{- Copyright (C) 2010 Scott R Parish Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -} module Database.MongoDB ( -- * Connection Connection, connect, connectOnPort, conClose, disconnect, -- * Basic database operations Collection, FieldSelector, NumToSkip, NumToReturn, Selector, QueryOpt(..), UpdateFlag(..), delete, insert, insertMany, query, remove, update, -- * Convience database operations find, quickFind, quickFind', -- * Cursor operations Cursor, allDocs, allDocs', finish, nextDoc, ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Binary import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Binary.Put import Data.Bits import Data.ByteString.Char8 hiding (find) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L8 import Data.Int import Data.IORef import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Typeable import Database.MongoDB.BSON import Database.MongoDB.Util import qualified Network import Network.Socket hiding (connect, send, sendTo, recv, recvFrom) import Prelude hiding (getContents) import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Random -- | A handle to a database connection data Connection = Connection { cHandle :: Handle, cRand :: IORef [Int] } -- | Estabilish a connection to a MongoDB server connect :: HostName -> IO Connection connect = flip connectOnPort $ Network.PortNumber 27017 -- | Estabilish a connection to a MongoDB server on a non-standard port connectOnPort :: HostName -> Network.PortID -> IO Connection connectOnPort host port = do h <- Network.connectTo host port hSetBuffering h NoBuffering r <- newStdGen let ns = randomRs (fromIntegral (minBound :: Int32), fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int32)) r nsRef <- newIORef ns return $ Connection { cHandle = h, cRand = nsRef } -- | Close database connection conClose :: Connection -> IO () conClose = hClose . cHandle -- | Alias for 'conClose' disconnect :: Connection -> IO () disconnect = conClose -- | An Itertaor over the results of a query. Use 'nextDoc' to get each -- successive result document, or 'allDocs' or 'allDocs'' to get lazy or -- strict lists of results. data Cursor = Cursor { curCon :: Connection, curID :: IORef Int64, curNumToRet :: Int32, curCol :: Collection, curDocBytes :: IORef L.ByteString, curClosed :: IORef Bool } data Opcode = OP_REPLY -- 1 Reply to a client request. responseTo is set | OP_MSG -- 1000 generic msg command followed by a string | OP_UPDATE -- 2001 update document | OP_INSERT -- 2002 insert new document | OP_GET_BY_OID -- 2003 is this used? | OP_QUERY -- 2004 query a collection | OP_GET_MORE -- 2005 Get more data from a query. See Cursors | OP_DELETE -- 2006 Delete documents | OP_KILL_CURSORS -- 2007 Tell database client is done with a cursor deriving (Show, Eq) data MongoDBInternalError = MongoDBInternalError String deriving (Eq, Show, Read) mongoDBInternalError :: TyCon mongoDBInternalError = mkTyCon "Database.MongoDB.MongoDBInternalError" instance Typeable MongoDBInternalError where typeOf _ = mkTyConApp mongoDBInternalError [] instance Exception MongoDBInternalError fromOpcode :: Opcode -> Int32 fromOpcode OP_REPLY = 1 fromOpcode OP_MSG = 1000 fromOpcode OP_UPDATE = 2001 fromOpcode OP_INSERT = 2002 fromOpcode OP_GET_BY_OID = 2003 fromOpcode OP_QUERY = 2004 fromOpcode OP_GET_MORE = 2005 fromOpcode OP_DELETE = 2006 fromOpcode OP_KILL_CURSORS = 2007 toOpcode :: Int32 -> Opcode toOpcode 1 = OP_REPLY toOpcode 1000 = OP_MSG toOpcode 2001 = OP_UPDATE toOpcode 2002 = OP_INSERT toOpcode 2003 = OP_GET_BY_OID toOpcode 2004 = OP_QUERY toOpcode 2005 = OP_GET_MORE toOpcode 2006 = OP_DELETE toOpcode 2007 = OP_KILL_CURSORS toOpcode n = throw $ MongoDBInternalError $ "Got unexpected Opcode: " ++ show n -- | The full collection name. The full collection name is the -- concatenation of the database name with the collection name, using -- a @.@ for the concatenation. For example, for the database @foo@ -- and the collection @bar@, the full collection name is @foo.bar@. type Collection = String -- | A 'BsonDoc' representing restrictions for a query much like the -- /where/ part of an SQL query. type Selector = BsonDoc -- | A list of field names that limits the fields in the returned -- documents. The list can contains zero or more elements, each of -- which is the name of a field that should be returned. An empty list -- means that no limiting is done and all fields are returned. type FieldSelector = [L8.ByteString] type RequestID = Int32 -- | Sets the number of documents to omit - starting from the first -- document in the resulting dataset - when returning the result of -- the query. type NumToSkip = Int32 -- | This controls how many documents are returned at a time. The -- cursor works by requesting /NumToReturn/ documents, which are then -- immediately all transfered over the network; these are held locally -- until the those /NumToReturn/ are all consumed and then the network -- will be hit again for the next /NumToReturn/ documents. -- -- If the value @0@ is given, the database will choose the number of -- documents to return. -- -- Otherwise choosing a good value is very dependant on the document size -- and the way the cursor is being used. type NumToReturn = Int32 -- | Options that control the behavior of a 'query' operation. data QueryOpt = QO_TailableCursor | QO_SlaveOK | QO_OpLogReplay | QO_NoCursorTimeout deriving (Show) fromQueryOpts :: [QueryOpt] -> Int32 fromQueryOpts opts = List.foldl (.|.) 0 $ fmap toVal opts where toVal QO_TailableCursor = 2 toVal QO_SlaveOK = 4 toVal QO_OpLogReplay = 8 toVal QO_NoCursorTimeout = 16 -- | Options that effect the behavior of a 'update' operation. data UpdateFlag = UF_Upsert | UF_Multiupdate deriving (Show, Enum) fromUpdateFlags :: [UpdateFlag] -> Int32 fromUpdateFlags flags = List.foldl (.|.) 0 $ flip fmap flags $ (1 `shiftL`) . fromEnum -- | Delete documents matching /Selector/ from the given /Collection/. delete :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO RequestID delete c col sel = do let body = runPut $ do putI32 0 putCol col putI32 0 put sel (reqID, msg) <- packMsg c OP_DELETE body L.hPut (cHandle c) msg return reqID -- | An alias for 'delete'. remove :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO RequestID remove = delete -- | Insert a single document into /Collection/. insert :: Connection -> Collection -> BsonDoc -> IO RequestID insert c col doc = do let body = runPut $ do putI32 0 putCol col put doc (reqID, msg) <- packMsg c OP_INSERT body L.hPut (cHandle c) msg return reqID -- | Insert a list of documents into /Collection/. insertMany :: Connection -> Collection -> [BsonDoc] -> IO RequestID insertMany c col docs = do let body = runPut $ do putI32 0 putCol col forM_ docs put (reqID, msg) <- packMsg c OP_INSERT body L.hPut (cHandle c) msg return reqID -- | Open a cursor to find documents. If you need full functionality, -- see 'query' find :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO Cursor find c col sel = query c col [] 0 0 sel [] -- | Perform a query and return the result as a lazy list. Be sure to -- understand the comments about using the lazy list given for -- 'allDocs'. quickFind :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO [BsonDoc] quickFind c col sel = find c col sel >>= allDocs -- | Perform a query and return the result as a strict list. quickFind' :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO [BsonDoc] quickFind' c col sel = find c col sel >>= allDocs' -- | Open a cursor to find documents in /Collection/ that match -- /Selector/. See the documentation for each argument's type for -- information about how it effects the query. query :: Connection -> Collection -> [QueryOpt] -> NumToSkip -> NumToReturn -> Selector -> FieldSelector -> IO Cursor query c col opts nskip ret sel fsel = do let h = cHandle c let body = runPut $ do putI32 $ fromQueryOpts opts putCol col putI32 nskip putI32 ret put sel case fsel of [] -> putNothing _ -> put $ toBsonDoc $ List.zip fsel $ repeat $ BsonInt32 1 (reqID, msg) <- packMsg c OP_QUERY body L.hPut h msg hdr <- getHeader h assert (OP_REPLY == hOp hdr) $ return () assert (hRespTo hdr == reqID) $ return () reply <- getReply h assert (rRespFlags reply == 0) $ return () docBytes <- (L.hGet h $ fromIntegral $ hMsgLen hdr - 16 - 20) >>= newIORef closed <- newIORef False cid <- newIORef $ rCursorID reply return $ Cursor { curCon = c, curID = cid, curNumToRet = ret, curCol = col, curDocBytes = docBytes, curClosed = closed } -- | Update documents with /BsonDoc/ in /Collection/ that match /Selector/. update :: Connection -> Collection -> [UpdateFlag] -> Selector -> BsonDoc -> IO RequestID update c col flags sel obj = do let body = runPut $ do putI32 0 putCol col putI32 $ fromUpdateFlags flags put sel put obj (reqID, msg) <- packMsg c OP_UPDATE body L.hPut (cHandle c) msg return reqID data Hdr = Hdr { hMsgLen :: Int32, -- hReqID :: Int32, hRespTo :: Int32, hOp :: Opcode } deriving (Show) data Reply = Reply { rRespFlags :: Int32, rCursorID :: Int64 -- rStartFrom :: Int32, -- rNumReturned :: Int32 } deriving (Show) getHeader :: Handle -> IO Hdr getHeader h = do hdrBytes <- L.hGet h 16 return $ flip runGet hdrBytes $ do msgLen <- getI32 skip 4 -- reqID <- getI32 respTo <- getI32 op <- getI32 return $ Hdr msgLen respTo $ toOpcode op getReply :: Handle -> IO Reply getReply h = do replyBytes <- L.hGet h 20 return $ flip runGet replyBytes $ do respFlags <- getI32 cursorID <- getI64 skip 4 -- startFrom <- getI32 skip 4 -- numReturned <- getI32 return $ (Reply respFlags cursorID) -- | Return one document or Nothing if there are no more. -- Automatically closes the curosr when last document is read nextDoc :: Cursor -> IO (Maybe BsonDoc) nextDoc cur = do closed <- readIORef $ curClosed cur case closed of True -> return Nothing False -> do docBytes <- readIORef $ curDocBytes cur cid <- readIORef $ curID cur case L.length docBytes of 0 -> if cid == 0 then writeIORef (curClosed cur) True >> return Nothing else getMore cur _ -> do let (doc, docBytes') = getFirstDoc docBytes writeIORef (curDocBytes cur) docBytes' return $ Just doc -- | Return a lazy list of all (of the rest) of the documents in the -- cursor. This works much like hGetContents--it will lazily read the -- cursor data out of the database as the list is used. The cursor is -- automatically closed when the list has been fully read. -- -- If you manually finish the cursor before consuming off this list -- you won't get all the original documents in the cursor. -- -- If you don't consume to the end of the list, you must manually -- close the cursor or you will leak the cursor, which may also leak -- on the database side. allDocs :: Cursor -> IO [BsonDoc] allDocs cur = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do doc <- nextDoc cur case doc of Nothing -> return [] Just d -> allDocs cur >>= return . (d :) -- | Returns a strict list of all (of the rest) of the documents in -- the cursor. This means that all of the documents will immediately -- be read out of the database and loaded into memory. allDocs' :: Cursor -> IO [BsonDoc] allDocs' cur = do doc <- nextDoc cur case doc of Nothing -> return [] Just d -> allDocs' cur >>= return . (d :) getFirstDoc :: L.ByteString -> (BsonDoc, L.ByteString) getFirstDoc docBytes = flip runGet docBytes $ do doc <- get docBytes' <- getRemainingLazyByteString return (doc, docBytes') getMore :: Cursor -> IO (Maybe BsonDoc) getMore cur = do let h = cHandle $ curCon cur cid <- readIORef $ curID cur let body = runPut $ do putI32 0 putCol $ curCol cur putI32 $ curNumToRet cur putI64 cid (reqID, msg) <- packMsg (curCon cur) OP_GET_MORE body L.hPut h msg hdr <- getHeader h assert (OP_REPLY == hOp hdr) $ return () assert (hRespTo hdr == reqID) $ return () reply <- getReply h assert (rRespFlags reply == 0) $ return () case rCursorID reply of 0 -> writeIORef (curID cur) 0 ncid -> assert (ncid == cid) $ return () docBytes <- (L.hGet h $ fromIntegral $ hMsgLen hdr - 16 - 20) case L.length docBytes of 0 -> writeIORef (curClosed cur) True >> return Nothing _ -> do let (doc, docBytes') = getFirstDoc docBytes writeIORef (curDocBytes cur) docBytes' return $ Just doc -- | Manually close a cursor -- usually not needed if you use -- 'allDocs', 'allDocs'', or 'nextDoc'. finish :: Cursor -> IO () finish cur = do let h = cHandle $ curCon cur cid <- readIORef $ curID cur let body = runPut $ do putI32 0 putI32 1 putI64 cid (_reqID, msg) <- packMsg (curCon cur) OP_KILL_CURSORS body L.hPut h msg writeIORef (curClosed cur) True return () putCol :: Collection -> Put putCol col = putByteString (pack col) >> putNull packMsg :: Connection -> Opcode -> L.ByteString -> IO (RequestID, L.ByteString) packMsg c op body = do reqID <- randNum c let msg = runPut $ do putI32 $ fromIntegral $ L.length body + 16 putI32 reqID putI32 0 putI32 $ fromOpcode op putLazyByteString body return (reqID, msg) randNum :: Connection -> IO Int32 randNum Connection { cRand = nsRef } = atomicModifyIORef nsRef $ \ns -> (List.tail ns, fromIntegral $ List.head ns)