Add test for rest function

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Victor Denisov 2015-09-29 22:41:52 -07:00
parent f3353c94ef
commit bbba3f37ea

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@ -135,6 +135,18 @@ spec = around withCleanDatabase $ do
liftIO $ (length returnedDocs) `shouldBe` 100000 liftIO $ (length returnedDocs) `shouldBe` 100000
describe "rest" $ do
it "returns all documents from the collection" $ do
let docs = (flip map) [0..6000] $ \i ->
["name" =: (T.pack $ "name " ++ (show i))]
collectionName = "smallCollection"
db $ insertAll_ collectionName docs
db $ do
cur <- find $ (select [] collectionName)
returnedDocs <- rest cur
liftIO $ (length returnedDocs) `shouldBe` 6001
describe "aggregate" $ do describe "aggregate" $ do
it "aggregates to normalize and sort documents" $ do it "aggregates to normalize and sort documents" $ do
db $ insertAll_ "users" [ ["_id" =: "jane", "joined" =: parseDate "2011-03-02", "likes" =: ["golf", "racquetball"]] db $ insertAll_ "users" [ ["_id" =: "jane", "joined" =: parseDate "2011-03-02", "likes" =: ["golf", "racquetball"]]