
297 lines
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{-| Low-level messaging between this client and the MongoDB server. See Mongo Wire Protocol (<>).
This module is not intended for direct use. Use the high-level interface at "Database.MongoDB.Query" instead. -}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, StandaloneDeriving, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol (
-- * FullCollection
-- * Write
Insert(..), insert,
Update(..), UpdateOption(..), update,
Delete(..), DeleteOption(..), delete,
-- * Read
Query(..), QueryOption(..), query,
GetMore(..), getMore,
-- ** Reply
-- ** Cursor
CursorId, killCursors,
-- * Authentication
Username, Password, Nonce, pwHash, pwKey
) where
import Prelude as P
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Connection (Op, sendBytes, flushBytes, receiveBytes)
import Data.Bson
import Data.Bson.Binary
import Data.UString as U (pack, append, toByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B (length, append)
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Int
import Data.Bits
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Digest.OpenSSL.MD5 (md5sum)
import Database.MongoDB.Util (bitOr, (<.>))
-- * Authentication
type Username = UString
type Password = UString
type Nonce = UString
pwHash :: Username -> Password -> UString
pwHash u p = pack . md5sum . toByteString $ u `U.append` ":mongo:" `U.append` p
pwKey :: Nonce -> Username -> Password -> UString
pwKey n u p = pack . md5sum . toByteString . U.append n . U.append u $ pwHash u p
-- * FullCollection
type FullCollection = UString
-- ^ Database name and collection name with period (.) in between. Eg. \"myDb.myCollection\"
-- * Request / response
insert :: Insert -> Op ()
-- ^ Insert documents into collection
insert = send_ . putInsert
update :: Update -> Op ()
-- ^ Update documents in collection matching selector using updater
update = send_ . putUpdate
delete :: Delete -> Op ()
-- ^ Delete documents in collection matching selector
delete = send_ . putDelete
killCursors :: [CursorId] -> Op ()
-- ^ Close cursors on server because we will not be getting anymore documents from them
killCursors = send_ . putKillCursors . KillCursors
query :: Query -> Op Reply
-- ^ Return first batch of documents in collection matching selector and a cursor-id for getting remaining documents (see 'getMore')
query q = do
requestId <- send (putQuery q)
(reply, responseTo) <- receive getReply
unless (responseTo == requestId) $ fail "expected response id to match query request id"
return reply
getMore :: GetMore -> Op Reply
-- ^ Get next batch of documents from cursor
getMore g = do
requestId <- send (putGetMore g)
(reply, responseTo) <- receive getReply
unless (responseTo == requestId) $ fail "expected response id to match get-more request id"
return reply
-- ** Send / receive
type RequestId = Int32
-- ^ A fresh request id is generated for every message
genRequestId :: IO RequestId
-- ^ Generate fresh request id
genRequestId = atomicModifyIORef counter $ \n -> (n + 1, n) where
counter :: IORef RequestId
counter = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 0)
{-# NOINLINE counter #-}
type ResponseTo = RequestId
send_ :: (RequestId -> Put) -> Op ()
send_ x = send x >> return ()
send :: (RequestId -> Put) -> Op RequestId
send rput = do
requestId <- liftIO genRequestId
let bytes = runPut (rput requestId)
let lengthBytes = runPut . putInt32 $ (toEnum . fromEnum) (B.length bytes + 4)
sendBytes (B.append lengthBytes bytes)
return requestId
receive :: Get a -> Op a
receive getMess = do
messageLength <- fromIntegral . runGet getInt32 <$> receiveBytes 4
runGet getMess <$> receiveBytes (messageLength - 4)
-- * Messages
data Insert = Insert {
iFullCollection :: FullCollection,
iDocuments :: [Document]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Update = Update {
uFullCollection :: FullCollection,
uOptions :: [UpdateOption],
uSelector :: Document,
uUpdater :: Document
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data UpdateOption =
Upsert -- ^ If set, the database will insert the supplied object into the collection if no matching document is found
| MultiUpdate -- ^ If set, the database will update all matching objects in the collection. Otherwise only updates first matching doc
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Delete = Delete {
dFullCollection :: FullCollection,
dOptions :: [DeleteOption],
dSelector :: Document
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data DeleteOption = SingleRemove -- ^ If set, the database will remove only the first matching document in the collection. Otherwise all matching documents will be removed
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Query = Query {
qOptions :: [QueryOption],
qFullCollection :: FullCollection,
qSkip :: Int32, -- ^ Number of initial matching documents to skip
qBatchSize :: Int32, -- ^ The number of document to return in each batch response from the server. 0 means use Mongo default. Negative means close cursor after first batch and use absolute value as batch size.
qSelector :: Document, -- ^ \[\] = return all documents in collection
qProjector :: Document -- ^ \[\] = return whole document
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data QueryOption =
TailableCursor |
SlaveOK |
deriving (Show, Eq)
data GetMore = GetMore {
gFullCollection :: FullCollection,
gBatchSize :: Int32,
gCursorId :: CursorId
} deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype KillCursors = KillCursors {
kCursorIds :: [CursorId]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Reply = Reply {
rResponseFlag :: Int32, -- ^ 0 = success, non-zero = failure
rCursorId :: CursorId, -- ^ 0 = cursor finished
rStartingFrom :: Int32,
rDocuments :: [Document]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type CursorId = Int64
-- ** Messages binary format
type Opcode = Int32
-- ^ Code for each message type
replyOpcode, updateOpcode, insertOpcode, queryOpcode, getMoreOpcode, deleteOpcode, killCursorsOpcode :: Opcode
replyOpcode = 1
updateOpcode = 2001
insertOpcode = 2002
queryOpcode = 2004
getMoreOpcode = 2005
deleteOpcode = 2006
killCursorsOpcode = 2007
putUpdate :: Update -> RequestId -> Put
putUpdate Update{..} = putMessage updateOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putCString uFullCollection
putInt32 (uBits uOptions)
putDocument uSelector
putDocument uUpdater
uBit :: UpdateOption -> Int32
uBit Upsert = bit 0
uBit MultiUpdate = bit 1
uBits :: [UpdateOption] -> Int32
uBits = bitOr . map uBit
putInsert :: Insert -> RequestId -> Put
putInsert Insert{..} = putMessage insertOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putCString iFullCollection
mapM_ putDocument iDocuments
putDelete :: Delete -> RequestId -> Put
putDelete Delete{..} = putMessage deleteOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putCString dFullCollection
putInt32 (dBits dOptions)
putDocument dSelector
dBit :: DeleteOption -> Int32
dBit SingleRemove = bit 0
dBits :: [DeleteOption] -> Int32
dBits = bitOr . map dBit
putQuery :: Query -> RequestId -> Put
putQuery Query{..} = putMessage queryOpcode $ do
putInt32 (qBits qOptions)
putCString qFullCollection
putInt32 qSkip
putInt32 qBatchSize
putDocument qSelector
unless (null qProjector) (putDocument qProjector)
qBit :: QueryOption -> Int32
qBit TailableCursor = bit 1
qBit SlaveOK = bit 2
qBit NoCursorTimeout = bit 4
qBits :: [QueryOption] -> Int32
qBits = bitOr . map qBit
putGetMore :: GetMore -> RequestId -> Put
putGetMore GetMore{..} = putMessage getMoreOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putCString gFullCollection
putInt32 gBatchSize
putInt64 gCursorId
putKillCursors :: KillCursors -> RequestId -> Put
putKillCursors KillCursors{..} = putMessage killCursorsOpcode $ do
putInt32 0
putInt32 $ toEnum (P.length kCursorIds)
mapM_ putInt64 kCursorIds
getReply :: Get (Reply, ResponseTo)
getReply = getMessage replyOpcode $ do
rResponseFlag <- getInt32
rCursorId <- getInt64
rStartingFrom <- getInt32
numDocs <- getInt32
rDocuments <- replicateM (fromIntegral numDocs) getDocument
return $ Reply {..}
-- *** Message header
putMessage :: Opcode -> Put -> RequestId -> Put
-- ^ Note, does not write message length (first int32), assumes caller will write it
putMessage opcode messageBodyPut requestId = do
putInt32 requestId
putInt32 0
putInt32 opcode
getMessage :: Opcode -> Get a -> Get (a, ResponseTo)
-- ^ Note, does not read message length (first int32), assumes it was already read
getMessage expectedOpcode getMessageBody = do
_requestId <- getInt32
responseTo <- getInt32
opcode <- getInt32
unless (opcode == expectedOpcode) $
fail $ "expected opcode " ++ show expectedOpcode ++ " but got " ++ show opcode
body <- getMessageBody
return (body, responseTo)
{- Authors: Tony Hannan <>
Copyright 2010 10gen Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -}