rename Collection to FullCollection to be consistant with server docs

This commit is contained in:
Scott R. Parish 2010-01-19 06:28:17 -06:00
parent 345ab65811
commit 45b9be608e

View file

@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ module Database.MongoDB
collectionNames, createCollection, dropCollection, validateCollection,
-- * Collection
Collection, FieldSelector, NumToSkip, NumToReturn, Selector,
Collection, FieldSelector, FullCollection,
NumToSkip, NumToReturn, Selector,
count, countMatching, delete, insert, insertMany, query, remove, update,
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ dropDatabase c db = do
return ()
-- | Return a list of collections in /Database/.
collectionNames :: Connection -> Database -> IO [Collection]
collectionNames :: Connection -> Database -> IO [FullCollection]
collectionNames c db = do
docs <- quickFind' c (db ++ ".system.namespaces") BSON.empty
let names = flip docs $ \doc ->
@ -129,10 +130,9 @@ colCreateOptToBson (CCOMax m) = ("max", toBson m)
-- only be needed if you want to specify 'ColCreateOpt's on creation.
-- 'MongoDBCollectionInvalid' is thrown if the collection already
-- exists.
createCollection :: Connection -> Collection -> [ColCreateOpt] -> IO ()
createCollection :: Connection -> FullCollection -> [ColCreateOpt] -> IO ()
createCollection c col opts = do
let db = dbFromCol col
col' = colMinusDB col
let (db, col') = splitFullCol col
dbcols <- collectionNames c db
case col `List.elem` dbcols of
True -> throwColInvalid $ "Collection already exists: " ++ show col
@ -154,10 +154,9 @@ createCollection c col opts = do
return ()
-- | Drop a collection.
dropCollection :: Connection -> Collection -> IO ()
dropCollection :: Connection -> FullCollection -> IO ()
dropCollection c col = do
let db = dbFromCol col
col' = colMinusDB col
let (db, col') = splitFullCol col
_ <- dbCmd c db $ toBsonDoc [("drop", toBson col')]
return ()
@ -184,18 +183,15 @@ dropCollection c col = do
-- > deleted: n: 4 size: 588
-- > nIndexes:1
-- >$_id_ keys:5
validateCollection :: Connection -> Collection -> IO String
validateCollection :: Connection -> FullCollection -> IO String
validateCollection c col = do
let db = dbFromCol col
col' = colMinusDB col
let (db, col') = splitFullCol col
res <- dbCmd c db $ toBsonDoc [("validate", toBson col')]
return $ fromBson $ fromJust $ BSON.lookup "result" res
dbFromCol :: Collection -> Database
dbFromCol = List.takeWhile (/= '.')
colMinusDB :: Collection -> Collection
colMinusDB = List.tail . List.dropWhile (/= '.')
splitFullCol :: FullCollection -> (Database, Collection)
splitFullCol col = (List.takeWhile (/= '.') col,
List.tail $ List.dropWhile (/= '.') col)
dbCmd :: Connection -> Database -> BsonDoc -> IO BsonDoc
dbCmd c db cmd = do
@ -214,7 +210,7 @@ data Cursor = Cursor {
curCon :: Connection,
curID :: IORef Int64,
curNumToRet :: Int32,
curCol :: Collection,
curCol :: FullCollection,
curDocBytes :: IORef L.ByteString,
curClosed :: IORef Bool
@ -300,6 +296,9 @@ type Database = String
-- concatenation of the database name with the collection name, using
-- a @.@ for the concatenation. For example, for the database @foo@
-- and the collection @bar@, the full collection name is
type FullCollection = String
-- | The same as 'FullCollection' but without the 'Database' prefix.
type Collection = String
-- | A 'BsonDoc' representing restrictions for a query much like the
@ -351,21 +350,20 @@ fromUpdateFlags :: [UpdateFlag] -> Int32
fromUpdateFlags flags = List.foldl (.|.) 0 $
flip fmap flags $ (1 `shiftL`) . fromEnum
-- | Return the number of documents in /Collection/.
count :: Connection -> Collection -> IO Int64
-- | Return the number of documents in /FullCollection/.
count :: Connection -> FullCollection -> IO Int64
count c col = countMatching c col BSON.empty
-- | Return the number of documents in /Collection/ matching /Selector/
countMatching :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO Int64
-- | Return the number of documents in /FullCollection/ matching /Selector/
countMatching :: Connection -> FullCollection -> Selector -> IO Int64
countMatching c col sel = do
let db = dbFromCol col
col' = colMinusDB col
let (db, col') = splitFullCol col
res <- dbCmd c db $ toBsonDoc [("count", toBson col'),
("query", BsonObject sel)]
return $ fromBson $ fromJust $ BSON.lookup "n" res
-- | Delete documents matching /Selector/ from the given /Collection/.
delete :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO RequestID
-- | Delete documents matching /Selector/ from the given /FullCollection/.
delete :: Connection -> FullCollection -> Selector -> IO RequestID
delete c col sel = do
let body = runPut $ do
putI32 0
@ -377,11 +375,11 @@ delete c col sel = do
return reqID
-- | An alias for 'delete'.
remove :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO RequestID
remove :: Connection -> FullCollection -> Selector -> IO RequestID
remove = delete
-- | Insert a single document into /Collection/.
insert :: Connection -> Collection -> BsonDoc -> IO RequestID
-- | Insert a single document into /FullCollection/.
insert :: Connection -> FullCollection -> BsonDoc -> IO RequestID
insert c col doc = do
let body = runPut $ do
putI32 0
@ -391,8 +389,8 @@ insert c col doc = do
L.hPut (cHandle c) msg
return reqID
-- | Insert a list of documents into /Collection/.
insertMany :: Connection -> Collection -> [BsonDoc] -> IO RequestID
-- | Insert a list of documents into /FullCollection/.
insertMany :: Connection -> FullCollection -> [BsonDoc] -> IO RequestID
insertMany c col docs = do
let body = runPut $ do
putI32 0
@ -404,11 +402,11 @@ insertMany c col docs = do
-- | Open a cursor to find documents. If you need full functionality,
-- see 'query'
find :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO Cursor
find :: Connection -> FullCollection -> Selector -> IO Cursor
find c col sel = query c col [] 0 0 sel []
-- | Query, but only return the first result, if any.
findOne :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO (Maybe BsonDoc)
findOne :: Connection -> FullCollection -> Selector -> IO (Maybe BsonDoc)
findOne c col sel = do
cur <- query c col [] 0 (-1) sel []
el <- nextDoc cur
@ -418,18 +416,18 @@ findOne c col sel = do
-- | Perform a query and return the result as a lazy list. Be sure to
-- understand the comments about using the lazy list given for
-- 'allDocs'.
quickFind :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO [BsonDoc]
quickFind :: Connection -> FullCollection -> Selector -> IO [BsonDoc]
quickFind c col sel = find c col sel >>= allDocs
-- | Perform a query and return the result as a strict list.
quickFind' :: Connection -> Collection -> Selector -> IO [BsonDoc]
quickFind' :: Connection -> FullCollection -> Selector -> IO [BsonDoc]
quickFind' c col sel = find c col sel >>= allDocs'
-- | Open a cursor to find documents in /Collection/ that match
-- | Open a cursor to find documents in /FullCollection/ that match
-- /Selector/. See the documentation for each argument's type for
-- information about how it effects the query.
query :: Connection -> Collection -> [QueryOpt] -> NumToSkip -> NumToReturn ->
Selector -> FieldSelector -> IO Cursor
query :: Connection -> FullCollection -> [QueryOpt] ->
NumToSkip -> NumToReturn -> Selector -> FieldSelector -> IO Cursor
query c col opts nskip ret sel fsel = do
let h = cHandle c
@ -462,8 +460,8 @@ query c col opts nskip ret sel fsel = do
curClosed = closed
-- | Update documents with /BsonDoc/ in /Collection/ that match /Selector/.
update :: Connection -> Collection ->
-- | Update documents with /BsonDoc/ in /FullCollection/ that match /Selector/.
update :: Connection -> FullCollection ->
[UpdateFlag] -> Selector -> BsonDoc -> IO RequestID
update c col flags sel obj = do
let body = runPut $ do