Rewrite deleteBlock using WriteResult

This commit is contained in:
Victor Denisov 2017-01-14 18:39:43 -08:00
parent 09c05d4b69
commit 8db991bb5d

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@ -928,39 +928,47 @@ deleteBlock ordered col docs = do
then do
db <- thisDatabase
ctx <- ask
errors <-
liftIO $ forM docs $ \deleteDoc -> do
results <-
liftIO $ interruptibleFor ordered docs $ \deleteDoc -> do
let sel = (at "q" deleteDoc) :: Document
let opts = if at "limit" deleteDoc == (1 :: Int) then [SingleRemove] else []
res <- runReaderT (write (Delete (db <.> col) opts sel)) ctx
return Nothing
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> do
when ordered $ liftIO $ throwIO e
return $ Just e
let onlyErrors = catMaybes errors
if not $ null onlyErrors
then liftIO $ throwIO $ WriteFailure 0 0 (show onlyErrors) -- TODO add normal index (first argument)
else return $ WriteResult False 0 Nothing 0 [] [] [] -- TODO to be fixed
let n = fromMaybe 0 $ do
resDoc <- res
resDoc !? "n"
return $ WriteResult False 0 Nothing n [] [] []
`catch` \(e :: Failure) -> do
return $ WriteResult True 0 Nothing 0 [] [e] []
return $ foldl1' mergeWriteResults results
else do
mode <- asks mongoWriteMode
let writeConcern = case mode of
NoConfirm -> ["w" =: (0 :: Int)]
Confirm params -> params
doc <- runCommand $ deleteCommandDocument col ordered docs writeConcern
let n = fromMaybe 0 $ doc !? "n"
case (look "writeErrors" doc, look "writeConcernError" doc) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return $ WriteResult False 0 Nothing 0 [] [] []-- TODO to be fixed
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return $ WriteResult False 0 Nothing n [] [] []
(Just err, Nothing) -> do
liftIO $ throwIO $ WriteFailure 0 -- TODO add normal index
return $ WriteResult True 0 Nothing n [] [
WriteFailure 0 -- TODO add normal index
(maybe 0 id $ lookup "ok" doc)
(show err)
(Nothing, Just err) -> do
liftIO $ throwIO $ WriteFailure 0 -- TODO add normal index
(show err)] []
(Nothing, Just (Doc err)) -> do
return $ WriteResult True 0 Nothing n [] [] [
(fromMaybe (-1) $ err !? "code")
(fromMaybe "" $ err !? "errmsg")
(Just err, Just (Doc writeConcernErr)) -> do
return $ WriteResult True 0 Nothing n [] [
WriteFailure 0 -- TODO add normal index
(maybe 0 id $ lookup "ok" doc)
(show err)
(Just err, Just writeConcernErr) -> do
liftIO $ throwIO $ WriteFailure 0 -- TODO add normal index
(maybe 0 id $ lookup "ok" doc)
(show err ++ show writeConcernErr)
(show err)] [
(fromMaybe (-1) $ writeConcernErr !? "code")
(fromMaybe "" $ writeConcernErr !? "errmsg")
-- * Read