2015-03-22 19:55:01 +02:00

135 lines
6.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ExtendedDefaultRules, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module QuerySpec (spec) where
import TestImport
import Control.Exception
testDBName :: Database
testDBName = "mongodb-haskell-test"
db :: Action IO a -> IO a
db action = do
pipe <- connect (host "")
result <- access pipe master testDBName action
close pipe
return result
withCleanDatabase :: ActionWith () -> IO ()
withCleanDatabase action = dropDB >> action () >> dropDB >> return ()
dropDB = db $ dropDatabase testDBName
insertDuplicateWith :: (Collection -> [Document] -> Action IO a) -> IO ()
insertDuplicateWith testInsert = do
_id <- db $ insert "team" ["name" =: "Dodgers", "league" =: "American"]
_ <- db $ testInsert "team" [ ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]
-- Try to insert document with duplicate key
, ["name" =: "Dodgers", "league" =: "American", "_id" =: _id]
, ["name" =: "Indians", "league" =: "American"]
return ()
spec :: Spec
spec = around withCleanDatabase $ do
describe "useDb" $ do
it "changes the db" $ do
let anotherDBName = "another-mongodb-haskell-test"
db thisDatabase `shouldReturn` testDBName
db (useDb anotherDBName thisDatabase) `shouldReturn` anotherDBName
describe "insert" $ do
it "inserts a document to the collection and returns its _id" $ do
_id <- db $ insert "team" ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]
result <- db $ rest =<< find (select [] "team")
result `shouldBe` [["_id" =: _id, "name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]]
describe "insert_" $ do
it "inserts a document to the collection and doesn't return _id" $ do
_id <- db $ insert_ "team" ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]
db (count $ select ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"] "team") `shouldReturn` 1
_id `shouldBe` ()
describe "insertMany" $ do
it "inserts documents to the collection and returns their _ids" $ do
(_id1:_id2:_) <- db $ insertMany "team" [ ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]
, ["name" =: "Dodgers", "league" =: "American"]
result <- db $ rest =<< find (select [] "team")
result `shouldBe` [ ["_id" =: _id1, "name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]
, ["_id" =: _id2, "name" =: "Dodgers", "league" =: "American"]
context "Insert a document with duplicating key" $ do
before (insertDuplicateWith insertMany `catch` \(_ :: Failure) -> return ()) $ do
it "inserts documents before it" $
db (count $ select ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"] "team") `shouldReturn` 1
it "doesn't insert documents after it" $
db (count $ select ["name" =: "Indians", "league" =: "American"] "team") `shouldReturn` 0
it "raises exception" $
insertDuplicateWith insertMany `shouldThrow` anyException
-- TODO No way to call getLastError?
describe "insertMany_" $ do
it "inserts documents to the collection and returns nothing" $ do
ids <- db $ insertMany_ "team" [ ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]
, ["name" =: "Dodgers", "league" =: "American"]
ids `shouldBe` ()
context "Insert a document with duplicating key" $ do
before (insertDuplicateWith insertMany_ `catch` \(_ :: Failure) -> return ()) $ do
it "inserts documents before it" $
db (count $ select ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"] "team") `shouldReturn` 1
it "doesn't insert documents after it" $
db (count $ select ["name" =: "Indians", "league" =: "American"] "team") `shouldReturn` 0
it "raises exception" $
insertDuplicateWith insertMany_ `shouldThrow` anyException
describe "insertAll" $ do
it "inserts documents to the collection and returns their _ids" $ do
(_id1:_id2:_) <- db $ insertAll "team" [ ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]
, ["name" =: "Dodgers", "league" =: "American"]
result <- db $ rest =<< find (select [] "team")
result `shouldBe` [["_id" =: _id1, "name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]
,["_id" =: _id2, "name" =: "Dodgers", "league" =: "American"]
context "Insert a document with duplicating key" $ do
before (insertDuplicateWith insertAll `catch` \(_ :: Failure) -> return ()) $ do
it "inserts all documents which can be inserted" $ do
db (count $ select ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"] "team") `shouldReturn` 1
db (count $ select ["name" =: "Indians", "league" =: "American"] "team") `shouldReturn` 1
it "raises exception" $
insertDuplicateWith insertAll `shouldThrow` anyException
describe "insertAll_" $ do
it "inserts documents to the collection and returns their _ids" $ do
ids <- db $ insertAll_ "team" [ ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"]
, ["name" =: "Dodgers", "league" =: "American"]
ids `shouldBe` ()
context "Insert a document with duplicating key" $ do
before (insertDuplicateWith insertAll_ `catch` \(_ :: Failure) -> return ()) $ do
it "inserts all documents which can be inserted" $ do
db (count $ select ["name" =: "Yankees", "league" =: "American"] "team") `shouldReturn` 1
db (count $ select ["name" =: "Indians", "league" =: "American"] "team") `shouldReturn` 1
it "raises exception" $
insertDuplicateWith insertAll_ `shouldThrow` anyException
describe "aggregate" $ do
it "aggregates to normalize and sort documents" $ do
db $ insertAll_ "users" [ ["_id" =: "jane", "joined" =: parseDate "2011-03-02", "likes" =: ["golf", "racquetball"]]
, ["_id" =: "joe", "joined" =: parseDate "2012-07-02", "likes" =: ["tennis", "golf", "swimming"]]
, ["_id" =: "jill", "joined" =: parseDate "2013-11-17", "likes" =: ["cricket", "golf"]]
result <- db $ aggregate "users" [ ["$project" =: ["name" =: ["$toUpper" =: "$_id"], "_id" =: 0]]
, ["$sort" =: ["name" =: 1]]
result `shouldBe` [["name" =: "JANE"], ["name" =: "JILL"], ["name" =: "JOE"]]