
This commit is contained in:
Scott R. Parish 2010-01-18 21:26:00 -06:00
parent 3aaee6cf84
commit 73d9a00d5f

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@ -28,10 +28,11 @@ module Database.MongoDB
-- * Connection
connect, connectOnPort, conClose, disconnect,
-- * Database operations
-- * Collection operations
-- * Database
Database, MongoDBCollectionInvalid,
collectionNames, createCollection,
-- * Collection
Collection, FieldSelector, NumToSkip, NumToReturn, Selector,
@ -95,10 +96,65 @@ disconnect = conClose
-- | Return a list of collections in /Database/.
collectionNames :: Connection -> Database -> IO [Collection]
collectionNames c db = do
docs <- quickFind' c (db ++ ".system.namespaces") $ toBsonDoc []
docs <- quickFind' c (db ++ ".system.namespaces") BSON.empty
let names = flip docs $ \doc ->
fromBson $ fromJust $ BSON.lookup (L8.fromString "name") doc
return $ List.filter (not . List.elem '$') names
fromBson $ fromJust $ BSON.lookup "name" doc
return $ List.filter (List.notElem '$') names
data ColCreateOpt = CCOSize Int64 -- ^ Desired initial size for the
-- collection (in bytes). must be
-- less than or equal to
-- 10000000000. For capped
-- collections this size is the max
-- size of the collection.
| CCOCapped Bool -- ^ If 'True', this is a capped collection.
| CCOMax Int64 -- ^ Maximum number of objects if capped.
deriving (Show, Eq)
colCreateOptToBson :: ColCreateOpt -> (String, BsonValue)
colCreateOptToBson (CCOSize sz) = ("size", toBson sz)
colCreateOptToBson (CCOCapped b) = ("capped", toBson b)
colCreateOptToBson (CCOMax m) = ("max", toBson m)
-- | Create a new collection in this database.
-- Normally collection creation is automatic. This function should
-- only be needed if you want to specify 'ColCreateOpt's on creation.
-- 'MongoDBCollectionInvalid' is thrown if the collection already
-- exists.
createCollection :: Connection -> Collection -> [ColCreateOpt] -> IO ()
createCollection c col opts = do
let db = List.takeWhile (/= '.') col
let col' = List.tail $ List.dropWhile (/= '.') col
dbcols <- collectionNames c db
case col `List.elem` dbcols of
True -> throwColInvalid $ "Collection already exists: " ++ show col
False -> return ()
case ".." `List.elem` ( col) of
True -> throwColInvalid $ "Collection can't contain \"..\": " ++ show col
False -> return ()
case '$' `List.elem` col &&
not ("oplog.$mail" `List.isPrefixOf` col' ||
"$cmd" `List.isPrefixOf` col') of
True -> throwColInvalid $ "Collection can't contain '$': " ++ show col
False -> return ()
case List.head col == '.' || List.last col == '.' of
True -> throwColInvalid $
"Collection can't start or end with '.': " ++ show col
False -> return ()
let cmd = ("create", toBson col') : colCreateOptToBson opts
_ <- dbCmd c db $ toBsonDoc cmd
return ()
dbCmd :: Connection -> Database -> BsonDoc -> IO BsonDoc
dbCmd c db cmd = do
mres <- findOne c (db ++ ".$cmd") cmd
let res = fromJust mres
case fromBson $ fromJust $ BSON.lookup "ok" res :: Int of
1 -> return ()
_ -> throwOpFailure $ "command \"" ++ show cmd ++ "\" failed: " ++
(fromBson $ fromJust $ BSON.lookup "errmsg" res)
return res
-- | An Itertaor over the results of a query. Use 'nextDoc' to get each
-- successive result document, or 'allDocs' or 'allDocs'' to get lazy or
@ -135,6 +191,34 @@ instance Typeable MongoDBInternalError where
instance Exception MongoDBInternalError
data MongoDBCollectionInvalid = MongoDBCollectionInvalid String
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
mongoDBCollectionInvalid :: TyCon
mongoDBCollectionInvalid = mkTyCon "Database.MongoDB.MongoDBcollectionInvalid"
instance Typeable MongoDBCollectionInvalid where
typeOf _ = mkTyConApp mongoDBCollectionInvalid []
instance Exception MongoDBCollectionInvalid
throwColInvalid :: String -> a
throwColInvalid s = throw $ MongoDBCollectionInvalid s
data MongoDBOperationFailure = MongoDBOperationFailure String
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
mongoDBOperationFailure :: TyCon
mongoDBOperationFailure = mkTyCon "Database.MongoDB.MongoDBoperationFailure"
instance Typeable MongoDBOperationFailure where
typeOf _ = mkTyConApp mongoDBOperationFailure []
instance Exception MongoDBOperationFailure
throwOpFailure :: String -> a
throwOpFailure s = throw $ MongoDBOperationFailure s
fromOpcode :: Opcode -> Int32
fromOpcode OP_REPLY = 1
fromOpcode OP_MSG = 1000