-- | Query and update documents {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, TupleSections, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns #-} module Database.MongoDB.Query ( -- * Monad Action, access, Failure(..), ErrorCode, AccessMode(..), GetLastError, master, slaveOk, accessMode, liftDB, MongoContext(..), HasMongoContext(..), -- * Database Database, allDatabases, useDb, thisDatabase, -- ** Authentication Username, Password, auth, authMongoCR, authSCRAMSHA1, -- * Collection Collection, allCollections, -- ** Selection Selection(..), Selector, whereJS, Select(select), -- * Write -- ** Insert insert, insert_, insertMany, insertMany_, insertAll, insertAll_, -- ** Update save, replace, repsert, upsert, Modifier, modify, updateMany, updateAll, WriteResult(..), UpdateOption(..), Upserted(..), -- ** Delete delete, deleteOne, deleteMany, deleteAll, DeleteOption(..), -- * Read -- ** Query Query(..), QueryOption(NoCursorTimeout, TailableCursor, AwaitData, Partial), Projector, Limit, Order, BatchSize, explain, find, findCommand, findOne, fetch, findAndModify, findAndModifyOpts, FindAndModifyOpts(..), defFamUpdateOpts, count, distinct, -- *** Cursor Cursor, nextBatch, next, nextN, rest, closeCursor, isCursorClosed, -- ** Aggregate Pipeline, AggregateConfig(..), aggregate, aggregateCursor, -- ** Group Group(..), GroupKey(..), group, -- ** MapReduce MapReduce(..), MapFun, ReduceFun, FinalizeFun, MROut(..), MRMerge(..), MRResult, mapReduce, runMR, runMR', -- * Command Command, runCommand, runCommand1, eval, retrieveServerData, ServerData(..) ) where import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MV import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted ( MVar, readMVar, ) import Control.Exception (Exception, catch, throwIO) import Control.Monad ( liftM2, replicateM, unless, void, when, ) import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, ask, asks, local, runReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO, lift) import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5 import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1 import qualified Crypto.MAC.HMAC as HMAC import qualified Crypto.Nonce as Nonce import Data.Binary.Put (runPut) import Data.Bits (xor) import Data.Bson ( Document, Field (..), Javascript, Label, ObjectId, Val (..), Value (..), at, genObjectId, look, lookup, valueAt, (!?), (=:), (=?), merge, cast ) import Data.Bson.Binary (putDocument) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import Data.Default.Class (Default (..)) import Data.Either (lefts, rights) import qualified Data.Either as E import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Data.Int (Int32, Int64) import Data.List (foldl1') import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, isNothing, listToMaybe, mapMaybe, maybeToList, fromJust) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word32) import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol ( CursorId, DeleteOption (..), FullCollection, InsertOption (..), Notice (..), Password, Pipe, QueryOption (..), Reply (..), Request ( GetMore, qBatchSize, qFullCollection, qOptions, qProjector, qSelector, qSkip ), ResponseFlag (..), ServerData (..), UpdateOption (..), Username, Cmd (..), pwKey, FlagBit (..) ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import qualified Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol as P import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Util (liftIOE, loop, true1, (<.>)) import System.Mem.Weak (Weak) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Prelude hiding (lookup) -- * Monad type Action = ReaderT MongoContext -- ^ A monad on top of m (which must be a MonadIO) that may access the database and may fail with a DB 'Failure' access :: (MonadIO m) => Pipe -> AccessMode -> Database -> Action m a -> m a -- ^ Run action against database on server at other end of pipe. Use access mode for any reads and writes. -- Throw 'Failure' in case of any error. access mongoPipe mongoAccessMode mongoDatabase action = runReaderT action MongoContext{..} -- | A connection failure, or a read or write exception like cursor expired or inserting a duplicate key. -- Note, unexpected data from the server is not a Failure, rather it is a programming error (you should call 'error' in this case) because the client and server are incompatible and requires a programming change. data Failure = ConnectionFailure IOError -- ^ TCP connection ('Pipeline') failed. May work if you try again on the same Mongo 'Connection' which will create a new Pipe. | CursorNotFoundFailure CursorId -- ^ Cursor expired because it wasn't accessed for over 10 minutes, or this cursor came from a different server that the one you are currently connected to (perhaps a fail over happen between servers in a replica set) | QueryFailure ErrorCode String -- ^ Query failed for some reason as described in the string | WriteFailure Int ErrorCode String -- ^ Error observed by getLastError after a write, error description is in string, index of failed document is the first argument | WriteConcernFailure Int String -- ^ Write concern error. It's reported only by insert, update, delete commands. Not by wire protocol. | DocNotFound Selection -- ^ 'fetch' found no document matching selection | AggregateFailure String -- ^ 'aggregate' returned an error | CompoundFailure [Failure] -- ^ When we need to aggregate several failures and report them. | ProtocolFailure Int String -- ^ The structure of the returned documents doesn't match what we expected deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) instance Exception Failure type ErrorCode = Int -- ^ Error code from @getLastError@ or query failure. -- | Type of reads and writes to perform. data AccessMode = ReadStaleOk -- ^ Read-only action, reading stale data from a slave is OK. | UnconfirmedWrites -- ^ Read-write action, slave not OK, every write is fire & forget. | ConfirmWrites GetLastError -- ^ Read-write action, slave not OK, every write is confirmed with @getLastError@. deriving Show type GetLastError = Document -- ^ Parameters for @getLastError@ command. For example @[\"w\" =: 2]@ tells the server to wait for the write to reach at least two servers in replica set before acknowledging. See for more options. class Result a where isFailed :: a -> Bool data WriteResult = WriteResult { failed :: Bool , nMatched :: Int , nModified :: Maybe Int , nRemoved :: Int -- ^ Mongodb server before 2.6 doesn't allow to calculate this value. -- This field is meaningless if we can't calculate the number of modified documents. , upserted :: [Upserted] , writeErrors :: [Failure] , writeConcernErrors :: [Failure] } deriving Show instance Result WriteResult where isFailed = failed instance Result (Either a b) where isFailed (Left _) = True isFailed _ = False data Upserted = Upserted { upsertedIndex :: Int , upsertedId :: ObjectId } deriving Show master :: AccessMode -- ^ Same as 'ConfirmWrites' [] master = ConfirmWrites [] slaveOk :: AccessMode -- ^ Same as 'ReadStaleOk' slaveOk = ReadStaleOk accessMode :: (Monad m) => AccessMode -> Action m a -> Action m a -- ^ Run action with given 'AccessMode' accessMode mode = local (\ctx -> ctx {mongoAccessMode = mode}) readMode :: AccessMode -> ReadMode readMode ReadStaleOk = StaleOk readMode _ = Fresh writeMode :: AccessMode -> WriteMode writeMode ReadStaleOk = Confirm [] writeMode UnconfirmedWrites = NoConfirm writeMode (ConfirmWrites z) = Confirm z -- | Values needed when executing a db operation data MongoContext = MongoContext { mongoPipe :: Pipe, -- ^ operations read/write to this pipelined TCP connection to a MongoDB server mongoAccessMode :: AccessMode, -- ^ read/write operation will use this access mode mongoDatabase :: Database -- ^ operations query/update this database } mongoReadMode :: MongoContext -> ReadMode mongoReadMode = readMode . mongoAccessMode mongoWriteMode :: MongoContext -> WriteMode mongoWriteMode = writeMode . mongoAccessMode class HasMongoContext env where mongoContext :: env -> MongoContext instance HasMongoContext MongoContext where mongoContext = id liftDB :: (MonadReader env m, HasMongoContext env, MonadIO m) => Action IO a -> m a liftDB m = do env <- ask liftIO $ runReaderT m (mongoContext env) -- * Database type Database = Text allDatabases :: (MonadIO m) => Action m [Database] -- ^ List all databases residing on server allDatabases = map (at "name") . at "databases" <$> useDb "admin" (runCommand1 "listDatabases") thisDatabase :: (Monad m) => Action m Database -- ^ Current database in use thisDatabase = asks mongoDatabase useDb :: (Monad m) => Database -> Action m a -> Action m a -- ^ Run action against given database useDb db = local (\ctx -> ctx {mongoDatabase = db}) -- * Authentication auth :: MonadIO m => Username -> Password -> Action m Bool -- ^ Authenticate with the current database (if server is running in secure mode). Return whether authentication was successful or not. Reauthentication is required for every new pipe. SCRAM-SHA-1 will be used for server versions 3.0+, MONGO-CR for lower versions. auth un pw = do let serverVersion = fmap (at "version") $ useDb "admin" $ runCommand ["buildinfo" =: (1 :: Int)] mmv <- readMaybe . T.unpack . head . T.splitOn "." <$> serverVersion maybe (return False) performAuth mmv where performAuth majorVersion = if majorVersion >= (3 :: Int) then authSCRAMSHA1 un pw else authMongoCR un pw authMongoCR :: (MonadIO m) => Username -> Password -> Action m Bool -- ^ Authenticate with the current database, using the MongoDB-CR authentication mechanism (default in MongoDB server < 3.0) authMongoCR usr pss = do n <- at "nonce" <$> runCommand ["getnonce" =: (1 :: Int)] true1 "ok" <$> runCommand ["authenticate" =: (1 :: Int), "user" =: usr, "nonce" =: n, "key" =: pwKey n usr pss] authSCRAMSHA1 :: MonadIO m => Username -> Password -> Action m Bool -- ^ Authenticate with the current database, using the SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication mechanism (default in MongoDB server >= 3.0) authSCRAMSHA1 un pw = do let hmac = HMAC.hmac SHA1.hash 64 nonce <- liftIO (Nonce.withGenerator Nonce.nonce128 <&> B64.encode) let firstBare = B.concat [B.pack $ "n=" ++ T.unpack un ++ ",r=", nonce] let client1 = ["saslStart" =: (1 :: Int), "mechanism" =: ("SCRAM-SHA-1" :: String), "payload" =: (B.unpack . B64.encode $ B.concat [B.pack "n,,", firstBare]), "autoAuthorize" =: (1 :: Int)] server1 <- runCommand client1 shortcircuit (true1 "ok" server1) $ do let serverPayload1 = B64.decodeLenient . B.pack . at "payload" $ server1 let serverData1 = parseSCRAM serverPayload1 let iterations = read . B.unpack $ Map.findWithDefault "1" "i" serverData1 let salt = B64.decodeLenient $ Map.findWithDefault "" "s" serverData1 let snonce = Map.findWithDefault "" "r" serverData1 shortcircuit (B.isInfixOf nonce snonce) $ do let withoutProof = B.concat [B.pack "c=biws,r=", snonce] let digestS = B.pack $ T.unpack un ++ ":mongo:" ++ T.unpack pw let digest = B16.encode $ MD5.hash digestS let saltedPass = scramHI digest salt iterations let clientKey = hmac saltedPass (B.pack "Client Key") let storedKey = SHA1.hash clientKey let authMsg = B.concat [firstBare, B.pack ",", serverPayload1, B.pack ",", withoutProof] let clientSig = hmac storedKey authMsg let pval = B64.encode . BS.pack $ BS.zipWith xor clientKey clientSig let clientFinal = B.concat [withoutProof, B.pack ",p=", pval] let serverKey = hmac saltedPass (B.pack "Server Key") let serverSig = B64.encode $ hmac serverKey authMsg let client2 = ["saslContinue" =: (1 :: Int), "conversationId" =: (at "conversationId" server1 :: Int), "payload" =: B.unpack (B64.encode clientFinal)] server2 <- runCommand client2 shortcircuit (true1 "ok" server2) $ do let serverPayload2 = B64.decodeLenient . B.pack $ at "payload" server2 let serverData2 = parseSCRAM serverPayload2 let serverSigComp = Map.findWithDefault "" "v" serverData2 shortcircuit (serverSig == serverSigComp) $ do let done = true1 "done" server2 if done then return True else do let client2Step2 = [ "saslContinue" =: (1 :: Int) , "conversationId" =: (at "conversationId" server1 :: Int) , "payload" =: String ""] server3 <- runCommand client2Step2 shortcircuit (true1 "ok" server3) $ do return True where shortcircuit True f = f shortcircuit False _ = return False scramHI :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Int -> B.ByteString scramHI digest salt iters = snd $ foldl com (u1, u1) [1..(iters-1)] where hmacd = HMAC.hmac SHA1.hash 64 digest u1 = hmacd (B.concat [salt, BS.pack [0, 0, 0, 1]]) com (u,uc) _ = let u' = hmacd u in (u', BS.pack $ BS.zipWith xor uc u') parseSCRAM :: B.ByteString -> Map.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString parseSCRAM = Map.fromList . fmap (cleanup . T.breakOn "=") . T.splitOn "," . T.pack . B.unpack where cleanup (t1, t2) = (B.pack $ T.unpack t1, B.pack . T.unpack $ T.drop 1 t2) -- As long as server api is not requested OP_Query has to be used. See: -- https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/6dc6f80026f0f8d99a8c81f996389534b14f6602/source/mongodb-handshake/handshake.rst#specification retrieveServerData :: (MonadIO m) => Action m ServerData retrieveServerData = do d <- runCommand1 "isMaster" let newSd = ServerData { isMaster = fromMaybe False $ lookup "isMaster" d , minWireVersion = fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "minWireVersion" d , maxWireVersion = fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "maxWireVersion" d , maxMessageSizeBytes = fromMaybe 48000000 $ lookup "maxMessageSizeBytes" d , maxBsonObjectSize = fromMaybe (16 * 1024 * 1024) $ lookup "maxBsonObjectSize" d , maxWriteBatchSize = fromMaybe 1000 $ lookup "maxWriteBatchSize" d } return newSd -- * Collection type Collection = Text -- ^ Collection name (not prefixed with database) allCollections :: MonadIO m => Action m [Collection] -- ^ List all collections in this database allCollections = do p <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData p if maxWireVersion sd <= 2 then do db <- thisDatabase docs <- rest =<< find (query [] "system.namespaces") {sort = ["name" =: (1 :: Int)]} (return . filter (not . isSpecial db)) (map (dropDbPrefix . at "name") docs) else if maxWireVersion sd < 17 then do r <- runCommand1 "listCollections" let curData = do (Doc curDoc) <- r !? "cursor" (curId :: Int64) <- curDoc !? "id" (curNs :: Text) <- curDoc !? "ns" (firstBatch :: [Value]) <- curDoc !? "firstBatch" return (curId, curNs, mapMaybe cast' firstBatch :: [Document]) case curData of Nothing -> return [] Just (curId, curNs, firstBatch) -> do db <- thisDatabase nc <- newCursor db curNs 0 $ return $ Batch Nothing curId firstBatch docs <- rest nc return $ mapMaybe (\d -> d !? "name") docs else do let q = Query [] (Select ["listCollections" =: (1 :: Int)] "$cmd") [] 0 0 [] False 0 [] qr <- queryRequestOpMsg False q dBatch <- liftIO $ requestOpMsg p qr [] db <- thisDatabase nc <- newCursor db "$cmd" 0 dBatch docs <- rest nc return $ mapMaybe (\d -> d !? "name") docs where dropDbPrefix = T.tail . T.dropWhile (/= '.') isSpecial db col = T.any (== '$') col && db <.> col /= "local.oplog.$main" -- * Selection data Selection = Select {selector :: Selector, coll :: Collection} deriving (Show, Eq) -- ^ Selects documents in collection that match selector type Selector = Document -- ^ Filter for a query, analogous to the where clause in SQL. @[]@ matches all documents in collection. @[\"x\" =: a, \"y\" =: b]@ is analogous to @where x = a and y = b@ in SQL. See for full selector syntax. whereJS :: Selector -> Javascript -> Selector -- ^ Add Javascript predicate to selector, in which case a document must match both selector and predicate whereJS sel js = ("$where" =: js) : sel class Select aQueryOrSelection where select :: Selector -> Collection -> aQueryOrSelection -- ^ 'Query' or 'Selection' that selects documents in collection that match selector. The choice of type depends on use, for example, in @'find' (select sel col)@ it is a Query, and in @'delete' (select sel col)@ it is a Selection. instance Select Selection where select = Select instance Select Query where select = query -- * Write data WriteMode = NoConfirm -- ^ Submit writes without receiving acknowledgments. Fast. Assumes writes succeed even though they may not. | Confirm GetLastError -- ^ Receive an acknowledgment after every write, and raise exception if one says the write failed. This is acomplished by sending the getLastError command, with given 'GetLastError' parameters, after every write. deriving (Show, Eq) write :: Notice -> Action IO (Maybe Document) -- ^ Send write to server, and if write-mode is 'Safe' then include getLastError request and raise 'WriteFailure' if it reports an error. write notice = asks mongoWriteMode >>= \mode -> case mode of NoConfirm -> do pipe <- asks mongoPipe liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [notice] return Nothing Confirm params -> do let q = query (("getlasterror" =: (1 :: Int)) : params) "$cmd" pipe <- asks mongoPipe Batch _ _ [doc] <- do r <- queryRequest False q {limit = 1} rr <- liftIO $ request pipe [notice] r fulfill rr return $ Just doc -- ** Insert insert :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Document -> Action m Value -- ^ Insert document into collection and return its \"_id\" value, which is created automatically if not supplied insert col doc = do doc' <- liftIO $ assignId doc res <- insertBlock [] col (0, [doc']) case res of Left failure -> liftIO $ throwIO failure Right r -> return $ head r insert_ :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Document -> Action m () -- ^ Same as 'insert' except don't return _id insert_ col doc = insert col doc >> return () insertMany :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> [Document] -> Action m [Value] -- ^ Insert documents into collection and return their \"_id\" values, -- which are created automatically if not supplied. -- If a document fails to be inserted (eg. due to duplicate key) -- then remaining docs are aborted, and @LastError@ is set. -- An exception will be throw if any error occurs. insertMany = insert' [] insertMany_ :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> [Document] -> Action m () -- ^ Same as 'insertMany' except don't return _ids insertMany_ col docs = insertMany col docs >> return () insertAll :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> [Document] -> Action m [Value] -- ^ Insert documents into collection and return their \"_id\" values, -- which are created automatically if not supplied. If a document fails -- to be inserted (eg. due to duplicate key) then remaining docs -- are still inserted. insertAll = insert' [KeepGoing] insertAll_ :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> [Document] -> Action m () -- ^ Same as 'insertAll' except don't return _ids insertAll_ col docs = insertAll col docs >> return () insertCommandDocument :: [InsertOption] -> Collection -> [Document] -> Document -> Document insertCommandDocument opts col docs writeConcern = [ "insert" =: col , "ordered" =: (KeepGoing `notElem` opts) , "documents" =: docs , "writeConcern" =: writeConcern ] takeRightsUpToLeft :: [Either a b] -> [b] takeRightsUpToLeft l = E.rights $ takeWhile E.isRight l insert' :: (MonadIO m) => [InsertOption] -> Collection -> [Document] -> Action m [Value] -- ^ Insert documents into collection and return their \"_id\" values, which are created automatically if not supplied insert' opts col docs = do p <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData p docs' <- liftIO $ mapM assignId docs mode <- asks mongoWriteMode let writeConcern = case mode of NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)] Confirm params -> params let docSize = sizeOfDocument $ insertCommandDocument opts col [] writeConcern let ordered = KeepGoing `notElem` opts let preChunks = splitAtLimit (maxBsonObjectSize sd - docSize) -- size of auxiliary part of insert -- document should be subtracted from -- the overall size (maxWriteBatchSize sd) docs' let chunks = if ordered then takeRightsUpToLeft preChunks else rights preChunks let lens = map length chunks let lSums = 0 : zipWith (+) lSums lens chunkResults <- interruptibleFor ordered (zip lSums chunks) $ insertBlock opts col let lchunks = lefts preChunks when (not $ null lchunks) $ do liftIO $ throwIO $ head lchunks let lresults = lefts chunkResults when (not $ null lresults) $ liftIO $ throwIO $ head lresults return $ concat $ rights chunkResults insertBlock :: (MonadIO m) => [InsertOption] -> Collection -> (Int, [Document]) -> Action m (Either Failure [Value]) -- ^ This will fail if the list of documents is bigger than restrictions insertBlock _ _ (_, []) = return $ Right [] insertBlock opts col (prevCount, docs) = do db <- thisDatabase p <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData p if maxWireVersion sd < 2 then do res <- liftDB $ write (Insert (db <.> col) opts docs) let errorMessage = do jRes <- res em <- lookup "err" jRes return $ WriteFailure prevCount (fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "code" jRes) em -- In older versions of ^^ the protocol we can't really say which document failed. -- So we just report the accumulated number of documents in the previous blocks. case errorMessage of Just failure -> return $ Left failure Nothing -> return $ Right $ map (valueAt "_id") docs else if maxWireVersion sd == 2 && maxWireVersion sd < 17 then do mode <- asks mongoWriteMode let writeConcern = case mode of NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)] Confirm params -> params doc <- runCommand $ insertCommandDocument opts col docs writeConcern case (look "writeErrors" doc, look "writeConcernError" doc) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> return $ Right $ map (valueAt "_id") docs (Just (Array errs), Nothing) -> do let writeErrors = map (anyToWriteError prevCount) errs let errorsWithFailureIndex = map (addFailureIndex prevCount) writeErrors return $ Left $ CompoundFailure errorsWithFailureIndex (Nothing, Just err) -> do return $ Left $ WriteFailure prevCount (fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "ok" doc) (show err) (Just (Array errs), Just writeConcernErr) -> do let writeErrors = map (anyToWriteError prevCount) errs let errorsWithFailureIndex = map (addFailureIndex prevCount) writeErrors return $ Left $ CompoundFailure $ WriteFailure prevCount (fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "ok" doc) (show writeConcernErr) : errorsWithFailureIndex (Just unknownValue, Nothing) -> do return $ Left $ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected array of errors. Received: " ++ show unknownValue (Just unknownValue, Just writeConcernErr) -> do return $ Left $ CompoundFailure [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected array of errors. Received: " ++ show unknownValue , WriteFailure prevCount (fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "ok" doc) $ show writeConcernErr] else do mode <- asks mongoWriteMode let writeConcern = case mode of NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)] Confirm params -> merge params ["w" =: (1 :: Int32)] doc <- runCommand $ insertCommandDocument opts col docs writeConcern case (look "writeErrors" doc, look "writeConcernError" doc) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> return $ Right $ map (valueAt "_id") docs (Just (Array errs), Nothing) -> do let writeErrors = map (anyToWriteError prevCount) errs let errorsWithFailureIndex = map (addFailureIndex prevCount) writeErrors return $ Left $ CompoundFailure errorsWithFailureIndex (Nothing, Just err) -> do return $ Left $ WriteFailure prevCount (fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "ok" doc) (show err) (Just (Array errs), Just writeConcernErr) -> do let writeErrors = map (anyToWriteError prevCount) errs let errorsWithFailureIndex = map (addFailureIndex prevCount) writeErrors return $ Left $ CompoundFailure $ WriteFailure prevCount (fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "ok" doc) (show writeConcernErr) : errorsWithFailureIndex (Just unknownValue, Nothing) -> do return $ Left $ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected array of errors. Received: " ++ show unknownValue (Just unknownValue, Just writeConcernErr) -> do return $ Left $ CompoundFailure [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected array of errors. Received: " ++ show unknownValue , WriteFailure prevCount (fromMaybe 0 $ lookup "ok" doc) $ show writeConcernErr] splitAtLimit :: Int -> Int -> [Document] -> [Either Failure [Document]] splitAtLimit maxSize maxCount list = chop (go 0 0 []) list where go :: Int -> Int -> [Document] -> [Document] -> (Either Failure [Document], [Document]) go _ _ res [] = (Right $ reverse res, []) go curSize curCount [] (x:xs) | (curSize + sizeOfDocument x + 2 + curCount) > maxSize = (Left $ WriteFailure 0 0 "One document is too big for the message", xs) go curSize curCount res (x:xs) = if ((curSize + sizeOfDocument x + 2 + curCount) > maxSize) -- we have ^ 2 brackets and curCount commas in -- the document that we need to take into -- account || ((curCount + 1) > maxCount) then (Right $ reverse res, x:xs) else go (curSize + sizeOfDocument x) (curCount + 1) (x:res) xs chop :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b] chop _ [] = [] chop f as = let (b, as') = f as in b : chop f as' sizeOfDocument :: Document -> Int sizeOfDocument d = fromIntegral $ LBS.length $ runPut $ putDocument d assignId :: Document -> IO Document -- ^ Assign a unique value to _id field if missing assignId doc = if any (("_id" ==) . label) doc then return doc else (\oid -> ("_id" =: oid) : doc) <$> genObjectId -- ** Update save :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Document -> Action m () -- ^ Save document to collection, meaning insert it if its new (has no \"_id\" field) or upsert it if its not new (has \"_id\" field) save col doc = case look "_id" doc of Nothing -> insert_ col doc Just i -> upsert (Select ["_id" := i] col) doc replace :: (MonadIO m) => Selection -> Document -> Action m () -- ^ Replace first document in selection with given document replace = update [] repsert :: (MonadIO m) => Selection -> Document -> Action m () -- ^ Replace first document in selection with given document, or insert document if selection is empty repsert = update [Upsert] {-# DEPRECATED repsert "use upsert instead" #-} upsert :: (MonadIO m) => Selection -> Document -> Action m () -- ^ Update first document in selection with given document, or insert document if selection is empty upsert = update [Upsert] type Modifier = Document -- ^ Update operations on fields in a document. See modify :: (MonadIO m) => Selection -> Modifier -> Action m () -- ^ Update all documents in selection using given modifier modify = update [MultiUpdate] update :: (MonadIO m) => [UpdateOption] -> Selection -> Document -> Action m () -- ^ Update first document in selection using updater document, unless 'MultiUpdate' option is supplied then update all documents in selection. If 'Upsert' option is supplied then treat updater as document and insert it if selection is empty. update opts (Select sel col) up = do pipe <- asks mongoPipe db <- thisDatabase let sd = P.serverData pipe if maxWireVersion sd < 17 then do ctx <- ask liftIO $ runReaderT (void $ write (Update (db <.> col) opts sel up)) ctx else do liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.sendOpMsg pipe [Nc (Update (db <.> col) opts sel up)] (Just P.MoreToCome) ["writeConcern" =: ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)]] updateCommandDocument :: Collection -> Bool -> [Document] -> Document -> Document updateCommandDocument col ordered updates writeConcern = [ "update" =: col , "ordered" =: ordered , "updates" =: updates , "writeConcern" =: writeConcern ] {-| Bulk update operation. If one update fails it will not update the remaining documents. Current returned value is only a place holder. With mongodb server before 2.6 it will send update requests one by one. In order to receive error messages in versions under 2.6 you need to user confirmed writes. Otherwise even if the errors had place the list of errors will be empty and the result will be success. After 2.6 it will use bulk update feature in mongodb. -} updateMany :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> [(Selector, Document, [UpdateOption])] -> Action m WriteResult updateMany = update' True {-| Bulk update operation. If one update fails it will proceed with the remaining documents. With mongodb server before 2.6 it will send update requests one by one. In order to receive error messages in versions under 2.6 you need to use confirmed writes. Otherwise even if the errors had place the list of errors will be empty and the result will be success. After 2.6 it will use bulk update feature in mongodb. -} updateAll :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> [(Selector, Document, [UpdateOption])] -> Action m WriteResult updateAll = update' False update' :: (MonadIO m) => Bool -> Collection -> [(Selector, Document, [UpdateOption])] -> Action m WriteResult update' ordered col updateDocs = do p <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData p let updates = map (\(s, d, os) -> [ "q" =: s , "u" =: d , "upsert" =: (Upsert `elem` os) , "multi" =: (MultiUpdate `elem` os)]) updateDocs mode <- asks mongoWriteMode ctx <- ask liftIO $ do let writeConcern = case mode of NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)] Confirm params -> params let docSize = sizeOfDocument $ updateCommandDocument col ordered [] writeConcern let preChunks = splitAtLimit (maxBsonObjectSize sd - docSize) -- size of auxiliary part of update -- document should be subtracted from -- the overall size (maxWriteBatchSize sd) updates let chunks = if ordered then takeRightsUpToLeft preChunks else rights preChunks let lens = map length chunks let lSums = 0 : zipWith (+) lSums lens blocks <- interruptibleFor ordered (zip lSums chunks) $ \b -> do runReaderT (updateBlock ordered col b) ctx `catch` \(e :: Failure) -> do return $ WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [e] [] let failedTotal = any failed blocks let updatedTotal = sum $ map nMatched blocks let modifiedTotal = if all (isNothing . nModified) blocks then Nothing else Just $ sum $ mapMaybe nModified blocks let totalWriteErrors = concatMap writeErrors blocks let totalWriteConcernErrors = concatMap writeConcernErrors blocks let upsertedTotal = concatMap upserted blocks return $ WriteResult failedTotal updatedTotal modifiedTotal 0 -- nRemoved upsertedTotal totalWriteErrors totalWriteConcernErrors `catch` \(e :: Failure) -> return $ WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [e] [] updateBlock :: (MonadIO m) => Bool -> Collection -> (Int, [Document]) -> Action m WriteResult updateBlock ordered col (prevCount, docs) = do p <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData p if maxWireVersion sd < 2 then liftIO $ ioError $ userError "updateMany doesn't support mongodb older than 2.6" else if maxWireVersion sd == 2 && maxWireVersion sd < 17 then do mode <- asks mongoWriteMode let writeConcern = case mode of NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)] Confirm params -> params doc <- runCommand $ updateCommandDocument col ordered docs writeConcern let n = fromMaybe 0 $ doc !? "n" let writeErrorsResults = case look "writeErrors" doc of Nothing -> WriteResult False 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [] [] Just (Array err) -> WriteResult True 0 (Just 0) 0 [] (map (anyToWriteError prevCount) err) [] Just unknownErr -> WriteResult True 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected array of error docs, but received: " ++ show unknownErr] [] let writeConcernResults = case look "writeConcernError" doc of Nothing -> WriteResult False 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [] [] Just (Doc err) -> WriteResult True 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [] [ WriteConcernFailure (fromMaybe (-1) $ err !? "code") (fromMaybe "" $ err !? "errmsg") ] Just unknownErr -> WriteResult True 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [] [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected doc in writeConcernError, but received: " ++ show unknownErr] let upsertedList = maybe [] (map docToUpserted) (doc !? "upserted") let successResults = WriteResult False n (doc !? "nModified") 0 upsertedList [] [] return $ foldl1' mergeWriteResults [writeErrorsResults, writeConcernResults, successResults] else do mode <- asks mongoWriteMode let writeConcern = case mode of NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)] Confirm params -> merge params ["w" =: (1 :: Int32)] doc <- runCommand $ updateCommandDocument col ordered docs writeConcern let n = fromMaybe 0 $ doc !? "n" let writeErrorsResults = case look "writeErrors" doc of Nothing -> WriteResult False 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [] [] Just (Array err) -> WriteResult True 0 (Just 0) 0 [] (map (anyToWriteError prevCount) err) [] Just unknownErr -> WriteResult True 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected array of error docs, but received: " ++ show unknownErr] [] let writeConcernResults = case look "writeConcernError" doc of Nothing -> WriteResult False 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [] [] Just (Doc err) -> WriteResult True 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [] [ WriteConcernFailure (fromMaybe (-1) $ err !? "code") (fromMaybe "" $ err !? "errmsg") ] Just unknownErr -> WriteResult True 0 (Just 0) 0 [] [] [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected doc in writeConcernError, but received: " ++ show unknownErr] let upsertedList = maybe [] (map docToUpserted) (doc !? "upserted") let successResults = WriteResult False n (doc !? "nModified") 0 upsertedList [] [] return $ foldl1' mergeWriteResults [writeErrorsResults, writeConcernResults, successResults] interruptibleFor :: (Monad m, Result b) => Bool -> [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b] interruptibleFor ordered = go [] where go !res [] _ = return $ reverse res go !res (x:xs) f = do y <- f x if isFailed y && ordered then return $ reverse (y:res) else go (y:res) xs f mergeWriteResults :: WriteResult -> WriteResult -> WriteResult mergeWriteResults (WriteResult failed1 nMatched1 nModified1 nDeleted1 upserted1 writeErrors1 writeConcernErrors1) (WriteResult failed2 nMatched2 nModified2 nDeleted2 upserted2 writeErrors2 writeConcernErrors2) = WriteResult (failed1 || failed2) (nMatched1 + nMatched2) (liftM2 (+) nModified1 nModified2) (nDeleted1 + nDeleted2) -- This function is used in foldl1' function. The first argument is the accumulator. -- The list in the accumulator is usually longer than the subsequent value which goes in the second argument. -- So, changing the order of list concatenation allows us to keep linear complexity of the -- whole list accumulation process. (upserted2 ++ upserted1) (writeErrors2 ++ writeErrors1) (writeConcernErrors2 ++ writeConcernErrors1) docToUpserted :: Document -> Upserted docToUpserted doc = Upserted ind uid where ind = at "index" doc uid = at "_id" doc docToWriteError :: Document -> Failure docToWriteError doc = WriteFailure ind code msg where ind = at "index" doc code = at "code" doc msg = at "errmsg" doc -- ** Delete delete :: (MonadIO m) => Selection -> Action m () -- ^ Delete all documents in selection delete s = do pipe <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData pipe if maxWireVersion sd < 17 then deleteHelper [] s else deleteMany (coll s) [([], [])] >> return () deleteOne :: (MonadIO m) => Selection -> Action m () -- ^ Delete first document in selection deleteOne sel@((Select sel' col)) = do pipe <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData pipe if maxWireVersion sd < 17 then deleteHelper [SingleRemove] sel else do -- Starting with v6 confirming writes via getLastError as it is -- performed in the deleteHelper call via its call to write is -- deprecated. To confirm writes now an appropriate writeConcern has to be -- set. These confirmations were discarded in deleteHelper anyway so no -- need to dispatch on the writeConcern as it is currently done in deleteHelper -- via write for older versions db <- thisDatabase liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.sendOpMsg pipe [Nc (Delete (db <.> col) [] sel')] (Just P.MoreToCome) ["writeConcern" =: ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)]] deleteHelper :: (MonadIO m) => [DeleteOption] -> Selection -> Action m () deleteHelper opts (Select sel col) = do ctx <- ask db <- thisDatabase liftIO $ runReaderT (void $ write (Delete (db <.> col) opts sel)) ctx {-| Bulk delete operation. If one delete fails it will not delete the remaining documents. Current returned value is only a place holder. With mongodb server before 2.6 it will send delete requests one by one. After 2.6 it will use bulk delete feature in mongodb. -} deleteMany :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> [(Selector, [DeleteOption])] -> Action m WriteResult deleteMany = delete' True {-| Bulk delete operation. If one delete fails it will proceed with the remaining documents. Current returned value is only a place holder. With mongodb server before 2.6 it will send delete requests one by one. After 2.6 it will use bulk delete feature in mongodb. -} deleteAll :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> [(Selector, [DeleteOption])] -> Action m WriteResult deleteAll = delete' False deleteCommandDocument :: Collection -> Bool -> [Document] -> Document -> Document deleteCommandDocument col ordered deletes writeConcern = [ "delete" =: col , "ordered" =: ordered , "deletes" =: deletes , "writeConcern" =: writeConcern ] delete' :: (MonadIO m) => Bool -> Collection -> [(Selector, [DeleteOption])] -> Action m WriteResult delete' ordered col deleteDocs = do p <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData p let deletes = map (\(s, os) -> [ "q" =: s , "limit" =: if SingleRemove `elem` os then (1 :: Int) -- Remove only one matching else (0 :: Int) -- Remove all matching ]) deleteDocs mode <- asks mongoWriteMode let writeConcern = case mode of NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)] Confirm params -> params let docSize = sizeOfDocument $ deleteCommandDocument col ordered [] writeConcern let chunks = splitAtLimit (maxBsonObjectSize sd - docSize) -- size of auxiliary part of delete -- document should be subtracted from -- the overall size (maxWriteBatchSize sd) deletes ctx <- ask let lens = map (either (const 1) length) chunks let lSums = 0 : zipWith (+) lSums lens let failureResult e = return $ WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [e] [] let doChunk b = runReaderT (deleteBlock ordered col b) ctx `catch` failureResult blockResult <- liftIO $ interruptibleFor ordered (zip lSums chunks) $ \(n, c) -> case c of Left e -> failureResult e Right b -> doChunk (n, b) return $ foldl1' mergeWriteResults blockResult addFailureIndex :: Int -> Failure -> Failure addFailureIndex i (WriteFailure ind code s) = WriteFailure (ind + i) code s addFailureIndex _ f = f deleteBlock :: (MonadIO m) => Bool -> Collection -> (Int, [Document]) -> Action m WriteResult deleteBlock ordered col (prevCount, docs) = do p <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData p if maxWireVersion sd < 2 then liftIO $ ioError $ userError "deleteMany doesn't support mongodb older than 2.6" else if maxWireVersion sd == 2 && maxWireVersion sd < 17 then do mode <- asks mongoWriteMode let writeConcern = case mode of NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)] Confirm params -> params doc <- runCommand $ deleteCommandDocument col ordered docs writeConcern let n = fromMaybe 0 $ doc !? "n" let successResults = WriteResult False 0 Nothing n [] [] [] let writeErrorsResults = case look "writeErrors" doc of Nothing -> WriteResult False 0 Nothing 0 [] [] [] Just (Array err) -> WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] (map (anyToWriteError prevCount) err) [] Just unknownErr -> WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected array of error docs, but received: " ++ show unknownErr] [] let writeConcernResults = case look "writeConcernError" doc of Nothing -> WriteResult False 0 Nothing 0 [] [] [] Just (Doc err) -> WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [] [ WriteConcernFailure (fromMaybe (-1) $ err !? "code") (fromMaybe "" $ err !? "errmsg") ] Just unknownErr -> WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [] [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected doc in writeConcernError, but received: " ++ show unknownErr] return $ foldl1' mergeWriteResults [successResults, writeErrorsResults, writeConcernResults] else do mode <- asks mongoWriteMode let writeConcern = case mode of NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int32)] Confirm params -> merge params ["w" =: (1 :: Int32)] doc <- runCommand $ deleteCommandDocument col ordered docs writeConcern let n = fromMaybe 0 $ doc !? "n" let successResults = WriteResult False 0 Nothing n [] [] [] let writeErrorsResults = case look "writeErrors" doc of Nothing -> WriteResult False 0 Nothing 0 [] [] [] Just (Array err) -> WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] (map (anyToWriteError prevCount) err) [] Just unknownErr -> WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected array of error docs, but received: " ++ show unknownErr] [] let writeConcernResults = case look "writeConcernError" doc of Nothing -> WriteResult False 0 Nothing 0 [] [] [] Just (Doc err) -> WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [] [ WriteConcernFailure (fromMaybe (-1) $ err !? "code") (fromMaybe "" $ err !? "errmsg") ] Just unknownErr -> WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [] [ ProtocolFailure prevCount $ "Expected doc in writeConcernError, but received: " ++ show unknownErr] return $ foldl1' mergeWriteResults [successResults, writeErrorsResults, writeConcernResults] anyToWriteError :: Int -> Value -> Failure anyToWriteError _ (Doc d) = docToWriteError d anyToWriteError ind _ = ProtocolFailure ind "Unknown bson value" -- * Read data ReadMode = Fresh -- ^ read from master only | StaleOk -- ^ read from slave ok deriving (Show, Eq) readModeOption :: ReadMode -> [QueryOption] readModeOption Fresh = [] readModeOption StaleOk = [SlaveOK] -- ** Query -- | Use 'select' to create a basic query with defaults, then modify if desired. For example, @(select sel col) {limit = 10}@ data Query = Query { options :: [QueryOption], -- ^ Default = @[]@ selection :: Selection, project :: Projector, -- ^ @[]@ = all fields. Default = @[]@ skip :: Word32, -- ^ Number of initial matching documents to skip. Default = 0 limit :: Limit, -- ^ Maximum number of documents to return, 0 = no limit. Default = 0 sort :: Order, -- ^ Sort results by this order, @[]@ = no sort. Default = @[]@ snapshot :: Bool, -- ^ If true assures no duplicates are returned, or objects missed, which were present at both the start and end of the query's execution (even if the object were updated). If an object is new during the query, or deleted during the query, it may or may not be returned, even with snapshot mode. Note that short query responses (less than 1MB) are always effectively snapshotted. Default = @False@ batchSize :: BatchSize, -- ^ The number of document to return in each batch response from the server. 0 means use Mongo default. Default = 0 hint :: Order -- ^ Force MongoDB to use this index, @[]@ = no hint. Default = @[]@ } deriving (Show, Eq) type Projector = Document -- ^ Fields to return, analogous to the select clause in SQL. @[]@ means return whole document (analogous to * in SQL). @[\"x\" =: 1, \"y\" =: 1]@ means return only @x@ and @y@ fields of each document. @[\"x\" =: 0]@ means return all fields except @x@. type Limit = Word32 -- ^ Maximum number of documents to return, i.e. cursor will close after iterating over this number of documents. 0 means no limit. type Order = Document -- ^ Fields to sort by. Each one is associated with 1 or -1. Eg. @[\"x\" =: 1, \"y\" =: -1]@ means sort by @x@ ascending then @y@ descending type BatchSize = Word32 -- ^ The number of document to return in each batch response from the server. 0 means use Mongo default. -- noticeCommands and adminCommands are needed to identify whether -- queryRequestOpMsg is called via runCommand or not. If not it will -- behave like being called by a "find"-like command and add additional fields -- specific to the find command into the selector, such as "filter", "projection" etc. noticeCommands :: [Text] noticeCommands = [ "aggregate" , "count" , "delete" , "findAndModify" , "insert" , "listCollections" , "update" ] adminCommands :: [Text] adminCommands = [ "buildinfo" , "clone" , "collstats" , "copydb" , "copydbgetnonce" , "create" , "dbstats" , "deleteIndexes" , "drop" , "dropDatabase" , "renameCollection" , "repairDatabase" , "serverStatus" , "validate" ] query :: Selector -> Collection -> Query -- ^ Selects documents in collection that match selector. It uses no query options, projects all fields, does not skip any documents, does not limit result size, uses default batch size, does not sort, does not hint, and does not snapshot. query sel col = Query [] (Select sel col) [] 0 0 [] False 0 [] find :: MonadIO m => Query -> Action m Cursor -- ^ Fetch documents satisfying query find q@Query{selection, batchSize} = do pipe <- asks mongoPipe db <- thisDatabase let sd = P.serverData pipe if maxWireVersion sd < 17 then do qr <- queryRequest False q dBatch <- liftIO $ request pipe [] qr newCursor db (coll selection) batchSize dBatch else do qr <- queryRequestOpMsg False q let newQr = case fst qr of Req qry -> let coll = last $ T.splitOn "." (qFullCollection qry) in (Req $ qry {qSelector = merge (qSelector qry) [ "find" =: coll ]}, snd qr) -- queryRequestOpMsg only returns Cmd types constructed via Req _ -> error "impossible" dBatch <- liftIO $ requestOpMsg pipe newQr [] newCursor db (coll selection) batchSize dBatch findCommand :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Cursor -- ^ Fetch documents satisfying query using the command "find" findCommand q@Query{..} = do pipe <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData pipe if maxWireVersion sd < 17 then do let aColl = coll selection response <- runCommand $ [ "find" =: aColl , "filter" =: selector selection , "sort" =: sort , "projection" =: project , "hint" =: hint , "skip" =: toInt32 skip ] ++ mconcat -- optional fields. They should not be present if set to 0 and mongo will use defaults [ "batchSize" =? toMaybe (/= 0) toInt32 batchSize , "limit" =? toMaybe (/= 0) toInt32 limit ] getCursorFromResponse aColl response >>= either (liftIO . throwIO . QueryFailure (at "code" response)) return else find q where toInt32 :: Integral a => a -> Int32 toInt32 = fromIntegral toMaybe :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> a -> Maybe b toMaybe predicate f a | predicate a = Just (f a) | otherwise = Nothing findOne :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m (Maybe Document) -- ^ Fetch first document satisfying query or @Nothing@ if none satisfy it findOne q = do pipe <- asks mongoPipe let legacyQuery = do qr <- queryRequest False q {limit = 1} rq <- liftIO $ request pipe [] qr Batch _ _ docs <- liftDB $ fulfill rq return (listToMaybe docs) isHandshake = (== ["isMaster" =: (1 :: Int32)]) $ selector $ selection q :: Bool if isHandshake then legacyQuery else do let sd = P.serverData pipe if (maxWireVersion sd < 17) then legacyQuery else do qr <- queryRequestOpMsg False q {limit = 1} let newQr = case fst qr of Req qry -> let coll = last $ T.splitOn "." (qFullCollection qry) -- We have to understand whether findOne is called as -- command directly. This is necessary since findOne is used via -- runCommand as a vehicle to execute any type of commands and notices. labels = catMaybes $ map (\f -> look f $ qSelector qry) (noticeCommands ++ adminCommands) :: [Value] in if null labels then (Req $ qry {qSelector = merge (qSelector qry) [ "find" =: coll ]}, snd qr) else qr _ -> error "impossible" rq <- liftIO $ requestOpMsg pipe newQr [] Batch _ _ docs <- liftDB $ fulfill rq return (listToMaybe docs) fetch :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Document -- ^ Same as 'findOne' except throw 'DocNotFound' if none match fetch q = findOne q >>= maybe (liftIO $ throwIO $ DocNotFound $ selection q) return -- | Options for @findAndModify@ data FindAndModifyOpts = FamRemove Bool -- ^ remove the selected document when the boolean is @True@ | FamUpdate { famUpdate :: Document -- ^ the update instructions, or a replacement document , famNew :: Bool -- ^ return the document with the modifications made on the update , famUpsert :: Bool -- ^ create a new document if no documents match the query } deriving Show -- | Default options used by 'findAndModify'. defFamUpdateOpts :: Document -> FindAndModifyOpts defFamUpdateOpts ups = FamUpdate { famNew = True , famUpsert = False , famUpdate = ups } -- | Run the @findAndModify@ command as an update without an upsert and new set to @True@. -- Return a single updated document (@new@ option is set to @True@). -- -- See 'findAndModifyOpts' for more options. findAndModify :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Document -- ^ updates -> Action m (Either String Document) findAndModify q ups = do eres <- findAndModifyOpts q (defFamUpdateOpts ups) return $ case eres of Left l -> Left l Right r -> case r of -- only possible when upsert is True and new is False Nothing -> Left "findAndModify: impossible null result" Just doc -> Right doc -- | Run the @findAndModify@ command -- (allows more options than 'findAndModify') findAndModifyOpts :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> FindAndModifyOpts -> Action m (Either String (Maybe Document)) findAndModifyOpts Query { selection = Select sel collection , project = project , sort = sort } famOpts = do result <- runCommand ([ "findAndModify" := String collection , "query" := Doc sel , "fields" := Doc project , "sort" := Doc sort ] ++ case famOpts of FamRemove shouldRemove -> [ "remove" := Bool shouldRemove ] FamUpdate {..} -> [ "update" := Doc famUpdate , "new" := Bool famNew -- return updated document, not original document , "upsert" := Bool famUpsert -- insert if nothing is found ]) return $ case lookupErr result of Just e -> leftErr e Nothing -> case lookup "value" result of Nothing -> leftErr "no document found" Just mdoc -> case mdoc of Just doc@(_:_) -> Right (Just doc) Just [] -> case famOpts of FamUpdate { famUpsert = True, famNew = False } -> Right Nothing _ -> leftErr $ show result _ -> leftErr $ show result where leftErr err = Left $ "findAndModify " `mappend` show collection `mappend` "\nfrom query: " `mappend` show sel `mappend` "\nerror: " `mappend` err -- return Nothing means ok, Just is the error message lookupErr :: Document -> Maybe String lookupErr result = do errObject <- lookup "lastErrorObject" result lookup "err" errObject explain :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Document -- ^ Return performance stats of query execution explain q = do -- same as findOne but with explain set to true pipe <- asks mongoPipe qr <- queryRequest True q {limit = 1} r <- liftIO $ request pipe [] qr Batch _ _ docs <- liftDB $ fulfill r return $ if null docs then error ("no explain: " ++ show q) else head docs count :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Int -- ^ Fetch number of documents satisfying query (including effect of skip and/or limit if present) count Query{selection = Select sel col, skip, limit} = at "n" <$> runCommand (["count" =: col, "query" =: sel, "skip" =: (fromIntegral skip :: Int32)] ++ ("limit" =? if limit == 0 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral limit :: Int32))) distinct :: (MonadIO m) => Label -> Selection -> Action m [Value] -- ^ Fetch distinct values of field in selected documents distinct k (Select sel col) = at "values" <$> runCommand ["distinct" =: col, "key" =: k, "query" =: sel] queryRequest :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Bool -> Query -> Action m (Request, Maybe Limit) -- ^ Translate Query to Protocol.Query. If first arg is true then add special $explain attribute. queryRequest isExplain Query{..} = do ctx <- ask return $ queryRequest' (mongoReadMode ctx) (mongoDatabase ctx) where queryRequest' rm db = (P.Query{..}, remainingLimit) where qOptions = readModeOption rm ++ options qFullCollection = db <.> coll selection qSkip = fromIntegral skip (qBatchSize, remainingLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize (if limit == 0 then Nothing else Just limit) qProjector = project mOrder = if null sort then Nothing else Just ("$orderby" =: sort) mSnapshot = if snapshot then Just ("$snapshot" =: True) else Nothing mHint = if null hint then Nothing else Just ("$hint" =: hint) mExplain = if isExplain then Just ("$explain" =: True) else Nothing special = catMaybes [mOrder, mSnapshot, mHint, mExplain] qSelector = if null special then s else ("$query" =: s) : special where s = selector selection queryRequestOpMsg :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) => Bool -> Query -> Action m (Cmd, Maybe Limit) -- ^ Translate Query to Protocol.Query. If first arg is true then add special $explain attribute. queryRequestOpMsg isExplain Query{..} = do ctx <- ask return $ queryRequest' (mongoReadMode ctx) (mongoDatabase ctx) where queryRequest' rm db = (Req P.Query{..}, remainingLimit) where qOptions = readModeOption rm ++ options qFullCollection = db <.> coll selection qSkip = fromIntegral skip (qBatchSize, remainingLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize (if limit == 0 then Nothing else Just limit) -- Check whether this query is not a command in disguise. If -- isNotCommand is true, then we treat this as a find command and add -- the relevant fields to the selector isNotCommand = null $ catMaybes $ map (\l -> look l (selector selection)) (noticeCommands ++ adminCommands) mOrder = if null sort then Nothing else Just ("sort" =: sort) mSnapshot = if snapshot then Just ("snapshot" =: True) else Nothing mHint = if null hint then Nothing else Just ("hint" =: hint) mExplain = if isExplain then Just ("$explain" =: True) else Nothing special = catMaybes [mOrder, mSnapshot, mHint, mExplain] qProjector = if isNotCommand then ["projection" =: project] else project qSelector = if isNotCommand then c else s where s = selector selection bSize = if qBatchSize == 0 then Nothing else Just ("batchSize" =: qBatchSize) mLimit = if limit == 0 then Nothing else maybe Nothing (\rL -> Just ("limit" =: (fromIntegral rL :: Int32))) remainingLimit c = ("filter" =: s) : special ++ maybeToList bSize ++ maybeToList mLimit batchSizeRemainingLimit :: BatchSize -> Maybe Limit -> (Int32, Maybe Limit) -- ^ Given batchSize and limit return P.qBatchSize and remaining limit batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize mLimit = let remaining = case mLimit of Nothing -> batchSize Just limit -> if 0 < batchSize && batchSize < limit then batchSize else limit in (fromIntegral remaining, mLimit) type DelayedBatch = IO Batch -- ^ A promised batch which may fail data Batch = Batch (Maybe Limit) CursorId [Document] -- ^ CursorId = 0 means cursor is finished. Documents is remaining documents to serve in current batch. Limit is number of documents to return. Nothing means no limit. request :: Pipe -> [Notice] -> (Request, Maybe Limit) -> IO DelayedBatch -- ^ Send notices and request and return promised batch request pipe ns (req, remainingLimit) = do promise <- liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.call pipe ns req let protectedPromise = liftIOE ConnectionFailure promise return $ fromReply remainingLimit =<< protectedPromise requestOpMsg :: Pipe -> (Cmd, Maybe Limit) -> Document -> IO DelayedBatch -- ^ Send notices and request and return promised batch requestOpMsg pipe (Req r, remainingLimit) params = do promise <- liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.callOpMsg pipe r Nothing params let protectedPromise = liftIOE ConnectionFailure promise return $ fromReply remainingLimit =<< protectedPromise requestOpMsg _ (Nc _, _) _ = error "requestOpMsg: Only messages of type Query are supported" fromReply :: Maybe Limit -> Reply -> DelayedBatch -- ^ Convert Reply to Batch or Failure fromReply limit Reply{..} = do mapM_ checkResponseFlag rResponseFlags return (Batch limit rCursorId rDocuments) where -- If response flag indicates failure then throw it, otherwise do nothing checkResponseFlag flag = case flag of AwaitCapable -> return () CursorNotFound -> throwIO $ CursorNotFoundFailure rCursorId QueryError -> throwIO $ QueryFailure (at "code" $ head rDocuments) (at "$err" $ head rDocuments) fromReply limit ReplyOpMsg{..} = do let section = head sections cur = maybe Nothing cast $ look "cursor" section case cur of Nothing -> return (Batch limit 0 sections) Just doc -> case look "firstBatch" doc of Just ar -> do let docs = fromJust $ cast ar id' = fromJust $ cast $ valueAt "id" doc return (Batch limit id' docs) -- A cursor without a firstBatch field, should be a reply to a -- getMore query and thus have a nextBatch key Nothing -> do let docs = fromJust $ cast $ valueAt "nextBatch" doc id' = fromJust $ cast $ valueAt "id" doc return (Batch limit id' docs) fulfill :: DelayedBatch -> Action IO Batch -- ^ Demand and wait for result, raise failure if exception fulfill = liftIO -- *** Cursor data Cursor = Cursor FullCollection BatchSize (MVar DelayedBatch) -- ^ Iterator over results of a query. Use 'next' to iterate or 'rest' to get all results. A cursor is closed when it is explicitly closed, all results have been read from it, garbage collected, or not used for over 10 minutes (unless 'NoCursorTimeout' option was specified in 'Query'). Reading from a closed cursor raises a 'CursorNotFoundFailure'. Note, a cursor is not closed when the pipe is closed, so you can open another pipe to the same server and continue using the cursor. newCursor :: MonadIO m => Database -> Collection -> BatchSize -> DelayedBatch -> Action m Cursor -- ^ Create new cursor. If you don't read all results then close it. Cursor will be closed automatically when all results are read from it or when eventually garbage collected. newCursor db col batchSize dBatch = do var <- liftIO $ MV.newMVar dBatch let cursor = Cursor (db <.> col) batchSize var _ <- liftDB $ mkWeakMVar var (closeCursor cursor) return cursor nextBatch :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m [Document] -- ^ Return next batch of documents in query result, which will be empty if finished. nextBatch (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = liftDB $ modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do -- Pre-fetch next batch promise from server and return current batch. Batch mLimit cid docs <- liftDB $ fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch let newLimit = do limit <- mLimit return $ limit - min limit (fromIntegral $ length docs) let emptyBatch = return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [] let getNextBatch = nextBatch' fcol batchSize newLimit cid let resultDocs = maybe id (take . fromIntegral) mLimit docs case (cid, newLimit) of (0, _) -> return (emptyBatch, resultDocs) (_, Just 0) -> do pipe <- asks mongoPipe liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [KillCursors [cid]] return (emptyBatch, resultDocs) (_, _) -> (, resultDocs) <$> getNextBatch fulfill' :: FullCollection -> BatchSize -> DelayedBatch -> Action IO Batch -- Discard pre-fetched batch if empty with nonzero cid. fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch = do b@(Batch limit cid docs) <- fulfill dBatch if cid /= 0 && null docs && (limit > Just 0) then nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid >>= fulfill else return b nextBatch' :: (MonadIO m) => FullCollection -> BatchSize -> Maybe Limit -> CursorId -> Action m DelayedBatch nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid = do pipe <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData pipe if maxWireVersion sd < 17 then liftIO $ request pipe [] (GetMore fcol batchSize' cid, remLimit) else liftIO $ requestOpMsg pipe (Req $ GetMore fcol batchSize' cid, remLimit) [] where (batchSize', remLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize limit next :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m (Maybe Document) -- ^ Return next document in query result, or Nothing if finished. next (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = liftDB $ modifyMVar var nextState where -- Pre-fetch next batch promise from server when last one in current batch is returned. -- nextState:: DelayedBatch -> Action m (DelayedBatch, Maybe Document) nextState dBatch = do Batch mLimit cid docs <- liftDB $ fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch if mLimit == Just 0 then return (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], Nothing) else case docs of doc : docs' -> do let newLimit = do limit <- mLimit return $ limit - 1 dBatch' <- if null docs' && cid /= 0 && ((newLimit > Just 0) || isNothing newLimit) then nextBatch' fcol batchSize newLimit cid else return $ return (Batch newLimit cid docs') when (newLimit == Just 0) $ unless (cid == 0) $ do pipe <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData pipe if maxWireVersion sd < 17 then liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [KillCursors [cid]] else liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.sendOpMsg pipe [Kc (P.KillC (KillCursors [cid]) fcol)] (Just MoreToCome) [] return (dBatch', Just doc) [] -> if cid == 0 then return (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], Nothing) -- finished else do nb <- nextBatch' fcol batchSize mLimit cid return (nb, Nothing) nextN :: MonadIO m => Int -> Cursor -> Action m [Document] -- ^ Return next N documents or less if end is reached nextN n c = catMaybes <$> replicateM n (next c) rest :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m [Document] -- ^ Return remaining documents in query result rest c = loop (next c) closeCursor :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m () closeCursor (Cursor _ _ var) = liftDB $ modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do Batch _ cid _ <- fulfill dBatch unless (cid == 0) $ do pipe <- asks mongoPipe liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [KillCursors [cid]] return (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], ()) isCursorClosed :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m Bool isCursorClosed (Cursor _ _ var) = do Batch _ cid docs <- liftDB $ fulfill =<< readMVar var return (cid == 0 && null docs) -- ** Aggregate type Pipeline = [Document] -- ^ The Aggregate Pipeline aggregate :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Pipeline -> Action m [Document] -- ^ Runs an aggregate and unpacks the result. See for details. aggregate aColl agg = do aggregateCursor aColl agg def >>= rest data AggregateConfig = AggregateConfig { allowDiskUse :: Bool -- ^ Enable writing to temporary files (aggregations have a 100Mb RAM limit) } deriving Show instance Default AggregateConfig where def = AggregateConfig { allowDiskUse = False } aggregateCommand :: Collection -> Pipeline -> AggregateConfig -> Document aggregateCommand aColl agg AggregateConfig {..} = [ "aggregate" =: aColl , "pipeline" =: agg , "cursor" =: ([] :: Document) , "allowDiskUse" =: allowDiskUse ] aggregateCursor :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Pipeline -> AggregateConfig -> Action m Cursor -- ^ Runs an aggregate and unpacks the result. See for details. aggregateCursor aColl agg cfg = do pipe <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData pipe if maxWireVersion sd < 17 then do response <- runCommand (aggregateCommand aColl agg cfg) getCursorFromResponse aColl response >>= either (liftIO . throwIO . AggregateFailure) return else do let q = select (aggregateCommand aColl agg cfg) aColl qr <- queryRequestOpMsg False q dBatch <- liftIO $ requestOpMsg pipe qr [] db <- thisDatabase Right <$> newCursor db aColl 0 dBatch >>= either (liftIO . throwIO . AggregateFailure) return getCursorFromResponse :: (MonadIO m) => Collection -> Document -> Action m (Either String Cursor) getCursorFromResponse aColl response | true1 "ok" response = runExceptT $ do cursor <- lookup "cursor" response ?? "cursor is missing" firstBatch <- lookup "firstBatch" cursor ?? "firstBatch is missing" cursorId <- lookup "id" cursor ?? "id is missing" db <- lift thisDatabase lift $ newCursor db aColl 0 (return $ Batch Nothing cursorId firstBatch) | otherwise = return $ Left $ at "errmsg" response where Nothing ?? e = throwE e Just a ?? _ = pure a -- ** Group -- | Groups documents in collection by key then reduces (aggregates) each group data Group = Group { gColl :: Collection, gKey :: GroupKey, -- ^ Fields to group by gReduce :: Javascript, -- ^ @(doc, agg) -> ()@. The reduce function reduces (aggregates) the objects iterated. Typical operations of a reduce function include summing and counting. It takes two arguments, the current document being iterated over and the aggregation value, and updates the aggregate value. gInitial :: Document, -- ^ @agg@. Initial aggregation value supplied to reduce gCond :: Selector, -- ^ Condition that must be true for a row to be considered. @[]@ means always true. gFinalize :: Maybe Javascript -- ^ @agg -> () | result@. An optional function to be run on each item in the result set just before the item is returned. Can either modify the item (e.g., add an average field given a count and a total) or return a replacement object (returning a new object with just @_id@ and average fields). } deriving (Show, Eq) data GroupKey = Key [Label] | KeyF Javascript deriving (Show, Eq) -- ^ Fields to group by, or function (@doc -> key@) returning a "key object" to be used as the grouping key. Use 'KeyF' instead of 'Key' to specify a key that is not an existing member of the object (or, to access embedded members). groupDocument :: Group -> Document -- ^ Translate Group data into expected document form groupDocument Group{..} = ("finalize" =? gFinalize) ++ [ "ns" =: gColl, case gKey of Key k -> "key" =: map (=: True) k; KeyF f -> "$keyf" =: f, "$reduce" =: gReduce, "initial" =: gInitial, "cond" =: gCond ] group :: (MonadIO m) => Group -> Action m [Document] -- ^ Execute group query and return resulting aggregate value for each distinct key group g = at "retval" <$> runCommand ["group" =: groupDocument g] -- ** MapReduce -- | Maps every document in collection to a list of (key, value) pairs, then for each unique key reduces all its associated values to a single result. There are additional parameters that may be set to tweak this basic operation. -- This implements the latest version of map-reduce that requires MongoDB 1.7.4 or greater. To map-reduce against an older server use 'runCommand' directly as described in http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/MapReduce. data MapReduce = MapReduce { rColl :: Collection, rMap :: MapFun, rReduce :: ReduceFun, rSelect :: Selector, -- ^ Operate on only those documents selected. Default is @[]@ meaning all documents. rSort :: Order, -- ^ Default is @[]@ meaning no sort rLimit :: Limit, -- ^ Default is 0 meaning no limit rOut :: MROut, -- ^ Output to a collection with a certain merge policy. Default is no collection ('Inline'). Note, you don't want this default if your result set is large. rFinalize :: Maybe FinalizeFun, -- ^ Function to apply to all the results when finished. Default is Nothing. rScope :: Document, -- ^ Variables (environment) that can be accessed from map/reduce/finalize. Default is @[]@. rVerbose :: Bool -- ^ Provide statistics on job execution time. Default is False. } deriving (Show, Eq) type MapFun = Javascript -- ^ @() -> void@. The map function references the variable @this@ to inspect the current object under consideration. The function must call @emit(key,value)@ at least once, but may be invoked any number of times, as may be appropriate. type ReduceFun = Javascript -- ^ @(key, [value]) -> value@. The reduce function receives a key and an array of values and returns an aggregate result value. The MapReduce engine may invoke reduce functions iteratively; thus, these functions must be idempotent. That is, the following must hold for your reduce function: @reduce(k, [reduce(k,vs)]) == reduce(k,vs)@. If you need to perform an operation only once, use a finalize function. The output of emit (the 2nd param) and reduce should be the same format to make iterative reduce possible. type FinalizeFun = Javascript -- ^ @(key, value) -> final_value@. A finalize function may be run after reduction. Such a function is optional and is not necessary for many map/reduce cases. The finalize function takes a key and a value, and returns a finalized value. data MROut = Inline -- ^ Return results directly instead of writing them to an output collection. Results must fit within 16MB limit of a single document | Output MRMerge Collection (Maybe Database) -- ^ Write results to given collection, in other database if specified. Follow merge policy when entry already exists deriving (Show, Eq) data MRMerge = Replace -- ^ Clear all old data and replace it with new data | Merge -- ^ Leave old data but overwrite entries with the same key with new data | Reduce -- ^ Leave old data but combine entries with the same key via MR's reduce function deriving (Show, Eq) type MRResult = Document -- ^ Result of running a MapReduce has some stats besides the output. See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/MapReduce#MapReduce-Resultobject mrDocument :: MapReduce -> Document -- ^ Translate MapReduce data into expected document form mrDocument MapReduce{..} = ("mapreduce" =: rColl) : ("out" =: mrOutDoc rOut) : ("finalize" =? rFinalize) ++ [ "map" =: rMap, "reduce" =: rReduce, "query" =: rSelect, "sort" =: rSort, "limit" =: (fromIntegral rLimit :: Int), "scope" =: rScope, "verbose" =: rVerbose ] mrOutDoc :: MROut -> Document -- ^ Translate MROut into expected document form mrOutDoc Inline = ["inline" =: (1 :: Int)] mrOutDoc (Output mrMerge coll mDB) = (mergeName mrMerge =: coll) : mdb mDB where mergeName Replace = "replace" mergeName Merge = "merge" mergeName Reduce = "reduce" mdb Nothing = [] mdb (Just db) = ["db" =: db] mapReduce :: Collection -> MapFun -> ReduceFun -> MapReduce -- ^ MapReduce on collection with given map and reduce functions. Remaining attributes are set to their defaults, which are stated in their comments. mapReduce col map' red = MapReduce col map' red [] [] 0 Inline Nothing [] False runMR :: MonadIO m => MapReduce -> Action m Cursor -- ^ Run MapReduce and return cursor of results. Error if map/reduce fails (because of bad Javascript) runMR mr = do res <- runMR' mr case look "result" res of Just (String coll) -> find $ query [] coll Just (Doc doc) -> useDb (at "db" doc) $ find $ query [] (at "collection" doc) Just x -> error $ "unexpected map-reduce result field: " ++ show x Nothing -> newCursor "" "" 0 $ return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 (at "results" res) runMR' :: (MonadIO m) => MapReduce -> Action m MRResult -- ^ Run MapReduce and return a MR result document containing stats and the results if Inlined. Error if the map/reduce failed (because of bad Javascript). runMR' mr = do doc <- runCommand (mrDocument mr) return $ if true1 "ok" doc then doc else error $ "mapReduce error:\n" ++ show doc ++ "\nin:\n" ++ show mr -- * Command type Command = Document -- ^ A command is a special query or action against the database. See for details. runCommand :: (MonadIO m) => Command -> Action m Document -- ^ Run command against the database and return its result runCommand c = fromMaybe err <$> findOne (query c "$cmd") where err = error $ "Nothing returned for command: " ++ show c runCommand1 :: (MonadIO m) => Text -> Action m Document -- ^ @runCommand1 foo = runCommand [foo =: 1]@ runCommand1 c = runCommand [c =: (1 :: Int)] eval :: (MonadIO m, Val v) => Javascript -> Action m v -- ^ Run code on server eval code = do p <- asks mongoPipe let sd = P.serverData p if maxWireVersion sd <= 7 then at "retval" <$> runCommand ["$eval" =: code] else error "The command db.eval() has been removed since MongoDB 4.2" modifyMVar :: MVar a -> (a -> Action IO (a, b)) -> Action IO b modifyMVar v f = do ctx <- ask liftIO $ MV.modifyMVar v (\x -> runReaderT (f x) ctx) mkWeakMVar :: MVar a -> Action IO () -> Action IO (Weak (MVar a)) mkWeakMVar m closing = do ctx <- ask #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) liftIO $ MV.mkWeakMVar m $ runReaderT closing ctx #else liftIO $ MV.addMVarFinalizer m $ runReaderT closing ctx #endif {- Authors: Tony Hannan Copyright 2011 10gen Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -}