fix map-reduce-example formatting

This commit is contained in:
Scott R. Parish 2010-03-08 22:54:23 -06:00
parent 4e53e1b413
commit 8541b38f2b

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@ -10,33 +10,33 @@ This document has been shamelessly ported from the similar
To start, well insert some example data which we can perform
To start, we'll insert some example data which we can perform
map/reduce queries on:
> $ ghci -package mongoDB
> GHCi, version 6.12.1: :? for help
> ...
> Prelude> :set prompt "> "
> > import Database.MongoDB
> > import Database.MongoDB.BSON
> > import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8
> > c <- connect "localhost" []
> > let col = (fromString "test.mr1")
> > :{
> insertMany c col [
> (toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 1),
> ("tags", BsonArray [toBson "dog",
> toBson "cat"])]),
> (toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 2),
> ("tags", BsonArray [toBson "cat"])]),
> (toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 3),
> ("tags", BsonArray [toBson "mouse",
> toBson "cat",
> toBson "doc"])]),
> (toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 4),
> ("tags", BsonArray [])])
> ]
> :}
$ ghci -package mongoDB
GHCi, version 6.12.1: :? for help
Prelude> :set prompt "> "
> import Database.MongoDB
> import Database.MongoDB.BSON
> import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8
> c <- connect "localhost" []
> let col = (fromString "test.mr1")
> :{
insertMany c col [
(toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 1),
("tags", BsonArray [toBson "dog",
toBson "cat"])]),
(toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 2),
("tags", BsonArray [toBson "cat"])]),
(toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 3),
("tags", BsonArray [toBson "mouse",
toBson "cat",
toBson "doc"])]),
(toBsonDoc [("x", BsonInt32 4),
("tags", BsonArray [])])
Basic Map/Reduce
@ -49,36 +49,43 @@ tags array, across the entire collection.
Our map function just emits a single (key, 1) pair for each tag in the
> > :{
> let mapFn = "
> function() {\n
> this.tags.forEach(function(z) {\n
> emit(z, 1);\n
> });\n
> }"
> :}
> :{
let mapFn = "
function() {\n
this.tags.forEach(function(z) {\n
emit(z, 1);\n
The reduce function sums over all of the emitted values for a given
> > :{
> let reduceFn = "
> function (key, values) {\n
> var total = 0;\n
> for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {\n
> total += values[i];\n
> }\n
> return total;\n
> }"
> :}
> :{
let reduceFn = "
function (key, values) {\n
var total = 0;\n
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {\n
total += values[i];\n
return total;\n
Note: We cant just return values.length as the reduce function might
Note: We can't just return values.length as the reduce function might
be called iteratively on the results of other reduce steps.
Finally, we call map_reduce() and iterate over the result collection:
> > mapReduce c col (fromString mapFn) (fromString reduceFn) [] >>= allDocs
> [[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "cat" Empty)),(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 6.0)],[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "doc" Empty)),(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)],[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "dog" Empty)),(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 3.0)],[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "mouse" Empty)),(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 2.0)]]
> mapReduce c col (fromString mapFn) (fromString reduceFn) [] >>= allDocs
[[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "cat" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 6.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "doc" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "dog" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 3.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "mouse" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 2.0)]]
Advanced Map/Reduce
@ -86,11 +93,24 @@ Advanced Map/Reduce
MongoDB returns additional information in the map/reduce results. To
obtain them, use *runMapReduce*:
> > res <- runMapReduce c col (fromString mapFn) (fromString reduceFn) []
> > res
> [(Chunk "result" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "" Empty)),(Chunk "timeMillis" Empty,BsonInt32 90),(Chunk "counts" Empty,BsonDoc [(Chunk "input" Empty,BsonInt64 8),(Chunk "emit" Empty,BsonInt64 12),(Chunk "output" Empty,BsonInt64 4)]),(Chunk "ok" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)]
> res <- runMapReduce c col (fromString mapFn) (fromString reduceFn) []
> res
[(Chunk "result" Empty, BsonString (Chunk "" Empty)),
(Chunk "timeMillis" Empty, BsonInt32 90),
(Chunk "counts" Empty,
BsonDoc [(Chunk "input" Empty,BsonInt64 8),
(Chunk "emit" Empty,BsonInt64 12),
(Chunk "output" Empty,BsonInt64 4)]),
(Chunk "ok" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)]
You can then obtain the results using *mapReduceResults*:
> > mapReduceResults c (fromString "test") res >>= allDocs
> [[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "cat" Empty)),(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 6.0)],[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "doc" Empty)),(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)],[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "dog" Empty)),(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 3.0)],[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "mouse" Empty)),(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 2.0)]]
> mapReduceResults c (fromString "test") res >>= allDocs
[[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "cat" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 6.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "doc" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 1.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "dog" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 3.0)],
[(Chunk "_id" Empty,BsonString (Chunk "mouse" Empty)),
(Chunk "value" Empty,BsonDouble 2.0)]]