Merge pull request #5 from mongodb-haskell/find-and-modify-opts

Find and modify opts
This commit is contained in:
Greg Weber 2014-07-19 17:54:53 -07:00
commit 357b308807
2 changed files with 53 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ module Database.MongoDB.Query (
-- ** Query
Query(..), QueryOption(NoCursorTimeout, TailableCursor, AwaitData, Partial),
Projector, Limit, Order, BatchSize,
explain, find, findOne, fetch, findAndModify, count, distinct,
explain, find, findOne, fetch,
findAndModify, findAndModifyOpts, FindAndModifyOpts(..),
count, distinct,
-- *** Cursor
Cursor, nextBatch, next, nextN, rest, closeCursor, isCursorClosed,
-- ** Aggregate
@ -404,34 +406,72 @@ fetch :: (MonadIO m) => Query -> Action m Document
-- ^ Same as 'findOne' except throw 'DocNotFound' if none match
fetch q = findOne q >>= maybe (liftIO $ throwIO $ DocNotFound $ selection q) return
-- | runs the findAndModify command.
data FindAndModifyOpts = FamRemove Bool
| FamUpdate
{ famUpdate :: Document
, famNew :: Bool
, famUpsert :: Bool
deriving Show
findAndModifyUpdate :: Document -> FindAndModifyOpts
findAndModifyUpdate ups = FamUpdate
{ famNew = True
, famUpsert = False
, famUpdate = ups
-- | runs the findAndModify command as an update without an upsert and new set to true.
-- Returns a single updated document (new option is set to true).
-- Currently this API does not allow setting the remove option
-- see 'findAndModifyOpts' if you want to use findAndModify in a differnt way
findAndModify :: MonadIO m
=> Query
-> Document -- ^ updates
-> Action m (Either String Document)
findAndModify (Query {
findAndModify q ups = do
eres <- findAndModifyOpts q (findAndModifyUpdate ups)
return $ case eres of
Left l -> Left l
Right r -> case r of
-- mongoDB manual says this is only possible when update is True
Nothing -> Left "findAndModify: impossible null result"
Just doc -> Right doc
-- | runs the findAndModify command,
-- allows more options than 'findAndModify'
findAndModifyOpts :: MonadIO m
=> Query
-> Action m (Either String (Maybe Document))
findAndModifyOpts (Query {
selection = Select sel collection
, project = project
, sort = sort
}) updates = do
}) famOpts = do
result <- runCommand
[ "findAndModify" := String collection
, "new" := Bool True -- return updated document, not original document
([ "findAndModify" := String collection
, "query" := Doc sel
, "update" := Doc updates
, "fields" := Doc project
, "sort" := Doc sort
] ++
case famOpts of
FamRemove shouldRemove -> [ "remove" := Bool shouldRemove ]
FamUpdate {..} ->
[ "update" := Doc famUpdate
, "new" := Bool famNew -- return updated document, not original document
, "upsert" := Bool famUpsert -- insert if nothing is found
return $
case lookup "value" result of
Left err -> leftErr err
Right mdoc -> case mdoc of
Nothing -> leftErr $ show result
Just doc -> case lookupErr result of
Just doc@(_:_) -> case lookupErr result of
Just e -> leftErr e
Nothing -> Right doc
Nothing -> Right (Just doc)
_ -> case famOpts of
FamUpdate { famUpsert = True, famNew = True } -> Right Nothing
_ -> leftErr $ show result
leftErr err = Left $ "findAndModify: no document found: "
`mappend` show collection

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: mongoDB
Version: 2.0
Version: 2.0.1
Synopsis: Driver (client) for MongoDB, a free, scalable, fast, document
Description: This package lets you connect to MongoDB servers and