Handle the case when mongodb returns less documents than cursor requested

If we request certain amount of values from a cursor the mongo db server can
return less than requested. So, if we provide -100000 then mongodb may
return 97899 and close the cursor.

Instead of relying on negative values this implementation will use only
positive numbers and will close the cursor itself as soon as the driver
receives enough results.

It fixes the issue #24 from github.
This commit is contained in:
Victor Denisov 2015-06-17 00:24:12 -07:00 committed by Victor Denisov
parent cb912cb952
commit 5e72c8ad61

View file

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted (MVar, newMVar, mkWeakMVar,
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted (MVar, newMVar, addMVarFinalizer,
readMVar, modifyMVar)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase)
import Control.Monad.Error (Error(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, runReaderT, ask, asks, local)
@ -505,7 +506,7 @@ distinct :: (MonadIO m) => Label -> Selection -> Action m [Value]
-- ^ Fetch distinct values of field in selected documents
distinct k (Select sel col) = at "values" `liftM` runCommand ["distinct" =: col, "key" =: k, "query" =: sel]
queryRequest :: (Monad m) => Bool -> Query -> Action m (Request, Limit)
queryRequest :: (Monad m) => Bool -> Query -> Action m (Request, Maybe Limit)
-- ^ Translate Query to Protocol.Query. If first arg is true then add special $explain attribute.
queryRequest isExplain Query{..} = do
ctx <- ask
@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ queryRequest isExplain Query{..} = do
qOptions = readModeOption rm ++ options
qFullCollection = db <.> coll selection
qSkip = fromIntegral skip
(qBatchSize, remainingLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize limit
(qBatchSize, remainingLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize (if limit == 0 then Nothing else Just limit)
qProjector = project
mOrder = if null sort then Nothing else Just ("$orderby" =: sort)
mSnapshot = if snapshot then Just ("$snapshot" =: True) else Nothing
@ -524,29 +525,29 @@ queryRequest isExplain Query{..} = do
special = catMaybes [mOrder, mSnapshot, mHint, mExplain]
qSelector = if null special then s else ("$query" =: s) : special where s = selector selection
batchSizeRemainingLimit :: BatchSize -> Limit -> (Int32, Limit)
batchSizeRemainingLimit :: BatchSize -> (Maybe Limit) -> (Int32, Maybe Limit)
-- ^ Given batchSize and limit return P.qBatchSize and remaining limit
batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize limit = if limit == 0
then (fromIntegral batchSize', 0) -- no limit
else if 0 < batchSize' && batchSize' < limit
then (fromIntegral batchSize', limit - batchSize')
else (- fromIntegral limit, 1)
where batchSize' = if batchSize == 1 then 2 else batchSize
-- batchSize 1 is broken because server converts 1 to -1 meaning limit 1
batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize mLimit =
case mLimit of
Nothing -> (fromIntegral batchSize, Nothing)
Just limit ->
if 0 < batchSize && batchSize < limit
then (fromIntegral batchSize, Just limit)
else (fromIntegral limit, Just limit)
type DelayedBatch = IO Batch
-- ^ A promised batch which may fail
data Batch = Batch Limit CursorId [Document]
-- ^ CursorId = 0 means cursor is finished. Documents is remaining documents to serve in current batch. Limit is remaining limit for next fetch.
data Batch = Batch (Maybe Limit) CursorId [Document]
-- ^ CursorId = 0 means cursor is finished. Documents is remaining documents to serve in current batch. Limit is number of documents to return. Nothing means no limit.
request :: (MonadIO m) => [Notice] -> (Request, Limit) -> Action m DelayedBatch
request :: (MonadIO m) => [Notice] -> (Request, Maybe Limit) -> Action m DelayedBatch
-- ^ Send notices and request and return promised batch
request ns (req, remainingLimit) = do
promise <- call ns req
return $ fromReply remainingLimit =<< promise
fromReply :: Limit -> Reply -> DelayedBatch
fromReply :: Maybe Limit -> Reply -> DelayedBatch
-- ^ Convert Reply to Batch or Failure
fromReply limit Reply{..} = do
mapM_ checkResponseFlag rResponseFlags
@ -582,20 +583,25 @@ nextBatch :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Cursor -> Action m [Document]
-- ^ Return next batch of documents in query result, which will be empty if finished.
nextBatch (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do
-- Pre-fetch next batch promise from server and return current batch.
Batch limit cid docs <- fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch
dBatch' <- if cid /= 0 then nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid else return $ return (Batch 0 0 [])
return (dBatch', docs)
Batch mLimit cid docs <- fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch
let newLimit = do
limit <- mLimit
return $ limit - (min limit $ fromIntegral $ length docs)
dBatch' <- if cid /= 0 && newLimit /= (Just 0) then nextBatch' fcol batchSize newLimit cid else return $ return (Batch (Just 0) 0 [])
when (newLimit == (Just 0)) $ unless (cid == 0) $ send [KillCursors [cid]]
return (dBatch', maybe docs (\l -> take (fromIntegral l) docs) mLimit)
fulfill' :: (MonadIO m) => FullCollection -> BatchSize -> DelayedBatch -> Action m Batch
-- Discard pre-fetched batch if empty with nonzero cid.
fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch = do
b@(Batch limit cid docs) <- fulfill dBatch
if cid /= 0 && null docs
if cid /= 0 && null docs && (limit > (Just 0))
then nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid >>= fulfill
else return b
nextBatch' :: (MonadIO m) => FullCollection -> BatchSize -> Limit -> CursorId -> Action m DelayedBatch
nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid = request [] (GetMore fcol batchSize' cid, remLimit)
nextBatch' :: (MonadIO m) => FullCollection -> BatchSize -> (Maybe Limit) -> CursorId -> Action m DelayedBatch
nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid = do
request [] (GetMore fcol batchSize' cid, remLimit)
where (batchSize', remLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize limit
next :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Cursor -> Action m (Maybe Document)
@ -604,16 +610,23 @@ next (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = modifyMVar var nextState where
-- Pre-fetch next batch promise from server when last one in current batch is returned.
-- nextState:: DelayedBatch -> Action m (DelayedBatch, Maybe Document)
nextState dBatch = do
Batch limit cid docs <- fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch
Batch mLimit cid docs <- fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch
if mLimit == (Just 0)
then return (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], Nothing)
case docs of
doc : docs' -> do
dBatch' <- if null docs' && cid /= 0
then nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid
else return $ return (Batch limit cid docs')
let newLimit = do
limit <- mLimit
return $ limit - 1
dBatch' <- if null docs' && cid /= 0 && (newLimit > (Just 0))
then nextBatch' fcol batchSize newLimit cid
else return $ return (Batch newLimit cid docs')
when (newLimit == (Just 0)) $ unless (cid == 0) $ send [KillCursors [cid]]
return (dBatch', Just doc)
[] -> if cid == 0
then return (return $ Batch 0 0 [], Nothing) -- finished
else fmap (,Nothing) $ nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid
then return (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], Nothing) -- finished
else fmap (,Nothing) $ nextBatch' fcol batchSize mLimit cid
nextN :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Int -> Cursor -> Action m [Document]
-- ^ Return next N documents or less if end is reached
@ -627,7 +640,7 @@ closeCursor :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Cursor -> Action m ()
closeCursor (Cursor _ _ var) = modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do
Batch _ cid _ <- fulfill dBatch
unless (cid == 0) $ send [KillCursors [cid]]
return $ (return $ Batch 0 0 [], ())
return $ (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], ())
isCursorClosed :: (MonadIO m, MonadBase IO m) => Cursor -> Action m Bool
isCursorClosed (Cursor _ _ var) = do
@ -752,7 +765,7 @@ runMR mr = do
Just (String coll) -> find $ query [] coll
Just (Doc doc) -> useDb (at "db" doc) $ find $ query [] (at "collection" doc)
Just x -> error $ "unexpected map-reduce result field: " ++ show x
Nothing -> newCursor "" "" 0 $ return $ Batch 0 0 (at "results" res)
Nothing -> newCursor "" "" 0 $ return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 (at "results" res)
runMR' :: (MonadIO m) => MapReduce -> Action m MRResult
-- ^ Run MapReduce and return a MR result document containing stats and the results if Inlined. Error if the map/reduce failed (because of bad Javascript).