Return update result for old versions of mongodb

This commit is contained in:
Victor Denisov 2016-07-20 00:46:16 -07:00
parent 55df5635f1
commit 399e2c3443

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO, throw)
import Control.Monad (unless, replicateM, liftM, forM, forM_)
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, catMaybes, isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, catMaybes, isNothing, maybeToList)
import Data.Word (Word32)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
@ -75,8 +75,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl(..))
import Data.Binary.Put (runPut)
import Data.Bson (Document, Field(..), Label, Val, Value(String, Doc, Bool),
Javascript, at, valueAt, lookup, look, genObjectId, (=:),
(=?), (!?), Val(..))
(=?), (!?), Val(..), ObjectId)
import Data.Bson.Binary (putDocument)
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -148,6 +150,22 @@ type GetLastError = Document
-- ^ Parameters for getLastError command. For example @[\"w\" =: 2]@ tells the server to wait for the write to reach at least two servers in replica set before acknowledging. See <> for more options.
data UpdateResult = UpdateResult
{ nMatched :: Int
, nModified :: Maybe Int -- Mongodb server before 2.6 doesn't allow to calculate this value. It's Nothing if we fail to do so
, upserted :: [Upserted]
, writeErrors :: [WriteError]
} deriving Show
data Upserted = Upserted
{ upsertedIndex :: Int
, upsertedId :: ObjectId
} deriving Show
data WriteError = WriteError
{ errIndex :: Int
, errCode :: Int
, errMsg :: String
} deriving Show
data DeleteResult = DeleteResult
@ -371,12 +389,13 @@ data WriteMode =
| Confirm GetLastError -- ^ Receive an acknowledgment after every write, and raise exception if one says the write failed. This is acomplished by sending the getLastError command, with given 'GetLastError' parameters, after every write.
deriving (Show, Eq)
write :: Notice -> Action IO ()
write :: Notice -> Action IO (Maybe Document)
-- ^ Send write to server, and if write-mode is 'Safe' then include getLastError request and raise 'WriteFailure' if it reports an error.
write notice = asks mongoWriteMode >>= \mode -> case mode of
NoConfirm -> do
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
liftIOE ConnectionFailure $ P.send pipe [notice]
return Nothing
Confirm params -> do
let q = query (("getlasterror" =: (1 :: Int)) : params) "$cmd"
pipe <- asks mongoPipe
@ -384,9 +403,7 @@ write notice = asks mongoWriteMode >>= \mode -> case mode of
r <- queryRequest False q {limit = 1}
rr <- liftIO $ request pipe [notice] r
fulfill rr
case lookup "err" doc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just err -> liftIO $ throwIO $ WriteFailure (maybe 0 id $ lookup "code" doc) err
return $ Just doc
-- ** Insert
@ -456,7 +473,11 @@ insertBlock opts col docs = do
let sd = P.serverData p
if (maxWireVersion sd < 2)
then do
liftDB $ write (Insert (db <.> col) opts docs')
res <- liftDB $ write (Insert (db <.> col) opts docs')
when (isJust res) $ do
let jRes = fromJust res
let e = lookup "err" jRes
when (isJust e) $ liftIO $ throwIO $ WriteFailure (maybe 0 id $ lookup "code" jRes) (fromJust e)
return $ map (valueAt "_id") docs'
else do
mode <- asks mongoWriteMode
@ -612,33 +633,55 @@ update' ordered col updateDocs = do
-- the overall size
(maxWriteBatchSize sd)
forM_ chunks (updateBlock ordered col)
return UpdateResult
let lens = map length chunks
let lSums = 0 : (zipWith (+) lSums lens)
blocks <- forM (zip lSums chunks) (updateBlock ordered col) -- TODO update block can throw exception which will cause other blocks to fail. It's important when ordered is false
let updatedTotal = sum $ map nMatched blocks
let modifiedTotal =
if all isNothing $ map nModified blocks
then Nothing
else Just $ sum $ catMaybes $ map nModified blocks
let upsertedTotal = concat $ map upserted blocks
return $ UpdateResult updatedTotal modifiedTotal upsertedTotal []
updateBlock :: (MonadIO m)
=> Bool -> Collection -> [Document] -> Action m ()
updateBlock ordered col docs = do
=> Bool -> Collection -> (Int, [Document]) -> Action m UpdateResult
updateBlock ordered col (prevCount, docs) = do
p <- asks mongoPipe
let sd = P.serverData p
if (maxWireVersion sd < 2)
then do
db <- thisDatabase
ctx <- ask
errors <-
liftIO $ forM docs $ \updateDoc -> do
results <-
liftIO $ forM (zip [prevCount, (prevCount + 1) ..] docs) $ \(i, updateDoc) -> do
let doc = (at "u" updateDoc) :: Document
let sel = (at "q" updateDoc) :: Document
let upsrt = if at "upsert" updateDoc then [Upsert] else []
let multi = if at "multi" updateDoc then [MultiUpdate] else []
runReaderT (write (Update (db <.> col) (upsrt ++ multi) sel doc)) ctx
return Nothing
mRes <- runReaderT (write (Update (db <.> col) (upsrt ++ multi) sel doc)) ctx
case mRes of
Nothing -> return $ Right $ UpdateResult 0 Nothing [] []
Just resDoc -> do
let em = lookup "err" resDoc
case em of
Nothing -> do
let n = at "n" resDoc
let ups = do
upsValue <- lookup "upserted" resDoc
return $ Upserted i upsValue
return $ Right $ UpdateResult n Nothing (maybeToList ups) []
Just errV -> do
return $ Left $ WriteError i (at "code" resDoc) errV
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> do
when ordered $ liftIO $ throwIO e
return $ Just e
let onlyErrors = catMaybes errors
if not $ null onlyErrors
then liftIO $ throwIO $ WriteFailure 0 (show onlyErrors)
else return ()
return $ Left $ WriteError i 0 (show e)
let onlyErrors = lefts results
let onlyUpdates = rights results
let totalnMatched = sum $ map nMatched onlyUpdates
let totalUpserted = concat $ map upserted onlyUpdates
return $ UpdateResult totalnMatched Nothing totalUpserted onlyErrors
else do
mode <- asks mongoWriteMode
let writeConcern = case mode of
@ -660,6 +703,15 @@ updateBlock ordered col docs = do
(maybe 0 id $ lookup "ok" doc)
(show err ++ show writeConcernErr)
let upsertedDocs = fromMaybe [] (doc !? "upserted")
return $ UpdateResult (at "n" doc) (at "nModified" doc) (map docToUpserted upsertedDocs) []
docToUpserted :: Document -> Upserted
docToUpserted doc = Upserted ind uid
ind = at "index" doc
uid = at "_id" doc
-- ** Delete
delete :: (MonadIO m)