Inline call function

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Victor Denisov 2016-08-04 22:23:30 -07:00
parent b2ddd48cf9
commit 419b3c19fb

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@ -191,13 +191,6 @@ send ns = do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe ns
call :: (MonadIO m) => [Notice] -> Request -> Action m (IO Reply)
-- ^ Send notices and request as a contiguous batch to server and return reply promise, which will block when invoked until reply arrives. This call will throw 'ConnectionFailure' if pipe fails on send, and promise will throw 'ConnectionFailure' if pipe fails on receive.
call ns r = do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
promise <- liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ pipe ns r
return (liftIOE ConnectionFailure promise)
class HasMongoContext env where
mongoContext :: env -> MongoContext
instance HasMongoContext MongoContext where
@ -975,8 +968,10 @@ data Batch = Batch (Maybe Limit) CursorId [Document]
request :: (MonadIO m) => [Notice] -> (Request, Maybe Limit) -> Action m DelayedBatch
-- ^ Send notices and request and return promised batch
request ns (req, remainingLimit) = do
promise <- call ns req
return $ fromReply remainingLimit =<< promise
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
promise <- liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ pipe ns req
let protectedPromise = liftIOE ConnectionFailure promise
return $ fromReply remainingLimit =<< protectedPromise
fromReply :: Maybe Limit -> Reply -> DelayedBatch
-- ^ Convert Reply to Batch or Failure