import { Inject, Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; import { MatDialog, MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog'; import { MatSlideToggleChange } from '@angular/material/slide-toggle'; import { UntypedFormBuilder, Validators, UntypedFormGroup, FormControl } from '@angular/forms'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { Owner } from '../owner.model'; import { XeroService } from '../xero.service'; import { NotifierService } from '../notifier.service'; import { faCopy } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'; @Component({ selector: 'app-settings', templateUrl: './settings.component.html', styleUrls: ['/settings.component.css'] }) export class SettingsComponent implements OnInit { // ------------------------------------ // faCopy = faCopy; // ------------------------------------ settingsForm: UntypedFormGroup; accCodForm: UntypedFormGroup; owner: Owner; useZats: boolean; proVersion: boolean = false; useVKey: boolean = false; linkMsg: string = 'Link to Xero'; xeroAccCod: string = ''; saveAccOk: boolean = false; coins = [ { label: 'US Dollar', symbol: 'usd' },{ label: 'Euro', symbol: 'eur' },{ label: 'British Pound', symbol: 'gbp' },{ label: 'Canadian Dollar', symbol: 'cad' },{ label: 'Australian Dollar', symbol: 'aud' },{ label: 'New Zealand Dollar', symbol: 'nzd' } ]; xeroLink: string = ''; localToken: string = ''; clientId: string = ''; clientIdUpdate: Observable; accCodeUpdate: Observable; linked2Xero : boolean = false; pmtServiceURL : string = ''; constructor( private notifierService : NotifierService, private fb: UntypedFormBuilder, public xeroService: XeroService, private dialogRef: MatDialogRef, @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: Owner) { this.useZats = data.zats; this.useVKey = data.payconf; this.settingsForm ={ name: [, Validators.required], currency: [data.currency, Validators.required], useZats: [data.zats, Validators.required], useVKey: [data.payconf, Validators.required], // proVersion: [data.invoices, Validators.required], vKey: [data.viewkey] }); this.accCodForm = ({ xAcc: [this.xeroAccCod] }); if (data.payconf) { this.settingsForm.get('vKey')!.enable(); } this.owner = data; this.proVersion = this.owner.invoices; if ( this.owner.crmToken !== '' ) { this.linked2Xero = true; } this.clientIdUpdate = xeroService.clientIdUpdate; xeroService.getXeroConfig(); this.clientIdUpdate.subscribe(clientId => { this.clientId = clientId; this.xeroLink = `${this.clientId}&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A4200%2Fxeroauth&scope=accounting.transactions offline_access&state=${this.owner.address.substring(0, 6)}` }); this.accCodeUpdate = xeroService.accCodeUpdate; xeroService.getXeroAccountCode(this.owner.address); this.accCodeUpdate.subscribe(accData => { this.xeroAccCod = accData; console.log("xeroAccCod -> [" + this.xeroAccCod + "]"); this.accCodForm.get('xAcc')!.setValue(this.xeroAccCod); }); } ngOnInit() { this.settingsForm.get('vKey')!.disable(); this.linkMsg = 'Link to Xero'; this.pmtServiceURL + ''; if ( this.linked2Xero ) { this.linkMsg = 'Relink to Xero'; this.pmtServiceURL = '' + this.owner._id + '&invoiceNo=[INVOICENUMBER]¤cy=[CURRENCY]&amount=[AMOUNTDUE]&shortCode=[SHORTCODE]'; } } safeURL(s: string){ return s.replace(/=/g, '').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_'); } close() { this.dialogRef.close(); } closeIntegration() { if ( this.xeroAccCod == '' ) this.notifierService .showNotification("Payment confirmation disabled!!","Close",'warning'); this.dialogRef.close(); } save() { =; this.owner.currency = this.settingsForm.value.currency; this.owner.zats = this.settingsForm.value.useZats; this.owner.payconf = this.settingsForm.value.useVKey; this.owner.viewkey = this.settingsForm.value.vKey; this.owner.invoices = this.settingsForm.value.proVersion this.dialogRef.close(this.owner); } onChange(ob: MatSlideToggleChange) { this.useZats = ob.checked; } onChangeProVersion(ob: MatSlideToggleChange) { this.proVersion = ob.checked; } onChangeVKeyOn(ob: MatSlideToggleChange) { // console.log("Viewing key switch is " + // ( ob.checked ? "[ON]." : "[OFF]." ) ); this.useVKey = ob.checked; if ( ob.checked ) this.settingsForm.get('vKey')!.enable(); else this.settingsForm.get('vKey')!.disable(); } copyUrl() { // console.log("Inside copyUrl()"); if (navigator.clipboard) { }; try { navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.pmtServiceURL); this.notifierService .showNotification("ZGo URL copied to Clipboard!!","Close",'success'); } catch (err) { // console.error("Error", err); this.notifierService .showNotification("Functionality not available for your browser. Use send button instead.","Close",'error'); } } saveAccCod() { this.xeroAccCod = this.accCodForm.value.xAcc; console.log(">>> " + this.xeroAccCod); if ( this.xeroAccCod.length <= 10 ) { const obs = this.xeroService .setXeroAccountCode(this.owner.address, this.xeroAccCod); obs.subscribe(responseData => { if (responseData.status == 202) { console.log('Account saved'); this.notifierService .showNotification("Account Code saved!!","Close",'success'); } else { console.log('Account not saved -> status[' + responseData.status + ']'); this.notifierService .showNotification("Account Code not saved","Close",'error'); } }, error => { console.log('Error saving Account Code -> ' + error.msg) }); } else { this.notifierService .showNotification("Invalid Account code (10 chars max.)","Close",'error'); }; } xeroAccCodChanged( arg: any ) { // console.log("Account Code changed: " +; // console.log(arg); this.saveAccOk = ( != this.xeroAccCod ); } }