Implement readExactly using hGet

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Victor Denisov 2016-04-27 00:10:12 -07:00
parent b3effd4439
commit 19e631c9f4
2 changed files with 4 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -23,49 +23,16 @@ import System.IO.Error (mkIOError, eofErrorType)
-- `read` should return `ByteString.null` on EOF
data Connection = Connection {
read :: IO ByteString,
unread :: ByteString -> IO (),
readExactly :: Int -> IO ByteString,
write :: ByteString -> IO (),
flush :: IO (),
close :: IO ()}
readExactly :: Connection -> Int -> IO Lazy.ByteString
-- ^ Read specified number of bytes
-- If EOF is reached before N bytes then raise EOF exception.
readExactly conn count = go mempty count
go acc n = do
-- read until get enough bytes
chunk <- read conn
when (ByteString.null chunk) $
ioError eof
let len = ByteString.length chunk
if len >= n
then do
let (res, rest) = ByteString.splitAt n chunk
unless (ByteString.null rest) $
unread conn rest
return (acc <> Lazy.ByteString.fromStrict res)
else go (acc <> Lazy.ByteString.fromStrict chunk) (n - len)
eof = mkIOError eofErrorType "Database.MongoDB.Internal.Connection"
Nothing Nothing
fromHandle :: Handle -> IO Connection
-- ^ Make connection form handle
fromHandle handle = do
restRef <- newIORef mempty
return Connection
{ read = do
rest <- readIORef restRef
writeIORef restRef mempty
if ByteString.null rest
-- 32k corresponds to the default chunk size
-- used in bytestring package
then ByteString.hGetSome handle (32 * 1024)
else return rest
, unread = \rest ->
modifyIORef restRef (rest <>)
{ readExactly = ByteString.hGet handle
, write = ByteString.hPut handle
, flush = hFlush handle
, close = hClose handle

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@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ readMessage :: Connection -> IO Response
-- ^ read response from a connection
readMessage conn = readResp where
readResp = do
len <- fromEnum . decodeSize <$> Connection.readExactly conn 4
runGet getReply <$> Connection.readExactly conn len
len <- fromEnum . decodeSize . L.fromStrict <$> Connection.readExactly conn 4
runGet getReply . L.fromStrict <$> Connection.readExactly conn len
decodeSize = subtract 4 . runGet getInt32
type FullCollection = Text