Add modifyMVar for Action monad

This commit is contained in:
Victor Denisov 2017-05-08 22:47:47 -07:00
parent ef819eb1aa
commit dd6c5057f5
2 changed files with 29 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ shuffle :: [a] -> IO [a]
-- ^ Randomly shuffle items in list
shuffle list = shuffle' list (length list) <$> newStdGen
loop :: (Functor m, Monad m) => m (Maybe a) -> m [a]
loop :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> m [a]
-- ^ Repeatedy execute action, collecting results, until it returns Nothing
loop act = act >>= maybe (return []) (\a -> (a :) <$> loop act)
loop act = act >>= maybe (return []) (\a -> (a :) `liftM` loop act)
untilSuccess :: (MonadError e m, Error e) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m b
-- ^ Apply action to elements one at a time until one succeeds. Throw last error if all fail. Throw 'strMsg' error if list is empty.

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@ -57,17 +57,17 @@ import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MV
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted (MVar, newMVar, mkWeakMVar,
readMVar, modifyMVar)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted (MVar, newMVar, addMVarFinalizer,
readMVar, modifyMVar)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase)
import Control.Monad.Error (Error(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, runReaderT, ask, asks, local)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO)
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ findOne q = do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
qr <- queryRequest False q {limit = 1}
rq <- liftIO $ request pipe [] qr
Batch _ _ docs <- fulfill rq
Batch _ _ docs <- liftDB $ fulfill rq
return (listToMaybe docs)
fetch :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Document
@ -929,7 +929,7 @@ explain q = do -- same as findOne but with explain set to true
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
qr <- queryRequest True q {limit = 1}
r <- liftIO $ request pipe [] qr
Batch _ _ docs <- fulfill r
Batch _ _ docs <- liftDB $ fulfill r
return $ if null docs then error ("no explain: " ++ show q) else head docs
count :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Int
@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ fromReply limit Reply{..} = do
CursorNotFound -> throwIO $ CursorNotFoundFailure rCursorId
QueryError -> throwIO $ QueryFailure (at "code" $ head rDocuments) (at "$err" $ head rDocuments)
fulfill :: (MonadIO m) => DelayedBatch -> Action m Batch
fulfill :: DelayedBatch -> Action IO Batch
-- ^ Demand and wait for result, raise failure if exception
fulfill = liftIO
@ -1018,11 +1018,11 @@ newCursor db col batchSize dBatch = do
where mkWeakMVar = addMVarFinalizer
nextBatch :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Cursor -> Action m [Document]
nextBatch :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m [Document]
-- ^ Return next batch of documents in query result, which will be empty if finished.
nextBatch (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do
nextBatch (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = liftDB $ modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do
-- Pre-fetch next batch promise from server and return current batch.
Batch mLimit cid docs <- fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch
Batch mLimit cid docs <- liftDB $ fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch
let newLimit = do
limit <- mLimit
return $ limit - (min limit $ fromIntegral $ length docs)
@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ nextBatch (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do
return (emptyBatch, resultDocs)
(_, _) -> (, resultDocs) <$> getNextBatch
fulfill' :: (MonadIO m) => FullCollection -> BatchSize -> DelayedBatch -> Action m Batch
fulfill' :: FullCollection -> BatchSize -> DelayedBatch -> Action IO Batch
-- Discard pre-fetched batch if empty with nonzero cid.
fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch = do
b@(Batch limit cid docs) <- fulfill dBatch
@ -1051,13 +1051,13 @@ nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid = do
liftIO $ request pipe [] (GetMore fcol batchSize' cid, remLimit)
where (batchSize', remLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize limit
next :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Cursor -> Action m (Maybe Document)
next :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m (Maybe Document)
-- ^ Return next document in query result, or Nothing if finished.
next (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = modifyMVar var nextState where
next (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = liftDB $ modifyMVar var nextState where
-- Pre-fetch next batch promise from server when last one in current batch is returned.
-- nextState:: DelayedBatch -> Action m (DelayedBatch, Maybe Document)
nextState dBatch = do
Batch mLimit cid docs <- fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch
Batch mLimit cid docs <- liftDB $ fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch
if mLimit == (Just 0)
then return (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], Nothing)
@ -1075,27 +1075,29 @@ next (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = modifyMVar var nextState where
return (dBatch', Just doc)
[] -> if cid == 0
then return (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], Nothing) -- finished
else fmap (,Nothing) $ nextBatch' fcol batchSize mLimit cid
else do
nb <- nextBatch' fcol batchSize mLimit cid
return (nb, Nothing)
nextN :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Int -> Cursor -> Action m [Document]
nextN :: MonadIO m => Int -> Cursor -> Action m [Document]
-- ^ Return next N documents or less if end is reached
nextN n c = catMaybes `liftM` replicateM n (next c)
rest :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Cursor -> Action m [Document]
rest :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m [Document]
-- ^ Return remaining documents in query result
rest c = loop (next c)
closeCursor :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Cursor -> Action m ()
closeCursor (Cursor _ _ var) = modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do
closeCursor :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m ()
closeCursor (Cursor _ _ var) = liftDB $ modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do
Batch _ cid _ <- fulfill dBatch
unless (cid == 0) $ do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [KillCursors [cid]]
return $ (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], ())
isCursorClosed :: (MonadIO m, MonadBase IO m) => Cursor -> Action m Bool
isCursorClosed :: MonadIO m => Cursor -> Action m Bool
isCursorClosed (Cursor _ _ var) = do
Batch _ cid docs <- fulfill =<< readMVar var
Batch _ cid docs <- liftDB $ fulfill =<< readMVar var
return (cid == 0 && null docs)
-- ** Aggregate
@ -1242,6 +1244,11 @@ eval :: (MonadIO m, Val v) => Javascript -> Action m v
-- ^ Run code on server
eval code = at "retval" `liftM` runCommand ["$eval" =: code]
modifyMVar :: MVar a -> (a -> Action IO (a, b)) -> Action IO b
modifyMVar v f = do
ctx <- ask
liftIO $ MV.modifyMVar v (\x -> runReaderT (f x) ctx)
{- Authors: Tony Hannan <>
Copyright 2011 10gen Inc.