#!/bin/bash ZVERSION="" echo echo "Zenith RPC Server Image Setup" echo echo "... testing if docker service is active.." if systemctl is-active --quiet docker; then echo "... Docker service active" echo if [ -d $HOME"/Zenith" ]; then echo "Warning: Zenith Server configuration already exist, this procedure will create" echo " a new configuration file. Your previous configurarion " echo " will be saved as 'previous-zenith.cfg'. (a Backup is recommended)." echo read -r -p "Do you want to proceed ? [Y/n] " response case "$response" in [yY]) if [ -f $HOME/Zenith/previous-zenith.cfg ]; then rm $HOME/Zenith/previous-zenith.cfg fi mv $HOME/Zenith/zenith.cfg $HOME/Zenith/previous-zenith.cfg ;; *) echo "... Zenith docker image setup not completed." exit ;; esac else echo echo "... creating Zenith folder" mkdir -p $HOME/Zenith/assets fi if docker image ls | grep -q "zenithrpc-docker" ; then echo "... removing previous docker image" docker rmi -f "zenithrpc-docker:"$ZVERSION fi echo "... loading zenithrpc-docker:"$ZVERSION" image" docker load < zenithrpc-docker_$ZVERSION.tar echo "... docker image zenithrpc-docker:"$ZVERSION" loaded." echo "... creating default configuration" cp cfg/zenith.cfg $HOME/Zenith/ echo "... copying zenith assets to Zenith folder." cp -r cfg/assets $HOME/Zenith/assets if ! [ -d $HOME/.local/bin ]; then echo "... creating $HOME/.local/bin folder" mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin else echo "... $HOME/.local/bin exists" fi if [ -f $HOME/.local/bin/runzenithrpc ]; then rm $HOME/.local/bin/runzenithrpc fi echo "... copying runzenithrpc to $HOME/.local/bin" cp cfg/runzenithrpc $HOME/.local/bin/ if ! echo $PATH | grep -q $HOME/.local/bin ; then echo PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin | tee -a $HOME/.bashrc echo "... reloading configuration ...." source $HOME/.bashrc else echo "... PATH=$PATH" fi echo echo "To start Zenith RPC server execute 'runzenithrpc' from the command line." else echo "... Docker service is not active" echo "... Please activate Docker service first." fi echo echo "Done" echo