Sapling Spending keys and receivers #27

pitmutt merged 12 commits from rvv040 into dev040 2024-03-10 15:07:10 +00:00
4 changed files with 95 additions and 18 deletions
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@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ use zcash_client_backend::keys::{
use zcash_primitives::zip32::AccountId;
use zcash_primitives::zip32::{ AccountId, DiversifierIndex };
use std::slice;
use orchard::{
@ -621,27 +621,68 @@ pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_recover_seed(
pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_sapling_spendingkey(
iseed: *const u8,
iseed_len: usize,
coin_type: u32,
acc_id: u32,
out: *mut u8,
out_len: &mut usize
println!("From Rust\n=========");
println!("Starting extended spending key generation....");
let seed: Vec<u8> = marshall_from_haskell_var(iseed, iseed_len, RW);
if ( seed.len() <= 0 ) {
println!("Seed error, returning a null vector...");
if ( seed.len() != 64 ) {
// invalid seed length
marshall_to_haskell_var(&vec![0], out, out_len, RW);
} else {
println!("Seed in rust : {:?}\n", seed);
println!("Coin Type -> {}\nAccount Id -> {}",coin_type,acc_id);
// Obtain the ExtendedSpendingKey using the seed
// Returns a byte array (169 bytes)
let su8 = &seed;
let seedu8 : &[u8] = &su8;
println!("Seed : {:?}\n", &seedu8);
let extsk: ExtendedSpendingKey = sapling::ExtendedSpendingKey::master(&seedu8);
let extsk_bytes = extsk.to_bytes().to_vec();
marshall_to_haskell_var(&extsk_bytes, out, out_len, RW);
pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_sapling_paymentaddress(
extspk: *const u8,
extspk_len: usize,
// divIx: u32,
out: *mut u8,
out_len: &mut usize
let divIx : u32 = 2;
println!("Starting paymentAddress generation....");
let extspkb: Vec<u8> = marshall_from_haskell_var(extspk, extspk_len, RW);
if ( extspkb.len() != 169 ) {
// invalid ExtendedSpenndingKey Array length
println!("Invalid ExtendedSpendingKey....");
marshall_to_haskell_var(&vec![0], out, out_len, RW);
} else {
// Process
println!("Extended Spending Key validated, continue ....");
let extspkbu8 = &extspkb;
let xsku8 : &[u8] = &extspkbu8;
let xsk = match sapling::ExtendedSpendingKey::from_bytes(&xsku8) {
Ok ( x ) => x,
Err ( err ) => {
// Error recovering ExtendedSpendingKey from bytes
marshall_to_haskell_var(&vec![0], out, out_len, RW);
// Obtain the DiversifiableFullViewingKey from ExtendedSpendingKey
let dfvk = xsk.to_diversifiable_full_viewing_key();
// Obtain the Address from the DiversifiableFullViewingKey
// println!("dfvk -> \n{:?}", dfvk);
// let divIndex : DiversifierIndex = divIx.into();
// println!("divIndex -> {:?}", divIndex);
let (divIx, paddress) = dfvk.default_address();
println!("Rust pmtAddress - \n{:?}\n\nRust Diversifier - \n{:?}\n", paddress, divIx);
let pmtAddress = paddress.to_bytes();
println!("\nRust pntAddress as byte array -\n{:?}\n", pmtAddress);
marshall_to_haskell_var(&pmtAddress.to_vec(), out, out_len, RW);
pub extern "C" fn rust_wrapper_derive_orchard_spending_key(
seed: *const u8,

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@ -136,8 +136,13 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Types
{# fun unsafe rust_wrapper_sapling_spendingkey as rustWrapperSaplingSpendingkey
{ toBorshVar* `BS.ByteString'&
, `Word32'
, `Word32'
, getVarBuffer `Buffer (BS.ByteString)'&
-> `()'
{# fun unsafe rust_wrapper_sapling_paymentaddress as rustWrapperPaymentAddress
{ toBorshVar* `BS.ByteString'&
, getVarBuffer `Buffer (BS.ByteString)'&
-> `()'

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import C.Zcash
, rustWrapperSaplingCheck
, rustWrapperSaplingNoteDecode
, rustWrapperSaplingSpendingkey
, rustWrapperPaymentAddress
, rustWrapperSaplingVkDecode
, rustWrapperTxParse
@ -92,7 +93,14 @@ instance FromJSON RawTxResponse where
pure $ RawTxResponse i h (getShieldedOutputs h) a ht c b
-- | Attempts to obtain a sapling SpendinKey using a HDSeed, a Coin Type and an Account ID
genSaplingSpendingKey :: BS.ByteString -> Word32-> AccountId -> BS.ByteString
genSaplingSpendingKey seed coin_type account_id = do
let res = withPureBorshVarBuffer (rustWrapperSaplingSpendingkey seed (fromIntegral coin_type) (fromIntegral account_id) )
genSaplingSpendingKey :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
genSaplingSpendingKey seed = do
let res = withPureBorshVarBuffer (rustWrapperSaplingSpendingkey seed )
-- | Attempts to generate a sapling Payment Address using an ExtendedSpendingKey
-- | and a Diversifier Index
genSaplingPaymentAddress :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
genSaplingPaymentAddress extspk = do
let pmtaddress = withPureBorshVarBuffer (rustWrapperPaymentAddress extspk )

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import ZcashHaskell.Sapling
, isValidShieldedAddress
, matchSaplingAddress
, genSaplingSpendingKey
, genSaplingPaymentAddress
import ZcashHaskell.Transparent
@ -531,11 +532,33 @@ main = do
241, 243, 172, 178,
104, 81, 159, 144
] :: [Word8]
let cointype = getValue TestNetCoin
let account = 0 :: AccountId
let msg = genSaplingSpendingKey (word8ArrayToByteString hdseed) cointype account
let msg = genSaplingSpendingKey (word8ArrayToByteString hdseed)
let msgArr = BS.unpack msg
if (length msgArr) == 169
then True
else False
-- msgArr `shouldBe` "It's working."
describe "Sapling Payment Address generation test" $ do
it "Call genSaplingPaymentAddress" $ do
let hdseed1 = [206, 61, 120, 38,
206, 40, 201, 62,
83, 175, 151, 131,
218, 141, 206, 254,
28, 244, 172, 213,
128, 248, 156, 45,
204, 44, 169, 3,
162, 188, 16, 173,
192, 164, 96, 148,
91, 52, 244, 83,
149, 169, 82, 196,
199, 53, 177, 170,
1, 6, 0, 120,
170, 2, 238, 219,
241, 243, 172, 178,
104, 81, 159, 144
] :: [Word8]
let msg1 = genSaplingSpendingKey (word8ArrayToByteString hdseed1)
let pmtaddress = genSaplingPaymentAddress msg1 --(word8ArrayToByteString hdseed1)
let msgArr = BS.unpack pmtaddress
if (length msgArr) == 43
then True
else False