Map/Reduce Example ------------------ This is an example of how to use the mapReduce function to perform map/reduce style aggregation on your data. This document has been shamelessly ported from the similar [pymongo Map/Reduce Example]( Setup ----- To start, we'll insert some example data which we can perform map/reduce queries on: $ ghci -package mongoDB GHCi, version 6.12.1: :? for help ... Prelude> :set prompt "> " > import Database.MongoDB > import Database.MongoDB.BSON > import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 > c <- connect "localhost" [] > let col = (fromString "test.mr1") > :{ insertMany c col [ (toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 1), ("tags", BsonArray [toBson "dog", toBson "cat"])]), (toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 2), ("tags", BsonArray [toBson "cat"])]), (toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 3), ("tags", BsonArray [toBson "mouse", toBson "cat", toBson "doc"])]), (toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 4), ("tags", BsonArray [])]) ] :} Basic Map/Reduce ---------------- Now we'll define our map and reduce functions. In this case we're performing the same operation as in the MongoDB Map/Reduce documentation - counting the number of occurrences for each tag in the tags array, across the entire collection. Our map function just emits a single (key, 1) pair for each tag in the array: > :{ let mapFn = " function() {\n this.tags.forEach(function(z) {\n emit(z, 1);\n });\n }" :} The reduce function sums over all of the emitted values for a given key: > :{ let reduceFn = " function (key, values) {\n var total = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {\n total += values[i];\n }\n return total;\n }" :} Note: We can't just return values.length as the reduce function might be called iteratively on the results of other reduce steps. Finally, we call map_reduce() and iterate over the result collection: > mapReduce c col (fromString mapFn) (fromString reduceFn) [] >>= allDocs [[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "cat" Empty)), (Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 6.0)], [(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "doc" Empty)), (Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)], [(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "dog" Empty)), (Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 3.0)], [(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "mouse" Empty)), (Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 2.0)]] Advanced Map/Reduce ------------------- MongoDB returns additional information in the map/reduce results. To obtain them, use *runMapReduce*: > res <- runMapReduce c col (fromString mapFn) (fromString reduceFn) [] > res [(Chunk "result" Empty, BsonString (Chunk "" Empty)), (Chunk "timeMillis" Empty, BsonInt32 90), (Chunk "counts" Empty, BsonDoc [(Chunk "input" Empty,BsonInt64 8), (Chunk "emit" Empty,BsonInt64 12), (Chunk "output" Empty,BsonInt64 4)]), (Chunk "ok" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)] You can then obtain the results using *mapReduceResults*: > mapReduceResults c (fromString "test") res >>= allDocs [[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "cat" Empty)), (Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 6.0)], [(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "doc" Empty)), (Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)], [(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "dog" Empty)), (Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 3.0)], [(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "mouse" Empty)), (Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 2.0)]]