insert/insertMany/save: create (if needed) and return '_id' field

This commit is contained in:
Scott R. Parish 2010-03-13 21:44:00 -06:00
parent 3956adab00
commit 56fcb3a90e
2 changed files with 31 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ import System.Random
-- | A list of handles to database connections
data Connection = Connection {
cHandle :: IORef Handle,
cRand :: IORef [Int]
cRand :: IORef [Int],
cOidGen :: ObjectIdGen
data ConnectOpt
@ -123,7 +124,8 @@ newConnection servers opts = do
fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int32)) r
nsRef <- newIORef ns
hRef <- openHandle (head servers) >>= newIORef
let c = Connection hRef nsRef
oidGen <- mkObjectIdGen
let c = Connection hRef nsRef oidGen
res <- isMaster c
if fromBson (fromLookup $ List.lookup (s2L "ismaster") res) == (1::Int) ||
isJust (List.elemIndex SlaveOK opts)
@ -496,27 +498,41 @@ delete c col sel = do
remove :: Connection -> FullCollection -> Selector -> IO RequestID
remove = delete
-- | Insert a single document into /FullCollection/.
insert :: Connection -> FullCollection -> BsonDoc -> IO RequestID
moveOidToFrontOrGen :: Connection -> BsonDoc -> IO BsonDoc
moveOidToFrontOrGen c doc =
case List.lookup (s2L "_id") doc of
Nothing -> do
oid <- genObjectId $ cOidGen c
return $ (s2L "_id", oid) : doc
Just oid -> do
let keyEq = (\(k1, _) (k2, _) -> k1 == k2)
delByKey = \k -> List.deleteBy keyEq (k, undefined)
return $ (s2L "_id", oid) : delByKey (s2L "_id") doc
-- | Insert a single document into /FullCollection/ returning the /_id/ field.
insert :: Connection -> FullCollection -> BsonDoc -> IO BsonValue
insert c col doc = do
doc' <- moveOidToFrontOrGen c doc
let body = runPut $ do
putI32 0
putCol col
putBsonDoc doc
(reqID, msg) <- packMsg c OPInsert body
putBsonDoc doc'
(_reqID, msg) <- packMsg c OPInsert body
cPut c msg
return reqID
return $ snd $ head doc'
-- | Insert a list of documents into /FullCollection/.
insertMany :: Connection -> FullCollection -> [BsonDoc] -> IO RequestID
-- | Insert a list of documents into /FullCollection/ returing the
-- /_id/ field for each one in the same order as they were given.
insertMany :: Connection -> FullCollection -> [BsonDoc] -> IO [BsonValue]
insertMany c col docs = do
docs' <- mapM (moveOidToFrontOrGen c) docs
let body = runPut $ do
putI32 0
putCol col
forM_ docs putBsonDoc
(reqID, msg) <- packMsg c OPInsert body
forM_ docs' putBsonDoc
(_, msg) <- packMsg c OPInsert body
cPut c msg
return reqID
return $ (snd . head) docs'
-- | Open a cursor to find documents. If you need full functionality,
-- see 'query'
@ -741,11 +757,12 @@ mapReduceWScopes c fc m ms r rs opts =
-- if there is an _id present in the /BsonDoc/ then it already has
-- a place in the DB, so we update it using the _id, otherwise
-- we insert it
save :: Connection -> FullCollection -> BsonDoc -> IO RequestID
save :: Connection -> FullCollection -> BsonDoc -> IO BsonValue
save c fc doc =
case List.lookup (s2L "_id") doc of
Nothing -> insert c fc doc
Just obj -> update c fc [UFUpsert] (toBsonDoc [("_id", obj)]) doc
Just oid -> update c fc [UFUpsert] (toBsonDoc [("_id", oid)]) doc >>
return oid
-- | Use this in the place of the query portion of a select type query
-- This uses javascript and a scope supplied by a /BsonDoc/ to evaluate

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@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
+ inject _id if not given, return it
+ on insert/update: reject keys that start with "$" or "."
@ -63,7 +61,6 @@ MongoDB
+ support safe operations
+ auto-reconnection
+ auto-destoy connection (how?/when?)
+ pymongo returns the new ObjectId(s) on insert
+ don't read into cursor until needed, but have cursor send getMore before
it is actually out of docs (so network is finished by the time we're ready
to consume more)