{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-| Module : MongoDB TLS Description : TLS transport for mongodb Copyright : (c) Yuras Shumovich, 2016 License : Apache 2.0 Maintainer : Victor Denisov denisovenator@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX This module is for connecting to TLS enabled mongodb servers. ATTENTION!!! Be aware that this module is highly experimental and is barely tested. The current implementation doesn't verify server's identity. It only allows you to connect to a mongodb server using TLS protocol. -} module Database.MongoDB.Transport.Tls (connect) where import Data.IORef import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy.ByteString import Data.Default.Class (def) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Exception (bracketOnError) import Control.Monad (when, unless) import System.IO import Database.MongoDB (Pipe) import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol (newPipeWith) import Database.MongoDB.Transport (Transport(Transport)) import qualified Database.MongoDB.Transport as T import System.IO.Error (mkIOError, eofErrorType) import Network (connectTo, HostName, PortID) import qualified Network.TLS as TLS import qualified Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher as TLS -- | Connect to mongodb using TLS connect :: HostName -> PortID -> IO Pipe connect host port = bracketOnError (connectTo host port) hClose $ \handle -> do let params = (TLS.defaultParamsClient host "") { TLS.clientSupported = def { TLS.supportedCiphers = TLS.ciphersuite_all} , TLS.clientHooks = def { TLS.onServerCertificate = \_ _ _ _ -> return []} } context <- TLS.contextNew handle params TLS.handshake context conn <- tlsConnection context newPipeWith conn tlsConnection :: TLS.Context -> IO Transport tlsConnection ctx = do restRef <- newIORef mempty return Transport { T.read = \count -> let readSome = do rest <- readIORef restRef writeIORef restRef mempty if ByteString.null rest then TLS.recvData ctx else return rest unread = \rest -> modifyIORef restRef (rest <>) go acc n = do -- read until get enough bytes chunk <- readSome when (ByteString.null chunk) $ ioError eof let len = ByteString.length chunk if len >= n then do let (res, rest) = ByteString.splitAt n chunk unless (ByteString.null rest) $ unread rest return (acc <> Lazy.ByteString.fromStrict res) else go (acc <> Lazy.ByteString.fromStrict chunk) (n - len) eof = mkIOError eofErrorType "Database.MongoDB.Transport" Nothing Nothing in Lazy.ByteString.toStrict <$> go mempty count , T.write = TLS.sendData ctx . Lazy.ByteString.fromStrict , T.flush = TLS.contextFlush ctx , T.close = TLS.contextClose ctx }