MongoDB Haskell Mini Tutorial ----------------------------- __Author:__ Brian Gianforcaro ( __Updated:__ 2/28/2010 This is a mini tutorial to get you up and going with the basics of the Haskell mongoDB drivers. It is modeled after the [pymongo tutorial]( You will need the mongoDB bindings installed as well as mongo itself installed. $ = command line prompt > = ghci repl prompt Installing Haskell Bindings --------------------------- From Source: $ git clone git:// $ cd mongoDB $ runhaskell Setup.hs configure $ runhaskell Setup.hs build $ runhaskell Setup.hs install From Hackage using cabal: $ cabal install mongoDB Getting Ready ------------- Start a MongoDB instance for us to play with: $ mongod Start up a haskell repl: $ ghci Now We'll need to bring in the MongoDB/BSON bindings: > import Database.MongoDB > import Database.MongoDB.BSON Making A Connection ------------------- Open up a connection to your DB instance, using the standard port: > con <- connect "" [] or for a non-standard port > import Network > con <- connectOnPort "" (Network.PortNumber 666) [] By default mongoDB will try to find the master and connect to it and will throw an exception if a master can not be found to connect to. You can force mongoDB to connect to the slave by adding SlaveOK as a connection option, eg: > con <- connect "" [SlaveOK] Databases, Collections and FullCollections ------------------------------------------ As many database servers, MongoDB has databases--separate namespaces under which collections reside. Most of the APIs for this driver request the *FullCollection* which is simply the *Database* and the *Collection* concatenated with a period. For instance 'myweb_prod.users' is the the *FullCollection* name for the *Collection 'users' in the database 'myweb_prod'. Databases and collections do not need to be created, just start using them and MongoDB will automatically create them for you. In the below examples we'll be using the following *FullCollection*: > import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 > let testcol = (fromString "test.haskell") You can obtain a list of databases available on a connection: > dbs <- databaseNames con You can obtain a list of collections available on a database: > collections <- collectionNames con (fromString "test") Documents --------- Data in MongoDB is represented (and stored) using JSON-style documents. In mongoDB we use the *BsonDoc* type to represent these documents. At the moment a *BsonDoc* is simply a tuple list of the type '[(ByteString, BsonValue)]'. Here's a BsonDoc which could represent a blog post: > import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX > now <- getPOSIXTime > :{ let post = [(fromString "author", BsonString $ fromString "Mike"), (fromString "text", BsonString $ fromString "My first blog post!"), (fromString "tags", BsonArray [BsonString $ fromString "mongodb", BsonString $ fromString "python", BsonString $ fromString "pymongo"]), (fromString "date", BsonDate now)] :} With all the type wrappers and string conversion, it's hard to see what's actually going on. Fortunately the BSON library provides conversion functions *toBson* and *fromBson* for converting native between the wrapped BSON types and many native Haskell types. The functions *toBsonDoc* and *fromBsonDoc* help convert from tuple lists with plain *String* keys, or *Data.Map*. Here's the same BSON data structure using these conversion functions: > :{ let post = toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike"), ("text", toBson "My first blog post!"), ("tags", toBson ["mongoDB", "Haskell"]), ("date", BsonDate now)] :} Inserting a Document ------------------- > insert con testcol post Getting a single document with findOne ------------------------------------- > findOne con testcol (toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike")]) Querying for More Than One Document ------------------------------------ > cursor <- find con testcol (toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike")]) > allDocs cursor You can combine these into one line: > docs <- allDocs =<< find con testcol (toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike")]) See nextDoc to modify cursor incrementally one at a time. * Note: allDocs automatically closes the cursor when done, through nextDoc. Counting -------- We can count how many documents are in an entire collection: > num <- count con testcol Or we can query for how many documents match a query: > num <- countMatching con testcol (toBsonDoc [("author", toBson "Mike")]) Range Queries ------------- No non native sorting yet. Indexing -------- WIP - coming soon. Something like... > index <- createIndex con testcol [("author", Ascending)] True