Implement test for sequential address generation #30

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@ -476,6 +476,8 @@ main = do
property $ prop_SaplingSpendingKey s
it "Sapling receivers are valid" $ \s ->
property $ prop_SaplingReceiver s
it "Sapling receivers are not the same" $ \s ->
property $ prop_SaplingRecRepeated s
it "Orchard spending keys are valid" $ \s ->
property $ prop_OrchardSpendingKey s
it "Orchard receivers are valid" $ \s ->
@ -618,6 +620,11 @@ prop_SaplingReceiver s (NonNegative i) (NonNegative j) =
genSaplingPaymentAddress (fromMaybe "" $ genSaplingSpendingKey s j) i =/=
prop_SaplingRecRepeated :: Seed -> NonNegative Int -> Property
prop_SaplingRecRepeated s (NonNegative i) =
genSaplingPaymentAddress (fromMaybe "" $ genSaplingSpendingKey s 1) i =/=
genSaplingPaymentAddress (fromMaybe "" $ genSaplingSpendingKey s 1) (i + 1)
-- | Generators
genOrcArgs :: Gen (CoinType, Int, Int)
genOrcArgs = do