better findAndModify error handling

This commit is contained in:
Greg Weber 2014-07-24 08:12:44 -07:00
parent f2a6307530
commit a047c309e5

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@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ findAndModify q ups = do
return $ case eres of
Left l -> Left l
Right r -> case r of
-- mongoDB manual says this is only possible when update is True
-- only possible when upsert is True and new is False
Nothing -> Left "findAndModify: impossible null result"
Just doc -> Right doc
@ -467,21 +467,20 @@ findAndModifyOpts (Query {
, "new" := Bool famNew -- return updated document, not original document
, "upsert" := Bool famUpsert -- insert if nothing is found
return $
case lookup "value" result of
Left err -> leftErr err
Right mdoc -> case mdoc of
Just doc@(_:_) -> case lookupErr result of
return $ case lookupErr result of
Just e -> leftErr e
Nothing -> Right (Just doc)
_ -> case famOpts of
FamUpdate { famUpsert = True, famNew = True } -> Right Nothing
Nothing -> case lookup "value" result of
Left err -> leftErr $ "no document found: " `mappend` err
Right mdoc -> case mdoc of
Just doc@(_:_) -> Right (Just doc)
Just [] -> case famOpts of
FamUpdate { famUpsert = True, famNew = False } -> Right Nothing
_ -> leftErr $ show result
_ -> leftErr $ show result
leftErr err = Left $ "findAndModify: no document found: "
`mappend` show collection
`mappend` "from query: " `mappend` show sel
`mappend` err
leftErr err = Left $ "findAndModify " `mappend` show collection
`mappend` "\nfrom query: " `mappend` show sel
`mappend` "\nerror: " `mappend` err
-- return Nothing means ok, Just is the error message
lookupErr result = case lookup "lastErrorObject" result of