fix whitespace (mostly trailing) introduced in merge

This commit is contained in:
Scott R. Parish 2010-02-06 14:49:39 -06:00
parent 2f452e989c
commit 34b4d22856
2 changed files with 26 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module Database.MongoDB
count, countMatching, delete, insert, insertMany, query, remove, update,
-- * Convenience collection operations
find, findOne, quickFind, quickFind',
-- * Query Helpers
@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ connect = flip connectOnPort $ Network.PortNumber 27017
-- | Establish connections to a list of MongoDB servers
connectCluster :: [HostName] -> IO Connection
connectCluster [] = throwOpFailure "No hostnames in list"
connectCluster xs = do
c <- newConnection
connectCluster xs = do
c <- newConnection
connectAll c xs $ Network.PortNumber 27017
connectAll :: Connection -> [HostName] -> Network.PortID -> IO Connection
@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ connectAll c (host:xs) port = do
-- | Establish a connection to a MongoDB server on a non-standard port
connectOnPort :: HostName -> Network.PortID -> IO Connection
connectOnPort host port = do
c <- newConnection
connectOnPort host port = do
c <- newConnection
connectAll c [host] port
newConnection :: IO Connection
newConnection = do
newConnection = do
r <- newStdGen
let ns = randomRs (fromIntegral (minBound :: Int32),
fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int32)) r
@ -122,19 +122,19 @@ newConnection = do
return $ Connection [] nsIdx nsRef
getHandle :: Connection -> IO Handle
getHandle c = do
getHandle c = do
i <- readIORef $ cIndex c
return $ (cHandles c) !! i
cPut :: Connection -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
cPut c msg = getHandle c >>= flip L.hPut msg
-- | Close database connection
conClose :: Connection -> IO ()
conClose c = sequence_ $ map hClose $ cHandles c
setTarget :: Connection -> Int -> IO ()
setTarget c i =
setTarget c i =
if i > length (cHandles c)
then throwOpFailure "Target index higher than length of list"
else writeIORef (cIndex c) i >> return ()
@ -546,15 +546,15 @@ update c col flags sel obj = do
return reqID
-- | log into the mongodb /Database/ attached to the /Connection/
login :: Connection -> Database -> String -> String -> IO BsonDoc
login :: Connection -> Database -> String -> String -> IO BsonDoc
login c db user pass = do
doc <- runCommand c db (toBsonDoc [("getnonce", toBson (1 :: Int))])
let nonce = fromBson $ fromLookup $ BSON.lookup "nonce" doc :: String
digest = md5sum $ pack $ nonce ++ user ++
( md5sum $ pack (user ++ ":mongo:" ++ pass))
request = toBsonDoc [("authenticate", toBson (1 :: Int)),
("user", toBson user),
("nonce", toBson nonce),
digest = md5sum $ pack $ nonce ++ user ++
( md5sum $ pack (user ++ ":mongo:" ++ pass))
request = toBsonDoc [("authenticate", toBson (1 :: Int)),
("user", toBson user),
("nonce", toBson nonce),
("key", toBson digest)]
in runCommand c db request
@ -562,28 +562,28 @@ login c db user pass = do
addUser :: Connection -> Database -> String -> String -> IO BsonDoc
addUser c db user pass = do
let userDoc = toBsonDoc [(s2L"user", toBson user)]
fdb = L.append db (s2L ".system.users")
fdb = L.append db (s2L ".system.users")
doc <- liftM (maybe userDoc id) (findOne c fdb userDoc)
let doc' = Map.insert (s2L "pwd")
let doc' = Map.insert (s2L "pwd")
(toBson ( md5sum $ pack (user ++ ":mongo:" ++ pass))) doc
_ <- save c fdb doc'
return doc'
-- | Conveniently stores the /BsonDoc/ to the /FullCollection/
-- | if there is an _id present in the /BsonDoc/ then it already has
-- | Conveniently stores the /BsonDoc/ to the /FullCollection/
-- | if there is an _id present in the /BsonDoc/ then it already has
-- | a place in the DB, so we update it using the _id, otherwise
-- | we insert it
save :: Connection -> FullCollection -> BsonDoc -> IO RequestID
save c fc doc =
case Map.lookup (s2L "_id") doc of
case Map.lookup (s2L "_id") doc of
Nothing -> insert c fc doc
Just obj -> update c fc [UFUpsert] (toBsonDoc [("_id", obj)]) doc
-- | Use this in the place of the query portion of a select type query
-- | This uses javascript and a scope supplied by a /BsonDoc/ to evaluate
-- | documents in the database for retrieval.
-- | Example:
-- | > findOne conn mycoll $ whereClause " == (name1 + name2)"
-- | This uses javascript and a scope supplied by a /BsonDoc/ to evaluate
-- | documents in the database for retrieval.
-- | Example:
-- | > findOne conn mycoll $ whereClause " == (name1 + name2)"
-- | > (toBsonDoc [("name1", toBson "mar"), ("name2", toBson "tha")])
whereClause :: String -> BsonDoc -> BsonDoc
whereClause qry scope = toBsonDoc [("$where", (BsonCodeWScope (s2L qry) scope))]
@ -830,5 +830,5 @@ validateCollectionName col = do
fromLookup :: (Maybe a) -> a
fromLookup (Just m) = m
fromLookup Nothing = throwColInvalid "cannot find key"
fromLookup Nothing = throwColInvalid "cannot find key"

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Build-Depends: base < 5,
Build-Type: Simple
Exposed-modules: Database.MongoDB,