{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module ZGoBackend where import qualified BLAKE3 as BLK import Config import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Exception (try) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Aeson import Data.Array import qualified Data.Bson as B import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import Data.Char import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.HexString import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Scientific as Scientific import Data.SecureMem import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Time.Format import Data.Typeable import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Vector.Internal.Check (doChecks) import Data.Word import Database.MongoDB import Debug.Trace import GHC.Generics import Item import Network.HTTP.Simple import Network.HTTP.Types.Status import Network.Wai (Request, pathInfo) import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors import Network.Wai.Middleware.HttpAuth import Numeric import Order import Owner import Payment import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Random import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Instances import Test.QuickCheck.Property (Result(ok)) import Text.Regex import Text.Regex.Base import User import Web.Scotty import WooCommerce import Xero import ZGoTx -- Models for API objects -- | A type to model Zcash RPC calls data RpcCall = RpcCall { jsonrpc :: T.Text , callId :: T.Text , method :: T.Text , parameters :: [Data.Aeson.Value] } deriving (Show, Generic) instance ToJSON RpcCall where toJSON (RpcCall j c m p) = object ["jsonrpc" .= j, "id" .= c, "method" .= m, "params" .= p] -- | A type to model the response of the Zcash RPC data RpcResponse r = MakeRpcResponse { err :: Maybe RpcError , respId :: T.Text , result :: Maybe r } deriving (Show, Generic, ToJSON) instance (FromJSON r) => FromJSON (RpcResponse r) where parseJSON (Object obj) = MakeRpcResponse <$> obj .: "error" <*> obj .: "id" <*> obj .: "result" parseJSON _ = mzero data RpcError = RpcError { ecode :: Double , emessage :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Generic, ToJSON) instance FromJSON RpcError where parseJSON = withObject "RpcError" $ \obj -> do c <- obj .: "code" m <- obj .: "message" pure $ RpcError c m data Payload r = Payload { payload :: r } deriving (Show, Generic, ToJSON) instance (FromJSON r) => FromJSON (Payload r) where parseJSON (Object obj) = Payload <$> obj .: "payload" parseJSON _ = mzero -- | Type to model a (simplified) block of Zcash blockchain data Block = Block { height :: Integer , size :: Integer } deriving (Show, Generic, ToJSON) instance FromJSON Block where parseJSON (Object obj) = Block <$> obj .: "height" <*> obj .: "size" parseJSON _ = mzero -- | Type to model a Zcash shielded transaction data ZcashTx = ZcashTx { ztxid :: T.Text , zamount :: Double , zamountZat :: Integer , zblockheight :: Integer , zblocktime :: Integer , zchange :: Bool , zconfirmations :: Integer , zmemo :: T.Text } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON ZcashTx where parseJSON = withObject "ZcashTx" $ \obj -> do t <- obj .: "txid" a <- obj .: "amount" aZ <- obj .: "amountZat" bh <- obj .: "blockheight" bt <- obj .: "blocktime" c <- obj .:? "change" conf <- obj .: "confirmations" m <- obj .: "memo" pure $ ZcashTx t a aZ bh bt (fromMaybe False c) conf (T.filter (/= '\NUL') $ decodeHexText m) instance ToJSON ZcashTx where toJSON (ZcashTx t a aZ bh bt c conf m) = object [ "amount" .= a , "amountZat" .= aZ , "txid" .= t , "blockheight" .= bh , "blocktime" .= bt , "change" .= c , "confirmations" .= conf , "memo" .= m ] instance Arbitrary ZcashTx where arbitrary = do a <- arbitrary aZ <- arbitrary t <- arbitrary bh <- arbitrary bt <- arbitrary c <- arbitrary cm <- arbitrary ZcashTx a aZ t bh bt c cm <$> arbitrary -- | A type to model an address group data AddressGroup = AddressGroup { agsource :: AddressSource , agtransparent :: [ZcashAddress] , agsapling :: [ZcashAddress] , agunified :: [ZcashAddress] } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON AddressGroup where parseJSON = withObject "AddressGroup" $ \obj -> do s <- obj .: "source" t <- obj .:? "transparent" sap <- obj .:? "sapling" uni <- obj .:? "unified" sL <- processSapling sap s tL <- processTransparent t s uL <- processUnified uni return $ AddressGroup s tL (concat sL) (concat uL) where processTransparent c s1 = case c of Nothing -> return [] Just x -> do x' <- x .: "addresses" return $ map (ZcashAddress s1 [Transparent] Nothing) x' processSapling k s2 = case k of Nothing -> return [] Just y -> mapM (processOneSapling s2) y where processOneSapling sx = withObject "Sapling" $ \oS -> do oS' <- oS .: "addresses" return $ map (ZcashAddress sx [Sapling] Nothing) oS' processUnified u = case u of Nothing -> return [] Just z -> mapM processOneAccount z where processOneAccount = withObject "UAs" $ \uS -> do acct <- uS .: "account" uS' <- uS .: "addresses" mapM (processUAs acct) uS' where processUAs a = withObject "UAs" $ \v -> do addr <- v .: "address" p <- v .: "receiver_types" return $ ZcashAddress MnemonicSeed p a addr -- | Type for modelling the different address sources for Zcash 5.0.0 data AddressSource = LegacyRandom | Imported | ImportedWatchOnly | KeyPool | LegacySeed | MnemonicSeed deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Generic, ToJSON) instance FromJSON AddressSource where parseJSON = withText "AddressSource" $ \case "legacy_random" -> return LegacyRandom "imported" -> return Imported "imported_watchonly" -> return ImportedWatchOnly "keypool" -> return KeyPool "legacy_hdseed" -> return LegacySeed "mnemonic_seed" -> return MnemonicSeed _ -> fail "Not a known address source" data ZcashPool = Transparent | Sprout | Sapling | Orchard deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, ToJSON) instance FromJSON ZcashPool where parseJSON = withText "ZcashPool" $ \case "p2pkh" -> return Transparent "sprout" -> return Sprout "sapling" -> return Sapling "orchard" -> return Orchard _ -> fail "Not a known Zcash pool" data ZcashAddress = ZcashAddress { source :: AddressSource , pool :: [ZcashPool] , account :: Maybe Integer , addy :: T.Text } deriving (Eq) instance Show ZcashAddress where show (ZcashAddress s p i a) = T.unpack (T.take 8 a) ++ "..." ++ T.unpack (T.takeEnd 8 a) ++ " Pools: " ++ show p -- | Helper function to turn a hex-encoded memo strings to readable text decodeHexText :: String -> T.Text decodeHexText h = E.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode $ BS.pack $ hexRead h where hexRead hexText | null chunk = [] | otherwise = fromIntegral (read ("0x" <> chunk)) : hexRead (drop 2 hexText) where chunk = take 2 hexText -- | Helper function to turn a string into a hex-encoded string encodeHexText :: T.Text -> String encodeHexText t = T.unpack . toText . fromBytes $ E.encodeUtf8 t -- Types for the ZGo database documents -- | Type to model a country for the database's country list data Country = Country { _id :: String , name :: T.Text , code :: T.Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON) parseCountryBson :: B.Document -> Maybe Country parseCountryBson d = do i <- B.lookup "_id" d n <- B.lookup "name" d c <- B.lookup "code" d pure $ Country (show (i :: B.ObjectId)) n c zToZGoTx :: ZcashTx -> ZGoTx zToZGoTx (ZcashTx t a aZ bh bt c conf m) = do let r = mkRegex ".*ZGO::([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})\\sReply-To:\\s(zs[a-z0-9]{76}).*" let p = mkRegex ".*ZGOp::([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}).*" let y = mkRegex ".*MSG\\s(zs[a-z0-9]{76})\\s+ZGO::([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}).*" let reg = matchAllText r (T.unpack m) let reg2 = matchAllText p (T.unpack m) let reg3 = matchAllText y (T.unpack m) if not (null reg) then do let sess = T.pack (fst $ head reg ! 1) let nAddy = T.pack (fst $ head reg ! 2) ZGoTx Nothing nAddy sess conf bt a t m else do if not (null reg2) then do let sess = T.pack (fst $ head reg2 ! 1) ZGoTx Nothing "" sess conf bt a t m else do if not (null reg3) then do let sess = T.pack (fst $ head reg3 ! 2) let nAddy = T.pack (fst $ head reg3 ! 1) ZGoTx Nothing nAddy sess conf bt a t m else ZGoTx Nothing "" "" conf bt a t m -- |Type to model a price in the ZGo database data ZGoPrice = ZGoPrice { _id :: String , currency :: T.Text , price :: Double , timestamp :: UTCTime } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON) parseZGoPrice :: B.Document -> Maybe ZGoPrice parseZGoPrice d = do i <- B.lookup "_id" d c <- B.lookup "currency" d p <- B.lookup "price" d t <- B.lookup "timestamp" d pure $ ZGoPrice (show (i :: B.ObjectId)) c p t -- | Type for the CoinGecko response newtype CoinGeckoPrices = CoinGeckoPrices [(T.Text, Double)] deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON CoinGeckoPrices where parseJSON = withObject "CoinGeckoPrices" $ \obj -> do z <- obj .: "zcash" pure $ CoinGeckoPrices (HM.toList z) -- Functions for querying the ZGo database -- | Function to query DB for countries list listCountries :: Action IO [Document] listCountries = rest =<< find (select [] "countries") sendPin :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text -> Action IO String sendPin nodeUser nodePwd nodeAddress addr pin = do let pd = [ Data.Aeson.String nodeAddress , Data.Aeson.Array (V.fromList [ object [ "address" .= addr , "amount" .= (0.00000001 :: Double) , "memo" .= encodeHexText ("ZGo PIN: " <> pin) ] ]) ] r <- makeZcashCall nodeUser nodePwd "z_sendmany" pd let sCode = getResponseStatus (r :: Response Object) if sCode == ok200 then return "Pin sent!" else return "Pin sending failed :(" -- | Function to create user from ZGoTx addUser :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> Pipe -> T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe ZGoTx -> Action IO () addUser _ _ _ _ _ Nothing = return () --`debug` "addUser got Nothing" addUser nodeUser nodePwd p db node (Just tx) = do isNew <- liftIO $ isUserNew p db tx when isNew $ do let newPin = unsafePerformIO (generatePin (fromIntegral $ blocktime tx)) _ <- sendPin nodeUser nodePwd node (address tx) newPin let pinHash = BLK.hash [ BA.pack . BS.unpack . C.pack . T.unpack $ newPin <> session tx :: BA.Bytes ] insert_ "users" [ "address" =: address tx , "session" =: session tx , "blocktime" =: blocktime tx , "pin" =: (T.pack . show $ (pinHash :: BLK.Digest BLK.DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN)) , "validated" =: False ] -- | Function to query DB for transactions with less than 10 confirmations findPending :: String -> Action IO [Document] findPending s = rest =<< find (select ["session" =: s, "confirmations" =: ["$lt" =: (3 :: Integer)]] "txs") -- | Function to query DB for price by currency findPrice :: String -> Action IO (Maybe Document) findPrice c = findOne (select ["currency" =: c] "prices") -- | Function to update prices in ZGo db updatePrices :: CoinGeckoPrices -> [Action IO ()] updatePrices (CoinGeckoPrices []) = [] updatePrices (CoinGeckoPrices x) = do updateOnePrice (head x) : updatePrices (CoinGeckoPrices (tail x)) -- | Function to update one price in ZGo db updateOnePrice :: (T.Text, Double) -> Action IO () updateOnePrice (c, v) = do t <- liftIO getCurrentTime upsert (select ["currency" =: c] "prices") ["currency" =: c, "price" =: v, "timestamp" =: t] -- | Function to upsert ZGoTxs into the given collection upsertZGoTx :: T.Text -> ZGoTx -> Action IO () upsertZGoTx coll t = do upsert (select ["txid" =: txid t] coll) (encodeZGoTxBson t) -- | Function to upsert payment upsertPayment :: Pipe -> T.Text -> ZGoTx -> IO () upsertPayment pipe dbName p = do zecData <- access pipe master dbName (findPrice "usd") let zecPrice = parseZGoPrice =<< zecData case zecPrice of Nothing -> error "Failed to fetch ZEC price" Just zp -> do let delta = sessionCalc (price zp) (amount p) let payTx = Payment Nothing delta False (address p) (session p) (blocktime p) (amount p) (txid p) (memo p) let payment = val payTx case payment of Doc d -> access pipe master dbName $ upsert (select ["txid" =: txid p] "payments") d _ -> return () authSettings :: AuthSettings authSettings = "ZGo Backend" {authIsProtected = needsAuth} needsAuth :: Network.Wai.Request -> IO Bool needsAuth req = return $ case pathInfo req of "api":_ -> True _ -> False -- | Main API routes routes :: Pipe -> Config -> ScottyM () routes pipe config = do let run = access pipe master (c_dbName config) let passkey = c_passkey config let nodeUser = c_nodeUser config let nodePwd = c_nodePwd config let nodeAddress = c_nodeAddress config middleware $ cors $ const $ Just simpleCorsResourcePolicy { corsRequestHeaders = ["Authorization", "Content-Type"] , corsMethods = "DELETE" : simpleMethods --, corsOrigins = Nothing } middleware $ basicAuth (\u p -> return $ u == "user" && secureMemFromByteString p == passkey) authSettings --Get list of countries for UI get "/api/countries" $ do countries <- liftAndCatchIO $ run listCountries case countries of [] -> do status noContent204 _ -> do Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Country data found" :: String) , "countries" .= toJSON (map parseCountryBson countries) ]) --Get Xero credentials get "/api/xero" $ do xeroConfig <- liftAndCatchIO $ run findXero case xeroConfig of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just x -> do let xConfig = cast' (Doc x) case xConfig of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just c -> do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Xero config found!" :: String) , "xeroConfig" .= toJSON (c :: Xero) ]) get "/api/xerotoken" $ do code <- param "code" address <- param "address" xeroConfig <- liftAndCatchIO $ run findXero case xeroConfig of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just x -> do let xConfig = cast' (Doc x) case xConfig of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just c -> do res <- liftAndCatchIO $ requestXeroToken pipe (c_dbName config) c code address if res then status ok200 else status noContent204 get "/api/invdata" $ do inv <- param "inv" oAddress <- param "address" xeroConfig <- liftAndCatchIO $ run findXero case xeroConfig of Nothing -> do status noContent204 text "Xero App credentials not found" Just x -> do let xConfig = cast' (Doc x) case xConfig of Nothing -> do status noContent204 text "Xero App credentials corrupted" Just c -> do res <- liftAndCatchIO $ requestXeroToken pipe (c_dbName config) c "none" oAddress if res then do resInv <- liftAndCatchIO $ getXeroInvoice pipe (c_dbName config) inv oAddress case resInv of Nothing -> do status noContent204 text "Xero invoice not found" Just xI -> do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object ["invdata" .= toJSON xI]) else status noContent204 -- Get the xeroaccount code get "/api/xeroaccount" $ do oAdd <- param "address" res <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findToken oAdd) let c = cast' . Doc =<< res case c of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just c1 -> do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Xero account code found" :: String) , "code" .= t_code c1 ]) -- Save the xeroaccount code post "/api/xeroaccount" $ do oAdd <- param "address" c <- param "code" liftAndCatchIO $ run (addAccCode oAdd c) status accepted202 -- Get the WooCommerce token get "/api/wootoken" $ do oid <- param "ownerid" res <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findWooToken (read oid)) let t1 = cast' . Doc =<< res case t1 of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just t -> do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "ownerid" .= show (w_owner t) , "token" .= w_token t , "siteurl" .= w_url t ]) post "/api/wootoken" $ do oid <- param "ownerid" res <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findOwnerById oid) let o1 = cast' . Doc =<< res case o1 of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just o -> do liftAndCatchIO $ run (generateWooToken o) status accepted202 -- Authenticate the WooCommerce plugin get "/auth" $ do oid <- param "ownerid" t <- param "token" siteurl <- param "siteurl" res <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findWooToken (read oid)) let c1 = cast' . Doc =<< res case c1 of Nothing -> do status accepted202 Web.Scotty.json (object ["authorized" .= False, "message" .= ("Owner not found" :: String)]) Just c -> if t == w_token c then if isNothing (w_url c) then do liftAndCatchIO $ run (addUrl c siteurl) status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "authorized" .= True , "message" .= ("Authorized!" :: String) ]) else do if (E.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode . B64.decodeLenient . C.pack . T.unpack) siteurl == fromMaybe "" (w_url c) then do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "authorized" .= True , "message" .= ("Already authorized." :: String) ]) else do status accepted202 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "authorized" .= False , "message" .= ("ZGo shop already linked to " <> fromMaybe "" (w_url c)) ]) else do status accepted202 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "authorized" .= False , "message" .= ("Token mismatch" :: String) ]) get "/woopayment" $ do oid <- param "ownerid" t <- param "token" ordId <- param "order_id" date <- param "date" curr <- param "currency" amount <- param "amount" sUrl <- param "siteurl" orderKey <- param "orderkey" res <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findWooToken (read oid)) let c = cast' . Doc =<< res case c of Nothing -> do status accepted202 Web.Scotty.json (object ["message" .= ("Plugin not setup in ZGo" :: String)]) Just x -> if t == w_token x && (E.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode . B64.decodeLenient . C.pack) sUrl == fromMaybe "" (w_url x) then do zecPriceDb <- liftAndCatchIO (run (findPrice curr)) let zecPrice = parseZGoPrice =<< zecPriceDb case zecPrice of Nothing -> do status accepted202 Web.Scotty.json (object ["message" .= ("Currency not supported" :: String)]) Just zP -> do ownerDb <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findOwnerById (T.pack . show $ w_owner x)) let owner = cast' . Doc =<< ownerDb case owner of Nothing -> do status accepted202 Web.Scotty.json (object ["message" .= ("Owner not found" :: String)]) Just o -> if opaid o then do let newOrder = ZGoOrder Nothing (oaddress o) (case o_id o of Just o' -> "WC-" <> (T.pack . show $ o') Nothing -> "") (parseTimeOrError True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%0m-%0d" date) True (T.pack curr) (price zP) 0.0 0.0 [ LineItem 1.0 (oname o <> " order " <> ordId) amount ] False (T.concat [T.pack sUrl, "-", ordId, "-", orderKey]) "" newId <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (insertWooOrder newOrder) status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object ["order" .= show newId]) else do status accepted202 Web.Scotty.json (object ["message" .= ("ZGo shop not paid for" :: String)]) else do status accepted202 Web.Scotty.json (object ["message" .= ("Incorrect plugin config" :: String)]) --Get user associated with session get "/api/user" $ do sess <- param "session" user <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findUser sess) case user of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just u -> Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("User found" :: String) , "user" .= toJSON (parseUserBson u) ]) --Validate user, updating record post "/api/validateuser" $ do providedPin <- param "pin" sess <- param "session" let pinHash = BLK.hash [ BA.pack . BS.unpack . C.pack . T.unpack $ providedPin <> sess :: BA.Bytes ] user <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findUser sess) case user of Nothing -> status noContent204 --`debug` "No user match" Just u -> do let parsedUser = parseUserBson u case parsedUser of Nothing -> status noContent204 --`debug` "Couldn't parse user" Just pUser -> do let ans = upin pUser == (T.pack . show $ (pinHash :: BLK.Digest BLK.DEFAULT_DIGEST_LEN)) if ans then do liftAndCatchIO $ run (validateUser sess) status accepted202 else status noContent204 --`debug` ("Pins didn't match: " ++ providedPin ++ " " ++ T.unpack (upin pUser)) --Delete user Web.Scotty.delete "/api/user/:id" $ do userId <- param "id" let r = mkRegex "^[a-f0-9]{24}$" if matchTest r userId then do liftAndCatchIO $ run (deleteUser userId) status ok200 else status noContent204 --Get current blockheight from Zcash node get "/api/blockheight" $ do blockInfo <- makeZcashCall nodeUser nodePwd "getblock" ["-1"] let content = getResponseBody blockInfo :: RpcResponse Block if isNothing (err content) then do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json $ fromMaybe (Block 0 0) (result content) else do status internalServerError500 --Get the ZGo node's shielded address get "/api/getaddr" $ do Web.Scotty.json (object ["addr" .= nodeAddress]) --Get owner by address get "/api/owner" $ do addr <- param "address" owner <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findOwner addr) case owner of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just o -> do let pOwner = cast' (Doc o) case pOwner of Nothing -> status internalServerError500 Just q -> do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Owner found!" :: String) , "owner" .= toJSON (q :: Owner) ]) get "/api/ownerid" $ do id <- param "id" owner <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findOwnerById id) case owner of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just o -> do let pOwner = cast' (Doc o) case pOwner of Nothing -> status internalServerError500 Just q -> do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Owner found!" :: String) , "owner" .= toJSON (q :: Owner) ]) --Upsert owner to DB post "/api/owner" $ do o <- jsonData let q = payload (o :: Payload Owner) if not (opayconf q) then do _ <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (upsertOwner q) status created201 else do known <- liftAndCatchIO $ listAddresses nodeUser nodePwd if oaddress q `elem` map addy known then do _ <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (upsertOwner q) status created201 else do vkInfo <- makeZcashCall nodeUser nodePwd "z_importviewingkey" [Data.Aeson.String (T.strip (oviewkey q)), "no"] let content = getResponseBody vkInfo :: RpcResponse Object if isNothing (err content) then do _ <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (upsertOwner q) status created201 else do status internalServerError500 --Get items associated with the given address get "/api/items" $ do addr <- param "address" items <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findItems addr) case items of [] -> status noContent204 _ -> do let pItems = map (cast' . Doc) items :: [Maybe Item] status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object ["message" .= ("Items found!" :: String), "items" .= toJSON pItems]) --Upsert item post "/api/item" $ do i <- jsonData let q = payload (i :: Payload Item) _ <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (upsertItem q) status created201 --Delete item Web.Scotty.delete "/api/item/:id" $ do oId <- param "id" let r = mkRegex "^[a-f0-9]{24}$" if matchTest r oId then do liftAndCatchIO $ run (deleteItem oId) status ok200 else status noContent204 --Get price for Zcash get "/api/price" $ do curr <- param "currency" pr <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findPrice curr) case pr of Nothing -> do status noContent204 Just p -> do Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Price found!" :: String) , "price" .= toJSON (parseZGoPrice p) ]) --Get all closed orders for the address get "/api/allorders" $ do addr <- param "address" myOrders <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findAllOrders addr) case myOrders of [] -> status noContent204 _ -> do let pOrders = map (cast' . Doc) myOrders :: [Maybe ZGoOrder] status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Orders found!" :: String) , "orders" .= toJSON pOrders ]) --Get order by id for receipts get "/api/order/:id" $ do oId <- param "id" let r = mkRegex "^[a-f0-9]{24}$" if matchTest r oId then do myOrder <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findOrderById oId) case myOrder of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just o -> do let o' = cast' (Doc o) case o' of Nothing -> status internalServerError500 Just pOrder -> do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Order found!" :: String) , "order" .= toJSON (pOrder :: ZGoOrder) ]) else status noContent204 --Get order by session get "/api/order" $ do sess <- param "session" myOrder <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findOrder sess) case myOrder of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just o -> do let o' = cast' (Doc o) case o' of Nothing -> status internalServerError500 Just pOrder -> do status ok200 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Order found!" :: String) , "order" .= toJSON (pOrder :: ZGoOrder) ]) --Upsert xero order post "/api/orderx" $ do newOrder <- jsonData let q = payload (newOrder :: Payload ZGoOrder) _ <- liftIO $ run (upsertXeroOrder q) myOrder <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (findXeroOrder (qaddress q) (qexternalInvoice q) (qshortCode q)) case myOrder of Nothing -> status noContent204 Just o -> do let o' = cast' (Doc o) case o' of Nothing -> status internalServerError500 Just pOrder -> do status created201 Web.Scotty.json (object [ "message" .= ("Order found!" :: String) , "order" .= toJSON (pOrder :: ZGoOrder) ]) -- Upsert order post "/api/order" $ do newOrder <- jsonData let q = payload (newOrder :: Payload ZGoOrder) _ <- liftAndCatchIO $ run (upsertOrder q) status created201 --Delete order Web.Scotty.delete "/api/order/:id" $ do oId <- param "id" liftAndCatchIO $ run (deleteOrder oId) status ok200 -- | Make a Zcash RPC call makeZcashCall :: (MonadIO m, FromJSON a) => BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> T.Text -> [Data.Aeson.Value] -> m (Response a) makeZcashCall username password m p = do let payload = RpcCall {jsonrpc = "1.0", callId = "test", method = m, parameters = p} let myRequest = setRequestBodyJSON payload $ setRequestPort 8232 $ setRequestBasicAuth username password $ setRequestMethod "POST" defaultRequest httpJSON myRequest -- |Timer for repeating actions setInterval :: Int -> IO () -> IO () setInterval secs func = do forever $ threadDelay (secs * 1000000) >> func -- |Function to query the CoinGecko API for the price of Zcash getZcashPrices :: IO (Response CoinGeckoPrices) getZcashPrices = do let priceRequest = setRequestQueryString [ ("ids", Just "zcash") , ("vs_currencies", Just "usd,gbp,eur,cad,aud,nzd") ] $ setRequestPort 443 $ setRequestSecure True $ setRequestHost "api.coingecko.com" $ setRequestPath "/api/v3/simple/price" defaultRequest httpJSON priceRequest -- | Function to update the Zcash prices in the ZGo db checkZcashPrices :: Pipe -> T.Text -> IO () checkZcashPrices p db = do q <- try getZcashPrices case q of Left e -> print (e :: HttpException) Right q1 -> mapM_ (access p master db) (updatePrices (getResponseBody q1)) -- | Function to search for transactions for an address listTxs :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> T.Text -> Integer -> IO (Either T.Text [ZcashTx]) listTxs user pwd a confs = do res <- liftIO $ makeZcashCall user pwd "z_listreceivedbyaddress" [Data.Aeson.String a, Data.Aeson.Number $ Scientific.scientific confs 0] let content = getResponseBody res :: RpcResponse [ZcashTx] case err content of Nothing -> return $ Right $ filter (not . zchange) $ fromMaybe [] $ result content Just e -> return $ Left $ "Error reading transactions: " <> emessage e -- | Function to check the ZGo full node for new txs scanZcash :: Config -> Pipe -> IO () scanZcash config pipe = do myTxs <- listTxs (c_nodeUser config) (c_nodePwd config) (c_nodeAddress config) 1 case myTxs of Right txs -> do let r = mkRegex ".*ZGO::([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})\\sReply-To:\\s(zs[a-z0-9]{76}).*" let p = mkRegex ".*ZGOp::([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}).*" let y = mkRegex ".*MSG\\s(zs[a-z0-9]{76})\\s+ZGO::([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}).*" let k = map zToZGoTx (filter (isRelevant r) txs) mapM_ (access pipe master (c_dbName config) . upsertZGoTx "txs") k let j = map zToZGoTx (filter (isRelevant p) txs) mapM_ (upsertPayment pipe (c_dbName config)) j let l = map zToZGoTx (filter (isRelevant y) txs) mapM_ (access pipe master (c_dbName config) . upsertZGoTx "txs") l Left e -> do putStrLn $ "Error scanning node transactions: " ++ T.unpack e return () -- | Function to filter transactions isRelevant :: Text.Regex.Regex -> ZcashTx -> Bool isRelevant re t | zconfirmations t < 10 && (matchTest re . T.unpack . zmemo) t = True | otherwise = False -- | Function to scan loaded viewing keys for payments scanPayments :: Config -> Pipe -> IO () scanPayments config pipe = do shops <- listAddresses (c_nodeUser config) (c_nodePwd config) mapM_ (findPaidOrders config pipe) shops where findPaidOrders :: Config -> Pipe -> ZcashAddress -> IO () findPaidOrders c p z = do paidTxs <- listTxs (c_nodeUser c) (c_nodePwd c) (addy z) 5 case paidTxs of Right txs -> do let r = mkRegex ".*ZGo Order::([0-9a-fA-F]{24}).*" let k = filter (isRelevant r) txs let j = map (getOrderId r) k mapM_ (recordPayment p (c_dbName config)) j mapM_ (access p master (c_dbName config) . markOrderPaid) j Left e -> print e getOrderId :: Text.Regex.Regex -> ZcashTx -> (String, Double) getOrderId re t = do let reg = matchAllText re (T.unpack $ zmemo t) if not (null reg) then (fst $ head reg ! 1, zamount t) else ("", 0) recordPayment :: Pipe -> T.Text -> (String, Double) -> IO () recordPayment p dbName x = do o <- access p master dbName $ findOrderById (fst x) let xOrder = o >>= (cast' . Doc) case xOrder of Nothing -> error "Failed to retrieve order from database" Just xO -> when (not (qpaid xO) && qexternalInvoice xO /= "" && qtotalZec xO == snd x) $ do let sReg = mkRegex "(.*)-([a-fA-f0-9]{24})" let sResult = matchAllText sReg (T.unpack $ qsession xO) if not (null sResult) then case fst $ head sResult ! 1 of "Xero" -> do xeroConfig <- access p master dbName findXero let xC = xeroConfig >>= (cast' . Doc) case xC of Nothing -> error "Failed to read Xero config" Just xConf -> do requestXeroToken p dbName xConf "" (qaddress xO) payXeroInvoice p dbName (qexternalInvoice xO) (qaddress xO) (qtotal xO) "WC" -> do let wOwner = fst $ head sResult ! 2 wooT <- access p master dbName $ findWooToken (read wOwner) let wT = wooT >>= (cast' . Doc) case wT of Nothing -> error "Failed to read WooCommerce token" Just wt -> do let iReg = mkRegex "(.*)-(.*)-.*" let iResult = matchAllText iReg (T.unpack $ qexternalInvoice xO) if not (null iResult) then do let wUrl = E.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode . B64.decodeLenient . C.pack $ fst $ head iResult ! 1 let iNum = fst $ head iResult ! 2 payWooOrder (T.unpack wUrl) (C.pack iNum) (C.pack $ maybe "" show (q_id xO)) (C.pack . T.unpack $ w_token wt) (C.pack . show $ qprice xO) (C.pack . show $ qtotalZec xO) else error "Couldn't parse externalInvoice for WooCommerce" _ -> putStrLn "Not an integration order" else putStrLn "Not an integration order" -- | RPC methods -- | List addresses with viewing keys loaded listAddresses :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> IO [ZcashAddress] listAddresses user pwd = do response <- makeZcashCall user pwd "listaddresses" [] let rpcResp = getResponseBody response case rpcResp of Nothing -> fail "Couldn't parse node response" Just res -> do let addys = fromMaybe [] $ result res :: [AddressGroup] let addList = concatMap getAddresses addys return $ filter (\a -> source a == ImportedWatchOnly) addList -- | Helper function to extract addresses from AddressGroups getAddresses :: AddressGroup -> [ZcashAddress] getAddresses ag = agtransparent ag <> agsapling ag <> agunified ag -- | Function to generate users from login txs updateLogins :: Pipe -> Config -> IO () updateLogins pipe config = do let db = c_dbName config let nodeUser = c_nodeUser config let nodePwd = c_nodePwd config let addr = c_nodeAddress config results <- access pipe master db (rest =<< find (select ["confirmations" =: ["$lt" =: (100 :: Integer)]] "txs")) let parsed = map (cast' . Doc) results mapM_ (access pipe master db . ZGoBackend.addUser nodeUser nodePwd pipe db addr) parsed -- | Function to mark owners as paid checkPayments :: Pipe -> T.Text -> IO () checkPayments pipe db = do qPayments <- access pipe master db (rest =<< find (select ["done" =: False] "payments")) let parsedPayments = map (cast' . Doc) qPayments mapM_ (payOwner pipe db) parsedPayments payOwner :: Pipe -> T.Text -> Maybe Payment -> IO () payOwner p d x = case x of Nothing -> return () Just k -> do now <- getCurrentTime if posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromInteger (pblocktime k + pdelta k)) <= now then markPaymentDone p d k else markOwnerPaid p d k where markPaymentDone :: Pipe -> T.Text -> Payment -> IO () markPaymentDone pipe db pmt = do _ <- access pipe master db (modify (select ["_id" =: p_id pmt] "payments") ["$set" =: ["done" =: True]]) return () markOwnerPaid :: Pipe -> T.Text -> Payment -> IO () markOwnerPaid pipe db pmt = do user <- access pipe master db (findUser $ psession pmt) let parsedUser = parseUserBson =<< user let zaddy = maybe "" uaddress parsedUser owner <- access pipe master db $ findOwner zaddy let ownerId = o_id =<< (cast' . Doc) =<< owner if pdelta pmt > 90000000 then do _ <- access pipe master db (modify (select ["_id" =: ownerId] "owners") [ "$set" =: [ "paid" =: True , "invoices" =: True , "expiration" =: posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromInteger (pblocktime pmt + pdelta pmt - 90000000)) ] ]) markPaymentDone pipe db pmt else do _ <- access pipe master db (modify (select ["_id" =: ownerId] "owners") [ "$set" =: [ "paid" =: True , "expiration" =: posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromInteger (pblocktime pmt + pdelta pmt)) ] ]) markPaymentDone pipe db pmt expireOwners :: Pipe -> T.Text -> IO () expireOwners pipe db = do now <- getCurrentTime _ <- access pipe master db (modify (select ["expiration" =: ["$lt" =: now]] "owners") ["$set" =: ["paid" =: False]]) return () debug = flip trace