Rust dependencies update #103

pitmutt merged 99 commits from rav001 into master 2024-12-19 15:23:13 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit 1694898117 - Show all commits

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@ -137,22 +137,22 @@ createTransaction sapAnchor orchAnchor tSpend sSpend oSpend outgoing znet bh bui
processResult $! txResult
processResult :: HexString -> Either TxError HexString
processResult input =
if BS.length (hexBytes input) > 1
then Right input
else case head (BS.unpack $ hexBytes input) of
0 -> Left InsufficientFunds
1 -> Left ChangeRequired
2 -> Left Fee
3 -> Left Balance
4 -> Left TransparentBuild
5 -> Left SaplingBuild
6 -> Left OrchardBuild
7 -> Left OrchardSpend
8 -> Left OrchardRecipient
9 -> Left SaplingBuilderNotAvailable
10 -> Left OrchardBuilderNotAvailable
_ -> Left ZHError
processResult input
| BS.length (hexBytes input) > 1 = Right input
| otherwise =
case head (BS.unpack $ hexBytes input) of
0 -> Left InsufficientFunds
1 -> Left ChangeRequired
2 -> Left Fee
3 -> Left Balance
4 -> Left TransparentBuild
5 -> Left SaplingBuild
6 -> Left OrchardBuild
7 -> Left OrchardSpend
8 -> Left OrchardRecipient
9 -> Left SaplingBuilderNotAvailable
10 -> Left OrchardBuilderNotAvailable
_ -> Left ZHError
txResult =
withPureBorshVarBuffer $