Access monad no longer needs to be a MonadMVar

This commit is contained in:
Tony Hannan 2011-01-26 14:25:12 -05:00
parent df93ac57c5
commit a399e81925
2 changed files with 29 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -70,11 +70,30 @@ access w mos pool act = do
either (return . Left . ConnectionFailure) (runAction act w mos) ePipe
-- | A monad with access to a 'Pipe', 'MasterOrSlaveOk', and 'WriteMode', and throws 'Failure' on read, write, or pipe failure
class (Context Pipe m, Context MasterOrSlaveOk m, Context WriteMode m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO' m, MonadMVar m) => Access m
instance (Context Pipe m, Context MasterOrSlaveOk m, Context WriteMode m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO' m, MonadMVar m) => Access m
class (Context Pipe m, Context MasterOrSlaveOk m, Context WriteMode m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO' m) => Access m
instance (Context Pipe m, Context MasterOrSlaveOk m, Context WriteMode m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO' m) => Access m
wrapIO :: (Access m) => (WriteMode -> MasterOrSlaveOk -> Pipe -> IO (Either Failure a)) -> m a
-- ^ Lift IO with Access context and failure into Access monad
wrapIO act = do
writeMod <- context
mos <- context
pipe <- context
e <- liftIO (act writeMod mos pipe)
either throw return e
modifyMVar' :: (Access m) => MVar a -> (a -> Action IO (a, b)) -> m b
modifyMVar' var act = wrapIO $ \w m p -> modifyMVar var $ \a -> do
e <- runAction (act a) w m p
return $ either ((a,) . Left) (Right <$>) e
addMVarFinalizer' :: (Access m) => MVar a -> Action IO () -> m ()
addMVarFinalizer' var act = wrapIO $ \w m p -> do
addMVarFinalizer var $ runAction act w m p >> return () -- ignore any failure
return (Right ())
newtype Action m a = Action (ErrorT Failure (ReaderT WriteMode (ReaderT MasterOrSlaveOk (ReaderT Pipe m))) a)
deriving (Context Pipe, Context MasterOrSlaveOk, Context WriteMode, Throw Failure, MonadIO, MonadMVar, Monad, Applicative, Functor)
deriving (Context Pipe, Context MasterOrSlaveOk, Context WriteMode, Throw Failure, MonadIO, Monad, Applicative, Functor)
-- ^ Monad with access to a 'Pipe', 'MasterOrSlaveOk', and 'WriteMode', and throws a 'Failure' on read, write or pipe failure
instance MonadTrans Action where
@ -440,13 +459,14 @@ newCursor :: (Access m) => Database -> Collection -> BatchSize -> DelayedCursorS
newCursor (Database db) col batch cs = do
var <- newMVar cs
let cursor = Cursor (db <.> col) batch var
addMVarFinalizer var (closeCursor cursor)
addMVarFinalizer' var (closeCursor cursor)
return cursor
next :: (Access m) => Cursor -> m (Maybe Document)
-- ^ Return next document in query result, or Nothing if finished.
next (Cursor fcol batch var) = modifyMVar var nextState where
next (Cursor fcol batch var) = modifyMVar' var nextState where
-- Pre-fetch next batch promise from server when last one in current batch is returned.
nextState:: DelayedCursorState -> Action IO (DelayedCursorState, Maybe Document)
nextState dcs = do
CS limit cid docs <- mapErrorIO id dcs
case docs of
@ -470,7 +490,7 @@ rest :: (Access m) => Cursor -> m [Document]
rest c = loop (next c)
closeCursor :: (Access m) => Cursor -> m ()
closeCursor (Cursor _ _ var) = modifyMVar var kill' where
closeCursor (Cursor _ _ var) = modifyMVar' var kill' where
kill' dcs = first return <$> (kill =<< mapErrorIO id dcs)
kill (CS _ cid _) = (CS 0 0 [],) <$> if cid == 0 then return () else send [KillCursors [cid]]

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: mongoDB
version: 0.9.1
version: 0.9.2
build-type: Simple
license: OtherLicense
license-file: LICENSE
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ stability: alpha
synopsis: A driver for MongoDB
description: This module lets you connect to MongoDB ( and do inserts, queries, updates, etc.
synopsis: MongoDB driver
description: This module lets you connect to MongoDB ( and do inserts, queries, updates, etc. Please see the example in Database.MongoDB and the tutorial from the homepage.
category: Database
author: Tony Hannan <> & Scott Parish <>