Use Monad.MVar. Remove Delayed wrapper around promise.

This commit is contained in:
Tony Hannan 2010-11-01 15:35:13 -04:00
parent 630b558b93
commit 8da53a3fa3
3 changed files with 42 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module Control.Monad.Throw where
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Arrow ((+++))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
-- | Same as 'MonadError' but without functional dependency so the same monad can have multiple errors with different types
class (Monad m) => Throw e m where
@ -42,3 +44,7 @@ instance (Error e, Throw e m, Error x) => Throw e (ErrorT x m) where
instance (Throw e m) => Throw e (ReaderT x m) where
throw = lift . throw
catch a h = ReaderT $ \x -> catch (runReaderT a x) (flip runReaderT x . h)
mapError :: (Functor m) => (e -> e') -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e' m a
-- ^ Convert error type
mapError f (ErrorT m) = ErrorT $ (f +++ id) <$> m

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Context
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Throw
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.MVar
import Control.Pipeline (Resource(..))
import qualified Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol as P
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol hiding (Query, QueryOption(..), send, call)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.UString as U (dropWhile, any, tail, unpack)
import Control.Monad.Util (MonadIO', loop) -- plus Applicative instances of ErrorT & ReaderT
import Control.Monad.Util (MonadIO', loop)
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Util ((<.>), true1)
mapErrorIO :: (Throw e m, MonadIO m) => (e' -> e) -> ErrorT e' IO a -> m a
@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ access w mos pool act = do
either (return . Left . ConnectionFailure) (runAction act w mos) ePipe
-- | A monad with access to a 'Pipe', 'MasterOrSlaveOk', and 'WriteMode', and throws 'Failure' on read, write, or pipe failure
class (Context Pipe m, Context MasterOrSlaveOk m, Context WriteMode m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO' m) => Access m
instance (Context Pipe m, Context MasterOrSlaveOk m, Context WriteMode m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO' m) => Access m
class (Context Pipe m, Context MasterOrSlaveOk m, Context WriteMode m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO' m, MonadMVar m) => Access m
instance (Context Pipe m, Context MasterOrSlaveOk m, Context WriteMode m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO' m, MonadMVar m) => Access m
newtype Action m a = Action (ErrorT Failure (ReaderT WriteMode (ReaderT MasterOrSlaveOk (ReaderT Pipe m))) a)
deriving (Context Pipe, Context MasterOrSlaveOk, Context WriteMode, Throw Failure, MonadIO, Monad, Applicative, Functor)
deriving (Context Pipe, Context MasterOrSlaveOk, Context WriteMode, Throw Failure, MonadIO, MonadMVar, Monad, Applicative, Functor)
-- ^ Monad with access to a 'Pipe', 'MasterOrSlaveOk', and 'WriteMode', and throws a 'Failure' on read, write or pipe failure
instance MonadTrans Action where
@ -363,24 +363,24 @@ queryRequest isExplain mos Query{..} (Database db) = (P.Query{..}, remainingLimi
special = catMaybes [mOrder, mSnapshot, mHint, mExplain]
qSelector = if null special then s else ("$query" =: s) : special where s = selector selection
runQuery :: (DbAccess m) => Bool -> [Notice] -> Query -> m CursorState'
runQuery :: (DbAccess m) => Bool -> [Notice] -> Query -> m DelayedCursorState
-- ^ Send query request and return cursor state
runQuery isExplain ns q = do
db <- thisDatabase
slaveOK <- context
call' ns (queryRequest isExplain slaveOK q db)
request ns (queryRequest isExplain slaveOK q db)
find :: (DbAccess m) => Query -> m Cursor
-- ^ Fetch documents satisfying query
find q@Query{selection, batchSize} = do
db <- thisDatabase
cs' <- runQuery False [] q
newCursor db (coll selection) batchSize cs'
dcs <- runQuery False [] q
newCursor db (coll selection) batchSize dcs
findOne' :: (DbAccess m) => [Notice] -> Query -> m (Maybe Document)
-- ^ Send notices and fetch first document satisfying query or Nothing if none satisfy it
findOne' ns q = do
CS _ _ docs <- cursorState =<< runQuery False ns q {limit = 1}
CS _ _ docs <- mapErrorIO id =<< runQuery False ns q {limit = 1}
return (listToMaybe docs)
findOne :: (DbAccess m) => Query -> m (Maybe Document)
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ findOne = findOne' []
explain :: (DbAccess m) => Query -> m Document
-- ^ Return performance stats of query execution
explain q = do -- same as findOne but with explain set to true
CS _ _ docs <- cursorState =<< runQuery True [] q {limit = 1}
CS _ _ docs <- mapErrorIO id =<< runQuery True [] q {limit = 1}
return $ if null docs then error ("no explain: " ++ show q) else head docs
count :: (DbAccess m) => Query -> m Int
@ -405,41 +405,21 @@ distinct k (Select sel col) = at "values" <$> runCommand ["distinct" =: col, "ke
-- *** Cursor
data Cursor = Cursor FullCollection BatchSize (MVar CursorState')
data Cursor = Cursor FullCollection BatchSize (MVar DelayedCursorState)
-- ^ Iterator over results of a query. Use 'next' to iterate or 'rest' to get all results. A cursor is closed when it is explicitly closed, all results have been read from it, garbage collected, or not used for over 10 minutes (unless 'NoCursorTimeout' option was specified in 'Query'). Reading from a closed cursor raises a 'CursorNotFoundFailure'. Note, a cursor is not closed when the pipe is closed, so you can open another pipe to the same server and continue using the cursor.
modifyCursorState' :: (Access m) => Cursor -> (FullCollection -> BatchSize -> CursorState' -> Action IO (CursorState', a)) -> m a
-- ^ Analogous to 'modifyMVar' but with Conn monad
modifyCursorState' (Cursor fcol batch var) act = do
wr <- context
mos <- context
pipe <- context
e <- liftIO . modifyMVar var $ \cs' -> do
e' <- runAction (act fcol batch cs') wr mos pipe
return $ case e' of
Right (cs'', a) -> (cs'', Right a)
Left failure -> (cs', Left $ throw failure)
either id return e
getCursorState :: (Access m) => Cursor -> m CursorState
-- ^ Extract current cursor status
getCursorState (Cursor _ _ var) = cursorState =<< liftIO (readMVar var)
getCursorState (Cursor _ _ var) = mapErrorIO id =<< readMVar var
data CursorState' =
Delayed (forall n. (Throw Failure n, MonadIO n) => n CursorState)
| CursorState CursorState
-- ^ A cursor state or a promised cursor state which may fail
type DelayedCursorState = ErrorT Failure IO CursorState
-- ^ A promised cursor state which may fail
call' :: (Access m) => [Notice] -> (Request, Limit) -> m CursorState'
request :: (Access m) => [Notice] -> (Request, Limit) -> m DelayedCursorState
-- ^ Send notices and request and return promised cursor state
call' ns (req, remainingLimit) = do
request ns (req, remainingLimit) = do
promise <- call ns req
return $ Delayed (fromReply remainingLimit =<< promise)
cursorState :: (Access m) => CursorState' -> m CursorState
-- ^ Convert promised cursor state to cursor state or failure
cursorState (Delayed promise) = promise
cursorState (CursorState cs) = return cs
return $ fromReply remainingLimit =<< promise
data CursorState = CS Limit CursorId [Document]
-- ^ CursorId = 0 means cursor is finished. Documents is remaining documents to serve in current batch. Limit is remaining limit for next fetch.
@ -456,34 +436,30 @@ fromReply limit Reply{..} = do
CursorNotFound -> throw (CursorNotFoundFailure rCursorId)
QueryError -> throw (QueryFailure $ at "$err" $ head rDocuments)
newCursor :: (Access m) => Database -> Collection -> BatchSize -> CursorState' -> m Cursor
newCursor :: (Access m) => Database -> Collection -> BatchSize -> DelayedCursorState -> m Cursor
-- ^ Create new cursor. If you don't read all results then close it. Cursor will be closed automatically when all results are read from it or when eventually garbage collected.
newCursor (Database db) col batch cs = do
wr <- context
mos <- context
pipe <- context
var <- liftIO (newMVar cs)
var <- newMVar cs
let cursor = Cursor (db <.> col) batch var
liftIO . addMVarFinalizer var $ runAction (close cursor) wr mos pipe >> return ()
addMVarFinalizer var (close cursor)
return cursor
next :: (Access m) => Cursor -> m (Maybe Document)
-- ^ Return next document in query result, or Nothing if finished.
next cursor = modifyCursorState' cursor nextState where
next (Cursor fcol batch var) = modifyMVar var nextState where
-- Pre-fetch next batch promise from server when last one in current batch is returned.
nextState :: FullCollection -> BatchSize -> CursorState' -> Action IO (CursorState', Maybe Document)
nextState fcol batch cs' = do
CS limit cid docs <- cursorState cs'
nextState dcs = do
CS limit cid docs <- mapErrorIO id dcs
case docs of
doc : docs' -> do
cs'' <- if null docs' && cid /= 0
then nextBatch fcol batch limit cid
else return $ CursorState (CS limit cid docs')
return (cs'', Just doc)
dcs' <- if null docs' && cid /= 0
then nextBatch limit cid
else return $ return (CS limit cid docs')
return (dcs', Just doc)
[] -> if cid == 0
then return (CursorState $ CS 0 0 [], Nothing) -- finished
then return (return $ CS 0 0 [], Nothing) -- finished
else error $ "server returned empty batch but says more results on server"
nextBatch fcol batch limit cid = call' [] (GetMore fcol batchSize cid, remLimit)
nextBatch limit cid = request [] (GetMore fcol batchSize cid, remLimit)
where (batchSize, remLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batch limit
nextN :: (Access m) => Int -> Cursor -> m [Document]
@ -495,8 +471,8 @@ rest :: (Access m) => Cursor -> m [Document]
rest c = loop (next c)
instance (Access m) => Resource m Cursor where
close cursor = modifyCursorState' cursor kill' where
kill' _ _ cs' = first CursorState <$> (kill =<< cursorState cs')
close (Cursor _ _ var) = modifyMVar var kill' where
kill' dcs = first return <$> (kill =<< mapErrorIO id dcs)
kill (CS _ cid _) = (CS 0 0 [],) <$> if cid == 0 then return () else send [KillCursors [cid]]
isClosed cursor = do
CS _ cid docs <- getCursorState cursor
@ -613,7 +589,9 @@ eval code = at "retval" <$> runCommand ["$eval" =: code]
send :: (Context Pipe m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO m) => [Notice] -> m ()
-- ^ Send notices as a contiguous batch to server with no reply. Throw 'ConnectionFailure' if pipe fails.
send ns = mapErrorIO ConnectionFailure . flip P.send ns =<< context
send ns = do
pipe <- context
mapErrorIO ConnectionFailure (P.send pipe ns)
call :: (Context Pipe m, Throw Failure m, MonadIO m) => [Notice] -> Request -> m (forall n. (Throw Failure n, MonadIO n) => n Reply)
-- ^ Send notices and request as a contiguous batch to server and return reply promise, which will block when invoked until reply arrives. This call will throw 'ConnectionFailure' if pipe fails on send, and promise will throw 'ConnectionFailure' if pipe fails on receive.

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: mongoDB
version: 0.8.1
version: 0.8.2
build-type: Simple
license: OtherLicense
license-file: LICENSE