Type safety improvements #33

pitmutt merged 5 commits from rav001 into dev040 2024-03-14 17:42:18 +00:00
9 changed files with 135 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -702,13 +702,17 @@ pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_derive_orchard_receiver(
spend_key: *const u8,
spend_key_len: usize,
add_id: u32,
scope: bool,
out: *mut u8,
out_len: &mut usize
let sk_in: Vec<u8> = marshall_from_haskell_var(spend_key, spend_key_len, RW);
let sk = SpendingKey::from_bytes(sk_in[0..32].try_into().unwrap()).unwrap();
let fvk = FullViewingKey::from(&sk);
let o_rec = fvk.address_at(add_id, Scope::External);
let sc = if scope {
} else {Scope::Internal};
let o_rec = fvk.address_at(add_id, sc);
marshall_to_haskell_var(&o_rec.to_raw_address_bytes().to_vec(), out, out_len, RW);

View file

@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
{# fun unsafe rust_wrapper_derive_orchard_receiver as rustWrapperGenOrchardReceiver
{ toBorshVar* `BS.ByteString'&
, `Word32'
, `Bool'
, getVarBuffer `Buffer (BS.ByteString)'&
-> `()'

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Foreign.Rust.Marshall.Variable
( withBorshVarBuffer
, withPureBorshVarBuffer
import ZcashHaskell.Types (Phrase, Seed)
import ZcashHaskell.Types (Phrase, Seed(..), ToBytes(..))
-- | Generate a random seed that can be used to generate private keys for shielded addresses and transparent addresses.
generateWalletSeedPhrase :: IO Phrase
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ generateWalletSeedPhrase = withBorshVarBuffer rustWrapperGenSeedPhrase
-- | Derive a cryptographic seed from the given seed phrase.
getWalletSeed :: Phrase -> Maybe Seed
getWalletSeed p =
if BS.length result > 0
if BS.length (getBytes result) > 0
then Just result
else Nothing

View file

@ -41,25 +41,29 @@ genOrchardSpendingKey ::
genOrchardSpendingKey s coinType accountId =
if BS.length k /= 32
then Nothing
else Just k
else Just $ OrchardSpendingKey k
k =
withPureBorshVarBuffer $
(getBytes s)
(getValue coinType)
(fromIntegral accountId)
-- | Derives an Orchard receiver for the given spending key and index
genOrchardReceiver :: Int -> OrchardSpendingKey -> Maybe OrchardReceiver
genOrchardReceiver i osk =
genOrchardReceiver ::
Int -> Scope -> OrchardSpendingKey -> Maybe OrchardReceiver
genOrchardReceiver i scope osk =
if BS.length k /= 43
then Nothing
else Just k
else Just $ OrchardReceiver k
k =
withPureBorshVarBuffer $
rustWrapperGenOrchardReceiver osk (fromIntegral i)
(getBytes osk)
(fromIntegral i)
(scope == External)
-- | Checks if given bytestring is a valid encoded unified address
isValidUnifiedAddress :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe UnifiedAddress
@ -78,10 +82,10 @@ isValidUnifiedAddress str =
(if BS.length (raw_o x) == 43
then Just (raw_o x)
then Just $ OrchardReceiver (raw_o x)
else Nothing)
(if BS.length (raw_s x) == 43
then Just (raw_s x)
then Just $ SaplingReceiver (raw_s x)
else Nothing)
(if not (BS.null (raw_t x))
then Just $ TransparentAddress P2PKH (fromRawBytes $ raw_t x)
@ -105,8 +109,8 @@ encodeUnifiedAddress ua = encodeBech32m (E.encodeUtf8 hr) b
case ta_type t of
P2SH -> packReceiver 0x01 $ Just $ toBytes $ ta_bytes t
P2PKH -> packReceiver 0x00 $ Just $ toBytes $ ta_bytes t
sReceiver = packReceiver 0x02 $ s_rec ua
oReceiver = packReceiver 0x03 $ o_rec ua
sReceiver = packReceiver 0x02 $ getBytes <$> s_rec ua
oReceiver = packReceiver 0x03 $ getBytes <$> o_rec ua
padding = E.encodeUtf8 $ T.justifyLeft 16 '\NUL' hr
packReceiver :: Word8 -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
packReceiver typeCode receiver' =

View file

@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
, DecodedNote(..)
, RawData(..)
, RawTxResponse(..)
, SaplingInternalReceiver
, SaplingReceiver
, SaplingReceiver(..)
, SaplingSpendingKey(..)
, Seed(..)
, ShieldedOutput(..)
, ToBytes(..)
, decodeHexText
, getValue
@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ instance FromJSON RawTxResponse where
genSaplingSpendingKey :: Seed -> CoinType -> Int -> Maybe SaplingSpendingKey
genSaplingSpendingKey seed c i = do
if BS.length res == 169
then Just res
then Just $ SaplingSpendingKey res
else Nothing
res =
(getBytes seed)
(fromIntegral $ getValue c)
(fromIntegral i))
@ -113,13 +113,15 @@ genSaplingSpendingKey seed c i = do
genSaplingPaymentAddress :: Int -> SaplingSpendingKey -> Maybe SaplingReceiver
genSaplingPaymentAddress i extspk =
if BS.length res == 43
then Just res
then Just $ SaplingReceiver res
else Nothing
res =
(rustWrapperSaplingPaymentAddress extspk (fromIntegral (i * 111)))
(getBytes extspk)
(fromIntegral (i * 111)))
-- | Generate an internal Sapling address
genSaplingInternalAddress :: SaplingSpendingKey -> Maybe SaplingInternalReceiver
genSaplingInternalAddress :: SaplingSpendingKey -> Maybe SaplingReceiver
genSaplingInternalAddress sk = undefined

View file

@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import ZcashHaskell.Types
( AccountId
, Seed
, Seed(..)
, ToBytes(..)
, TransparentAddress(..)
, TransparentType(..)
, ZcashNet(..)
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ encodeTransparent zNet t =
-- | Attempts to generate an Extended Private Key from a known HDSeed.
genTransparentPrvKey :: Seed -> AccountId -> IO XPrvKey
genTransparentPrvKey hdseed i = do
let prvKey = makeXPrvKey hdseed
let prvKey = makeXPrvKey $ getBytes hdseed
ioCtx <- createContext
return $ hardSubKey ioCtx prvKey (fromIntegral i)

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralisedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
@ -41,10 +42,32 @@ import Haskoin.Address (Address)
-- * General
-- | A seed for generating private keys
type Seed = C.ByteString
newtype Seed =
Seed C.ByteString
deriving stock (Prelude.Show, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving anyclass (Data.Structured.Show)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct Seed
instance ToBytes Seed where
getBytes (Seed x) = x
-- | A mnemonic phrase used to derive seeds
type Phrase = BS.ByteString
newtype Phrase =
Phrase BS.ByteString
deriving stock (Prelude.Show, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving anyclass (Data.Structured.Show)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct Phrase
instance ToBytes Phrase where
getBytes (Phrase x) = x
-- | Scope for addresses/receivers
data Scope
= External
| Internal
deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show, Read)
-- | Type to represent data after Bech32 decoding
data RawData = RawData
@ -241,13 +264,20 @@ data TransparentAddress = TransparentAddress
-- * Sapling
-- | A spending key for Sapling
type SaplingSpendingKey = BS.ByteString
newtype SaplingSpendingKey =
SaplingSpendingKey BS.ByteString
deriving stock (Eq, Prelude.Show, Read)
instance ToBytes SaplingSpendingKey where
getBytes (SaplingSpendingKey s) = s
-- | A Sapling receiver
type SaplingReceiver = BS.ByteString
newtype SaplingReceiver =
SaplingReceiver BS.ByteString
deriving stock (Eq, Prelude.Show, Read)
-- | A Sapling internal receiver
type SaplingInternalReceiver = BS.ByteString
instance ToBytes SaplingReceiver where
getBytes (SaplingReceiver s) = s
-- | Type to represent a Sapling Shielded Output as provided by the @getrawtransaction@ RPC method of @zcashd@.
data ShieldedOutput = ShieldedOutput
@ -275,10 +305,20 @@ instance FromJSON ShieldedOutput where
-- * Orchard
-- | A spending key for Orchard
type OrchardSpendingKey = BS.ByteString
newtype OrchardSpendingKey =
OrchardSpendingKey BS.ByteString
deriving stock (Eq, Prelude.Show, Read)
instance ToBytes OrchardSpendingKey where
getBytes (OrchardSpendingKey o) = o
-- | An Orchard receiver
type OrchardReceiver = BS.ByteString
newtype OrchardReceiver =
OrchardReceiver BS.ByteString
deriving stock (Eq, Prelude.Show, Read)
instance ToBytes OrchardReceiver where
getBytes (OrchardReceiver o) = o
-- | Type to represent a Unified Address
data UnifiedAddress = UnifiedAddress
@ -349,6 +389,11 @@ data DecodedNote = DecodedNote
deriving anyclass (Data.Structured.Show)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct DecodedNote
-- * Classes
-- | Class to represent types with a bytestring representation
class ToBytes a where
getBytes :: a -> BS.ByteString
-- * Helpers
-- | Helper function to turn a hex-encoded string to bytestring
decodeHexText :: String -> BS.ByteString

View file

@ -57,11 +57,15 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
, CoinType
, DecodedNote(..)
, OrchardAction(..)
, OrchardSpendingKey(..)
, Phrase(..)
, RawData(..)
, RawTxResponse(..)
, SaplingSpendingKey(..)
, Scope(..)
, Seed(..)
, ShieldedOutput(..)
, ToBytes(..)
, TransparentAddress(..)
, TransparentType(..)
, UnifiedAddress(..)
@ -314,7 +318,7 @@ main = do
describe "Seeds" $ do
it "generate seed phrase" $ do
s <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
BS.length s `shouldNotBe` 0
BS.length (getBytes s) `shouldNotBe` 0
it "get seed from phrase" $ do
s <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
let x = getWalletSeed s
@ -468,11 +472,11 @@ main = do
let msg = maybe "" a_memo decryptedNote2
msg `shouldBe`
describe "Wallet seed phrase" $ do
describe "Wallet seed phrase:" $ do
prop "Generated phrases are valid" $ again prop_PhraseLength
prop "Derived seeds are valid" $ again prop_SeedLength
before getSeed $
describe "Optimized spending key tests" $ do
describe "Optimized spending key tests:" $ do
it "Transparent spending keys are valid" $ \s ->
property $ prop_TransparentSpendingKey s
it "Transparent receivers are valid" $ \s ->
@ -489,7 +493,7 @@ main = do
property $ prop_OrchardReceiver s
it "Orchard receivers are distinct" $ \s ->
property $ prop_OrchardRecRepeated s
describe "Address tests" $ do
describe "Address tests:" $ do
it "Encode transparent" $ do
let ua =
@ -500,10 +504,11 @@ main = do
maybe "No transparent" (encodeTransparent (ua_net u)) $
t_rec u
msg `shouldBe` "t1LPWuQnjCRH7JAeEErSXKixcUteLJRJjKD"
it "Recover UA from YWallet" $
it "Recover UA from YWallet:" $
ioProperty $ do
let p =
"security expect junk hour people bind law hub between topic wink cliff spirit scissors auction idle figure option wide useful swift prison cushion round"
"security expect junk hour people bind law hub between topic wink cliff spirit scissors auction idle figure option wide useful swift prison cushion round"
let targetUA =
@ -514,15 +519,16 @@ main = do
let oK = genOrchardSpendingKey s' MainNetCoin 0
let sK = genSaplingSpendingKey s' MainNetCoin 0
let tK = genTransparentPrvKey s' 0
let oR = genOrchardReceiver 0 =<< oK
let oR = genOrchardReceiver 0 External =<< oK
let sR = genSaplingPaymentAddress 0 =<< sK
tR <- genTransparentReceiver 0 =<< tK
let newUA = UnifiedAddress MainNet oR sR $ Just tR
return $ Just newUA `shouldBe` targetUA
it "Recover UA from Zingo" $
it "Recover UA from Zingo:" $
ioProperty $ do
let p =
"cloth swing left trap random tornado have great onion element until make shy dad success art tuition canvas thunder apple decade elegant struggle invest"
"cloth swing left trap random tornado have great onion element until make shy dad success art tuition canvas thunder apple decade elegant struggle invest"
let targetUA =
@ -533,7 +539,7 @@ main = do
let oK = genOrchardSpendingKey s' MainNetCoin 0
let sK = genSaplingSpendingKey s' MainNetCoin 0
let tK = genTransparentPrvKey s' 0
let oR = genOrchardReceiver 0 =<< oK
let oR = genOrchardReceiver 0 External =<< oK
let sR = genSaplingPaymentAddress 0 =<< sK
tR <- genTransparentReceiver 0 =<< tK
let newUA = UnifiedAddress MainNet oR sR $ Just tR
@ -544,23 +550,27 @@ prop_PhraseLength :: Property
prop_PhraseLength =
ioProperty $ do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
return $ BS.length p >= 95
return $ BS.length (getBytes p) >= 95
prop_SeedLength :: Property
prop_SeedLength =
ioProperty $ do
p <- generateWalletSeedPhrase
let s = getWalletSeed p
return $ maybe 0 BS.length s === 64
return $ maybe 0 (BS.length . getBytes) s === 64
prop_OrchardSpendingKey :: Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_OrchardSpendingKey s c (NonNegative i) =
genOrchardSpendingKey s c i =/= Nothing
prop_OrchardReceiver ::
Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_OrchardReceiver s c (NonNegative i) (NonNegative j) =
genOrchardReceiver j (fromMaybe "" $ genOrchardSpendingKey s c i) =/= Nothing
Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Scope -> Property
prop_OrchardReceiver s c (NonNegative i) (NonNegative j) scope =
(fromMaybe (OrchardSpendingKey "") $ genOrchardSpendingKey s c i) =/=
prop_SaplingSpendingKey :: Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_SaplingSpendingKey s c (NonNegative i) =
@ -569,19 +579,31 @@ prop_SaplingSpendingKey s c (NonNegative i) =
prop_SaplingReceiver ::
Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_SaplingReceiver s c (NonNegative i) (NonNegative j) =
genSaplingPaymentAddress i (fromMaybe "" $ genSaplingSpendingKey s c j) =/=
(fromMaybe (SaplingSpendingKey "") $ genSaplingSpendingKey s c j) =/=
prop_SaplingRecRepeated :: Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_SaplingRecRepeated s c (NonNegative i) =
genSaplingPaymentAddress i (fromMaybe "" $ genSaplingSpendingKey s c 1) =/=
genSaplingPaymentAddress (i + 1) (fromMaybe "" $ genSaplingSpendingKey s c 1)
(fromMaybe (SaplingSpendingKey "") $ genSaplingSpendingKey s c 1) =/=
(i + 1)
(fromMaybe (SaplingSpendingKey "") $ genSaplingSpendingKey s c 1)
prop_OrchardRecRepeated ::
Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_OrchardRecRepeated s c (NonNegative i) (NonNegative j) =
genOrchardReceiver j (fromMaybe "" $ genOrchardSpendingKey s c i) =/=
genOrchardReceiver (j + 1) (fromMaybe "" $ genOrchardSpendingKey s c i)
Seed -> CoinType -> NonNegative Int -> NonNegative Int -> Scope -> Property
prop_OrchardRecRepeated s c (NonNegative i) (NonNegative j) scope =
(fromMaybe (OrchardSpendingKey "") $ genOrchardSpendingKey s c i) =/=
(j + 1)
(fromMaybe (OrchardSpendingKey "") $ genOrchardSpendingKey s c i)
prop_TransparentSpendingKey :: Seed -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_TransparentSpendingKey s (NonNegative i) =
@ -619,3 +641,6 @@ getSeed = do
-- | Arbitrary instances
instance Arbitrary CoinType where
arbitrary = elements [MainNetCoin, TestNetCoin, RegTestNetCoin]
instance Arbitrary Scope where
arbitrary = elements [External, Internal]

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cabal-version: 3.0
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
name: zcash-haskell
synopsis: Utilities to interact with the Zcash blockchain
description: Please see the README on the repo at <https://git.vergara.tech/Vergara_Tech/zcash-haskell#readme>
category: Blockchain