{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Data.Configurator import Data.SecureMem import Database.MongoDB import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (defaultSettings, setPort) import Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS (runTLS, tlsSettings) import Web.Scotty import ZGoBackend main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Reading config..." config <- load ["zgo.cfg"] dbName <- require config "dbName" dbUser <- require config "dbUser" dbPassword <- require config "dbPassword" nodeAddress <- require config "nodeAddress" passkey <- secureMemFromByteString <$> require config "passkey" port <- require config "port" useTls <- require config "tls" cert <- require config "certificate" key <- require config "key" let myTlsSettings = if useTls then Just $ tlsSettings cert key else Nothing putStrLn "Starting Server..." pipe <- connect $ host "" j <- access pipe master dbName (auth dbUser dbPassword) if j then putStrLn "Connected to MongoDB!" else fail "MongoDB connection failed!" _ <- forkIO (setInterval 60 (checkZcashPrices pipe dbName)) _ <- forkIO (setInterval 75 (scanZcash nodeAddress pipe dbName)) _ <- forkIO (setInterval 60 (checkPayments pipe dbName)) _ <- forkIO (setInterval 60 (expireOwners pipe dbName)) let appRoutes = routes pipe dbName passkey nodeAddress case myTlsSettings of Nothing -> scotty port appRoutes Just tls -> do apiCore <- scottyApp appRoutes runTLS tls (setPort port defaultSettings) apiCore