Merge pull request #64 from VictorDenisov/master

Drop MonadBaseControl from update and delete functions
This commit is contained in:
Victor Denisov 2016-08-13 21:08:25 -07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 462646cf32
3 changed files with 75 additions and 56 deletions

View file

@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Package Versioning Policy](
## [2.1.1] - unreleased
### Changed
- Interfaces of update and delete functions. They don't require MonadBaseControl
## [2.1.0] - 2016-06-21
### Added

View file

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ allUsers :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, Functor m) => Action m [Document]
allUsers = map (exclude ["_id"]) <$> (rest =<< find
(select [] "system.users") {sort = ["user" =: (1 :: Int)], project = ["user" =: (1 :: Int), "readOnly" =: (1 :: Int)]})
addUser :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
addUser :: (MonadIO m)
=> Bool -> Username -> Password -> Action m ()
-- ^ Add user with password with read-only access if bool is True or read-write access if bool is False
addUser readOnly user pass = do
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ addUser readOnly user pass = do
let usr = merge ["readOnly" =: readOnly, "pwd" =: pwHash user pass] (maybe ["user" =: user] id mu)
save "system.users" usr
removeUser :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
removeUser :: (MonadIO m)
=> Username -> Action m ()
removeUser user = delete (select ["user" =: user] "system.users")

View file

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module Database.MongoDB.Query (
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO, throw)
import Control.Monad (unless, replicateM, liftM, forM, forM_, void)
import Control.Monad (unless, replicateM, liftM, forM, forM_)
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, catMaybes, isNothing)
import Data.Word (Word32)
@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted (MVar, newMVar, addMVarFinalizer,
readMVar, modifyMVar)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Exception.Lifted (catch)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase)
import Control.Monad.Error (Error(..))
@ -185,19 +184,6 @@ mongoReadMode = readMode . mongoAccessMode
mongoWriteMode :: MongoContext -> WriteMode
mongoWriteMode = writeMode . mongoAccessMode
send :: (MonadIO m) => [Notice] -> Action m ()
-- ^ Send notices as a contiguous batch to server with no reply. Throw 'ConnectionFailure' if pipe fails.
send ns = do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe ns
call :: (MonadIO m) => [Notice] -> Request -> Action m (IO Reply)
-- ^ Send notices and request as a contiguous batch to server and return reply promise, which will block when invoked until reply arrives. This call will throw 'ConnectionFailure' if pipe fails on send, and promise will throw 'ConnectionFailure' if pipe fails on receive.
call ns r = do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
promise <- liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ pipe ns r
return (liftIOE ConnectionFailure promise)
class HasMongoContext env where
mongoContext :: env -> MongoContext
instance HasMongoContext MongoContext where
@ -385,13 +371,19 @@ data WriteMode =
| Confirm GetLastError -- ^ Receive an acknowledgment after every write, and raise exception if one says the write failed. This is acomplished by sending the getLastError command, with given 'GetLastError' parameters, after every write.
deriving (Show, Eq)
write :: (MonadIO m) => Notice -> Action m ()
write :: Notice -> Action IO ()
-- ^ Send write to server, and if write-mode is 'Safe' then include getLastError request and raise 'WriteFailure' if it reports an error.
write notice = asks mongoWriteMode >>= \mode -> case mode of
NoConfirm -> send [notice]
NoConfirm -> do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [notice]
Confirm params -> do
let q = query (("getlasterror" =: (1 :: Int)) : params) "$cmd"
Batch _ _ [doc] <- fulfill =<< request [notice] =<< queryRequest False q {limit = 1}
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
Batch _ _ [doc] <- do
r <- queryRequest False q {limit = 1}
rr <- liftIO $ request pipe [notice] r
fulfill rr
case lookup "err" doc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just err -> liftIO $ throwIO $ WriteFailure (maybe 0 id $ lookup "code" doc) err
@ -464,7 +456,7 @@ insertBlock opts col docs = do
let sd = P.serverData p
if (maxWireVersion sd < 2)
then do
write (Insert (db <.> col) opts docs')
liftDB $ write (Insert (db <.> col) opts docs')
return $ map (valueAt "_id") docs'
else do
mode <- asks mongoWriteMode
@ -525,25 +517,25 @@ assignId doc = if any (("_id" ==) . label) doc
-- ** Update
save :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
save :: (MonadIO m)
=> Collection -> Document -> Action m ()
-- ^ Save document to collection, meaning insert it if its new (has no \"_id\" field) or upsert it if its not new (has \"_id\" field)
save col doc = case look "_id" doc of
Nothing -> insert_ col doc
Just i -> upsert (Select ["_id" := i] col) doc
replace :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
replace :: (MonadIO m)
=> Selection -> Document -> Action m ()
-- ^ Replace first document in selection with given document
replace = update []
repsert :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
repsert :: (MonadIO m)
=> Selection -> Document -> Action m ()
-- ^ Replace first document in selection with given document, or insert document if selection is empty
repsert = update [Upsert]
{-# DEPRECATED repsert "use upsert instead" #-}
upsert :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
upsert :: (MonadIO m)
=> Selection -> Document -> Action m ()
-- ^ Update first document in selection with given document, or insert document if selection is empty
upsert = update [Upsert]
@ -551,15 +543,17 @@ upsert = update [Upsert]
type Modifier = Document
-- ^ Update operations on fields in a document. See <>
modify :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
modify :: (MonadIO m)
=> Selection -> Modifier -> Action m ()
-- ^ Update all documents in selection using given modifier
modify = update [MultiUpdate]
update :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
update :: (MonadIO m)
=> [UpdateOption] -> Selection -> Document -> Action m ()
-- ^ Update first document in selection using updater document, unless 'MultiUpdate' option is supplied then update all documents in selection. If 'Upsert' option is supplied then treat updater as document and insert it if selection is empty.
update opts (Select sel col) up = void $ update' True col [(sel, up, opts)]
update opts (Select sel col) up = do
_ <- update' True col [(sel, up, opts)]
return ()
updateCommandDocument :: Collection -> Bool -> [Document] -> Document -> Document
updateCommandDocument col ordered updates writeConcern =
@ -574,7 +568,7 @@ updateCommandDocument col ordered updates writeConcern =
- before 2.6 it will send update requests one by one. After 2.6 it will use
- bulk update feature in mongodb.
updateMany :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
updateMany :: (MonadIO m)
=> Collection
-> [(Selector, Document, [UpdateOption])]
-> Action m UpdateResult
@ -585,13 +579,13 @@ updateMany = update' True
- mongodb server before 2.6 it will send update requests one by one. After 2.6
- it will use bulk update feature in mongodb.
updateAll :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
updateAll :: (MonadIO m)
=> Collection
-> [(Selector, Document, [UpdateOption])]
-> Action m UpdateResult
updateAll = update' False
update' :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
update' :: (MonadIO m)
=> Bool
-> Collection
-> [(Selector, Document, [UpdateOption])]
@ -621,7 +615,7 @@ update' ordered col updateDocs = do
forM_ chunks (updateBlock ordered col)
return UpdateResult
updateBlock :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
updateBlock :: (MonadIO m)
=> Bool -> Collection -> [Document] -> Action m ()
updateBlock ordered col docs = do
p <- asks mongoPipe
@ -629,13 +623,14 @@ updateBlock ordered col docs = do
if (maxWireVersion sd < 2)
then do
db <- thisDatabase
ctx <- ask
errors <-
forM docs $ \updateDoc -> do
liftIO $ forM docs $ \updateDoc -> do
let doc = (at "u" updateDoc) :: Document
let sel = (at "q" updateDoc) :: Document
let upsrt = if at "upsert" updateDoc then [Upsert] else []
let multi = if at "multi" updateDoc then [MultiUpdate] else []
write (Update (db <.> col) (upsrt ++ multi) sel doc)
runReaderT (write (Update (db <.> col) (upsrt ++ multi) sel doc)) ctx
return Nothing
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> do
when ordered $ liftIO $ throwIO e
@ -667,26 +662,28 @@ updateBlock ordered col docs = do
-- ** Delete
delete :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
delete :: (MonadIO m)
=> Selection -> Action m ()
-- ^ Delete all documents in selection
delete = deleteHelper []
deleteOne :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
deleteOne :: (MonadIO m)
=> Selection -> Action m ()
-- ^ Delete first document in selection
deleteOne = deleteHelper [SingleRemove]
deleteHelper :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
deleteHelper :: (MonadIO m)
=> [DeleteOption] -> Selection -> Action m ()
deleteHelper opts (Select sel col) = void $ delete' True col [(sel, opts)]
deleteHelper opts (Select sel col) = do
_ <- delete' True col [(sel, opts)]
return ()
{-| Bulk delete operation. If one delete fails it will not delete the remaining
- documents. Current returned value is only a place holder. With mongodb server
- before 2.6 it will send delete requests one by one. After 2.6 it will use
- bulk delete feature in mongodb.
deleteMany :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
deleteMany :: (MonadIO m)
=> Collection
-> [(Selector, [DeleteOption])]
-> Action m DeleteResult
@ -697,7 +694,7 @@ deleteMany = delete' True
- mongodb server before 2.6 it will send delete requests one by one. After 2.6
- it will use bulk delete feature in mongodb.
deleteAll :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
deleteAll :: (MonadIO m)
=> Collection
-> [(Selector, [DeleteOption])]
-> Action m DeleteResult
@ -711,7 +708,7 @@ deleteCommandDocument col ordered deletes writeConcern =
, "writeConcern" =: writeConcern
delete' :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
delete' :: (MonadIO m)
=> Bool
-> Collection
-> [(Selector, [DeleteOption])]
@ -742,7 +739,7 @@ delete' ordered col deleteDocs = do
forM_ chunks (deleteBlock ordered col)
return DeleteResult
deleteBlock :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
deleteBlock :: (MonadIO m)
=> Bool -> Collection -> [Document] -> Action m ()
deleteBlock ordered col docs = do
p <- asks mongoPipe
@ -750,11 +747,12 @@ deleteBlock ordered col docs = do
if (maxWireVersion sd < 2)
then do
db <- thisDatabase
ctx <- ask
errors <-
forM docs $ \deleteDoc -> do
liftIO $ forM docs $ \deleteDoc -> do
let sel = (at "q" deleteDoc) :: Document
let opts = if at "limit" deleteDoc == (1 :: Int) then [SingleRemove] else []
write (Delete (db <.> col) opts sel)
runReaderT (write (Delete (db <.> col) opts sel)) ctx
return Nothing
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> do
when ordered $ liftIO $ throwIO e
@ -830,13 +828,18 @@ find :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Query -> Action m Cursor
-- ^ Fetch documents satisfying query
find q@Query{selection, batchSize} = do
db <- thisDatabase
dBatch <- request [] =<< queryRequest False q
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
qr <- queryRequest False q
dBatch <- liftIO $ request pipe [] qr
newCursor db (coll selection) batchSize dBatch
findOne :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m (Maybe Document)
-- ^ Fetch first document satisfying query or Nothing if none satisfy it
findOne q = do
Batch _ _ docs <- fulfill =<< request [] =<< queryRequest False q {limit = 1}
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
qr <- queryRequest False q {limit = 1}
rq <- liftIO $ request pipe [] qr
Batch _ _ docs <- fulfill rq
return (listToMaybe docs)
fetch :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Document
@ -922,7 +925,10 @@ findAndModifyOpts (Query {
explain :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Document
-- ^ Return performance stats of query execution
explain q = do -- same as findOne but with explain set to true
Batch _ _ docs <- fulfill =<< request [] =<< queryRequest True q {limit = 1}
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
qr <- queryRequest True q {limit = 1}
r <- liftIO $ request pipe [] qr
Batch _ _ docs <- fulfill r
return $ if null docs then error ("no explain: " ++ show q) else head docs
count :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Int
@ -972,11 +978,12 @@ type DelayedBatch = IO Batch
data Batch = Batch (Maybe Limit) CursorId [Document]
-- ^ CursorId = 0 means cursor is finished. Documents is remaining documents to serve in current batch. Limit is number of documents to return. Nothing means no limit.
request :: (MonadIO m) => [Notice] -> (Request, Maybe Limit) -> Action m DelayedBatch
request :: Pipe -> [Notice] -> (Request, Maybe Limit) -> IO DelayedBatch
-- ^ Send notices and request and return promised batch
request ns (req, remainingLimit) = do
promise <- call ns req
return $ fromReply remainingLimit =<< promise
request pipe ns (req, remainingLimit) = do
promise <- liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ pipe ns req
let protectedPromise = liftIOE ConnectionFailure promise
return $ fromReply remainingLimit =<< protectedPromise
fromReply :: Maybe Limit -> Reply -> DelayedBatch
-- ^ Convert Reply to Batch or Failure
@ -1024,7 +1031,8 @@ nextBatch (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do
case (cid, newLimit) of
(0, _) -> return (emptyBatch, resultDocs)
(_, Just 0) -> do
send [KillCursors [cid]]
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [KillCursors [cid]]
return (emptyBatch, resultDocs)
(_, _) -> (, resultDocs) <$> getNextBatch
@ -1038,7 +1046,8 @@ fulfill' fcol batchSize dBatch = do
nextBatch' :: (MonadIO m) => FullCollection -> BatchSize -> (Maybe Limit) -> CursorId -> Action m DelayedBatch
nextBatch' fcol batchSize limit cid = do
request [] (GetMore fcol batchSize' cid, remLimit)
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
liftIO $ request pipe [] (GetMore fcol batchSize' cid, remLimit)
where (batchSize', remLimit) = batchSizeRemainingLimit batchSize limit
next :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Cursor -> Action m (Maybe Document)
@ -1059,7 +1068,9 @@ next (Cursor fcol batchSize var) = modifyMVar var nextState where
dBatch' <- if null docs' && cid /= 0 && ((newLimit > (Just 0)) || (isNothing newLimit))
then nextBatch' fcol batchSize newLimit cid
else return $ return (Batch newLimit cid docs')
when (newLimit == (Just 0)) $ unless (cid == 0) $ send [KillCursors [cid]]
when (newLimit == (Just 0)) $ unless (cid == 0) $ do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [KillCursors [cid]]
return (dBatch', Just doc)
[] -> if cid == 0
then return (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], Nothing) -- finished
@ -1076,7 +1087,9 @@ rest c = loop (next c)
closeCursor :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => Cursor -> Action m ()
closeCursor (Cursor _ _ var) = modifyMVar var $ \dBatch -> do
Batch _ cid _ <- fulfill dBatch
unless (cid == 0) $ send [KillCursors [cid]]
unless (cid == 0) $ do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [KillCursors [cid]]
return $ (return $ Batch (Just 0) 0 [], ())
isCursorClosed :: (MonadIO m, MonadBase IO m) => Cursor -> Action m Bool