TODO ==== BSON ---- + on insert/update: reject keys that start with "$" or "." + data support for common mongo "$symbols" + convert from/to json + tie in with native regex like python does? - on outgoing uncompile? - on incoming automatically compile + more time convertibles + map operations for BsonDoc (or should it be applicative?) MongoDB ------- + support full level 0 - hint - operations on database objects * add_son_manipulators? * dereference (dbref) - database admin * getProfilingInfo - misc operations * explain * getCollectionOptions - cursor object * hasMore - Query attribute: timeout - CreateIndex attributes: background, min, max - CreateIndex Order [Asc, Dec, Geo2d] - FindAndModify - getIndexInfo - logout - collectionsInfo - databasesInfo - getLastError options - Update If Current ( - block write until written on N replicas - lazyRest on cursor, although lazy I/) is problematic and we may not want to support it. optional: - automatic reconnection - buffer pooling - connection pooling. Although may not be desired because each connection maintains seperate session state (open cursors and temp map/reduce collections) and switching between connections automatically would change session state without the user knowing. + support safe operations, although operation with exclusive connection access is available which can be used to getLastError and check for that previous write was safe (successful). + auto-destoy connection (how?/when?). Although, GHC will automatically close connection (Handle) when garbage collected. + don't read into cursor until needed, but have cursor send getMore before it is actually out of docs (so network is finished by the time we're ready to consume more) Misc ---- + learn more about haskelldb, anything we can learn from there + go through pymongo api and figure out what parts to adopt (also look at other languages?) + kill prefix on data types "eg QO_*"? + javascript + tailable cursor support - only close cursor when cursorID is 0 - have to create loop that sleeps and retries - lazy list support Tests? Documentation - ref GridFS deep "lookup" function (other deep Map functions?) Read instance for Documents that can read its Show representation make sure NULLs aren't in created table names update tutorial to match new python one + custom types (see python examples) + make BSON an instance of Binary (eg get/put) Questions: - In Mongo shell, fetches storageSize of each index but does not use it Notes: - Remember that in the new version of MongoDB (>= 1.6), "ok" field can be a number (0 or 1) or boolean (False or True). Use 'true1' function defined in Database.MongoDB.Util