# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Package Versioning Policy](https://wiki.haskell.org/Package_versioning_policy). ## [2.3.0] - unreleased ### Changed - Update and delete results are squashed into one WriteResult type - Functions insertMany, updateMany, deleteMany are rewritten to properly report various errors ## [2.2.0] - 2017-04-08 ### Added - GridFS implementation ### Fixed - Write functions hang when the connection is lost. ## [2.1.1] - 2016-08-13 ### Changed - Interfaces of update and delete functions. They don't require MonadBaseControl anymore. ## [2.1.0] - 2016-06-21 ### Added - TLS implementation. So far it is an experimental feature. - Insert using command syntax with mongo server >= 2.6 - UpdateMany and UpdateAll commands. They use bulk operations from mongo version 2.6 and above. With versions below 2.6 it sends many updates. - DeleteAll and DeleteMany functions use bulk operations with mongo server >= 2.6. If mongo server version is below 2.6 then it sends many individual deletes. ### Changed - All messages will be strictly evaluated before sending them to mongodb server. No more closed handles because of bad arguments. - Update command is reimplemented in terms of UpdateMany. - delete and deleteOne functions are now implemented using bulk delete functions. ### Removed - System.IO.Pipeline module ### Fixed - allCollections request for mongo versions above 3.0 ## [2.0.10] - 2015-12-22 ### Fixed - SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication for mongolab ## [2.0.9] - 2015-11-07 ### Added - SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication for mongo 3.0 ## [2.0.8] - 2015-10-03 ### Fixed - next function was getting only one batch when the request was unlimited, as a result you were receiving only 101 docs (default mongo batch size) ## [2.0.7] - 2015-09-04 ### Fixed - Slow requests to the database server. ## [2.0.6] - 2015-08-02 ### Added - Time To Live index ### Fixed - Bug, the driver could not list more 97899 documents.