Complete Unified Address generation #37

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ use zip32;
use zcash_primitives::{
Scope as SaplingScope,
@ -629,21 +630,20 @@ pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_recover_seed(
pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_sapling_spendingkey(
iseed: *const u8,
iseed_len: usize,
ix: u32,
out: *mut u8,
out_len: &mut usize
let seed: Vec<u8> = marshall_from_haskell_var(iseed, iseed_len, RW);
if seed.len() != 64 {
// invalid seed length
marshall_to_haskell_var(&vec![0], out, out_len, RW);
} else {
// Obtain the ExtendedSpendingKey using the seed
// Returns a byte array (169 bytes)
let su8 = &seed;
let seedu8 : &[u8] = &su8;
let extsk: ExtendedSpendingKey = ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&seedu8);
let su8 = &seed;
let seedu8 : &[u8] = &su8;
let extsk: ExtendedSpendingKey = ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&seedu8);
if ix == 0 {
let extsk_bytes = extsk.to_bytes().to_vec();
marshall_to_haskell_var(&extsk_bytes, out, out_len, RW);
} else {
let child_sk = extsk.derive_child(ChildIndex::from_index(ix));
marshall_to_haskell_var(&child_sk.to_bytes().to_vec(), out, out_len, RW);

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@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
{# fun unsafe rust_wrapper_sapling_spendingkey as rustWrapperSaplingSpendingkey
{ toBorshVar* `BS.ByteString'&
, `Word32'
, getVarBuffer `Buffer (BS.ByteString)'&
-> `()'

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@ -96,13 +96,15 @@ instance FromJSON RawTxResponse where
pure $ RawTxResponse i h (getShieldedOutputs h) a ht c b
-- | Attempts to obtain a sapling SpendingKey using a HDSeed
genSaplingSpendingKey :: Seed -> Maybe SaplingSpendingKey
genSaplingSpendingKey seed = do
if BS.length res == 196
genSaplingSpendingKey :: Seed -> Int -> Maybe SaplingSpendingKey
genSaplingSpendingKey seed i = do
if BS.length res == 169
then Just res
else Nothing
res = withPureBorshVarBuffer (rustWrapperSaplingSpendingkey seed)
res =
(rustWrapperSaplingSpendingkey seed (fromIntegral i))
-- | Attempts to generate a sapling Payment Address using an ExtendedSpendingKey and a Diversifier Index
genSaplingPaymentAddress :: SaplingSpendingKey -> Int -> Maybe SaplingReceiver
@ -116,6 +118,12 @@ genSaplingPaymentAddress extspk i =
(rustWrapperSaplingPaymentAddress extspk (fromIntegral i))
-- | Generate an internal Sapling address
genSaplingInternalAddress :: SaplingSpendingKey -> BS.ByteString -- SaplingInternalReceiver
genSaplingInternalAddress sk = withPureBorshVarBuffer (rustWrapperSaplingChgPaymentAddress sk)
genSaplingInternalAddress :: SaplingSpendingKey -> Maybe SaplingInternalReceiver
genSaplingInternalAddress sk =
if BS.length res <> 0
then Just res
else Nothing
res =
withPureBorshVarBuffer (rustWrapperSaplingChgPaymentAddress sk)

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
import C.Zcash (rustWrapperUADecode)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bool (Bool(True))
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Sapling
, genSaplingPaymentAddress
, genSaplingInternalAddress
, genSaplingSpendingKey
, genSaplingMasterSpendingKey
, getShieldedOutputs
, isValidSaplingViewingKey
, isValidShieldedAddress
@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
, Phrase(..)
, RawData(..)
, RawTxResponse(..)
, Seed(..)
, ShieldedOutput(..)
, UnifiedAddress(..)
, UnifiedFullViewingKey(..)
@ -467,12 +470,20 @@ main = do
msg `shouldBe`
describe "Wallet seed phrase" $ do
prop "Generated phrases are valid" prop_PhraseLength
prop "Derived seeds are valid" prop_SeedLength
prop "Orchard spending keys are valid" $
forAll genOrcArgs $ \(c, i, _) -> prop_OrchardSpendingKey c i
prop "Orchard receivers are valid" $
forAll genOrcArgs $ \(c, i, j) -> prop_OrchardReceiver c i j
prop "Generated phrases are valid" $ again prop_PhraseLength
prop "Derived seeds are valid" $ again prop_SeedLength
before getSeed $
describe "Optimized spending key tests" $ do
it "Sapling spending keys are valid" $ \s ->
property $ prop_SaplingSpendingKey s
it "Sapling receivers are valid" $ \s ->
property $ prop_SaplingReceiver s
it "Sapling receivers are not the same" $ \s ->
property $ prop_SaplingRecRepeated s
it "Orchard spending keys are valid" $ \s ->
property $ prop_OrchardSpendingKey s
it "Orchard receivers are valid" $ \s ->
property $ prop_OrchardReceiver s
describe "Address tests" $ do
it "Encode transparent" $ do
let ua =
@ -578,11 +589,11 @@ main = do
xtpubk <- xtpubkIO
---print $ show xtpubk
xtpubk `shouldBe` testpbk
describe "Sapling SpendingKey test" $ do
it "Generate Sapling spending key" $ do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
let s = getWalletSeed p
genSaplingSpendingKey <$> s `shouldNotBe` Nothing
-- describe "Sapling SpendingKey test" $ do
-- it "Generate Sapling spending key" $ do
-- p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
-- let s = getWalletSeed p
-- genSaplingSpendingKey <$> s `shouldNotBe` Nothing
describe "Sapling Payment Address generation test" $ do
it "Call genSaplingPaymentAddress" $ do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
@ -761,7 +772,7 @@ main = do
, 216
, 48
, 201] :: [Word8]
let cAdr = [31, 232, 31, 17, 195, -- 196
let cAdr = [31, 232, 31, 17, 196,
178, 208, 227, 206,
199, 105, 55, 147,
23, 151, 206, 117,
@ -774,44 +785,43 @@ main = do
22, 41] :: [Word8]
let bscAdr = BS.pack cAdr
let ca = genSaplingInternalAddress (BS.pack sk)
ca `shouldBe` bscAdr
(fromMaybe "" ca) `shouldBe` bscAdr
-- | Properties
prop_PhraseLength :: Int -> Property
prop_PhraseLength i =
prop_PhraseLength :: Property
prop_PhraseLength =
ioProperty $ do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
return $ BS.length p >= 95
prop_SeedLength :: Int -> Property
prop_SeedLength i =
prop_SeedLength :: Property
prop_SeedLength =
ioProperty $ do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
let s = getWalletSeed p
return $ maybe 0 BS.length s === 64
prop_OrchardSpendingKey :: CoinType -> Int -> Property
prop_OrchardSpendingKey c i =
ioProperty $ do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
let s = getWalletSeed p
return $ genOrchardSpendingKey (fromMaybe "" s) c i =/= Nothing
prop_OrchardSpendingKey :: Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_OrchardSpendingKey s c (NonNegative i) =
genOrchardSpendingKey s c i =/= Nothing
prop_OrchardReceiver :: CoinType -> Int -> Int -> Property
prop_OrchardReceiver c i j =
ioProperty $ do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
let s = getWalletSeed p
let sk = genOrchardSpendingKey (fromMaybe "" s) c i
return $ genOrchardReceiver j (fromMaybe "" sk) =/= Nothing
prop_OrchardReceiver ::
Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_OrchardReceiver s c (NonNegative i) (NonNegative j) =
genOrchardReceiver j (fromMaybe "" $ genOrchardSpendingKey s c i) =/= Nothing
prop_SaplingReceiver :: Int -> Property
prop_SaplingReceiver i =
ioProperty $ do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
let s = getWalletSeed p
let sk = genSaplingSpendingKey (fromMaybe "" s)
return $ genSaplingPaymentAddress (fromMaybe "" sk) i =/= Nothing
prop_SaplingSpendingKey :: Seed -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_SaplingSpendingKey s (NonNegative i) =
genSaplingSpendingKey s i =/= Nothing
prop_SaplingReceiver :: Seed -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_SaplingReceiver s (NonNegative i) (NonNegative j) =
genSaplingPaymentAddress (fromMaybe "" $ genSaplingSpendingKey s j) i =/=
prop_SaplingRecRepeated :: Seed -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_SaplingRecRepeated s (NonNegative i) =
genSaplingPaymentAddress (fromMaybe "" $ genSaplingSpendingKey s 1) i =/=
genSaplingPaymentAddress (fromMaybe "" $ genSaplingSpendingKey s 1) (i + 1)
-- | Generators
genOrcArgs :: Gen (CoinType, Int, Int)
@ -823,4 +833,15 @@ genOrcArgs = do
genSapArgs :: Gen Int
genSapArgs = choose (1, 50)
getSeed :: IO Seed
getSeed = do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
let s = getWalletSeed p
case s of
Nothing -> throwIO $ userError "Couldn't generate seed"
Just s' -> return s'
-- | Arbitrary instances
instance Arbitrary CoinType where
arbitrary = elements [MainNetCoin, TestNetCoin, RegTestNetCoin]

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cabal-version: 3.0
-- see:
name: zcash-haskell
synopsis: Utilities to interact with the Zcash blockchain
description: Please see the README on the repo at <>
category: Blockchain