Implement more careful processing of error codes

This commit is contained in:
Victor Denisov 2016-09-08 21:23:51 -07:00
parent 74e8aa205d
commit 29286fa2e0

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@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ type GetLastError = Document
-- ^ Parameters for getLastError command. For example @[\"w\" =: 2]@ tells the server to wait for the write to reach at least two servers in replica set before acknowledging. See <> for more options.
data UpdateResult = UpdateResult
{ nMatched :: Int
{ failed :: Bool
, nMatched :: Int
, nModified :: Maybe Int
-- ^ Mongodb server before 2.6 doesn't allow to calculate this value. This field is nothing if we can't calculate the number of modified documents.
, upserted :: [Upserted]
@ -653,7 +654,7 @@ update' ordered col updateDocs = do
let totalWriteConcernErrors = concat $ map writeConcernErrors blocks
let upsertedTotal = concat $ map upserted blocks
return $ UpdateResult updatedTotal modifiedTotal upsertedTotal totalWriteErrors totalWriteConcernErrors
return $ UpdateResult False updatedTotal modifiedTotal upsertedTotal totalWriteErrors totalWriteConcernErrors -- TODO first False should be calculated intelligently
updateBlock :: (MonadIO m)
=> Bool -> Collection -> (Int, [Document]) -> Action m UpdateResult
@ -661,37 +662,7 @@ updateBlock ordered col (prevCount, docs) = do
p <- asks mongoPipe
let sd = P.serverData p
if (maxWireVersion sd < 2)
then do
db <- thisDatabase
ctx <- ask
results <-
liftIO $ forM (zip [prevCount, (prevCount + 1) ..] docs) $ \(i, updateDoc) -> do
let doc = (at "u" updateDoc) :: Document
let sel = (at "q" updateDoc) :: Document
let upsrt = if at "upsert" updateDoc then [Upsert] else []
let multi = if at "multi" updateDoc then [MultiUpdate] else []
mRes <- runReaderT (write (Update (db <.> col) (upsrt ++ multi) sel doc)) ctx
case mRes of
Nothing -> return $ Right $ UpdateResult 0 Nothing [] [] []
Just resDoc -> do
let em = lookup "err" resDoc
case em of
Nothing -> do
let n = at "n" resDoc
let ups = do
upsValue <- lookup "upserted" resDoc
return $ Upserted i upsValue
return $ Right $ UpdateResult n Nothing (maybeToList ups) [] [] -- TODO add wtimeout checking. if there is timeout field then we need to add a WRITE_CONCERN_ERROR.
Just errV -> do
return $ Left $ WriteError i (at "code" resDoc) errV
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> do
when ordered $ liftIO $ throwIO e
return $ Left $ WriteError i 0 (show e)
let onlyErrors = lefts results
let onlyUpdates = rights results
let totalnMatched = sum $ map nMatched onlyUpdates
let totalUpserted = concat $ map upserted onlyUpdates
return $ UpdateResult totalnMatched Nothing totalUpserted onlyErrors []
then updateBlockLegacy ordered col (prevCount, docs)
else do
mode <- asks mongoWriteMode
let writeConcern = case mode of
@ -706,12 +677,53 @@ updateBlock ordered col (prevCount, docs) = do
let writeErrors = map docToWriteError $ fromMaybe [] (doc !? "writeErrors")
let upsertedDocs = fromMaybe [] (doc !? "upserted")
return $ UpdateResult
False -- TODO it should be changed accordingly
(at "n" doc)
(at "nModified" doc)
(map docToUpserted upsertedDocs)
updateBlockLegacy :: (MonadIO m)
=> Bool -> Collection -> (Int, [Document]) -> Action m UpdateResult
updateBlockLegacy ordered col (prevCount, docs) = do
p <- asks mongoPipe
db <- thisDatabase
ctx <- ask
results <-
liftIO $ forM (zip [prevCount, (prevCount + 1) ..] docs) $ \(i, updateDoc) -> do
let doc = (at "u" updateDoc) :: Document
let sel = (at "q" updateDoc) :: Document
let upsrt = if at "upsert" updateDoc then [Upsert] else []
let multi = if at "multi" updateDoc then [MultiUpdate] else []
mRes <- runReaderT (write (Update (db <.> col) (upsrt ++ multi) sel doc)) ctx
case mRes of
Nothing -> return $ Right $ UpdateResult False 0 Nothing [] [] []
Just resDoc -> do
let em = lookup "err" resDoc
let eCode = lookup "code" resDoc
case (em, eCode) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> do
let n = at "n" resDoc
let ups = do
upsValue <- lookup "upserted" resDoc
return $ Upserted i upsValue
return $ Right $ UpdateResult False n Nothing (maybeToList ups) [] [] -- TODO add wtimeout checking. if there is timeout field then we need to add a WRITE_CONCERN_ERROR.
(Just errV, Nothing) -> do
return $ Left $ WriteError i 24 errV -- 24 - MONGOC_ERROR_COLLECTION_UPDATE_FAILED default error code
(Nothing, Just ec) -> do
return $ Left $ WriteError i ec "unknown error"
(Just errV, Just ec) -> do
return $ Left $ WriteError i ec errV
`catch` \(e :: SomeException) -> do
when ordered $ liftIO $ throwIO e
return $ Left $ WriteError i 0 (show e)
let onlyErrors = lefts results
let onlyUpdates = rights results
let totalnMatched = sum $ map nMatched onlyUpdates
let totalUpserted = concat $ map upserted onlyUpdates
return $ UpdateResult (length onlyErrors > 0) totalnMatched Nothing totalUpserted onlyErrors []
docToUpserted :: Document -> Upserted
docToUpserted doc = Upserted ind uid