Addition of functinality for manipulating Unified Addresses and Viewing Keys #1

pitmutt merged 17 commits from dev020 into master 2023-12-04 16:31:17 +00:00
3 changed files with 93 additions and 11 deletions
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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ library:
- text
- foreign-rust
- generics-sop
- aeson
- rustzcash_wrapper-uninstalled

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module : ZcashHaskell.Types
@ -17,13 +18,16 @@
module ZcashHaskell.Types where
import Codec.Borsh
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Int
import Data.Structured
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
-- * General
-- | Type to represent data after Bech32 decoding
data RawData = RawData
{ hrp :: BS.ByteString -- ^ Human-readable part of the Bech32 encoding
@ -33,17 +37,41 @@ data RawData = RawData
deriving anyclass (Data.Structured.Show)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct RawData
-- | Type to represent a Unified Full Viewing Key
data UnifiedFullViewingKey = UnifiedFullViewingKey
{ net :: Word8 -- ^ Number representing the network the key belongs to. @1@ for @mainnet@, @2@ for @testnet@ and @3@ for @regtestnet@.
, o_key :: BS.ByteString -- ^ Raw bytes of the Orchard Full Viewing Key as specified in [ZIP-316](
, s_key :: BS.ByteString -- ^ Raw bytes of the Sapling Full Viewing Key as specified in [ZIP-316](
, t_key :: BS.ByteString -- ^ Raw bytes of the P2PKH chain code and public key as specified in [ZIP-316](
} deriving stock (Eq, Prelude.Show, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving anyclass (Data.Structured.Show)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct UnifiedFullViewingKey
-- * `zcashd` RPC
-- | Type to represent response from the `zcashd` RPC `getblock` method
data BlockResponse = BlockResponse
{ bl_confirmations :: Integer -- ^ Block confirmations
, bl_height :: Integer -- ^ Block height
, bl_time :: Integer -- ^ Block time
, bl_txs :: [BS.ByteString] -- ^ List of transaction IDs in the block
} deriving (Prelude.Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON BlockResponse where
parseJSON =
withObject "BlockResponse" $ \obj -> do
c <- obj .: "confirmations"
h <- obj .: "height"
t <- obj .: "time"
txs <- obj .: "tx"
pure $ BlockResponse c h t (BS.pack <$> txs)
-- | Type to represent response from the `zcashd` RPC `getrawtransaction`
data RawTxResponse = RawTxResponse
{ rt_id :: T.Text
, rt_shieldedOutputs :: [ShieldedOutput]
, rt_orchardActions :: [OrchardAction]
} deriving (Prelude.Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON RawTxResponse where
parseJSON =
withObject "RawTxResponse" $ \obj -> do
i <- obj .: "txid"
s <- obj .: "vShieldedOutput"
o <- obj .: "orchard"
a <- o .: "actions"
pure $ RawTxResponse i s a
-- * Sapling
-- | Type to represent a Sapling Shielded Output as provided by the @getrawtransaction@ RPC method of @zcashd@.
data ShieldedOutput = ShieldedOutput
{ s_cv :: BS.ByteString -- ^ Value commitment to the input note
@ -57,6 +85,36 @@ data ShieldedOutput = ShieldedOutput
deriving anyclass (Data.Structured.Show)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct ShieldedOutput
instance FromJSON ShieldedOutput where
parseJSON =
withObject "ShieldedOutput" $ \obj -> do
cv <- obj .: "cv"
cmu <- obj .: "cmu"
ephKey <- obj .: "ephemeralKey"
encText <- obj .: "encCiphertext"
outText <- obj .: "outCiphertext"
p <- obj .: "proof"
pure $
(BS.pack cv)
(BS.pack cmu)
(BS.pack ephKey)
(BS.pack encText)
(BS.pack outText)
(BS.pack p)
-- * Orchard
-- | Type to represent a Unified Full Viewing Key
data UnifiedFullViewingKey = UnifiedFullViewingKey
{ net :: Word8 -- ^ Number representing the network the key belongs to. @1@ for @mainnet@, @2@ for @testnet@ and @3@ for @regtestnet@.
, o_key :: BS.ByteString -- ^ Raw bytes of the Orchard Full Viewing Key as specified in [ZIP-316](
, s_key :: BS.ByteString -- ^ Raw bytes of the Sapling Full Viewing Key as specified in [ZIP-316](
, t_key :: BS.ByteString -- ^ Raw bytes of the P2PKH chain code and public key as specified in [ZIP-316](
} deriving stock (Eq, Prelude.Show, GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving anyclass (Data.Structured.Show)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct UnifiedFullViewingKey
-- | Type to represent an Orchard Action as provided by the @getrawtransaction@ RPC method of @zcashd@, and defined in the [Zcash Protocol](
data OrchardAction = OrchardAction
{ nf :: BS.ByteString -- ^ The nullifier of the input note
@ -72,6 +130,28 @@ data OrchardAction = OrchardAction
deriving anyclass (Data.Structured.Show)
deriving (BorshSize, ToBorsh, FromBorsh) via AsStruct OrchardAction
instance FromJSON OrchardAction where
parseJSON =
withObject "OrchardAction" $ \obj -> do
n <- obj .: "nullifier"
r <- obj .: "rk"
c <- obj .: "cmx"
ephKey <- obj .: "ephemeralKey"
encText <- obj .: "encCiphertext"
outText <- obj .: "outCipherText"
cval <- obj .: "cv"
a <- obj .: "spendAuthSig"
pure $
(BS.pack n)
(BS.pack r)
(BS.pack c)
(BS.pack ephKey)
(BS.pack encText)
(BS.pack outText)
(BS.pack cval)
(BS.pack a)
-- | Type to represent a decoded Orchard Action
data OrchardDecodedAction = OrchardDecodedAction
{ a_value :: Int64 -- ^ The amount of the transaction in _zatoshis_.

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@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ library
base >=4.7 && <5
, base >=4.7 && <5
, borsh >=0.2
, bytestring
, foreign-rust