fix replica set connection bug

This commit is contained in:
Tony Hannan 2011-03-14 16:24:28 -04:00
parent db58a9c4ca
commit 624890c1a6

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@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ module Database.MongoDB.Connection (
connHost, replicaSet
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol as X
import qualified Network.Abstract as C
import Network.Abstract (IOE, NetworkIO, ANetwork)
import Data.Bson ((=:), at, UString)
import Data.Bson ((=:), at, lookup, UString)
import Control.Pipeline as P
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception (assert)
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ adminCommand cmd = Query{..} where
qOptions = [SlaveOK]
qFullCollection = "admin.$cmd"
qSkip = 0
qBatchSize = 0
qBatchSize = -1
qSelector = cmd
qProjector = []
@ -105,16 +106,17 @@ instance Eq ReplicaSet where ReplicaSet x _ == ReplicaSet y _ = x == y
-- ** Replica Info
getReplicaInfo :: Pipe -> IOE ReplicaInfo
getReplicaInfo :: ConnPool Host -> IOE ReplicaInfo
-- ^ Get replica info of the connected host. Throw IOError if connection fails or host is not part of a replica set (no /hosts/ and /primary/ field).
getReplicaInfo pipe = do
getReplicaInfo conn = do
pipe <- getHostPipe conn
promise <- pipe [] (adminCommand ["ismaster" =: (1 :: Int)])
info <- commandReply "ismaster" <$> promise
_ <- look "hosts" info
_ <- look "primary" info
return info
_ <- look "ismaster" info
return $ ReplicaInfo (connHost conn) info
type ReplicaInfo = Document
data ReplicaInfo = ReplicaInfo {infoHost :: Host, infoDoc :: Document} deriving (Show)
-- ^ Configuration info of a host in a replica set (result of /ismaster/ command). Contains all the hosts in the replica set plus its role in that set (master, slave, or arbiter)
{- isPrimary :: ReplicaInfo -> Bool
@ -125,18 +127,14 @@ isSecondary :: ReplicaInfo -> Bool
-- ^ Is the replica described by this info a slave/secondary (not master or arbiter)
isSecondary = true1 "secondary" -}
primary :: ReplicaInfo -> Maybe Host
-- ^ Read primary from configuration info. During failover or minor network partition there is no primary (Nothing).
primary (ReplicaInfo host info) = if at "ismaster" info then Just host else readHostPort <$> lookup "primary" info
replicas :: ReplicaInfo -> [Host]
-- ^ All replicas in set according to this replica configuration info.
replicas = map readHostPort . at "hosts"
primary :: ReplicaInfo -> Host
-- ^ Read primary from configuration info
primary = readHostPort . at "primary"
hosts :: ReplicaInfo -> [Host]
-- ^ replicas with primary at head
hosts info = master : delete master members where
members = replicas info
-- ^ All replicas in set according to this replica configuration info with primary at head, if there is one.
replicas info = maybe members (\m -> m : delete m members) master where
members = map readHostPort $ at "hosts" (infoDoc info)
master = primary info
-- * MasterOrSlaveOk
@ -221,12 +219,8 @@ newSetConnPool poolSize' repset net = assert (not . null $ seedHosts repset) $ d
getMembers :: Name -> [ConnPool Host] -> IOE [Host]
-- ^ Get members of replica set, master first. Query supplied connections until config found.
-- TODO: make master first
-- TODO: Verify config for request replica set name and not some other replica set. ismaster config should include replica set name in result but currently does not.
getMembers _repsetName connections = do
info <- untilSuccess (getReplicaInfo <=< getHostPipe) connections
when (null $ hosts info) $ fail $ "no hosts in " ++ show info
return $ hosts info
-- TODO: Verify config for request replica set name and not some other replica set. "ismaster" reply includes "setName" in result.
getMembers _repsetName connections = replicas <$> untilSuccess getReplicaInfo connections
refreshMembers :: ANetwork -> Name -> [ConnPool Host] -> IOE [ConnPool Host]
-- ^ Update current members with master at head. Reuse unchanged members. Throw IOError if can't connect to any and fetch config. Dropped connections are not closed in case they still have users; they will be closed when garbage collected.