Fix Sapling spend parsing #69

pitmutt merged 2 commits from rav001 into dev040 2024-04-24 17:02:40 +00:00
5 changed files with 85 additions and 33 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 6cf5d85c0b - Show all commits

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@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## []
### Added
- Added unction to generate an ExchangeAddress in Human Readable Format Using a TransparentAddress in HRF
`encodeExchangeAddress` a function to create a ExchangeAddress in HRF
`decodeExchangeAddress` a function to obtaina a TransparentAddress object from an ExchangeAddress in HRF
- Added new type ExchangeAddress
### Fixed
- Orchard note nullifier calculation

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@ -43,25 +43,6 @@ import Foreign.Rust.Marshall.Variable
, withPureBorshVarBuffer
import ZcashHaskell.Types
--import ZcashHaskell.Types
-- ( AccountId
-- , CoinType
-- , DecodedNote(..)
-- , RawData(..)
-- , RawTxResponse(..)
-- , SaplingAddress(..)
-- , SaplingCommitmentTree(..)
-- , SaplingReceiver(..)
-- , SaplingSpendingKey(..)
-- , SaplingWitness(..)
-- , Scope(..)
-- , Seed(..)
-- , ShieldedOutput(..)
-- , ToBytes(..)
-- , ZcashNet(..)
-- , decodeHexText
-- , getValue
-- )
import ZcashHaskell.Utils (decodeBech32, encodeBech32, encodeBech32m)
-- | Check if given bytesting is a valid encoded shielded address

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Base58 (bitcoinAlphabet, decodeBase58, encodeBase58)
import Data.Char (chr)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.HexString
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
@ -30,19 +31,20 @@ import Haskoin.Address (Address(..))
import qualified Haskoin.Crypto.Hash as H
import Haskoin.Crypto.Keys.Extended
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( AccountId
, CoinType(..)
, Scope(..)
, Seed(..)
, ToBytes(..)
, TransparentAddress(..)
, TransparentReceiver(..)
, TransparentSpendingKey(..)
, TransparentType(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
, getTransparentPrefix
, getValue
-- ( AccountId
-- , CoinType(..)
-- , Scope(..)
-- , Seed(..)
-- , ToBytes(..)
-- , TransparentAddress(..)
-- , TransparentReceiver(..)
-- , TransparentSpendingKey(..)
-- , TransparentType(..)
-- , ZcashNet(..)
-- , getTransparentPrefix
-- , getValue
-- )
import ZcashHaskell.Utils( encodeBech32m, decodeBech32 )
-- | Required for `TransparentReceiver` encoding and decoding
sha256 :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
@ -142,3 +144,43 @@ decodeTransparentAddress taddress = do
TransparentReceiver P2PKH (fromRawBytes transparentReceiver)
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
-- | Encode an Exchange Addresss into HRF from TransparentReceiver
encodeExchangeAddress:: ZcashNet -> TransparentReceiver -> Maybe T.Text
encodeExchangeAddress net tr = do
case (tr_type tr) of
P2PKH -> do
case net of
MainNet -> do
let vhash = encodeBech32m (BC.pack "tex") (toBytes (tr_bytes tr))
Just vhash
TestNet -> do
let vhash = encodeBech32m (BC.pack "textest") (toBytes (tr_bytes tr))
Just vhash
_ -> Nothing
-- | Decode an Exchange Address into a ExchangeAddress
decodeExchangeAddress:: T.Text-> Maybe ExchangeAddress
decodeExchangeAddress ex = do
if (T.length ex ) > 1
then do
let rawd = decodeBech32 (E.encodeUtf8 ex)
let tMain = BS.unpack (BC.pack "tex")
let tTest = BS.unpack (BC.pack "textest")
let tFail = BS.unpack (BC.pack "fail")
let hr = BS.unpack (hrp rawd)
if hr /= tFail
then do
let transparentReceiver = bytes rawd
if hr == tMain
then Just $
ExchangeAddress MainNet $
TransparentReceiver P2PKH (fromRawBytes transparentReceiver)
else do
if hr == tTest
then Just $
ExchangeAddress TestNet $
TransparentReceiver P2PKH (fromRawBytes transparentReceiver)
else Nothing
else Nothing
else Nothing

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@ -434,6 +434,12 @@ data TransparentAddress = TransparentAddress
, ta_receiver :: !TransparentReceiver
} deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show, Read)
-- | Type to represent a TEX Zcash addresses
data ExchangeAddress = ExchangeAddress
{ ex_network :: !ZcashNet
, ex_address :: !TransparentReceiver
} deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show, Read)
-- | Wrapper types for transparent elements
data RawTxIn = RawTxIn
{ rti_outpoint :: !RawOutPoint

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@ -1115,6 +1115,22 @@ main = do
dn `shouldNotBe` Nothing
describe "Generate an ExchangeAddress (MainNet) from transparent address" $ do
let ta = decodeTransparentAddress "t1dMjvesbzdG41xgKaGU3HgwYJwSgbCK54e"
it "Try to generate valid ExchangeAddress from Transparent Address" $ do
case ta of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to decode transparent address"
Just t -> do
case (tr_type (ta_receiver t) ) of
P2SH -> assertFailure "P2SH not supported for ExchengeAddress generation"
P2PKH -> do
let exch = encodeExchangeAddress (ta_network t) (ta_receiver t)
case exch of
Nothing -> assertFailure "Failed to encode Exchange address"
Just addr -> do
let eadr = decodeExchangeAddress addr
eadr `shouldNotBe` Nothing
-- | Properties
prop_PhraseLength :: Property
prop_PhraseLength =