoDB server(s)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, TupleSections #-}
module Database.MongoDB.Query (
-- * Database
Database, allDatabases, Db, useDb, thisDatabase, runDbOp,
-- ** Authentication
P.Username, P.Password, auth,
-- * Collection
Collection, allCollections,
-- ** Selection
Selection(..), select, Selector, whereJS,
-- * Write
-- ** Insert
insert, insert_, insertMany, insertMany_,
-- ** Update
save, replace, repsert, Modifier, modify,
-- ** Delete
delete, deleteOne,
-- * Read
-- ** Query
Query(..), P.QueryOption(..), Projector, Limit, Order, BatchSize, query,
explain, find, findOne, count, distinct,
-- *** Cursor
Cursor, next, nextN, rest, closeCursor,
-- ** Group
Group(..), GroupKey(..), group,
-- ** MapReduce
MapReduce(..), MapFun, ReduceFun, FinalizeFun, mapReduce, runMR, runMR',
-- * Command
Command, runCommand, runCommand1,
ErrorCode, getLastError, resetLastError
) where
import Prelude as X hiding (lookup)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Connection
import qualified Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol as P
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol hiding (insert, update, delete, query, Query(Query))
import Data.Bson
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.UString as U (dropWhile, any, tail)
import Database.MongoDB.Util (loop, (<.>), true1)
-- * Database
type Database = UString
-- ^ Database name
allDatabases :: (Conn m) => m [Database]
-- ^ List all databases residing on server
allDatabases = map (at "name") . at "databases" <$> useDb "admin" (runCommand1 "listDatabases")
type Db m = ReaderT Database m
useDb :: Database -> Db m a -> m a
-- ^ Run Db action against given database
useDb = flip runReaderT
thisDatabase :: (Monad m) => Db m Database
-- ^ Current database in use
thisDatabase = ask
runDbOp :: (Conn m) => Db Op a -> Db m a
-- ^ Run db operation with exclusive access to the connection
runDbOp dbOp = ReaderT (runOp . flip useDb dbOp)
-- * Authentication
auth :: (Conn m) => Username -> Password -> Db m Bool
-- ^ Authenticate with the database (if server is running in secure mode). Return whether authentication was successful or not. Reauthentication is required for every new connection.
auth u p = do
n <- at "nonce" <$> runCommand ["getnonce" =: (1 :: Int)]
true1 "ok" <$> runCommand ["authenticate" =: (1 :: Int), "user" =: u, "nonce" =: n, "key" =: pwKey n u p]
-- * Collection
type Collection = UString
-- ^ Collection name (not prefixed with database)
allCollections :: (Conn m) => Db m [Collection]
-- ^ List all collections in this database
allCollections = do
db <- thisDatabase
docs <- rest =<< find (query [] "system.namespaces") {sort = ["name" =: (1 :: Int)]}
return . filter (not . isSpecial db) . map dropDbPrefix $ map (at "name") docs
dropDbPrefix = U.tail . U.dropWhile (/= '.')
isSpecial db col = U.any (== '$') col && db <.> col /= "local.oplog.$main"
-- * Selection
data Selection = Select {selector :: Selector, coll :: Collection} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- ^ Selects documents in collection that match selector
select :: Selector -> Collection -> Selection
-- ^ Synonym for 'Select'
select = Select
type Selector = Document
-- ^ Filter for a query, analogous to the where clause in SQL. @[]@ matches all documents in collection. @[x =: a, y =: b]@ is analogous to @where x = a and y = b@ in SQL. See <> for full selector syntax.
whereJS :: Selector -> Javascript -> Selector
-- ^ Add Javascript predicate to selector, in which case a document must match both selector and predicate
whereJS sel js = ("$where" =: js) : sel
-- * Write
-- ** Insert
insert :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Document -> Db m Value
-- ^ Insert document into collection and return its \"_id\" value, which is created automatically if not supplied
insert col doc = head <$> insertMany col [doc]
insert_ :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Document -> Db m ()
-- ^ Same as 'insert' except don't return _id
insert_ col doc = insert col doc >> return ()
insertMany :: (Conn m) => Collection -> [Document] -> Db m [Value]
-- ^ Insert documents into collection and return their \"_id\" values, which are created automatically if not supplied
insertMany col docs = ReaderT $ \db -> do
docs' <- liftIO $ mapM assignId docs
runOp $ P.insert (Insert (db <.> col) docs')
mapM (look "_id") docs'
insertMany_ :: (Conn m) => Collection -> [Document] -> Db m ()
-- ^ Same as 'insertMany' except don't return _ids
insertMany_ col docs = insertMany col docs >> return ()
assignId :: Document -> IO Document
-- ^ Assign a unique value to _id field if missing
assignId doc = if X.any (("_id" ==) . label) doc
then return doc
else (\oid -> ("_id" =: oid) : doc) <$> genObjectId
-- ** Update
save :: (Conn m) => Collection -> Document -> Db m ()
-- ^ Save document to collection, meaning insert it if its new (has no \"_id\" field) or update it if its not new (has \"_id\" field)
save col doc = case look "_id" doc of
Nothing -> insert_ col doc
Just i -> repsert (Select ["_id" := i] col) doc
replace :: (Conn m) => Selection -> Document -> Db m ()
-- ^ Replace first document in selection with given document
replace = update []
repsert :: (Conn m) => Selection -> Document -> Db m ()
-- ^ Replace first document in selection with given document, or insert document if selection is empty
repsert = update [Upsert]
type Modifier = Document
-- ^ Update operations on fields in a document. See <>
modify :: (Conn m) => Selection -> Modifier -> Db m ()
-- ^ Update all documents in selection using given modifier
modify = update [MultiUpdate]
update :: (Conn m) => [UpdateOption] -> Selection -> Document -> Db m ()
-- ^ Update first document in selection using updater document, unless 'MultiUpdate' option is supplied then update all documents in selection. If 'Upsert' option is supplied then treat updater as document and insert it if selection is empty.
update opts (Select sel col) up = ReaderT $ \db -> runOp $ P.update (Update (db <.> col) opts sel up)
-- ** Delete
delete :: (Conn m) => Selection -> Db m ()
-- ^ Delete all documents in selection
delete (Select sel col) = ReaderT $ \db -> runOp $ P.delete (Delete (db <.> col) [] sel)
deleteOne :: (Conn m) => Selection -> Db m ()
-- ^ Delete first document in selection
deleteOne (Select sel col) = ReaderT $ \db -> runOp $ P.delete (Delete (db <.> col) [SingleRemove] sel)
-- * Read
-- ** Query
data Query = Query {
options :: [QueryOption],
selection :: Selection,
project :: Projector, -- ^ \[\] = all fields
skip :: Word32, -- ^ Number of initial matching documents to skip
limit :: Limit, -- ^ Maximum number of documents to return, 0 = no limit
sort :: Order, -- ^ Sort results by this order, [] = no sort
snapshot :: Bool, -- ^ If true assures no duplicates are returned, or objects missed, which were present at both the start and end of the query's execution (even if the object were updated). If an object is new during the query, or deleted during the query, it may or may not be returned, even with snapshot mode. Note that short query responses (less than 1MB) are always effectively snapshotted.
batchSize :: BatchSize, -- ^ The number of document to return in each batch response from the server. 0 means use Mongo default.
hint :: Order -- ^ Force MongoDB to use this index, [] = no hint
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type Projector = Document
-- ^ Fields to return, analogous to the select clause in SQL. @[]@ means return whole document (analogous to * in SQL). @[x =: 1, y =: 1]@ means return only @x@ and @y@ fields of each document. @[x =: 0]@ means return all fields except @x@.
type Limit = Word32
-- ^ Maximum number of documents to return, i.e. cursor will close after iterating over this number of documents. 0 means no limit.
type Order = Document
-- ^ Fields to sort by. Each one is associated with 1 or -1. Eg. @[x =: 1, y =: (-1)]@ means sort by @x@ ascending then @y@ descending
type BatchSize = Word32
-- ^ The number of document to return in each batch response from the server. 0 means use Mongo default.
query :: Selector -> Collection -> Query
-- ^ Selects documents in collection that match selector. It uses no query options, projects all fields, does not skip any documents, does not limit result size, uses default batch size, does not sort, does not hint, and does not snapshot.
query sel col = Query [] (Select sel col) [] 0 0 [] False 0 []
batchSizeRemainingLimit :: BatchSize -> Limit -> (Int32, Limit)
-- ^ Given batchSize and limit return P.qBatchSize and remaining limit
batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize limit = if limit == 0
then (fromIntegral batchSize, 0) -- no limit
else if 0 < batchSize && batchSize < limit
then (fromIntegral batchSize, limit - batchSize)
else (- fromIntegral limit, 1)
protoQuery :: Database -> Query -> (P.Query, Limit)
protoQuery = protoQuery' False
protoQuery' :: Bool -> Database -> Query -> (P.Query, Limit)
-- ^ Translate Query to Protocol.Query. If first arg is true then add special $explain attribute.
protoQuery' isExplain db Query{..} = (P.Query{..}, remainingLimit) where
qOptions = options
qFullCollection = db <.> coll selection
qSkip = fromIntegral skip
(qBatchSize, remainingLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize limit
qProjector = project
mOrder = if null sort then Nothing else Just ("$orderby" =: sort)
mSnapshot = if snapshot then Just ("$snapshot" =: True) else Nothing
mHint = if null hint then Nothing else Just ("$hint" =: hint)
mExplain = if isExplain then Just ("$explain" =: True) else Nothing
special = catMaybes [mOrder, mSnapshot, mHint, mExplain]
qSelector = if null special then s else ("$query" =: s) : special where s = selector selection
find :: (Conn m) => Query -> Db m Cursor
-- ^ Fetch documents satisfying query
find q@Query{selection, batchSize} = ReaderT $ \db -> do
let (q', remainingLimit) = protoQuery db q
cs <- fromReply remainingLimit =<< runOp (P.query q')
newCursor db (coll selection) batchSize cs
findOne :: (Conn m) => Query -> Db m (Maybe Document)
-- ^ Fetch first document satisfying query or Nothing if none satisfy it
findOne q = ReaderT $ \db -> do
let (q', x) = protoQuery db q {limit = 1}
CS _ _ docs <- fromReply x =<< runOp (P.query q')
return (listToMaybe docs)
explain :: (Conn m) => Query -> Db m Document
-- ^ Return performance stats of query execution
explain q = ReaderT $ \db -> do -- same as findOne but with explain set to true
let (q', x) = protoQuery' True db q {limit = 1}
CS _ _ docs <- fromReply x =<< runOp (P.query q')
when (null docs) . fail $ "no explain: " ++ show q'
return (head docs)
count :: (Conn m) => Query -> Db m Int
-- ^ Fetch number of documents satisfying query (including effect of skip and/or limit if present)
count Query{selection = Select sel col, skip, limit} = at "n" <$> runCommand
(["count" =: col, "query" =: sel, "skip" =: (fromIntegral skip :: Int32)]
++ ("limit" =? if limit == 0 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral limit :: Int32)))
distinct :: (Conn m) => Label -> Selection -> Db m [Value]
-- ^ Fetch distinct values of field in selected documents
distinct k (Select sel col) = at "values" <$> runCommand ["distinct" =: col, "key" =: k, "query" =: sel]
-- *** Cursor
data Cursor = Cursor FullCollection BatchSize (MVar CursorState)
-- ^ Iterator over results of a query. Use 'next' to iterate. Cursor remains open during current connection and is closed when connection is closed, cursor is closed, or cursor is garbage collected.
data CursorState = CS Limit CursorId [Document]
-- ^ CursorId = 0 means cursor is finished. Documents is remaining documents to serve in current batch. Limit is remaining limit for next fetch.
fromReply :: (Monad m) => Limit -> Reply -> m CursorState
fromReply limit Reply{..} = if rResponseFlag == 0
then return (CS limit rCursorId rDocuments)
else fail $ "Query failure " ++ show rResponseFlag ++ " " ++ show rDocuments
newCursor :: (Conn m) => Database -> Collection -> BatchSize -> CursorState -> m Cursor
-- ^ Cursor is closed when garbage collected, explicitly closed, or CIO action ends (connection closed)
newCursor db col batch cs = do
conn <- getConnection
var <- liftIO (newMVar cs)
liftIO . addMVarFinalizer var $ do
-- kill cursor on server when garbage collected on client, if connection not already closed
CS _ cid _ <- readMVar var
unless (cid == 0) $ do
done <- isClosed conn
unless done $ runTask (runOp $ P.killCursors [cid]) conn >> return ()
return (Cursor (db <.> col) batch var)
next :: (Conn m) => Cursor -> m (Maybe Document)
-- ^ Return next document in query result, or Nothing if finished
next (Cursor fcol batch var) = runOp . exposeIO $ \h -> modifyMVar var $ \cs ->
-- Get lock on connection (runOp) first then get lock on cursor, otherwise you could get in deadlock if already inside an Op (connection locked), but another Task gets lock on cursor first and then tries runOp (deadlock).
either ((cs,) . Left) (fmap Right) <$> hideIO (nextState cs) h
nextState :: CursorState -> Op (CursorState, Maybe Document)
nextState (CS limit cid docs) = case docs of
doc : docs' -> return (CS limit cid docs', Just doc)
[] -> if cid == 0
then return (CS 0 0 [], Nothing) -- finished
else let -- fetch next batch from server
(batchSize, remLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batch limit
getNextBatch = fromReply remLimit =<< P.getMore (GetMore fcol batchSize cid)
in nextState =<< getNextBatch
nextN :: (Conn m) => Int -> Cursor -> m [Document]
-- ^ Return next N documents or less if end is reached
nextN n c = catMaybes <$> replicateM n (next c)
rest :: (Conn m) => Cursor -> m [Document]
-- ^ Return remaining documents in query result
rest c = loop (next c)
closeCursor :: (Conn m) => Cursor -> m ()
-- ^ Close cursor without reading rest of results. Cursor closes automatically when you read all results.
closeCursor (Cursor _ _ var) = runOp . exposeIO $ \h ->
modifyMVar var $ \cs@(CS _ cid _) -> if cid == 0
then return (CS 0 0 [], Right ())
else either ((cs,) . Left) ((CS 0 0 [],) . Right) <$> hideIO (P.killCursors [cid]) h
-- ** Group
data Group = Group {
gColl :: Collection,
gKey :: GroupKey, -- ^ Fields to group by
gReduce :: Javascript, -- ^ The reduce function aggregates (reduces) the objects iterated. Typical operations of a reduce function include summing and counting. reduce takes two arguments: the current document being iterated over and the aggregation value.
gInitial :: Document, -- ^ Initial aggregation value supplied to reduce
gCond :: Selector, -- ^ Condition that must be true for a row to be considered. [] means always true.
gFinalize :: Maybe Javascript -- ^ An optional function to be run on each item in the result set just before the item is returned. Can either modify the item (e.g., add an average field given a count and a total) or return a replacement object (returning a new object with just _id and average fields).
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data GroupKey = Key [Label] | KeyF Javascript deriving (Show, Eq)
-- ^ Fields to group by, or function returning a "key object" to be used as the grouping key. Use this instead of key to specify a key that is not an existing member of the object (or, to access embedded members).
groupDocument :: Group -> Document
-- ^ Translate Group data into expected document form
groupDocument Group{..} =
("finalize" =? gFinalize) ++ [
"ns" =: gColl,
case gKey of Key k -> "key" =: map (=: True) k; KeyF f -> "$keyf" =: f,
"$reduce" =: gReduce,
"initial" =: gInitial,
"cond" =: gCond ]
group :: (Conn m) => Group -> Db m [Document]
-- ^ Execute group query and return resulting aggregate value for each distinct key
group g = at "retval" <$> runCommand ["group" =: groupDocument g]
-- ** MapReduce
-- | Maps every document in collection to a (key, value) pair, then for each unique key reduces all its associated values to a result. Therefore, the final output is a list of (key, result) pairs, where every key is unique. This is the basic description. There are additional nuances that may be used. See <> for details.
data MapReduce = MapReduce {
rColl :: Collection,
rMap :: MapFun,
rReduce :: ReduceFun,
rSelect :: Selector, -- ^ Default is []
rSort :: Order, -- ^ Default is [] meaning no sort
rLimit :: Limit, -- ^ Default is 0 meaning no limit
rOut :: Maybe Collection, -- ^ Output to permanent collection. Default is Nothing.
rKeepTemp :: Bool, -- ^ If True, the generated collection is made permanent. If False, the generated collection persists for the life of the current connection only. Default is False. When out is specified, the collection is automatically made permanent.
rFinalize :: Maybe FinalizeFun, -- ^ Function to apply to all the results when finished. Default is Nothing.
rScope :: Document, -- ^ Variables (environment) that can be accessed from map/reduce/finalize. Default is [].
rVerbose :: Bool -- ^ Provide statistics on job execution time. Default is False.
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type MapFun = Javascript
-- ^ @() -> void@. The map function references the variable this to inspect the current object under consideration. A map function must call @emit(key,value)@ at least once, but may be invoked any number of times, as may be appropriate.
type ReduceFun = Javascript
-- ^ @(key, value_array) -> value@. The reduce function receives a key and an array of values. To use, reduce the received values, and return a result. The MapReduce engine may invoke reduce functions iteratively; thus, these functions must be idempotent. That is, the following must hold for your reduce function: @for all k, vals : reduce(k, [reduce(k,vals)]) == reduce(k,vals)@. If you need to perform an operation only once, use a finalize function. The output of emit (the 2nd param) and reduce should be the same format to make iterative reduce possible.
type FinalizeFun = Javascript
-- ^ @(key, value) -> final_value@. A finalize function may be run after reduction. Such a function is optional and is not necessary for many map/reduce cases. The finalize function takes a key and a value, and returns a finalized value.
mrDocument :: MapReduce -> Document
-- ^ Translate MapReduce data into expected document form
mrDocument MapReduce{..} =
("mapreduce" =: rColl) :
("out" =? rOut) ++
("finalize" =? rFinalize) ++ [
"map" =: rMap,
"reduce" =: rReduce,
"query" =: rSelect,
"sort" =: rSort,
"limit" =: (fromIntegral rLimit :: Int),
"keeptemp" =: rKeepTemp,
"scope" =: rScope,
"verbose" =: rVerbose ]
mapReduce :: Collection -> MapFun -> ReduceFun -> MapReduce
-- ^ MapReduce on collection with given map and reduce functions. Remaining attributes are set to their defaults, which are stated in their comments.
mapReduce col map' red = MapReduce col map' red [] [] 0 Nothing False Nothing [] False
runMR :: (Conn m) => MapReduce -> Db m Cursor
-- ^ Run MapReduce and return cursor of results. Error if map/reduce fails (because of bad Javascript)
-- TODO: Delete temp result collection when cursor closes. Until then, it will be deleted by the server when connection closes.
runMR mr = find . query [] =<< (at "result" <$> runMR' mr)
runMR' :: (Conn m) => MapReduce -> Db m Document
-- ^ Run MapReduce and return a result document containing a "result" field holding the output Collection and additional statistic fields. Error if the map/reduce failed (because of bad Javascript).
runMR' mr = do
doc <- runCommand (mrDocument mr)
return $ if true1 "ok" doc then doc else error $ at "errmsg" doc ++ " in:\n" ++ show mr
-- * Command
type Command = Document
-- ^ A command is a special query or action against the database. See <> for details.
runCommand :: (Conn m) => Command -> Db m Document
-- ^ Run command against the database and return its result
runCommand c = maybe err return =<< findOne (query c "$cmd") where
err = fail $ "Nothing returned for command: " ++ show c
runCommand1 :: (Conn m) => UString -> Db m Document
-- ^ @runCommand1 "foo" = runCommand ["foo" =: 1]@
runCommand1 c = runCommand [c =: (1 :: Int)]
eval :: (Conn m) => Javascript -> Db m Document
-- ^ Run code on server
eval code = at "retval" <$> runCommand ["$eval" =: code]
type ErrorCode = Int
-- ^ Error code from getLastError
getLastError :: Db Op (Maybe (ErrorCode, String))
-- ^ Fetch what the last error was, Nothing means no error. Especially useful after a write since it is asynchronous (ie. nothing is returned after a write, so we don't know if it succeeded or not). To ensure no interleaving db operation executes between the write we want to check and getLastError, this can only be executed inside a 'runDbOp' which gets exclusive access to the connection.
getLastError = do
r <- runCommand1 "getlasterror"
return $ (at "code" r,) <$> lookup "err" r
resetLastError :: Db Op ()
-- ^ Clear last error
resetLastError = runCommand1 "reseterror" >> return ()
{- Authors: Tony Hannan <>
Copyright 2010 10gen Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -}

View file

@ -1,83 +1,65 @@
{- -- | Miscellaneous general functions
Copyright (C) 2010 Scott R Parish <> {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining module Database.MongoDB.Util where
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be import Prelude hiding (length)
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. import Network (PortID(..))
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
module Database.MongoDB.Util
putI8, putI16, putI32, putI64, putNothing, putNull, putS,
getI8, getI32, getI64, getC, getS, getNull, putStrSz,
import Control.Exception (assert) import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Binary import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Binary.Get import Data.UString as U (UString, cons, append)
import Data.Binary.Put import Data.Bits (Bits, (.|.))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 import Data.Bson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import System.IO (Handle)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L8 import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B (ByteString, length, append, hGet)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Int
getC :: Get Char deriving instance Show PortID
getC = liftM chr getI8 deriving instance Eq PortID
deriving instance Ord PortID
getI8 :: (Integral a) => Get a instance (Monad m) => Applicative (ReaderT r m) where
getI8 = liftM fromIntegral getWord8 pure = return
(<*>) = ap
getI32 :: Get Int32 instance (Monad m, Error e) => Applicative (ErrorT e m) where
getI32 = liftM fromIntegral getWord32le pure = return
(<*>) = ap
getI64 :: Get Int64 ignore :: (Monad m) => a -> m ()
getI64 = liftM fromIntegral getWord64le ignore _ = return ()
getS :: Get (Integer, L8.ByteString) type Secs = Float
getS = getLazyByteStringNul >>= \s -> return (fromIntegral $ L.length s + 1, s)
getNull :: Get () bitOr :: (Bits a) => [a] -> a
getNull = do {c <- getC; assert (c == '\0') $ return ()} -- ^ bit-or all numbers together
bitOr = foldl (.|.) 0
putI8 :: Int8 -> Put (<.>) :: UString -> UString -> UString
putI8 = putWord8 . fromIntegral -- ^ Concat first and second together with period in between. Eg. @\"hello\" \<.\> \"world\" = \"\"@
a <.> b = U.append a (cons '.' b)
putI16 :: Int16 -> Put loop :: (Functor m, Monad m) => m (Maybe a) -> m [a]
putI16 = putWord16le . fromIntegral -- ^ Repeatedy execute action, collecting results, until it returns Nothing
loop act = act >>= maybe (return []) (\a -> (a :) <$> loop act)
putI32 :: Int32 -> Put true1 :: Label -> Document -> Bool
putI32 = putWord32le . fromIntegral -- ^ Is field's value a 1 or True (MongoDB use both Int and Bools for truth values). Error if field not in document or field not a Num or Bool.
true1 k doc = case valueAt k doc of
Bool b -> b
Float n -> n == 1
Int32 n -> n == 1
Int64 n -> n == 1
_ -> error $ "expected " ++ show k ++ " to be Num or Bool in " ++ show doc
putI64 :: Int64 -> Put hGetN :: Handle -> Int -> IO ByteString
putI64 = putWord64le . fromIntegral -- ^ Read N bytes from hande, blocking until all N bytes are read.
-- Unlike hGet which only blocks if no bytes are available, otherwise it returns the X bytes immediately available where X <= N.
putNothing :: Put hGetN h n = assert (n >= 0) $ do
putNothing = putByteString $ pack "" bytes <- hGet h n
let x = fromIntegral (length bytes)
putNull :: Put if x >= n then return bytes else do
putNull = putI8 0 remainingBytes <- hGetN h (n - x)
return (B.append bytes remainingBytes)
putS :: L8.ByteString -> Put
putS s = putLazyByteString s >> putNull
putStrSz :: L8.ByteString -> Put
putStrSz s = putI32 (fromIntegral $ 1 + L.length s) >> putS s

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ A mongoDB driver for Haskell.
This driver lets you connect to MongoDB, do inserts, queries, updates, This driver lets you connect to MongoDB, do inserts, queries, updates,
etc. Also has many convience functions inspired by HDBC such as more etc. Also has many convience functions inspired by HDBC such as more
easily converting between the BsonValue types and native Haskell easily converting between the Bson.Value types and native Haskell
types. types.
Links Links

View file

@ -15,74 +15,52 @@ BSON
MongoDB MongoDB
------- -------
+ support full level 0 + support full level 0
- handle query errors - hint
- hint, explain, $where
- database profiling: set/get profiling level, get profiling info
- pair mode connection
- handle defunct servers
- connection fail over
- operations on database objects - operations on database objects
* getName * add_son_manipulators?
* getCollection
* add_son_manipulators
* dereference (dbref) * dereference (dbref)
* error
* eval
* last_status
* reset_error_history
- database admin - database admin
* getAdmin
* getProfilingLevel
* setProfilingLevel
* getProfilingInfo * getProfilingInfo
- collection
* modify
* replace
* repsert
- index operations
* ensureIndex / index existance caching
- misc operations - misc operations
* explain * explain
* getOptions * getCollectionOptions
* getName
* close
* group
* distinct
- cursor object - cursor object
* hasMore * hasMore
orderby (sort) - Query attribute: timeout
- CreateIndex attributes: background, min, max
- CreateIndex Order [Asc, Dec, Geo2d]
- FindAndModify
- getIndexInfo
- logout
- collectionsInfo
- databasesInfo
- getLastError options
- Update If Current (
- block write until written on N replicas
- lazyRest on cursor, although lazy I/) is problematic and we may not want to support it.
optional: optional:
- automatic reconnection - automatic reconnection
- buffer pooling - buffer pooling
- advanced connection management (master-server, replica pair) - connection pooling. Although may not be desired because each connection maintains seperate session state (open cursors and temp map/reduce collections) and switching between connections automatically would change session state without the user knowing.
- Tailable cursor support + support safe operations, although operation with exclusive connection access is available which can be used to getLastError and check for that previous write was safe (successful).
+ support safe operations + auto-destoy connection (how?/when?). Although, GHC will automatically close connection (Handle) when garbage collected.
+ auto-reconnection
+ auto-destoy connection (how?/when?)
+ don't read into cursor until needed, but have cursor send getMore before + don't read into cursor until needed, but have cursor send getMore before
it is actually out of docs (so network is finished by the time we're ready it is actually out of docs (so network is finished by the time we're ready
to consume more) to consume more)
+ support a LIMITed quickFind
Misc Misc
---- ----
+ learn more about haskelldb, anything we can learn from there + learn more about haskelldb, anything we can learn from there
+ go through pymongo api and figure out what parts to adopt (also look + go through pymongo api and figure out what parts to adopt (also look
at other languages?) at other languages?)
- database_names()
- collection_names()
+ support for aggricated commands like listing collections
+ kill prefix on data types "eg QO_*"? + kill prefix on data types "eg QO_*"?
+ javascript + javascript
+ tailable cursor support + tailable cursor support
- only close cursor when cursorID is 0 - only close cursor when cursorID is 0
- have to create loop that sleeps and retries - have to create loop that sleeps and retries
- lazy list support - lazy list support
+ error handling?
+ concurrency (share connection?)
+ is there a garbage collector hook that will let us free cursors and connections?
Tests? Tests?
Documentation Documentation
@ -90,16 +68,17 @@ Documentation
GridFS GridFS
pretty printer
deep "lookup" function (other deep Map functions?) deep "lookup" function (other deep Map functions?)
how to make bytestrings less painful Read instance for Documents that can read its Show representation
custom Show/Read instance that looks more like json
make sure NULLs aren't in created table names make sure NULLs aren't in created table names
update tutorial to match new python one update tutorial to match new python one
+ custom types (see python examples) + custom types (see python examples)
+ support array conversions again
+ better type conversion errors
+ make BSON an instance of Binary (eg get/put) + make BSON an instance of Binary (eg get/put)
- In Mongo shell, fetches storageSize of each index but does not use it
- Remember that in the new version of MongoDB (>= 1.6), "ok" field can be a number (0 or 1) or boolean (False or True). Use 'true1' function defined in Database.MongoDB.Util

30 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Hi Scott,
Thanks for writing the Haskell driver for MongoDB! It functions well but I basically rewrote it in an attempt to factor it nicely and support additional functionality like multiple threads using the same connection. I hope you like it! You can find it on my fork of your repository at
First, I separated out BSON into its own package, since it can be used as an interchange format independent of MongoDB. You can find this new package on Github at and on Hackage at I also made the BSON easier to write and view. For example, you can write: ["a" =: 1, "b" =: "hello", "c" =: [1,2,3]], and it shows as: [a: 1, b: "hello", c: [1,2,3]].
Second, for modularity, I separated MongoDB into 5 modules: MongoDB-Internal-Connection, MongoDB-Internal-Protocol, MongoDB-Connection, MongoDB-Query, and MongoDB-Admin.
MongoDB-Internal-Connection defines a connection with multi-threaded support via two monads, one with shared access to a connection (Task), and one with exclusive access to a connection (Op). This module also exposes low-level writing and reading bytes inside the Op monad for MongoDB-Internal-Protocol to use. This module is not intended for the application-programmer use, and maybe should be a hidden module inside cabal, but for now it is not.
MongoDB-Internal-Protocol defines the MongoDB Wire Protocol ( It defines the messages the the client and server send back and forth to each other. Again, this module is not intended for the application-programmer use, and maybe should be a hidden module inside cabal, but for now it is not.
MongoDB-Connection re-exports Connection, and Task and Op monads from MongoDB-Internal-Connection but without the low-level read and write bytes functions. It also adds support for replica-sets, which will replace replica-pairs in the next release of MongoDB coming out soon. I had to make two connection modules (MongoDB-Internal-Connection and MongoDB-Connection) because connecting to a replica set requires quering its config info, which requires us to import MongoDB-Query, which recursively imports MongoDB-Internal-Protocol then MongoDB-Internal-Connection. I could have used mutual dependent modules (via .hs-boot) but felt that violated the layered approach I was going for.
MongoDB-Query defines all the normal query and update operations like find, findOne, count, insert, modify, delete, group, mapReduce, allDatabases, allCollections, runCommand, etc.
MongoDB-Admin defines all the administration operations like validateCollection, ensureIndex, dropIndex, addUser, copyDatabase, dbStats, setProfilingLevel, etc.
Finally, the top-level MongoDB module simply re-exports MongoDB-Connection, MongoDB-Query, and MongoDB-Admin, along with Data.Bson from the bson package.
I updated your TODO list, removing items I completed, added items that were missing, and added back items I removed from the code like lazy list from a cursor (I am skeptical of lazy I/O, but we could add it back).
I also update your two tutorials to reflect this new API.
I hope you like these changes! Let me know your feedback, and I hope we can both maintain it in the future.
Tony Hannan
10gen Inc.
Creators of MongoDB

View file

@ -17,21 +17,17 @@ map/reduce queries on:
GHCi, version 6.12.1: :? for help GHCi, version 6.12.1: :? for help
... ...
Prelude> :set prompt "> " Prelude> :set prompt "> "
> :set -XOverloadedStrings
> import Database.MongoDB > import Database.MongoDB
> import Database.MongoDB.BSON > Right conn <- connect (server "localhost")
> import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 > let run task = runTask task conn
> c <- connect "localhost" [] > let runDb db dbTask = run $ useDb db dbTask
> let col = (fromString "test.mr1")
> :{ > :{
insertMany c col [ runDb "test" $ insertMany "mr1" [
(toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 1), ["x" =: 1, "tags" =: ["dog", "cat"]],
("tags", toBson ["dog", "cat"])]), ["x" =: 2, "tags" =: ["cat"]],
(toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 2), ["x" =: 3, "tags" =: ["mouse", "cat", "dog"]],
("tags", toBson ["cat"])]), ["x" =: 4, "tags" =: ([] :: [String])]
(toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 3),
("tags", toBson ["mouse", "cat", "doc"])]),
(toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 4),
("tags", BsonArray [])])
] ]
:} :}
@ -47,7 +43,7 @@ Our map function just emits a single (key, 1) pair for each tag in the
array: array:
> :{ > :{
let mapFn = " let mapFn = Javascript [] "
function() {\n function() {\n
this.tags.forEach(function(z) {\n this.tags.forEach(function(z) {\n
emit(z, 1);\n emit(z, 1);\n
@ -59,7 +55,7 @@ The reduce function sums over all of the emitted values for a given
key: key:
> :{ > :{
let reduceFn = " let reduceFn = Javascript [] "
function (key, values) {\n function (key, values) {\n
var total = 0;\n var total = 0;\n
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {\n for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {\n
@ -74,40 +70,16 @@ be called iteratively on the results of other reduce steps.
Finally, we call map_reduce() and iterate over the result collection: Finally, we call map_reduce() and iterate over the result collection:
> mapReduce c col (fromString mapFn) (fromString reduceFn) [] >>= allDocs > runDb "test" $ runMR (mapReduce "mr1" mapFn reduceFn) >>= rest
[[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "cat" Empty)), Right [[ _id: "cat", value: 3.0],[ _id: "dog", value: 2.0],[ _id: "mouse", value: 1.0]]
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 6.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "doc" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "dog" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 3.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "mouse" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 2.0)]]
Advanced Map/Reduce Advanced Map/Reduce
------------------- -------------------
MongoDB returns additional information in the map/reduce results. To MongoDB returns additional statistics in the map/reduce results. To
obtain them, use *runMapReduce*: obtain them, use *runMR'* instead:
> res <- runMapReduce c col (fromString mapFn) (fromString reduceFn) [] > runDb "test" $ runMR' (mapReduce "mr1" mapFn reduceFn)
> res Right [ result: "", timeMillis: 379, counts: [ input: 4, emit: 6, output: 3], ok: 1.0]
[(Chunk "result" Empty, BsonString (Chunk "" Empty)),
(Chunk "timeMillis" Empty, BsonInt32 90),
(Chunk "counts" Empty,
BsonDoc [(Chunk "input" Empty,BsonInt64 8),
(Chunk "emit" Empty,BsonInt64 12),
(Chunk "output" Empty,BsonInt64 4)]),
(Chunk "ok" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)]
You can then obtain the results using *mapReduceResults*: You can then obtain the results from here by quering the result collection yourself. "runMR* (above) does this for you but discards the statistics.
> mapReduceResults c (fromString "test") res >>= allDocs
[[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "cat" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 6.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "doc" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "dog" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 3.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "mouse" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 2.0)]]

View file

@ -1,33 +1,34 @@
Name: mongoDB Name: mongoDB
Version: 0.4.2 Version: 0.5.0
License: MIT License: MIT
Maintainer: Scott Parish <> Maintainer: Scott Parish <>, Tony Hannan <>
Author: Scott Parish <> Author: Scott Parish <>, Tony Hannan <>
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010-2010 Scott Parish Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010-2010 Scott Parish & 10gen Inc.
homepage: homepage:
Category: Database Category: Database
Synopsis: A driver for MongoDB Synopsis: A driver for MongoDB
Description: This module lets you connect to MongoDB, do inserts, Description: This module lets you connect to MongoDB, do inserts,
queries, updates, etc. Also has many convience functions queries, updates, etc. Also has many convience functions
inspired by HDBC such as more easily converting between inspired by HDBC such as more easily converting between
the BsonValue types and native Haskell types. the Bson.Value types and native Haskell types.
Stability: alpha Stability: alpha
Build-Depends: base < 5, Build-Depends: base < 5,
binary, binary,
bytestring, bytestring,
network, network,
random, nano-md5,
time, parsec,
unix, bson
Build-Type: Simple Build-Type: Simple
Exposed-modules: Database.MongoDB, Exposed-modules:
Database.MongoDB.BSON Database.MongoDB.Util,
Other-modules: Database.MongoDB.Util Database.MongoDB.Internal.Connection,
ghc-options: -Wall -O2 ghc-options: -Wall -O2
extensions: FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses,
cabal-version: >= 1.4 cabal-version: >= 1.4

old/Database/MongoDB.hs Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
Copyright (C) 2010 Scott R Parish <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
module Database.MongoDB.Util
putI8, putI16, putI32, putI64, putNothing, putNull, putS,
getI8, getI32, getI64, getC, getS, getNull, putStrSz,
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L8
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Int
getC :: Get Char
getC = liftM chr getI8
getI8 :: (Integral a) => Get a
getI8 = liftM fromIntegral getWord8
getI32 :: Get Int32
getI32 = liftM fromIntegral getWord32le
getI64 :: Get Int64
getI64 = liftM fromIntegral getWord64le
getS :: Get (Integer, L8.ByteString)
getS = getLazyByteStringNul >>= \s -> return (fromIntegral $ L.length s + 1, s)
getNull :: Get ()
getNull = do {c <- getC; assert (c == '\0') $ return ()}
putI8 :: Int8 -> Put
putI8 = putWord8 . fromIntegral
putI16 :: Int16 -> Put
putI16 = putWord16le . fromIntegral
putI32 :: Int32 -> Put
putI32 = putWord32le . fromIntegral
putI64 :: Int64 -> Put
putI64 = putWord64le . fromIntegral
putNothing :: Put
putNothing = putByteString $ pack ""
putNull :: Put
putNull = putI8 0
putS :: L8.ByteString -> Put
putS s = putLazyByteString s >> putNull
putStrSz :: L8.ByteString -> Put
putStrSz s = putI32 (fromIntegral $ 1 + L.length s) >> putS s

View file

@ -41,94 +41,89 @@ Start up a haskell repl:
$ ghci $ ghci
Now We'll need to bring in the MongoDB/BSON bindings: Now we'll need to bring in the MongoDB/BSON bindings and set
OverloadedStrings so literal strings are converted to UTF-8 automatically.
> import Database.MongoDB > import Database.MongoDB
> import Database.MongoDB.BSON > :set -XOverloadedStrings
Making A Connection Making A Connection
------------------- -------------------
Open up a connection to your DB instance, using the standard port: Open up a connection to your DB instance, using the standard port:
> con <- connect "" [] > Right con <- connect $ server ""
or for a non-standard port or for a non-standard port
> import Network > Right con <- connect $ server "" (PortNumber 666)
> con <- connectOnPort "" (Network.PortNumber 666) []
By default mongoDB will try to find the master and connect to it and *connect* returns Left IOError if connection fails. We are assuming above
will throw an exception if a master can not be found to connect it won't fail. If it does you will get a pattern match error.
to. You can force mongoDB to connect to the slave by adding SlaveOK as
a connection option, eg:
> con <- connect "" [SlaveOK] Task and Db monad
Databases, Collections and FullCollections The current connection is held in a Reader monad called "Task*, and the
------------------------------------------ current database is held in a Reader monad on top of that. To run a task,
supply it and a connection to *runTask*. Within a task, to access a database,
wrap you operations in a *useDb*.
As many database servers, MongoDB has databases--separate namespaces But since we are working in ghci, which requires us to start from the
under which collections reside. Most of the APIs for this driver IO monad every time, we'll define a convenient 'run' function that takes a
request the *FullCollection* which is simply the *Database* and the db-action and executes it against our "test" database on the server we
*Collection* concatenated with a period. just connected to:
For instance 'myweb_prod.users' is the the *FullCollection* name for > let run act = runTask (useDb "test" act) con
the *Collection 'users' in the database 'myweb_prod'.
*run* (*runTask*) will return either Left Failure or Right result. Failure
means the connection failed (eg. network problem) or the server failed
(eg. disk full).
Databases and Collections
A MongoDB can store multiple databases--separate namespaces
under which collections reside.
You can obtain the list of databases available on a connection:
> runTask allDatabases con
You can also use the *run* function we just created:
> run allDatabases
The "test" database is ignored in this case because *allDatabases*
is not a query on a specific database but on the server as a whole.
Databases and collections do not need to be created, just start using Databases and collections do not need to be created, just start using
them and MongoDB will automatically create them for you. them and MongoDB will automatically create them for you.
In the below examples we'll be using the following *FullCollection*: In the below examples we'll be using the database "test" (captured in *run*
above) and the colllection "posts":
> import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 You can obtain a list of collections available in the "test" database:
> let postsCol = (fromString "test.posts")
You can obtain a list of databases available on a connection: > run allCollections
> dbs <- databaseNames con
You can obtain a list of collections available on a database:
> cols <- collectionNames con (fromString "test")
> map toString cols
Documents Documents
--------- ---------
Data in MongoDB is represented (and stored) using JSON-style Data in MongoDB is represented (and stored) using JSON-style
documents. In mongoDB we use the *BsonDoc* type to represent these documents. In mongoDB we use the BSON *Document* type to represent
documents. At the moment a *BsonDoc* is simply a tuple list of the these documents. A document is simply a list of *Field*s, where each field is
type '[(ByteString, BsonValue)]'. Here's a BsonDoc which could represent a named value. A value is a basic type like Bool, Int, Float, String, Time;
a blog post: a special BSON value like Binary, Javascript, ObjectId; a (embedded)
Document; or a list of values. Here's an example document which could
represent a blog post:
> import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX > import Data.Time
> now <- getPOSIXTime > now <- getCurrentTime
> :{ > :{
let post = [(fromString "author", BsonString $ fromString "Mike"), let post = ["author" =: "Mike",
(fromString "text", "text" =: "My first blog post!",
BsonString $ fromString "My first blog post!"), "tags" =: ["mongoDB", "Haskell"],
(fromString "tags", "date" =: now]
BsonArray [BsonString $ fromString "mongodb",
BsonString $ fromString "python",
BsonString $ fromString "pymongo"]),
(fromString "date", BsonDate now)]
With all the type wrappers and string conversion, it's hard to see
what's actually going on. Fortunately the BSON library provides
conversion functions *toBson* and *fromBson* for converting native
between the wrapped BSON types and many native Haskell types. The
functions *toBsonDoc* and *fromBsonDoc* help convert from tuple lists
with plain *String* keys, or *Data.Map*.
Here's the same BSON data structure using these conversion functions:
> :{
let post = toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike"),
("text", toBson "My first blog post!"),
("tags", toBson ["mongoDB", "Haskell"]),
("date", BsonDate now)]
:} :}
Inserting a Document Inserting a Document
@ -136,11 +131,11 @@ Inserting a Document
To insert a document into a collection we can use the *insert* function: To insert a document into a collection we can use the *insert* function:
> insert con postsCol post > run $ insert "posts" post
BsonObjectId 23400392795601893065744187392 Right (Oid 4c16d355 c80c560858000000)
When a document is inserted a special key, *_id*, is automatically When a document is inserted a special field, *_id*, is automatically
added if the document doesn't already contain an *_id* key. The value added if the document doesn't already contain that field. The value
of *_id* must be unique across the collection. *insert* returns the of *_id* must be unique across the collection. *insert* returns the
value of *_id* for the inserted document. For more information, see value of *_id* for the inserted document. For more information, see
the [documentation on _id]( the [documentation on _id](
@ -149,9 +144,7 @@ After inserting the first document, the posts collection has actually
been created on the server. We can verify this by listing all of the been created on the server. We can verify this by listing all of the
collections in our database: collections in our database:
> cols <- collectionNames con (fromString "test") > run allCollections
> map toString cols
[u'postsCol', u'system.indexes']
* Note The system.indexes collection is a special internal collection * Note The system.indexes collection is a special internal collection
that was created automatically. that was created automatically.
@ -166,11 +159,10 @@ only one matching document, or are only interested in the first
match. Here we use *findOne* to get the first document from the posts match. Here we use *findOne* to get the first document from the posts
collection: collection:
> findOne con postsCol [] > run $ findOne (query [] "posts")
Just [(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonObjectId (Chunk "K\151\153S9\CAN\138e\203X\182'" Empty)),(Chunk "author" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "Mike" Empty)),(Chunk "text" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "My first blog post!" Empty)),(Chunk "tags" Empty,BsonArray [BsonString (Chunk "mongoDB" Empty),BsonString (Chunk "Haskell" Empty)]),(Chunk "date" Empty,BsonDate 1268226361.753s)] Right (Just [ _id: Oid 4c16d355 c80c560858000000, author: "Mike", text: "My first blog post!", tags: ["mongoDB","Haskell"], date: 2010-06-15 01:09:28.364 UTC])
The result is a dictionary matching the one that we inserted The result is a document matching the one that we inserted previously.
* Note: The returned document contains an *_id*, which was automatically * Note: The returned document contains an *_id*, which was automatically
added on insert. added on insert.
@ -179,41 +171,42 @@ added on insert.
resulting document must match. To limit our results to a document with resulting document must match. To limit our results to a document with
author "Mike" we do: author "Mike" we do:
> findOne con postsCol $ toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike")] > run $ findOne (query ["author" =: "Mike"] "posts")
Just [(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonObjectId (Chunk "K\151\153S9\CAN\138e\203X\182'" Empty)),(Chunk "author" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "Mike" Empty)),(Chunk "text" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "My first blog post!" Empty)),(Chunk "tags" Empty,BsonArray [BsonString (Chunk "mongoDB" Empty),BsonString (Chunk "Haskell" Empty)]),(Chunk "date" Empty,BsonDate 1268226361.753s)] Right (Just [ _id: Oid 4c16d355 c80c560858000000, author: "Mike", text: "My first blog post!", tags: ["mongoDB","Haskell"], date: 2010-06-15 01:09:28.364 UTC])
If we try with a different author, like "Eliot", we'll get no result: If we try with a different author, like "Eliot", we'll get no result:
> findOne con postsCol $ toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Eliot")] > run $ findOne (query ["author" =: "Eliot"] "posts")
Nothing Right Nothing
Bulk Inserts Bulk Inserts
------------ ------------
In order to make querying a little more interesting, let's insert a In order to make querying a little more interesting, let's insert a
few more documents. In addition to inserting a single document, we can few more documents. In addition to inserting a single document, we can
also perform bulk insert operations, by using the *insertMany* api also perform bulk insert operations, by using the *insertMany* function
which accepts a list of documents to be inserted. This will insert which accepts a list of documents to be inserted. It send only a single
each document in the iterable, sending only a single command to the command to the server:
> now <- getPOSIXTime > now <- getCurrentTime
> :{ > :{
let new_postsCol = [toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike"), let post1 = ["author" =: "Mike",
("text", toBson "Another post!"), "text" =: "Another post!",
("tags", toBson ["bulk", "insert"]), "tags" =: ["bulk", "insert"],
("date", toBson now)], "date" =: now]
toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Eliot"),
("title", toBson "MongoDB is fun"),
("text", toBson "and pretty easy too!"),
("date", toBson now)]]
:} :}
> insertMany con postsCol new_posts > :{
[BsonObjectId 23400393883959793414607732737,BsonObjectId 23400398126710930368559579137] let post2 = ["author" =: "Eliot",
"title" =: "MongoDB is fun",
"text" =: "and pretty easy too!",
"date" =: now]
> run $ insertMany "posts" [post1, post2]
Right [Oid 4c16d67e c80c560858000001,Oid 4c16d67e c80c560858000002]
* Note that *new_posts !! 1* has a different shape than the other * Note that post2 has a different shape than the other posts - there
posts - there is no "tags" field and we've added a new field, is no "tags" field and we've added a new field, "title". This is what we
"title". This is what we mean when we say that MongoDB is schema-free. mean when we say that MongoDB is schema-free.
Querying for More Than One Document Querying for More Than One Document
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
@ -221,43 +214,37 @@ Querying for More Than One Document
To get more than a single document as the result of a query we use the To get more than a single document as the result of a query we use the
*find* method. *find* returns a cursor instance, which allows us to *find* method. *find* returns a cursor instance, which allows us to
iterate over all matching documents. There are several ways in which iterate over all matching documents. There are several ways in which
we can iterate: we can call *nextDoc* to get documents one at a time we can iterate: we can call *next* to get documents one at a time
or we can get a lazy list of all the results by applying the cursor or we can get all the results by applying the cursor to *rest*:
to *allDocs*:
> cursor <- find con postsCol $ toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike")] > Right cursor <- run $ find (query ["author" =: "Mike"] "posts")
> allDocs cursor > run $ rest cursor
Of course you can use bind (*>>=*) to combine these into one line: Of course you can use bind (*>>=*) to combine these into one line:
> docs <- find con postsCol (toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike")]) >>= allDocs > run $ find (query ["author" =: "Mike"] "posts") >>= rest
* Note: *nextDoc* automatically closes the cursor when the last * Note: *next* automatically closes the cursor when the last
document has been read out of it. Similarly, *allDocs* automatically document has been read out of it. Similarly, *rest* automatically
closes the cursor when you've consumed to the end of the resulting closes the cursor after returning all the results.
Counting Counting
-------- --------
We can count how many documents are in an entire collection: We can count how many documents are in an entire collection:
> num <- count con postsCol > run $ count (query [] "posts")
Or we can query for how many documents match a query: Or count how many documents match a query:
> num <- countMatching con postsCol (toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike")]) > run $ count (query ["author" =: "Mike"] "posts")
Range Queries Range Queries
------------- -------------
No non native sorting yet. To do
Indexing Indexing
-------- --------
WIP - coming soon. To do
Something like...
> index <- createIndex con testcol [("author", Ascending)] True