Complete Unified Address generation #37

pitmutt merged 8 commits from rav001 into dev040 2024-03-15 16:31:51 +00:00
4 changed files with 231 additions and 5 deletions
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@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ use zcash_address::{
use zcash_client_backend::keys::sapling::{
use zcash_primitives::zip32::{ AccountId, DiversifierIndex };
@ -632,7 +633,7 @@ pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_sapling_spendingkey(
out_len: &mut usize
let seed: Vec<u8> = marshall_from_haskell_var(iseed, iseed_len, RW);
if ( seed.len() != 64 ) {
if seed.len() != 64 {
// invalid seed length
marshall_to_haskell_var(&vec![0], out, out_len, RW);
} else {
@ -669,6 +670,36 @@ pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_sapling_paymentaddress(
pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_sapling_chgpaymentaddress(
extspk: *const u8,
extspk_len: usize,
out: *mut u8,
out_len: &mut usize
println!("Entering ChangeAddress generation....");
let vexspk: Vec<u8> = marshall_from_haskell_var(extspk, extspk_len, RW);
let vexspkp = &vexspk;
let extspku8 : &[u8] = &vexspkp;
println!("Received ExtendedSpendingKey in Bytes...\n{:?}\n",extspku8);
let extspk = match ExtendedSpendingKey::from_bytes(&extspku8) {
Ok( k ) => k,
Err( e ) => {
// error recovering ExtendedSpendingKey
println!("\n>>>> Error generating ExtendedSpendingKey");
marshall_to_haskell_var(&vec![0], out, out_len, RW);
println!("ExtendedSpendingKey -> {:?}",extspk);
let dfvk = extspk.to_diversifiable_full_viewing_key();
let ( divIx, cPmtAddress ) = dfvk.change_address();
println!("\nDiversifierIndex > {:?}\n\nChange Payment Address -> {:?}\n ",
divIx, cPmtAddress);
println!("Change Payment Address in bytes : \n{:?}",cPmtAddress.to_bytes());
marshall_to_haskell_var(&cPmtAddress.to_bytes().to_vec(), out, out_len, RW);
pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_derive_orchard_spending_key(
seed: *const u8,

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@ -149,6 +149,13 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
-> `()'
{# fun unsafe rust_wrapper_sapling_chgpaymentaddress as rustWrapperSaplingChgPaymentAddress
{ toBorshVar* `BS.ByteString'&
, getVarBuffer `Buffer (BS.ByteString)'&
-> `()'
{# fun unsafe rust_wrapper_derive_orchard_spending_key as rustWrapperGenOrchardSpendKey
{ toBorshVar* `BS.ByteString'&
, `Word32'

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import C.Zcash
, rustWrapperSaplingCheck
, rustWrapperSaplingNoteDecode
, rustWrapperSaplingPaymentAddress
, rustWrapperSaplingChgPaymentAddress
, rustWrapperSaplingSpendingkey
, rustWrapperSaplingVkDecode
, rustWrapperTxParse
@ -115,5 +116,6 @@ genSaplingPaymentAddress extspk i =
(rustWrapperSaplingPaymentAddress extspk (fromIntegral i))
-- | Generate an internal Sapling address
genSaplingInternalAddress :: SaplingSpendingKey -> Maybe SaplingInternalReceiver
genSaplingInternalAddress sk = undefined
genSaplingInternalAddress :: SaplingSpendingKey -> BS.ByteString -- SaplingInternalReceiver
genSaplingInternalAddress sk = withPureBorshVarBuffer (rustWrapperSaplingChgPaymentAddress sk)

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@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Orchard
import ZcashHaskell.Sapling
( decodeSaplingOutput
, genSaplingPaymentAddress
, genSaplingInternalAddress
, genSaplingSpendingKey
, getShieldedOutputs
, isValidSaplingViewingKey
@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ main = do
Nothing -> "Bad UA"
Just u -> maybe "No transparent" encodeTransparent $ t_rec u
msg `shouldBe` "t1LPWuQnjCRH7JAeEErSXKixcUteLJRJjKD"
describe "Transparent Private and Publicc Key Generation" $ do
describe "Transparent Private and Public Key Generation" $ do
it "Obtain a transparent extended private key from HDSeed" $ do
let hdseed =
[ 206
@ -589,6 +590,191 @@ main = do
genSaplingPaymentAddress (fromMaybe "" s) 0 `shouldNotBe` Nothing
prop "Sapling receivers are valid" $
forAll genSapArgs $ \i -> prop_SaplingReceiver i
describe "Sapling Change Payment Address generation test" $ do
it "Call genSaplingInternalAddress" $ do
let sk = [ 3
, 183
, 26
, 151
, 89
, 0
, 0
, 0
, 128
, 199
, 189
, 33
, 169
, 114
, 194
, 50
, 0
, 139
, 140
, 162
, 100
, 100
, 35
, 58
, 226
, 6
, 47
, 232
, 34
, 214
, 11
, 173
, 142
, 40
, 45
, 163
, 190
, 207
, 49
, 130
, 158
, 113
, 232
, 251
, 79
, 98
, 77
, 195
, 196
, 40
, 42
, 113
, 133
, 35
, 211
, 68
, 146
, 104
, 5
, 56
, 244
, 162
, 55
, 239
, 55
, 112
, 37
, 38
, 189
, 183
, 121
, 201
, 1
, 60
, 158
, 151
, 141
, 123
, 250
, 95
, 169
, 123
, 208
, 56
, 103
, 74
, 85
, 49
, 152
, 207
, 245
, 216
, 58
, 37
, 0
, 127
, 186
, 245
, 234
, 47
, 68
, 11
, 78
, 76
, 12
, 171
, 37
, 63
, 172
, 90
, 111
, 94
, 88
, 152
, 211
, 53
, 243
, 142
, 16
, 195
, 142
, 50
, 14
, 13
, 32
, 91
, 5
, 82
, 182
, 121
, 136
, 109
, 125
, 165
, 125
, 123
, 226
, 54
, 60
, 34
, 62
, 111
, 167
, 88
, 254
, 113
, 204
, 47
, 181
, 97
, 18
, 220
, 46
, 51
, 160
, 62
, 16
, 199
, 143
, 184
, 200
, 209
, 124
, 154
, 175
, 29
, 216
, 48
, 201] :: [Word8]
let cAdr = [31, 232, 31, 17, 195, -- 196
178, 208, 227, 206,
199, 105, 55, 147,
23, 151, 206, 117,
59, 249, 162, 218,
140, 189, 17, 60,
116, 106, 56, 64,
203, 152, 52, 155,
133, 179, 118, 47,
161, 70, 155, 21,
22, 41] :: [Word8]
let bscAdr = BS.pack cAdr
let ca = genSaplingInternalAddress (BS.pack sk)
ca `shouldBe` bscAdr
-- | Properties
prop_PhraseLength :: Int -> Property